Icky ’n’ Sticky Tin-Hat Time
MW Rhodes © 20221213
I really don’t like doing these Tin-Hat articles because they’re icky ’n’ sticky.
I was never any good at playing dot-to-dot games as I could barely keep the lines straight but here are a few dots for you, maybe your lines will connect up straighter than mine.
I’m sure many would agree that 2020 saw a tin-hat tsunami of all sorts of weird and wonderful works of glittery tin-foil head-wearing apparel art from the pseudoscience of mind control and imaginings of some elitists with financial motives, others with passionate motives for crying WOLF and those who see an obvious flaw or danger and just want to scream out amidst the hoard of audiences in this sleepy pantomime of life. “ The monster is right behind you..” no matter how loud the children scream and point, the actors feign obviously oblivious to any warnings of danger. We are such incredible critters in this way. Predictable to a T.
Ahh, My apologies where are my manners? If you would like a little background music as you read here’s a FREE music player with some original tunes I whipped up for you earlier. :) Click the button, press play and then return to the article.
Nice huh? :)
So as we all watched Tin Hats resurrecting old conspiracy theories and creating some new colourful ones based on whatever it was they we didn’t know much about but had our suspicions that something might be awry. I was quite surprised to see that almost none of them included something like the Tin-Hat theory I’m about to deliver here. Yup, with nothin’ better to do I dusted off my old Tin-Hat, gave it a polish and thought up some crazy stuff about stuff with my own Tin-Hat theory so get your shiniest aluminium foil ready or a clean cooking pot we’re about to venture down the rabbit hole and take both the blue and the red pills, just in case. Just kidding.. It started as a jovial theory until some dots started to align.
Nothing quite as outrageous as mind control or population growth controls or any of those extremely dark satanic conspiracies that doom us to lives of slavery and servitude or appeasing some extremist elitist’s version of climate control by eradicating half of humanity. Profits? Sure spread a virus and profiteers of miracle cures spring out of all sorts of woodwork, even the corporatised authorised authoritarianism of Big Pharma for the whimsy. Nothing quite so sordid, nothing quite so dark indeed my Tin Hat theory is kind of the opposite of that but it’s no less strange for the well-postured head scratch. It’s …
It’s a strange form of humanitarianism and decisions based on our behaviour as an organism in fear and how we respond to things in ways that only make sense when primordial instincts drive us toward our own insanity of inhumanity. I mean C’mon, Toilet paper? What I mean to say is that evidence is looking more like the Covid-19 Coronavirus came from a lab and somehow got out. But how? or maybe even Why?
Was it an accident or on purpose? If it was on purpose then what possible purpose could there be to release such a virus with such a low morbidity rate but high spread rate with only the spread rate causing the effectiveness of the low morbidity rate to be sufficiently significant to officially deem the virus as a deadly pandemic and scare or force almost the entire globe indoors for months and even years in some political regions of the world. Why has China taken so long to lift restrictions? Dunno what if.. um..anyway. There are lots of inconsistencies with the timing of various decisions and even the mathematical modelling of such events. Inconsistencies that deserve investigation. Anyway, one will not hold one’s breath for the waiting of it.
In March 2020, the world bank opens its vaults like never before as if there was no tomorrow and so even many of the homeless were given shelter indoors. For the thriftiness of it and the lack of normal administrative resistance to giving out Trillions in a single meeting, it really was almost like the World Bank didn’t have much of a care for the economic future of the world. Almost as if they imagined the world was ending and none of all of the money in the world could save them so they might as well, just give it out like GDP fairy bread at a grade one end-of-year primary school party.
Anyway, it was weird times with many weird behaviours and decisions like that that I’d never read about in History. I’ve read about many falls of civilisations and many responses to great sicknesses, pandemics and plagues and the responses to this Covid-19 didn’t match history much at all. Indeed unprecedented responses to a precedented state of a pandemic. It’s not like the world hadn’t seen pandemics before. So anyway let’s move on to the normal stuff about how humanity as a mob responds to such precedented things.
Violence over toilet paper for the sake of a pandemic. WOW, what a signal that humanity in reality is not nearly as rosy as some of our rose-coloured glasses might have us believe we are, or desire us to be.
Can you imagine how we would respond if the news was not of a pandemic but of say something like an armageddon type asteroid heading our way and with no recourse to action but the simple finality of life on Earth? Imagine if we had a year’s notice and this was the news. Think of all the ….
Imagine. …………………………….
With my rose-coloured glasses on there would be tears of fear and hugs for the love of all life. Meditations of prayer that the inevitability of all life’s end was coming. Perhaps a few peddlers of prophecy and pretend promises portending righteous religious ceremonies of repentance and no doubt a costly miracle cure for folks waiting to buy a ticket to whichever heaven would accept them. Or indoctrination they would succumb to. Peace of mind is a nice thing in dire situations. Permanent, deliberate and more peacefully humane exits from life may be arranged or acted on too. Escaping the potential mayhem and trauma of what might be coming. Ouch, that is dark stuff for a rose-coloured world but historically these are things that we have done to avoid mass trauma for our people. What it is to be humane is not always clear nor easy.
Remove the rose-coloured glasses and we might see something less rosy. I’m sure you can imagine the mayhem and vengeance and violence over toilet paper and perhaps air freshener too because most people will be shitting themselves including me. That’s just domestically but what about globally? well, perhaps something similar might happen only much worse on international scales. Vengeance and righteousness.
My own romantic notion of such a grand exit involves a bottle of whiskey and a hill to sit on as the end comes. Alone with nature would be nice but with friends would be nice too.
Imagine if the news of armageddon came out and every authority of science and maths around the globe agreed that the impact would happen and the end of life on this planet was inevitable. The news being something like “All life on Earth has only a year or two left to live and we could be squished or Kentucky fried immediately or slowly poisoned by the planet’s chemistry or climate changing.” Imagine if we had two years notice. Imagine how all the unresolved political and religious conflicts might resolve.
Imagine that by the luck of the gods or angels or some of our wonderful scientists that something happened at the very last minute and diverted the asteroid in the nick of time. Imagine how the Earth would be after all our mayhem. Heck someone might have even thought it more humane or religiously correct to press the little red buttons and destroy ourselves with nukes or needles.
Imagine that for a moment. Take a few moments././. Ahh Hollywood.
Read on.
There’s a thing about science that you may or may not be aware of but it has to do with how we respond to new or more accurate technology. Technology that may give us readings that we simply weren’t expecting or predicting. When we built our first gamma ray detector to detect any earth-proximity nuclear testing activities by our enemies we got a serious shock. A shock that caused a lot of confusion and almost lead to World War III or something like that. Deep Space Gamma-ray bursts were first detected by this device and we had no idea whatsoever that they existed out in space. The only gamma-ray events we knew of were the ones of fission and nuclear bombs that we made happen.
Ok, that’s just an example of when we get things wrong and might respond pre-emptively to our fears of what we don’t know. There’s been plenty of close calls to WW3 and other silly decisions, google it, it will open your eyes to how crazy we critters really are with such destructive toys in our arsenal. Who needs conspiracy theories when our world is already so divided and divisive?
I want to show you our present understanding of things like supernovas. It would take me a few chapters to write this so to slim things down a little, I’ve found a pretty accurate description of supernovas and their dangers in the video below. A recent Nov 2022 YouTube Video by Veritasium.
The takeaway from this video is how dangerous we think supernovas are and the nature of how dangerous radiations are to all life on this planet and dangerous from many light years away. At a great distance, the radiations may not be strong enough to cook an egg but they may just trip an oxygen atom away from a Nitrogen atom in our atmosphere and then other stuff changes like O3 dissolving. Which ain’t great for sunbathers as changes to the chemistry of UV filters and so we eventually cook from our own sun.
The truth is though, that most supernovas we observe are very far away and our observations and calculations are only as good as what we interpret and try to understand in correlation to what we know and theorise about nuclear physics. The end of the video mentions the tools used to create the theory behind the process described and officially these are the best tools we have. The process as we know it will change as we come to learn more but until then and for the purpose of this article the point of this video is to show how dangerous we think supernovas might be to life on this planet even at great distances.
After the video, we’ll explore a completely unexpected, unpredicted something that happened in Jan 2019. A natural event that for all we really knew but didn’t actually know was determined with a probability against what we don’t really know about these things to be a nearby star about to go supernova. First, let’s just see the global consensus on just how dangerous we think supernovas are to our planet.
Enjoy the video.
Pretty Dangerous huh? Our planet would be radiated for months, Day and night. If the radiation didn’t fry us like an egg then it could easily convert atoms of safe elements in our biosphere into isotopes of dangerous elements and destroy all life without barely a whisper or any Hollywood-style drama. Just radiation doing what radiation does and creates an atmosphere that we didn’t evolve with. So keep in mind that this is how we currently think supernovas will or can affect the Earth if our science is right. Don’t worry I’m not disputing it here. I just want you to be aware of our uncertainties about such things.
I don’t dispute what we know or how we know what we know but I do explore supernova beyond what we think we know in other articles in my website blog so if you’d like to see something a bit different than the current accepted/authorised descriptions of this distribution method then check out my Successful Space Species blogs. My background includes physics, geology and archaeology with history and music for the creative streak so although my versions aren’t authorised they do use observation and evidence but just with slightly different interpretations. I write them for anyone who may be interested or looking for alternate perspectives when trying to resolve their own vectors of cosmological stuff. Galaxy, star and planet formation and back to the beginning of stuff and how matter comes to be but from a slightly different yet still plausible sequence of events and outcomes. Kind of like doing a switcheroo and turning E=mc^2 into M=e/c^2 and playing with that.
So I have a Tin-Hat theory but so far all I’ve mentioned here is that our science community have in the past overreacted to new observations and with the video you might consider how our science community might respond if we suspected a supernova were to happen near our planet. This isn’t rocket science.
Indeed even our science community know that the above video presents facts and figures that are a hundred per cent correct enough but that comes with not only margins of error but also probability functions based on theoretical frameworks that use unresolved theories within their own evidence matrices and so most of the facts and figures are only to be trusted during story time but when it comes to the real thing, then absolute caution needs to be taken as our calculations and theories may be underestimating or overestimating things to all sorts of extremes. The smarter science community folks know this to be true. We advise and respond to what we think we know at any given time. Look at climate change and technology.
Science of cosmology relies heavily on theory because unlike science for engineering, biological, geological or many other Earth-bound systems where materials or objects are accessible for the testing of hypothesis, cosmology labs can’t simply build a star-to-scale to test fusion or collations or other things in those extreme environments so we just do the best we can in a piecemeal kind of way. Smashing protons, fission and partial or complex fusions but nothing nearly as substantial as what is out in the universe. So there must be some flexibility when it comes to demanding cosmologists be 1 00% spot on with predictions.
This is where my Tin Hat comes in and instead of some satanic, demonic, evil human nature trying to rule the world, we get something more innocent and human but perhaps even more difficult to navigate than a conspiracy of lies. It’s our global response to the truth. How do you navigate that stuff. Darned if you do and darned if you don’t. Telling the truth and sharing the whole science of what some of us do and don’t know may be more disastrous for our global mob mentality response so it really boggles the mind.
What a storm it would be to navigate especially if the predicted event turned out to be a powder puff of fear.
We have a scenario where scientists make an observation in January 2019. They resolve what they can and can guess through what we think we know but we truly know that we absolutely have no idea what is happening and what the result will be. It could have been the beginning of a nearby supernova and so the actuaries calculate the risks based on what we think we know, determine the response and come up with something like a better than 50/50 chance that this event will mean the end of all life on Earth.
How long does it take to make a decision to tell the world that according to our best science that the world has less than 50% chance of surviving the rays of a supernova that might be coming? Would you tell the world this news? How would the world respond? WOW.. Should you tell them?
So a best-case scenario or the least extreme scenario might be that perhaps some extra cosmic rays and light from the event tinkers with our electronics, chemistry or even biology but nothing devastating. But then on the other extreme, there could be rays that might fry us to dust in an instant or destroy the chemistry of our atmosphere and become a ticking time bomb to an end-of-all-life-on-Earth scenario. Somewhere between the minimum and the maximum was inevitable, it was certain. Something was coming and with a whole bunch of unknowns including the timing of things. The main danger could have arrived in days or in months or it could be a few years. As a political leader, you take on board what your scientists say and prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
Is the best way to protect the people of the world in this instance to simply tell everyone to stay inside for a year or so until the danger period was over? Ha, yeah good luck with that.
Let’s imagine for a moment if that’s exactly what was done.
The absolute truth was told and people were told to stay inside because the Earth was about to be bombarded by radiation that even our atmosphere might not be able to protect us from. Bombarded day and night for months and possibly a couple of years. An event that might end all life, but we really don’t yet know enough about the subject to be absolutely certain if we are as correct as we thought we were before this happened. This is unprecedented so we have no idea. We have made an observation and for all our science and theories we interpret the observation as “We don’t know for certain but chances are good based on what we think we know that it could mean the end of the world”. So..
So please stay indoors day and night for as long as it takes until we say it is safe. It could be months, it could be years.
Can you imagine our response as a globe?… You have one case study to compare with already but with a virus rather than a cosmological conundrum.
Would it be more humane to come up with an alternate way of keeping as many people indoors as possible? Say perhaps release a virus that is not overly deadly but spreads very fast and can support a narrative to keep as many people as possible locked away safely in their homes. It’s an extreme measure but would an actuary’s calculations determine a better outcome for the world given the risks based on what we think we know? We know more about human behaviour than we do about the life cycle of stars. BUt we do know they can be dangerous on both accounts.
I know it’s a Tin Hat theory. It’s one that I came up with in March 2020 when the world bank opened its coffers almost freely to world leaders and without a care and Australia had its first total lockdown order even though Australia had nearly no cases of covid-19. I mentioned it to a friend of mine who is a space nut like me and amidst the saturation of conspiracy theories circulating the internet, it was a very mild theory that I thought was more amusing than possible but that was until I saw a video on space science a few weeks ago and noted the dates and considered the timing of things and our scientific community and behaviour of responses throughout modern history as our technology gets more accurate.
It was a similar type of scenario that my Astronomy 101 lecturer brought up once or twice at Uni along with how to deal with population growth and climate change and end-of-life-on-Earth events. The Earth was never destined to last forever and ever amen and from my other blogs, you’ll know that I support any initiatives working toward deep space success for the preservation or even propagation of Earth’s life beyond Earth, beyond our solar system and especially beyond our galaxy. Space is a pretty violent place and unity is what we need if we’re to succeed. Perhaps if a Tin Hat theory like this one above was true then this may be a step toward unity that we could advance from.
If you ask me if I truly believed that the whole Carona-virus pandemic was really about some super secret space danger, then I guess my answer is that I believe nothing of the sort indeed I believe nothing. These are just some interesting dots that may draw an interesting picture if connected with good lines.
In Jan 2019 the nearby star of only 650 Ly away, Betelgeuse showed a dimming patch. By June 2019 it was clearly an event of the like that no modern observation had ever been made of nor official Astro theory ever theorised of. It was a very uncertain observation for cosmologists and with incredible potential consequences. You’ll note that the process started being observed Jan 2019 and it took a whole year for it to progress through to a complete separation of mass from the star. Around Jan-Mar 2020.
The timing of which gives rise to an extreme coincidence that much of the planet’s people were indoors during the most probable dangerous period determined by scientists who have never seen anything like this before nor considered such an event in their specialised careers.
Here’s the official release from Nasa. Now is a good time to start noticing the dates of how it progressed. Below the link is an image I found with clear dates present. If it took one year to decide how to respond and plan for it then the timing of things is remarkable. Jan 2019 the first observation, continued observation through that year saw it develop into something completely new to our cosmologists and by Jan 2020 it had completely separated and by March 2020 the planet was gearing up for everyone to be indoors to avoid something.
If the image represents the event correctly then it took one year from the beginning to complete the separation. The light took 650 years to get to us and what comes after light?. We don’t know. Our tiny sun mass coronal ejections send light that reaches us first within five minutes then charged particles not long after and then more disruptive stuff days, weeks or months after if we are unlucky. This was no tiny little ejection from our sun, this was an unprecedented observation of something more uncertain and from a much bigger event. Distant yes but uncertain nonetheless as the first light of it had just reached us Jan in 2019.
Before the observation came to be, science presenters were saying that this star was dying and might go supernova in a 100 million years or so, so there was absolutely nothing to worry about. The Jan 2019 ejecta event happened and by the time they realised what was going on ( which means that had no idea what was going on because it was unprecedented ) their stories changed a little. Now they absolutely know all there is to know about everything in the same way that they did before this unexpected event happened and with the same public confidence for telling that story. It’s storytelling more than science and below are a couple of videos that highlight my point.
The following videos are presented by Anton Petrov, an excellent video presenter of the most current authorised science we know and the theories that are officially the best-authorised theories we have. I often wonder that if they had my notes on planet formation from stellar mass coronal ejections of this type if the conclusions, confusion and fears reaching the politicians and actuaries would have led to a different type of outcome or response. It’s hard to say but this event is on my list of the universe's mechanisms of mineral distribution which predicts this type of event is quite common for planet formation. I started theorising on this model way back in the mid-1990s’. I did write to several observatories regarding the theory back then but Tin-Hat theories of Pseudoscience don’t fare well during project funding applications so the responses from the observatories were limited, to say the least. One did respond noting they didn’t have the funding to carry out such investigative science so I guessed they were after some funding dollars. Such is the systemic way of our modern scientific progress.
Anyway, the takeaway from these videos is to note the dates they were made as they show exactly what we knew or didn’t know and then what we really don’t know about the cosmological stuff going on but that everything we know is 100% correct. It’s like a pantomime really.. Our institutes of science telling us they know everything they need to know to be correct. And yet we see corrections occur with further observations that don’t always align with our best science.
If you’re familiar with my writings you’ll get the gist that I feel being seen to be right or wrong is not nearly as important as being right or wrong especially when investment in or loss of life is at stake. Being wrong about how our universe distributes matter and minerals will result in us overreacting to uncertainties and perhaps even worse, spending too much energy travelling to the wrong places in the future if we do progress to being a deep space species before the planet’s life expiry date comes. Enjoy the videos.
So you see I’m not a very good Tin-Hat conspiracy theorist because if the above dots connect in the way as suggested then it suggests that our world leaders, that our elite scientists, that our economic elites and perhaps even our religious leaders heard news of the End of the world and succumb to knowing how we might respond as a globe if that news was told in its true form. That perhaps the best way to keep most of us indoors was to spread a very real, well studied lab virus for it’s low morbidity but high transmissibility and let the narrative of responding to a pandemic do the job of keeping as many folks indoors as possible and saving as many folks as possible.
So a Tin-Hat theory that says our leaders are NOT trying to enslave us into some wacky indoctrination but simply save us from our own mob fear-driven behaviours. Of course, the profitable fallout of the miracle cures and the political shifts seem to debunk my rose-coloured Tin Hat views. Mind you, the Toilet Paper violence was quite an astounding reality of our meditations.
Albeit, here’s a video of Tim Robbins sharing an observation of our humanity during the pandemic and the unusual redefinitions of things like vaccines and most unusual politics evolving as time progressed. Tim may not be a scientist or medico or world behavioural therapist but just an average business owner trying to run a business through the pandemic response and observing the world as it was. Something was certainly unusual or unprecedented about the whole affair.
As always, travel well, stay safe and keep your Tin Hats handy for them cosmic rays and a dunny paper roll in the glove box just in case.
There are more blogs on this pseudoscience fictional writing style at my website. Also some normal unadulterate science and fiction. :)
Murry :)
If you have any comments.