Successful Space Simplified 20221110
MW Rhodes © 20221110
Before we get started. How cool was the Blood moon two nights ago? Here’s a little compilation of the crimson moon and another cool crimson pic of the feathery variety :) Nice huh?
Hello and welcome. I’m Murry, let’s simplify stuff and get back to the basics of what we know. As much fun as it is to write many imaginings of things and histories of our progress in coming to understand the things of space and our place in it, we really do need to simplify our systems if we are to become a successful space species.
We are already a successful space species because we exist, albeit by chance or intervention or even a bio-legacy of some kind but we can only remain a successful space species if we rise above our differences, indiscretions or trespasses as the fickle species we are and stop fluffing around.
Fluffing around with mind-challenging complexities is nice but…
The more complex any system is then the more stuff there is that can go wrong and all we have to do to succeed in deep space is to somehow preserve the biodiversity of Earth’s biome on a journey toward the next destination and then the next with enough energy and information to propagate the legacy or seed. Are we up for it? Are we going to be a successful species?.. Perhaps only time can answer that but we can do a few things in the meantime to at least try not to fail.
Deep space is a long, long journey that may take longer than any of our technology might last without needing resources and methods and energy to replace and maintain in deep space. So the more complex any of those systems are then the increased likeliness they are to fail. Our own biological complexity may attest to that. Keeping things simple has often proven to be just as or even more successful than complicating things. So to start this simplification process I offer some simpler descriptions of things that have become over-complicated for whatever reasons.
Physics is the philosophical side of observing and interpreting our observations into words that help describe or communicate what we are observing and how we might exploit certain things to our benefit. No one of us can accomplish the task of succeeding as a deep space species and so we need language to communicate and collaborate with others to help.
Maths is the language we use as a tool to help communicate, quantify and qualify our observations. Maths is also useful when trying to predict certain events or outcomes and yet the almost infinite dynamics of our universe in its wonderful combinations and permutations of transforming one form of energy to another or one particle’s location to another, tests our predictability models when the laws of averages are often broken by outliers in the data. The more complex our models then the more likely they are to fail even in maths and so all predictions are subject to unforeseen circumstances or outliers in the data.
So first we will do some simple physics to observe and interpret stuff into words and pictures if needed and then we can apply some maths to help qualify and then quantify stuff. Let’s start looking for some pieces that best fit the puzzle using our physics then at the end we can come back and identify which parts we want to qualify and then perhaps quantify with time. Time was the giver of life but it is also the immortal enemy of life so knowing our enemy in quantity may do us well. Knowing how much time we have to prepare for deep space success is the prediction we hope to achieve and we can only pray or hope that we have enough resources of energy and time to succeed.
Beginning the Beginnings. A simplification of everything.
As we strip back our atoms to smaller and smaller things we have come to learn that all particles and bonds are little more than tightly wound and bound bundles of a simple field flux. Field flux such as what we observe in magnetic field-type stuff. We are currently making this study more complex by trying to understand the intricate interferences of resistances and polarities of these fields and predict or determine outcomes with precision to better exploit these fields.
We start at the beginning with little more than a simple field of flux that then has somehow been wound and bound by other fields of flux with slightly different polarities or properties and those fields have also somehow been wound and bound in various ways that for all its combinations and permutations give us our complexity of fields that interact with harmonics of attraction and repelling that has manifest and materialised into the physical universe we can observe, experience and interact in with resistances and states that become our natural laws. We have particles with properties of mass and we have transmissions of radiation from the bonds binding the matter. Transmissions can also be seen to communicate properties of mass in some ways and finally, we have fields and polarities doing all these things and more.
In one of the animations of gaining something from nothing at absolute zero degrees Kelvin, it starts with a single field without coordinates of scale but that forms a primarily symmetrical spheroid with coordinates of ratios by position within the field. Primarily symmetrical on its own but where other primary symmetries play roles internally and indeed externally if multiple fields are manifestly present in what might be considered a closed system. Then it introduces multiples of the fields as a single field and with natural symmetries that can by natural means cause pathways of least resistance that may wind and bind the flux easily and without resistance at Zero Degrees Kelvin but by doing so introduce a gravitational communication by way of geometrical reduction of space in the field space extracted from the windings. Sorry for the wordiness, It’s the type of imagery that may be best represented or communicated with visual aids.
Before we watch the animation I would first like to show how dark energy as mysterious as it sounds, can be considered intuitively plausible. It is not considered in the animation but let’s see how we go on the physics of this in words.
Like when it rains. In the air exists many water molecules each molecule with an atomic mass. Their energy state relative to the energy state of the environment (air) determines their density and behaviour. Change the energy state of the air and the tendency of the molecules to repel or attract changes. Change it enough and we get what is called a phase change in the function of state so we get rain, hail or snow. Other charged particles in the air also play their role such as dust etc. But the key here is that once those conditions are met then the mass of the water vapour gets extracted from the air and accumulates on the ground so the air literally becomes lighter in mass than any surrounding air that did not take part in the precipitation of rain hail or snow.
That is a generalisation that doesn’t take into account the pre-existing saturation of water molecules in the surrounding air but for the sake of the intended purpose to show that mass is removed from a solution and is literally removed from that system leaving a depleted region. How this translates into dark energy is such that regardless of which mechanism or sequence we apply on how the universe was made that the properties of mass were necessarily removed from the (air) fabric fields of space in one region.
This means that the surrounding regions still retain that which did not precipitate out of the fabric. In simpler words, if we consider our physical universe on the scale of the infinite space of the non-physical universe then our physical universe is simply a region where it rained. Hence dark energy or the properties that were used to materialise particles/bonds with mass properties still exists in the fabric outside of our physical universe. A physical universe that extends to infinity.
Collectively or cumulatively this dark energy extends out to infinity so this stuff may be that which is accelerating the entropy of our physical universe. Is dark energy a particle like a graviton? It doesn’t need to be a particle by definition but only to have the property of gravity which is also a property of mass given mass is made from the windings of field flux. If we considered the centre of the primary unit sphere as a point particle then you might call it a particle but the centre of a field is not the definition of a particle. Especially if it has no coordinates of any calibrated measure.
So it’s not a particle unless it has undergone processes required to partition the fields of space fabric into particles with polarities or resistances such that we might try to detect which is by virtue of the difference between our physical universe being defined by the resistive interactions of wound and bound binding fields or not. I don’t think a graviton can or needs to exist.
Also collectively and cumulatively, to say that our physical universe is the only corruption in the Infinitum of space is presumptuous and since extreme distances may exist between regions of materialisation into bound bundles of field flux or between physical universes, then one might consider the sum of the gravitational fields in association with such multiple universes might be as a point that can be added to the collective and cumulative effects of dark energy on the scale of Infinitum.
So hopefully that philosophical wordage makes sense to everyone or someone. Dark energy is very likely to exist and yet does not need to exist as a particle.
Dark matter on the other hand seems to need a particle to exist but one that has no other interactive resistances other than gravity. Quite simply by the sounds of it, a Free neutron that is not able to decay may be that particle if we could detect such a particle. A tightly wound and bound field of flux containing sufficient flux to account for mass properties of gravity but without any ability to communicate in or out any field flux polarities and inherent resistances thereof for other field resistive properties or perhaps inertia.
So without polarities or harmonies, one of these special types of free neutrons can’t cause resistance to attract or repel any form of field communication which means it can’t crystallise with any other configuration of field charge nor transmit or receive any harmonics of secondary bonding radiations of the strong, weak or electromagnetic types. Fundamentally it raises the question of what then is gravity if not a geometric constriction on space itself. Despite calculable math on oblique euclidian geometry, I’m not a fan of the Einstein geometric constriction interpretation because that constriction still needs to be communicated between mass properties in order for gravity to take effect both instantaneously as t2-t1 -> 0 or in a sequence of instantaneous non calibrated non zero moments. Sorry but simplicity is sometimes tricky especially when describing non-detectable things like dark energy, dark matter or Einstein’s theories. Do they exist or do our natural laws and classical theories really need reassessing?
If the galaxy rotation was the only phenomenon for the allusion to dark matter then I would love to see the assumptions and calculations that were done as I can intuitively see at least one adaptation or configuration of classical physics that would certainly predict such rotation and orbital speeds that have been used to demonstrate dark matter as the cause to effect orbit speeds. To which the classical well established laws need not be altered or redefined nor does Dark matter need to be introduced to explain the phenomena. I’ll check out the other suggested evidence and see if the other causes may be oversights or need a slightly altered perspective. After all, our authorities of knowledge have been known to hold on to old theories for millennia and altered or new perspectives are what Copernicus and Einstein and perhaps others were promoting.
If indeed dark matter exists but without any other property of mass for resistance other than gravity then one might assume intuitively that it has already accumulated at a single point without any other vectors of inertia, resistance or interaction other than gravity. But then gravity by definition needs two points to cause attraction and so Is this attractive force of natural law where every action has an equal opposite reaction unless it is dark matter. Then it is only Dark matter acting without reaction to be attracted to the second gravity node. This has some pretty special consequences that might be evident in such things as binary star systems in motion or indeed mineral distribution events in supernovas.
Do you see how tricky the philosophy of this stuff can be? It does my head in..
It’s not as easy as the chicken or the egg of what came first, like Did matter come first with its bonds that we can observe transmitting and receiving radiation? or Was there a spontaneously contained universal supply of radiation from a completely unknown non discovered mechanism or method or field that then somehow stops containing the radiation and releases it to expand and to make the bonds that make the radiation that makes the bonds that recombine particles and bonds into matter determined by the charge of the particle’s fields in some kind of function-of-state.
A quantity of thermal radiation that we cannot make in a lab nor have we ever observed in nature such as thermal radiation on a scale that the Big Bang requires to expand and cool down before any recombination of particles, ions and elements can happen. Such a quantity of energy where E=mc^2 might already be contained in the universe of mass but where M=e/c^2 and where we can observe mass entropy reduce via radiation as a natural path of least resistance but the radiation of any concentration never resulting into a hadron of mass. A Hadron being a permanent particle such as a quark, neutron, proton or electron. Hence the Hadron collider collides protons to see what other particles might survive the collision well enough to be detected. Like the Higgs Boson.
Precipitation of pre-existing particles is not the creation of new particles so we may reduce thermals in a system and see state-of-function type effects but never the creation of mass as a Hadron. We can see an energy transformation from mass via radioactive decay into a wave of radiation that may have some properties of mass such as gravity or inertia but never see radiation energy transform into say a hadron.
Subatomic bonds have been observed to make fission simpler by adding more thermal radiation and responding by a type of weakening of the bonds but what seems to have been overlooked or omitted from this thermal process is that atomic bonds also break down and get weaker as we get closer to Absolute Zero degrees Kelvin. A weakening of flux that is less ordered and freer to do what exactly?
This is why I wrote the Successful Space Stuff series because winding and binding field flux at zero degrees kelvin is a path of least resistance and is much simpler and requires much less complexity when flux can exist closer together in such proximity. Adding thermal energy simply tends to increase a repelling force between same-phase flux vector components in the field, and weakens bonding properties/resistances by the ratio of the flux density over a spheroidal inverse square law in that system.
Besides, the very definition of Absolute Zero Degrees kelvin requires that no thermal energy exists which must necessarily have been a condition of the environment of the fabric of the universe at one time before the mechanisms that we can observe to cause it actually exist to make it. Hence tightly wound and bound bundles of field flux with polar properties of some description commenced moving in a reciprocal behaviour against a sufficient polar resistivity to cause the peak and trough of radiation waves.
The maths of this does not require a function of probability distribution but can be classically determined by resolving vectors of field resistive interactions of phase angles and motion coordinates along the vertical, horizontal and depth axis of X,Y & Z in this single universe of three-dimensional space. The maths will be explored further in the following Successful Space Sums series.
From the video, the big takeaway is the thermal signature of the Hot Big Bang a thermal signature that may also be derived from a matter-to-energy model whereby Lithium Deuteride ( The fuel of the Biggest U.S nuclear test ) can be produced in context and in a sequence commenced by Beta Decay of Free Neutrons. Another little takeaway mentioned is that the Big Bang can’t identify Why the universe has more matter than Anti-matter, so this might be due to M=e/c^2 with M being the original storage container and mechanism producing all the thermal energy of the Universe. Perhaps the release of the thermal energy wasn’t quite as fast as our current Hot Big Bang theory suggests. Yes, for all my flaws in life and for my interpretations of the data I am a Cold Big Banger but just not quite the same one that was presented a hundred years ago by Georgias Lemaitre.
Phew, was that a minefield of complex simplicity or what? I’m glad you got this far, I almost didn’t but there is an animation to show you and then you may try reading the above again to see if it makes sense to you. It’s one thing to know a thing but then it’s a whole other thing to be able to communicate it and so I know it’s tricky. :) My apologies it may take me a little while to get the animation up on here so come back in a week or so if this Cold Big Bang interests you. :) Oh I just now finished a different animation that is intended for after the first. I’m still working on the first one but here’s the second one. :)
A 12-minute animated sequence of Free Neutrons precipitating in empty space and evolving into a BIg Bang of sorts.
A short 25-second animation of how Galaxies breach to make spirals and stars. :)
There is a comment box below for you to send me a comment. Good or bad, religious or scientific it’s all good I’ve studied enough stuff to not take anything personally as nothing I write here should not be believed but certainly questioned.
In the meantime Feel free to read a few more blogs on the Successful Space Series.
Anyway as always, safe travels and take care.
Cheers Murry