Dear Friends of X

Hi all, if you follow me on X and you’ve clicked on this to read then seriously well done, thanks and welcome. It looks like I’m still on a Shadowban on X and it won’t go away. I’ll try not posting for three days or so. So I’ll be taking a three-day break.

Just quickly, by bringing you here I can share things on this media without having to worry about being pinged on X for a shadow ban or even having it cancelled. X restricts posts like this that lead you away from their site because that’s their business model. Anyway, If you’re a Matrix Movie fan you might consider this place to be a bit like the train station. Detached from the X Matrix, Detached from reality and possibly just insanely detached. So nothing new just more descriptive :)

I’ll be dropping some science stuff, some political stuff and just some plain old cool but crazy life stuff. They may be extensions of essays or comments posted on X or just their own body of work. This isn’t the deepest depth of my own little Rabbit hole. As there are still public and private eyes that can see the content on here so as we go you’ll know that there’s more in store deeper down.

Subscriptions to deeper content may become a thing if demand is there. That’s where it gets trickier for snooping eyes to see. Like all things they cost dollars to do so a fee might need to happen too.

Who I am and what I do. If you scout around my website, you’ll find little nuggets of who I am and what I do and a bit of background on science and stuff.

I’m just an average bloke and always will be but I have had some cool experiences on my journey and picked up some cool tools of academia, life experience, problem-solving and other things that might come in handy for others to know as the world turns.

I don’t have to tell you how the world is turning at the moment as if you’re here now and reading this then you already know that the world and its future are a bit wobbly and we may all need a few extra tools up our sleeve as the wave comes crashing down upon us. It’s a train wreck in the making. It’s bigger than you or I and the powers that be, regardless of whatever faction dominates the game will become your new lord and master. A hard transition but don’t despair there’s always a light in the end of the tunnel.

I’m way too old and rickety to be a standing soldier of the masses. They will come to stand when the hammer falls but will it be enough and who knows what to do when they do stand? It’s a complicated scenario and you will see many heroes standing as heroes claiming to be the next best thing. Good on them. That’s their game. Yours is just to understand it, get through it and help out if you can. Preserve the knowledge of good honest truth at all costs even swallowing some pride during the struggle.

History is what it is and we rarely stray from making the same mistakes. If you take an interest in the History of our ancients, you’ll see just how similar the U.S.A, Europe, Russia and China and all the major players play their roles almost perfectly to a tee as if it were written as a script to follow.

Those leaders often read the same books of war and draw their strategies as if destined by history. This means there is a possibility for identifying moments of weakness in their strategies and predicting an intended move. Like chess only here we are, being forced into the game by knobs who have been preparing for decades and perhaps centuries.

Prepare for if you’re right but also prepare for if you’re wrong.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and celebrate every outcome in between.

We’re all different and we all have different skills and cultures and things. The solution for one may not be the same solution for another. How we contribute may not be on the front line but helping that front line form blocks and move forward.

Speaking of moving forward, not everything is doom and gloom or destined to be shitty so do what you do and do what you need to do to survive or thrive in whatever future comes.

You’ll find there are bigger badderer monsters than just the knobs at the tops of the financial food chain trying to rule the world but Yep. One step at a time these knobs need to not get everything they demand or everything falls apart for a very long time. Like forever.

So I have some science stuff that may very well come into play as this global narrative progresses but for now part of how I promote good things for the world is through volunteering in the bush, music and clothing designs. I do the occasional dark world images but I’d rather see a world more vibrant than dark. I do a little musical stuff too. Write the odd song and sell the occasional album. There’s a song I popped on here at the bottom of this page. Just a nice little one.

So, here’s a nice hat with the Gouldian and Crimson Finch designs. The spirits behind these little birds is that they are tiny and fragile just like us on this planet but their behaviour in nature is that which helps them survive and perpetuate their species.

The Crimsons are loud characters that use sentries or scouts to check the coast is clear and all is safe for family and friends to eat, bathe and live. That’s kind of why I use it in my profile.

The Gouldians’ gift is their silence and patience. I would sit silent and still at a pond and would hear the Crimsons coming from a distance. First, the sentry, then the family then the sentry would quickly drink and play with the others then fly away to take a position and watch for possible predators.

The Gouldians would all just appear in a tree above me, like magic. Silent, watching and waiting.

My designs a bright and stand out in crowds so if you see one, you’ll know they are kindred to the cause. It’s a Muzduz design unique to this site.

If you have a few minutes you may like to browse the shop for more shirts or other merchandise and see how you might like to represent and support the site. It all matters and it all helps.

Special discount codes etc. exist and you’ll find on the site a thing about the merchants of muzduz. Check it out as it might be a thing you can do. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, just an opportunity to gain a little here and there.

Are you a Traveller? I’m also a real person in the outback and have special friends of groups that do some hands-on healing of scarred ecosystems so if you‘re a traveller looking for a little outback Earth adventure stuff, then you may like to touch base, add this place to your Itinerary of places and join in. I’m in the tropical North of Australia so it’s quite a nice place from May to October.

I’m not a website master by any means and this site takes a lot of time to put together and has costs in fees etc.. I know there is a subscription function that I can add but like all things, nothing is free and that function costs an extra fee that I have to justify.

If there is enough interest here to warrant having a subscription function then I will endeavour to make it happen. In the meantime, an email list of everyone would be great to have so join the email list and leave your details below.

We never know where these social media accounts will go or how long they will last so having a special group of like-minded folks trying to understand and survive the world as it changes is a good thing to have. I mean Elon was recently saying that if X fails it will be because of the advertiser boycott on X. I wouldn’t want to lose touch with everyone just because the social media companies fall over.

The French underground, the secret societies of science and other things. They all had communication networks. This is just a friendly group exploring possibilities, perhaps seeing loopholes in strategies and trying to preserve some kind of notion of right, wrong and less insane than the changes going on.

Okey dokes.. That’s it for now.. Thanks for reading this far and thanks for your fellowship on X. Hopefully we can make sense of this crazy New World Order stuff together and avoid the worst of it as it steamrolls the planet. We just gotta remember that the NWO doesn’t discriminate so whatever differences you might have with anyone else, needs to be forgotten for now while the bigger danger is upon us. Seriously, race, religion, sex, education and class don’t make a difference to them so we all need to put them aside while the tide of change is on us if anyone is to survive and hopefully after dealing with the greater danger, it might help dissolve some of those differences too. We are all done if we don’t unite.

In the spirit of the finches. It’s our behaviour that will help us through this.

Cheers Muz :) Oh, yeah, here’s that little songy thing I wrote. It’s one of my little nursery rhymes about the planet and the miracle of you.

Muzduz X transitions. Testing 1-2-3

Thanks for sussing this out and WELCOME This is where I’ll be writing a few of my longer essays and projects.

Please feel free to click a few buttons and take a scroll around this site. It may help you better understand some of the craziness that I get up to on X. Politics and science and uncertainties for the world.

I do work out and about to help pay some rent and food but really do rely on merchandise sales and tips to help afford the time to research and write. If you can help at any time that’d be great and if visit the merchandise shop you might find something that you really like.. merchandise or music too.

Anyway, thanks again. This is just a little test post to see how it goes.. Please do give it a like in the X box if you read this far so I know you’ve arrived here. There are a few items below to give a little idea of the designs and shirts, hats etc.. you may like to consider. Cheers Muz :)

I’m looking forward to doing a few super specials for readers as thanks for your loyal support. Keep your peeper open for more posts from here..

Oh FFish'll Business T-Shirt
Sale Price: A$30.00 Original Price: A$35.00