Soul of Science & the Science of Souls

Soul of Science and the Science of Souls ( What makes you, you? )

By Murry W Rhodes 20231219

Kind of trippy like a Carl Sagan political piece only without any magical deities.

God exists, if not as a deity then certainly as a function of governance over nations. But what about the spirit of things and that deity of miracles and souls and things? Let’s explore this with a little physics and the nature of natural things. Like us.

For those looking for answers to this mixed-up madness of the world, there will be one but all I can say is that those answers are not in this essay. You’ll notice that I delve into primal natural energy systems that extend from micro to macro scales.

My little journey has uncovered things that are not in mainstream publications and for good reason. Some of them might be a little too hot for us to handle but these lovely little adventures into the spirit and soul of us are harmless enough and may give some of you a little extra comfort in life especially when our individual lives come to an end. Do our souls live on?.. Do we have souls and if so what might they be? If you’ve felt stuff that you can’t explain then you may really enjoy this…

Nothing is exactly what it seems and everything else is questionable.

Like this Isaac Newton quote. - To get the most out of this you may like to engage with the videos and enjoy the images on the right column too.

Isaac Newton speaking to the Secretary of the Royal Society before he headed the institution.

*Click this link* to see Video Isaac Newton: The Forgotten Alchemist and the Last of the Magicians.

For you who know my writings know that I’m a boring science-based realist with a creative spirit of fun and flare. Textured with a life on a knife’s edge and some academic science stuff too. A little bit serious, a little bit fun and a little bit 3,2,1

**GO** ( one step at a time, don’t trip and mind your head. )

I won’t kid you, this will take a little effort on your part but I promise, like following the white rabbit to some night club “It’ll be fun, I promise” #TheMatrix

God has a very special place in our universe and there’s no need to believe or not that God exists if defined not as a magical deity of magical miracles but as the collective conscience and tool of governance of all our ancestors’ spirits being with us. With us and within us all with all their omnipresent best wishes of love, hope and strength of their immortal pearls of wisdom and occasional lessons of consequence.

Lessons so that we, their descendants can succeed in life to have descendants as our immortality as we pass on from our mortal coil and into that collective conscience of all ancestors to unite in spirit as well become…Well… You know who…

The above video is an excellent philosophical summary of how many of us consider the soul to be. Supernatural beyond the physical and yet we are in a physical universe. :)I(:

God is omnipresent. Present everywhere, in spirit where and when we are alive. You can’t escape your ancestry. All life on this planet has ancestry from the smallest competing cells and organelles to the fully complex chaotic organisms of all life. Today you love and wish the best for your loved ones in life as they do for you as their legacy of life.

The very presence of God anywhere is a miracle against all the odds of nature in this universe. Celebrate it, preserve it and perpetuate it where and when you can as our ancestry should be the thing that unites us against the enemy of time, space and nature of nature.

**WHACK** on the back of your hand “Don’t touch that, that’s burnies” It’s one of Mum and Dad’s first lessons to teach you a thing by improvising the pain, (the potential consequence of making mistakes). A lesson that extends back through our ancestors even before language.

It might be nasty berries best not to eat.. WHACK “Ugg, ugg ugg ugg”

So God of all wisdom resides omniscient in those lessons.

God is Omniscient - Omni ( All ) , Science, Scientia ( Know )

Some of us still need to test and touch the hot thing or taste the berries ourselves to get a real feel for the pain or consequence of that action. Wisdom means if we choose to test it then we just do it with a little more caution since we’ve already been warned by those above us.

We often learn the danger is true and when we become mums or dads, then WHACK on the back of your hand is a little corporal pain to protect you from the danger.

NATURE by Design - The souls of nature are immortalised in designs. Photos ->

LISTEN to my last Song. It’s for you and for everyone. CLICK

Upon reflection of a God.

When we get older, it’s our choice to act on many things with our best conscience. Temptations, testing, learning and exploring to exploit are what we do, who we are and how we contribute to the wisdom of knowledge for the future of our descendants.

In the madness of this world, our souls as you will see in science can be induced to succumb to temptations. We test and test again for those consequences of our wisdom. In some point in our past, our ancients saw the need to install what we call God’s Wrath. Reward and punishment of the greatest all our collective consciences.

The King of England recently had to show the public his absolute faith and belief in the Wrath of God so the people knew that his decisions would be made from the collective conscience in the best interests of everyone. His submission to God allows all the people to trust he has their best interests in his heart, mind and soul.

God’s Wrath only works if the leader is a true believer in the consequences of God if his actions are wrong. Test, Test, Test.. Science has done much of the testing and so the magical miracles that God’s Wrath once held over the true believer are now no longer valid.

Lightning bolts from nowhere? Never happened and step by step the power of God’s Wrath failed to steer the leaders away from temptations and so here we are in a world where the power of money has usurped the power of God and is trying to divide and conquer the power of the people too. The controllers of that money determine their own usury governance over nations and without their own higher power of governance for controlling their tyrannies in satiating their temptations.

The Hands of God… A little static in the Sky.

The power and potency of God were once omnipotent but have dissolved under the science of science.

God the Omnipotent. Omni - All potent (potential energy to act) all-powerful.

In the ironic twist of twists and turns of truth in the pursuit of all omniscience the bearers and administrators of that power over leaders, that governance for good was its nemesis of omnipotence. We see most of the institutes of God’s Governance now burdened under the control of the usury overlords. the owners of the money. Sad, this world is in such an extreme state of uncertainty and chaos without a stable system of governance.

Anyway, this is an essay on the soul of science. Not the politics of souls. My apologies. The only two solutions I see resolving the madness of the world is if the people stand up again and reclaim their governance and restore it with a fresher less corrupt system than the usury. The other is as in Revelations 19:15 The Sword of Words. Installing a global constitution, administered by a durable as Iron institution and leveraged with the power of God but with a unique science from the winepress that if tested will indeed cause consequences that might deter leaders from straying into the temptations of tyranny. So giving the spirit of God and our ancestral spirits of life a little real leverage for all it’s pursuits in science.

Restoring the potency of the parliament of all our ancestors.

The Omnipotent God. ( O.K let’s get back to the soul and the universe )

God is the collective conscience (con=with) in the spirit of our ancestors’ wisdom. You may have loved ones who have passed and who you still call on their memory for help in solving a problem. “What would Mum or Dad or brother or sis or some other teacher or mentor would do in this situation”. They need not have passed to be with you.

Our imaginations can bring them to us and keep us company for a laugh or a cry.

You can be the hardest scientist on the planet but you know what I say is true since all of the above is not about science but the inner soul of you.


The Soul.

You already know there is something special going on in the universe. You can feel it in your bones, you dream it, you have de ja vus, premonitions, intuitions and suspicions but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Is it real?

You just don’t know. You don’t know because science hasn’t been able to detect it, measure it, give it a satisfactory interpretation and then categorise and catalogue it to be recorded into our knowledge base for the legacy of learning it. We don’t know what it is but we know something is there. And there is.

I’ll show you what that something is and I think you’ll like it. Not for the reality of it but simply for the knowing of it. An extra card in your pocket of things…

Some of us love the infinite infinitum of infinity and nothingness of nothing. The floating spirits of spirits in space as we physically travel through the universe with the universe at speeds that boggle the mind. Spirits that are with us always in the mind not left behind as lone ghosts on the fabric of space but with us eternally at our almost infinite pace.

I do love this stuff and neon ethereal auras of spirits and special symbols of shapes and forms that try to communicate the inner sensations for which we still have no real words, no real science to transform and transport thoughts from your mind to mine without losing something in translations.

For you who love this stuff too, you may just find these words below.

Here this may sting a little as you won’t have seen things in this light quite in this way before. Don’t be afraid and whatever you do, don’t get angry or defensive as this is just a card on your table of options of ways to see the world of souls, your own inner spirit and how you might find eternity of your spirit and all spirits in the universe of its interpretation.

So in no way am I asking you to believe and conclude what you’re about to see is real but to place it in your pocket of possibilities, plausibilities and probabilities of outcomes.

Let me show you what a soul is in the physical realm of the spirit and spirits of all life. Perhaps you’ll even see the collective spirits of all our ancestors in this new strange way. Maybe, maybe not. Nothing is easy and everything needs work.

Things are about to get a little bit sciencey but don’t be afraid of what you don’t know. I’ll try to keep it simple but will also include some things that academic folks might need to stay relevant enough for interest. It’s Ok to skip a paragraph if it gets tricky.

I will only do a paragraph or two of tricky stuff and then back to simpler stuff so if things get too confusing you can skip the tricky ones and maybe come back to them later if you think you can or have gone off to learn the language of what’s going on in them.

Astronomy nights with Muz in the outback. :) Buckle up and welcome to the universe on space ship Earth.

This extends from my research into the origins of the physical universe from an initial state of (by definition only) nothingness. Nothing never existed and nothing never will, however by the law of conservation of energy, space and time we can explore the moments that folded and rolled a monopolic field fabric into a tangle of charge and an apparent dipole. A physical universe that gives us something to measure.

That paragraph probably just flipped a few lids. Some physicists may be able to make some sense of it but even still it will need further explaining. I won’t do that here and now in detail but to add a little more to that and say that from this apparent dipole, we can commence describing things in ways that we better understand. Quasi Quantum mechanically with gravity. :)

The apparent dipole can be described as a Free Proton in a closed system and the inverse square law of distance and of field volume that reduces the positivity of the field as radius ( r ) gets bigger from the nodal average. One could say that as the positive reduces, the negativity increases and then we get to a point where neutrality can happen iff ( if and only if ) full cancellation OR equality of charge happens as it might in the presence of a second or third or many protons in an open system.

The only way we have observed a proton coming into existence is when a neutron decays. When a neutron decays it produces a proton and electron relationship plus a recoil particle we call a beta particle. ( it has other names too ) in labs, N-decay produces 1 mononucleotide hydrogen atom from every 250K Neutron decay events.

Other theorised methods of proton production are not considered here. ( Only the observed method ) Sorry, Big Bangers and quark-spindlers. I can only make a neutron out of nothing, protons have to wait until the Neutron’s decay. Sorry.

Quarks are tertiary systems available for identifying when free inactive neutrons activate via gravitational threshold resistances causing the mini-dipole decay and start decaying through thresholds of gluons and it properties of mass. So gravitationally without any rational thermal radiations present before they can exist. Dark energy is a friend of this.

TAKE a BREAK.. Have a drink, have a think.. ( Flat out like a lizard drinking. )

O.K. That’s enough tricky stuff for now. For the soul and the universe, we need to consider the mechanism and the chaotic madness of it all for any of it to make sense.

For you with an eye for science, consider it as a coordinated variac of chaos potential. Much like how the world’s state appears to be now where someone has turned the knob to extreme chaos. Ah well. It is what it is and maybe this little scribble of an essay might help a few of you find a little peace in your soul for knowing the physics of souls and how we might get through all this with a more positive outcome than those on offer at present.

Physics is quite literally about communicating the philosophy of the natural world. I try to communicate it as best I can in words and images but I may need to jump into some maths from time to time. If I do, I won’t leave you behind. Just jump back into the words. As some of you did for the crazier paragraphs above. No harm in skipping a paranormal paragraph or two.

One of my electrical lecturers made a point that every electrical circuit may look tricky but simplified it is just a bunch of conductors, inductors and capacitors so three simple things that can do many miraculous things when we alter the rates, properties and sequences of them. Varying thresholds and functions.

All of you may know what a conductor of electricity is and some may know everything and more about induction and capacitance but many of you only know a conductor conducts electricity and then you get a little stuck on inductorators and capacitatorators. ;) Don’t fret if this is you, I think you’ll still appreciate what’s going on.

None of us knows a thing until we know and half the time we don’t even know what we don’t know so just enjoy the show and if you don’t know and if you want to know more or understand it a little better then there are plenty of resources online to help you find out more.


I need your mind’s eye for a moment.

Create a sphere. Put it in a box so the edges touch. Now put those inside another sphere where the corners of the box touch the outsphere. You may like to draw it but I’m terrible at drawing.

Whenever you hear science talk about particles, they are talking about thresholds of field strengths given a standard measure against some abstract size of a thing. It’s a calibration so we can count things with respect to whatever the abstract thing is or was that is being used to give us a better understanding of quantities in ratios of that abstract thing.

Time was once measured in shadows of the deity of the sun and cycles of the moon moonths or months. Each worked well enough for our needs at the time but eventually, we found different abstractions to calibrate things with.

Different abstractions such as the sands of time, a pendulum’s swing, the spins of an atom and other things. Cycles of cycles in the change of change. Sensable measurable periods of almost exactly the same thing. None of them are exact as everything decays in their own ways. We do our best to measure and so particles are only boundaries of the specific energy and resistive thresholds of fields where dipoles happen.

Let’s put a proton in our inner sphere.

First, let’s assume that our proton point takes up the entire volume of the inner sphere. What can we say about the positivity of the outer sphere? Yep. It is more negative than the inner sphere. The outer sphere is still positive to an outsider but just less positive than the inner sphere with respect to the inner sphere.

When a neutron decays into a proton/electron state we keep in mind that neither the electron nor the proton are actual particles but clouds or envelopes of charge.

Electrostatic forces where the same charge repels and the opposite charge attracts. Like in magnets where North to South poles attract but North North or South South repels. As one charge builds up you may consider the potential for another particle moving through the field where induction occurs and when conduction is not available then capacitance also plays a role.

If you have the basic image of a positive centre with a less positive outer of a sphere then we can zoom out from the quantum mechanical scale and into something more amenable to our life scales of things and observe the give and take and the interactions of positive and negative trying to achieve neutrality.

NOT a Soul cell but the natural ratios. Pi Phi and others with laws of distance surface area and volume effects.

The Soul Cell. ( The fight of forces for resources to find equilibrium )

If you have a mouth and a bum and some squishy stuff in between then you’re a brother worm. Our souls began to be long before chaos, luck and darwinism retrofitted us out with different devices of information gathering and mobilisation for exploring our environment.

Souls began even before trees.

The soul is in the cells and is a thing without eyes, ears, noses or things we consider our conscious conscience of sentience. It has a purpose and a function and thresholds with complex instructions.

Your desire to want and need to feed is a primal feature of all living nature and obvious as the driver for you to gain more fuel to survive the day and continue the journey. It is even more primal than you think as this is the fundamental physics of the Soul Cell.

Souls began even before the complex carbohydrates began to form the stuff of RNA and Ribosomes and DNA.

(C) Carbon, (H) Hydrogen, (O) Oxygen, (N) Nitrogen, (P) Phosphorus

Think of the sperm and the egg. Sperm is on a mission with motion as too is an egg on a mission in anticipation. Expectation to receive more information.

Any act in nature when two things can work together to help each other be stable also involves attracting the good stuff and ejecting the bad. All these systems of souls. Behaviours that we in our inner self feel in our wants and needs to feed our being, our soul. Body and mind are one. Without one the other can’t function.

Down to molecules and down to elemental atoms down to the particles of atoms being the protons, neutrons and electrons. But then further down to the earliest and most primal systems that form the first Hadron particle of the neutron. Quarks the unseen particles but unavoidable workings of their systems as they spin their cyclic dipoles under the binding boundary of another force that when released releases the gravitational force or properties of mass in that system. Back to the nothingness from where it came.

Click on image to Link to Gift-Shop.


I think much of the science community at large are quite happy to say that every atom in our body came, quite literally from the stars. The exact methods of nucleosynthesis is a little contentious but the energy and environments in which many of them form we understand well enough to know that our atoms are not unique to us. We see all of natures naturally formed elements or indeed evidence of them up in the heavens above. Were are the dust of ashes to ashes and dust to dust but just a cool complex retrofitted worm that started with a soul as we all did.

Some like to say that the planet is alive, come like to say that the Sun is alive and this extends out to galaxies and beyond where the universe itself is just one large spiritual organism and here we are in our little chemically complex mobile bags of neutrons, protons and electrons dancing a dance of push and pull and swing around the Mulberry bush.

Nothing about any of that stuff is wrong whatsoever. Everything that is physical and is stable and remains physical long enough for the universe to exploit it in a meaningful long lasting way.. Well, that’s the miracle of all souls right there and the very fabric from which we come and where we return once we’re done driving these meat machines.

The Physics of the physical soul.

Chaos, attraction, induction, repulsion, orderly disorder and the potential for growth. Do you recall the more positive sphere and the less positive sphere from above ? Perhaps this will spin you out.

If we take a petri-dish in the centre we have a positive charge node, in the outer we make a ring of metal to set up a negative charge. We have build a high concentrated field of what was being described above. A positive inner with a negative outer.

If we add iron ball bearings and some oil we can look at the magnetic influences occurring.

We keep in mind that magnetism of the iron occurs in response to it’s own atom’s electrons in this positive to negative static field. The inductions causing attractions and repelling motions. Conduction and collaboration of each ball as it enters the arm of greatest attraction to it.

Observing what we can observe is a beautiful exchange of induction, capacitance and conduction as the iron balls start to compete for equilibrium.

Do you see? Do you see the system and how the balls might form?

Perhaps this video might help.

What was the voltage?.. I’m not sure. It uses steel balls and a steel ring and voltage supply with high volts but In nature, most organic cells run at around 1.3Volts. So it’s kind of super low voltage on average but we’re not running steel balls. We’re just running atoms or electrons, configurations of fields within a Cell, atom, or particle.

Fields that in the right conditions may help explain why or how we tend to follow each other as sheep. We get the same exciting audio or visual information repeated over and over so we may barrack for a specific person or team because so many minds are tuning into a similar pattern.. Music for example. I’d love to do this experiment with musical frequencies to see what symmetrical shapes form if any or how they respond to beats and constructive and destructive interferences.

Then the same experiments but advancing the petri dish to a Sphere in no gravity with a positive node and a negative outer membrane containing the oil and balls.

Perhaps you can see we are moving into neurons and memories and sensory information in and out. Magnetic alignments or static charges by simply rubbing a thing in a certain way and where like charges align. Or electron spins conforming to the information of the force.

Southern Cross. Circles, spirals and triangles. The Sky of our ancestors. The map to new worlds. N.T 2022 Muz

Use your mind’s eye and see how those experiments might resolve as a soul organ.

Bring it all together. The unit sphere inside a box inside a sphere with an inner-sphere and outer-sphere of thresholds and initial ratios. The positivity of a field becoming more negative as (r) increases. The potential difference ( Voltage ) increasing as (r) increases. Some inductive substance/field/photonic responding to the rate and energy of the fluctuating field. The proton and some of the active neutrons in the nuclide of an atom have an as efficient symmetry as allowable in the energy state. Neutrons are balanced in the bound system yet still contain the original mechanism of decay and decay it does.

Consider the video of the petri dish but done as a closed system in a sphere with a finite number of balls. The shape of equilibrium it is trying to achieve may resemble a tumbleweed of spinifex grass. All points are equal and the distribution of force fields and charge is balanced. Beautiful. Yet this is just a closed system…

A system that is most unlikely to exist in a universe with so much stuff. Yet a system that one also might apply to the entirety of the physical universe since the space of space that most of our matter exists in, is depleted of the original saturation of dark energy.

Now as gravity, electrostatic forces, magnetism, and weak and strong forces communicate/propagate is does so through space with permittivity and resistivity for both inductance and capacitance. Conductance is left for direct contact and valence of fluid charge within the threshold of the material’s resistivity.

Just a note that the nucleus of an atom with respect to the electron cloud is about 1/1000th the size and yet it contains more than 99/100ths of the properties of mass.

The constriction of gravitational dark energy squished to give us the dipole of charge. Contained until the Neutron decays and well, you might say that the positive charge of a proton is the sum total of antigravity minus that which is the bond threshold that holds the neutron as a neutron and where a bond to a proton or other neutron may last longer since the quark energy is distributed over a greater area, ( the outer-sphere ) of the threshold of the bond.

All atoms can decay but some are more stable than others. The symmetry of the nuclide may determine the moments a neutron experiences threshold decay. Gluon decay. A Free neutron. Active but free from a nuclear bond has a half-life decay of around 15 minutes. This is a great time frame to set as a standard primary unit of time. A sphere inside a cube inside a sphere.

Can you see how this might be our soul?

Not as a sphere but by the principles of physics if this behaviour exists in nature then we already know that protons provide the positive charge and then the potential difference of electricity is a function of the potential between the positive node and the more negative external sphere. What might the particles be in an atom that the electron-proton relationship might have influence on? What is light if not the excitement of the fabric that propagates gravity and electromagnetism? If you prefer particles then Photons. ( Where else would they get their energy )

Soul of Science and the Science of Souls ( What makes you, you? )

Your soul is the finest of fine and most precious electromagnetic signals and an individual signature of everything you are and you are everything of everything that has ever been and your atoms are as old as the physical reality of the universe. Some elements may be a little younger a little more primal and Neutrons are the primordial particle of protons and electrons with only a hint of neutron dipole sparks once the Free neutron has been activated to decay..

Do you see how it can decay? The push and pull of a rolling folding monopolic fabric of space. The stuff of Dark Energy.

As Dark Energy is consumed to form neutrons, the fabric becomes depleted in situ with newly forming gravitational bearing wonderful systems of quark field electrostatics that the dark energy can no longer subdue/neutralise.

Neutrons form at Zero degrees Kelvin. They are inactive until enough Dark Energy has been consumed from the fabric to allow quark systems to form bipolar fields and commence working to decay the Neutron into a proton/electron etc..

Everything you have ever been has been communicated out to the universe throughout all time. From looking at the galaxy below or seeing a Blue Tiger walking to the right. ->>

Milky Way. Our prime view location ( Life-Planet Earth ) 2022 Muz

If you have read this far, many would not have so well done. I know some of it is over-the-top science for many and a little over-the-top Pseudoscience for others but if you have come this far then do go the extra mile and watch the videos below.

Your life is a learney journey and should be more fun than frustrating but it also takes a little work and pain to challenge what we know as the truth or the right or wrong of a thing. Our souls can crystalise into dogmas sometimes and even the most stringent of material proof from the long-standing method of the scientific process can be rejected by a broader community of science.

This is well understood as part of our behaviour and inner soul so it’s really O.K to treat this as fiction for now, as a card on your table and maybe one day the penny will drop for you, pennies always drop closer to the truth, one step at a time and sometimes it takes generations for ideas with practical proof to become to the next truth to be exploited or challenged and better refined.

The videos each tell interesting things about past philosophers, philosophies and prophecies of our behaviours and science and things. Blavatsky’s “ The Secret Doctrine” is long and starts slow but brings many cultures’ lore, beliefs and histories together on the topic of the soul and cosmos and other aspects of what we should and shouldn't do dangerous things so by the end you will certainly start to see a pattern forming in these writings and wrongings of my scribbles.

Below the videos is a small added extra for you.

Perhaps you already know what it’s going to be about.

Platos Cave above. Freeing the mind. Blavatshy’s Below - Accumulation of nations notions.

Thanks for watching the videos.. How cool is this universe?…

The dangerous tools said over and over that we are not ready for is an interesting thing.

Now that you know what the soul is, perhaps you might like to consider a little ESP.

What we do know about radio is high energy electrical signals can send ripples of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Electrochemical transitions of energy are what if not the motions of electrons. As highly emotional thoughts are higher energy thoughts and the electrochemical signal of that has a signature wave of transmission that can travel through everything that doesn’t absorb it or reflect it. Also as a wave, it may reflect or refract into a lens effect for beats or momentary observations.

Frequencies of which some things of similar sizes may match the very same frequencies of the transmission. Radio antennae need to be tuned to their high or low-frequency bands of transmission. Tuning into the right frequency is 100% necessary. The amplitude or energy plays a role too. Reflections, refractions constructive and destructive beats. All play a role in the soul.

Cells, molecules, elements and atoms are all affected and the information of the thought is a specific communication within the bioelectric communications. It may sound like a wonderful fantasy but it’s real enough for some government bodies and private companies to have invested heavily in exploring it. We see a few small applications of headsets and computers. We see Elon Musk using a more direct approach to brain implants. Seems somewhat primitive and invasive really.

I remember lots of folks during and even before the 2020 pandemic complaining about the 5G phone towers being able to control the masses and make them more passive. Chemicals in the water or chemicals sprayed in the skies as Chemtrails do the same. Perhaps they can and do but they can do all that much easier by streaming movies, games and other distractions for the eyes and ears to send to your brain so more people stay inside longer, watch movies and play games or they could just half the price of alcohol and increase access to other drugs that are taken by choice.

So although the Soul has some electromagnetic stuff going on, it’s specialised enough for individuals that technology would have a very hard time replicating the random requirements of the field in that code. Elon’s implants are about hardwiring and sending strong clear signals directly into the cells of our soul collective souls.

I’ve not put this into the context of death yet. If God by my definition of being the collective conscience of all our ancestor’s spirits then they are also by the above description with us always. Through the sperm and the egg or the sharing and caring of information through cellular osmosis and the osmosis of ideas then their immortal soul is truly with us and can be called on in our imaginations. Perhaps one day we’ll have linked up a sensor that can network all our neurons and cells and atoms that map who we are, our life experiences and also our translations of all those experiences into an emotional experience to be shared by others.

Anyway it’s always nice to explore these things.

When you have your moments of the present spookiness of knowing someone else’s thoughts or spookier future dream views or de ju vue or other cool things of nature then they are remarkably lucky refractions, reflections, inflections deflections, constructions and destructions of where ever, whenever or from whatever that signal comes.

Here’s a nice thing to do.

Simply meditate on the parts of the above that you associate with and consider it alongside your existing knowledge and beliefs. It’s just a nice physical framework of who we are and the chaos or confusion we sometimes find ourselves in. Watch how those little balls in the oil move and are alive almost like DNA but are not alive but then what is it to be alive if not to communicate our wants and needs to attract and repel? Their communication is just through induced magnetism through a charged field.

Consider now there are multiple cells free to move and attract to merge the outer-sphere field to a limited boundary of the inner-sphere field. With enough mass in the middle, we add the respective gravity until thresholds breach and permanent hadron bonds can form. And as the external mass recedes the conductivity to neutrality is reduced capacitance increased and the dipole of a field is reinforced.

Meditate in prayer, or relaxations or visualisations of the dynamic dance of this universe and may all the combobulations decombobulate into something you are satisfied with that when you die, your soul becomes part of the collective conscience of all ancestors of life and is the equivalent of going to heaven as your memories live on even though the memory of your may disappear in the next few generations.

Anyway, it’s always nice to explore these things.

de ja vu ? ;) Be safe always. The soul is alive and living inside you.

Cheers Muz :)

With the world in chaos in the way it is. It may seem overwhelming and indeed it is a huge event of history in the making if someone survives to write of it in truth. In the outback, we’re a community of friends of musicians, scientists and artists. Helping as we do. There are no guarantees about the future other than one day the Earth will cease to support any life. We will either mature into a space-fearing species or Darwinism’s dice will have bettered our ability to meet the challenge. That would be disappointing as it means no one will be alive to continue the legacy or the immortality of the soul of life.

Will the United Nations and its agents dominate or will the Islam movement win?

If one or the other wins outright dominion then the world becomes a tyrant’s playground and all true science stops us from reaching maturity into a space-fearing species, so we really will all just die on this planet and go back to the dust of stars where and when our collective consciousness will no longer have a meat machine to perpetuate the legacy of God and all the love and challenges of life we experienced here on this earth or even before Earth.

By now you will know that there is a lot more science being done in this world than just the science published in papers and taught in schools and universities. Some scientific knowledge is best kept from everyone.

If all seems to be failing just know that there are wildcards in the world that none of us know about and may get played to even the field and force the two forces to negotiate without full dominion. We are kind of sibling worms after all and those ancient social/religious divisions happened thousands of years ago between two brothers whose legacy of mutually desired anger sadly persisted.

There must be compassion and forgiveness if we are to unite and mature and have any or all of this existence mean anything to any living spirit or soul or God.

Go forth and multiply was a command. It was not limited to just this tiny rock called Earth.

So if you scroll all the way back up to the beginning of this essay and read Isaac Newton’s quote. You may better understand and appreciate the Soul of Science and the Science of Souls.

ONE FINAL VIDEO - You have done so well to get this far. I do hope you’ve enjoyed the journey and enjoyed the videos and images along the way. This last video is a lecture that brings forward the idiosyncrasies of beliefs and religions and the pursuits to better understand the nature of nature. The Royal Society stands as a science authority but was initially formed by those who dared to question beliefs with experiments to uncover the truth of nature.

The difference between using and refining existing ideas and creating new ones for others to use and refine. A nice way to end this exploration of introducing this physics of your soul.

Cheers, Muz :)

That took a little while to write and I hope you got something from it. Please don’t forget to help support our writers and artists by buying a gift of design or music or leaving a nice tip. :)

If you have any questions please feel free to scroll down, fill out the General Enquiry Form and touch base.

Swamp Tiger Butterfly Muz

Blue Moon 2023 Muz

Darwin’s Angel Cloud 2016 Muz.

Carnivor Sundew Plant N.T 2023 Muz

Traffic Log Jam. Pig face Turtle N.T 2022 Muz

Sacred Kingfisher N.T 2023 Muz

Crimson Finch N.T 2022 Muz

Gouldian Finches N.T 2022 Muz

Muz in the Shadows 2017 Muz

A lullaby for you and for everyone. See Clip.

Swamp Tiger Butterfly N.T 2022 Muz

Black Kite N.T 2022 Muz

FIve ‘O’clock Moth 2023 N.T Muz

A sleep on a stick. 2023 N.T Muz

Blood Moon N.T 2023 Muz

Southern Cross 2022 N.T Muz

The Crimson of Muzduz.

Milky Way N.T 2022 Muz

X ( Twitter ) - 2023 Muz

Black Galahs N.T 2022 Muz

Ta-ta Lizard. Bathing N.T 2023 Muz

Rainbow Pitta - N.T 2022 Muz

Boab Tree in Lightning. Conductors, Inductors and capacitors. 2014 KNX Muz.

Swallowtail Nature N.T 2022 Muz

Curlew Stone N.T 2023 Muz

Orange Footed Scrub Foul N.T 2022 Muz

Phi on Galactic scales. Unknown image source - Contact for removal or credits.

Gouldian Bath & Baby N.T 2022 Muz

Click photo for more. :)

Rainbow Bee Eater N.T 2023 Muz

Lemon Migrant

Berdekin ( Radja Shelduck ) Ducks N.T 2023 Muz

White faced Heron N.T 2023 Muz

Johnson Crocologodile. NT 2023 Muz

Night Heron N.T 2022 Muz

Heron & Crocodile N.T 2022 Muz

Pacific Baza - 2023 N.T Muz

Night Jar Owl. N.T 2022 Muz

The Universe. Muduz t-shirts.

Indigenous Blue Tiger Butterfly Souls.. Muzduz t-shirts

Enlarge and read. Elementary consequential sequences.. Muz 2022

The Cold Big Bang in a nut shell. 2020 Muz

Blue Tiger butterwalk. N.T 2022 Muz. Different life experiences, different memories, different souls. Different biologies but for the inner worm.

The Soul of the crimson lives on in the logo.

A parliament of souls of their ancestors in today’s living life.

Life is meant to be a cycle of : love, fun, compassion and forgiveness, love...

W.A 2014 Muz ..

Secret Places and a blue star. W.A 2014 Muz

Bonom-pak, Guatemala/Mexico 2000 Muz ( First escape of OZ )

Kimberley Savanah W.A 2014 Muz

Big Barra t-shirt 102cm KNX 2015 Muz

Lesser Wanderer Loving Life N.T 2022 Muz

Young Muzduz 1975, Perth Australia

Muzduz 2021 N.T.

Muzduz Fur Elise
Sale Price: A$5.00 Original Price: A$7.50