By Murry W Rhodes 20241224
Merry X-mas Nuggets 2024
Christmas Nuggets. image by GROK
Would you rather live in a world where the main philosophy is to be kind to everyone, even folks who don’t agree with you? Love thy enemy kind of thing where everyone is equal in the eyes of everyone?
Or a world where one group thinks they are superior and if you don’t believe their ideology then it’s not a sin/crime for them to kill you?
Which do think would be more prosperous and make for nicer lives for everyone?
Anyway, something to mull on for later. In the meantime…..
Squishzel, Squishzel, Squelch, Weeoooo weeeoooo Beep Bleep Beeeeeep. Blip. Blip Squishzel, Dig Dig Dig.. “Eureka” GOLD, GOLD, GOLD.
Dad loved gold detecting. I was about twelve years old when he retired and started travelling around Australia with Aunty T, our stepmum, visiting the renowned goldfields for gold diggers, prospectors and metal detectors. It was the retirement plan for a lot of old diggers like Dad.
I was about thirteen or fourteen and it was the Christmas holidays, time to catch a bus and go visit Dad in the bush for a few weeks. Nice. Sort of. A three-day bus journey from Perth to Adelaide and up to Bendigo then Dad and Aunty T. picked me up from the bus station in his little BJ40 Toyota Land Cruiser and took me to a little Gold town called Wedderburn where base camp was.
Then every day for the next few weeks Dad took me out detecting for gold nuggets.
It was novel and fun for the first week or so day in day out just walking through the bush Squelch Squelch, Blip Bleeeeep, Blip Blip. “if it goes Blip Blip then it’s likely a nail”..
There were a lot of nails and bullets and bottle tops. Day in day out, at night, Dad’s collection of nuggets would come out and I would learn the story of where and when each one was found. As valuable as the gold nuggets were, the stories would come with little anecdotes or nuggets of knowledge.
“This little beauty was found after following a quartz ridge down a pole where a farmer had freshly ploughed his field. This one was found after two weeks of finding nothing but nails, bottle tops and bullets and this one was found spotted plain as day on the surface in a roadside gutter, I just caught a glint and had to stop for second look.”. Specking for gold he called it. The real gold was in his stories and time he took to share them.
It was a hot summer and there was no shortage of flies. By the second week of day in day out of nails, bottle tops and bullets I still enjoyed being with Dad but the novelty of digging for nails was done and the work of it began. No fishing, no shooting no nighttime adventures out in the bush it was just day in day out nails, bottle tops and bullets. Plenty of gold for the memories and a few nuggets of knowledge but just no gold. Gold fever I think is the name for folks motivated to find more.
For old gold diggers like Dad, the gold was also part of the retirement plan. Find a good one and buy a bigger better gold detector. Find a monster nugget and retire rich. Buy a bigger motor car, caravan and of course and even bigger better gold detector and keep searching for more. It was nice to spend that time with Dad. The prospecting side of it, well at the age I was and with the burdens of life on the other side of life, there was no gold nuggets but for the memories.
Today I live and help out in a caravan park / resort just up the road from a gold prospecting area which means I see Dad’s spirit for Gold in the eyes and stories of a few passing prospectors. Retirees with the fever. Their passion and love for the luck of it keeps the lucky ones going but the ones who seem to find more nails, bottle tops and bullets than gold seem to fair not so well.
Luck was never my thing and like the old Irish proverb “ if it wasn’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all”. Just kidding. In terms of luck I rarely get lucky at casinos, lotto, or any kind of gambling with money but when it comes to strange life changes good luck has always been about preparing for the worst, hoping for the best and being happy with any outcome in between the two extremes.
Or Fishing. Super lucky at fishing. The Barra shirt was inspired by my 1.02m Barramudi. It’s gotta be lucky for some. -> -> ->
When it comes to finding nuggets though. For me it’s not gold nuggets I value as much as nuggets of knowledge. This is how and why when injuries took me out of the hard yakka arena of outback work I ended up going back to school to learns me some academic stuff and by the time I finished high school I was a ripe old thirty year old. I did ok at maths and science and was invited by a pretty swish university to do a physics degree.
What I got out of uni were the tools of a BS detector. The ability to identify nuggets from nails, bottletops and bullets. So as well as physics and maths stuff I also piled up on geology and archaeology units for the fun stuff. University was like a Gold Field of nuggets of knowlegde yet there was no shortage of bulldust over nails, bottle tops and bullets. Old institutions with all sorts of tools for keeping secrets.
So this Christmas I thought I’d gift a few nuggets of knowledge out of my little knowledge nugget tin.
It’s just a few raw truth nuggets that remained hidden under a whole lot of bull dust until the right kind of blips blipped on my radar. Stuff I didn’t know until I did. Stuff that might come in handy for some of you in the not-too-distant future.
Do people still ask you if you believe in God? Or believe Jesus was a real person?
People still ask me that. I see religions promote they are oppressed a lot.
By the numbers in a world of 8B++ people there 2.4B Christians, 1.8B Islamists, 1.2B Hindus and 18M Jews. So 2.4 + 1.8 +1.2 = 5.4B. So around 70% worship the big religions leaving 30% to smaller religions or no religion. Let’s just take a stab and say around 15% of us are not religious. So notably there’s 1-2% Jews yet they run most of the world make up 20%+ nobel prize winners and if you didn’t know that, look to CEOs and corporate institutional members and funders of old money. They may not have the numbers but if they are an oppressed people then..well.
There’s a historical reason for their remarkable success that will become clear further down. You may like to note those numbers though, the next time someone of a religion tells you they belong to an oppressed minority. You can check the facts.
Googling how these religions treat non-believers, Judaism treats us ( Gentiles/Goy) like cattle and can kill us without it being a sin, same as Islam for us (zindiq) heretics, Christianity has a colourful history of burning people at the steak and public hangings too. So well.. anyway.. Today is a little different in most places but we still see the horrors of these conflicts of interest in wars.
So by the numbers which group of people are the oppressed minority? Well, Yup. And I do the science thing too. Not that I’m not spiritual and don’t have my cool quirky unexplainable life experiences but jumping on belief trains has never been my thing.
When you see my digs into the science community’s consensus-based conclusions and their own corrupt collisions for brand equity conclusions you’ll know I don’t follow their beliefs for popular theories either.
I’m not bound to them or corporate grifters for funding like many academics often are. Sad really.
Science by consensus is the same as Dogma in religion it’s just a wool-pulling exercise for funding or other political or ideological gains. Using authority to dictate a lie as the truth and protecting it innocently under the guard of heresy punishments. This is today I’m talking about.
I look at the proof of stuff and if by the tools I learned at uni and in life they appear to be BS I will call them out and trust me there are some pretty big powers standing over the institutes of knowledge to dish out authority and funding fears for consensus by the starving scientists who most claim to be. Climate change and recent medicine mandates will be getting called out soon enough and when they do, there will be consequences.
Anyway, this is not intended as a dig on religion or beliefs but just a few nuggets of knowledge without all the bulldust. Let’s get started… :)
Religions can and do provide some crucial functions in and for communities of people regardless of some of the darker periods and the fact that their primary book of worship has some questionable questions for.
I still see the occasional documentaries of folks trying to prove both God and Jesus are real and using all sorts of methods including carbon dating of materials that may or may not have been around in that time or using maths and other abstractions of science to prove whatever. You only have to look at the tourist market to see how some of the miracles work.
Science is not much different. A whole lot of $$$$ for a story of science.
The Higgs particle of CERN’s 2012 experiments was called the God particle for a reason. It’s what some folks want their reality to be. Pretending a nail, bottle top or bullet is a nugget if you don’t dust it off. If you don’t observe it then it’s real. It’s a mainstream science thing in quantum physics too. Keep those religious numbers in mind and science and political penetrations and motives start to make better sense of some of what path our science is being guided down.
In case you didn’t guess already I try to dust off the BS from all aspects of our knowledge base and although I use tools of science and academia I don’t discriminate between science or religion and will BS on both in as nice a way as possible. Most of us are just good loving people trying to survive life’s challenges and better understand the world as best we can and make sense of things that don’t unless told we’re not allowed to question authoritative or popular opinions the science concluded by consensus.
A tinful of nails, bottle tops and bullets for a tinful of nuggets?
Even though I’m not religious I see Christmas time as one of the golden lights of all humanity, If you get the time look up the Christmas miracle of World War One. You’ll see the goodness of people in its purest of forms and it is in almost everyone but evil happens when their political or religious leaders command you to do evil things in the name of their sponsors or God. Interestingly when recognising and responding to the word of God for kindness and forgiveness and plain old humanity, as was the Christmas Miracle of WW1, in reality, if it doesn’t suit the leader’s plans of the war machines then well… The word of God gets ignored when killing in the name of God under less than human leaders.
On the lighter side of Christmas and in peacetime it’s a nice time when you do things for or give prezzies to people who might not normally get or do them for themselves but you know it’s something they might appreciate or use one day. Otherwise, it’s just socks, jocks or handkerchiefs and resignations of “It’s the thought that counts”. Plus they do come in handy.
Santa Claus is coming to town. Research means listening for blips.
Some years ago I wanted to write a song about the two extremes of good and bad people but with a Ying and Yang kind of style where mainly bad people have a little good in them and good people have a little bad in them like the eyes of the Ying and Yang, Black and White, Good and Bad tadpoles. So I wrote a list of good and bad people in history.
Like Santa Clause checking who’s naughty or nice.
When I started the project I was going off what little we learned in school, movies and T.V series and documentaries and so Gengis Khan, Hitler, Julius Caesar, Vlad the impaler, etc.. the list of evil doers seemed easy enough to fill although I started out looking for the worst of them for maximum juxtaposition between what little bit of good might be in them.
So I was also looking for the best of good people and the potential for a little bit of bad in them… I couldn’t think of many good people but Jesus Christ came to mind first up and I thought for all the marketing etc, there are few good people in history who can top having their birth and death celebrated by most of the known world so that’s where my good people list stopped. Who could beat that? Although I knew it would be a task to find a little bad in such a supremely good person.
I’m not religious but Chrissy and Easter always brought good memories of family and friends and crazy little easter egg hunts and Chrissy prezzy openings and awesome food. Not to mention school holidays. Awesome. Time to watch the Chrissy movies on telly and then documentaries of folks trying to prove Noah’s Arc and that Jesus was a real person. The tangible evidence back then was questionable at best but it didn’t stop hardcore believers from trying their best.
So whether he lived in the flesh or not didn’t matter so much as I was just writing a song and so my good person was JC Jesus Christ.
It was time to figure out the badderest of the baddies list and start cancelling folks. I looked at the list and ask myself, How do you determine who is the most evil of people when EVil is Evil and by all I knew as knowledge at the time was that they were all pretty nasty pasties but as I looked down the list, one of them stood out like dog’s you know what’s, not for how nastily Evil he was but mainly for his name.
The Evil dictator of Rome, Julius Caesar (JC) bears the same initials as Jesus Christ (JC). In English, Greek and Roman languages so this was worth exploring since songwriting provides some poetic license to explore the possibilities. It was time to do a little research and find out if I could pit the famously evil tyrant of ancient Rome against the Godly good of Jesus Christ and see if could find the tiny eye of the Ying and Yang of good and bad in everyone.
Does JC = JC ?
Being that I wasn’t religious I knew little about Jesus Christ other than what the movies and school stories told us so I wanted to get a bit more familiar with his story in history too. To be fair I knew even less about about Julius Caesar other than he was one of the more evil rulers of history. We only know what we know by what has been taught to us by those teaching us and most teachers teach by a curriculum so they often know even less than what they teach. An interesting irony.
By the end of the research project I had discovered some interesting nuggets of knowledge from some pretty reliable resources and at first I could barely believe what I was uncovering. I think you’ll find the nuggets of knowledge as interesting as I did and may even give you a little head spin for the realisation of just how this world has worked through history and how it even affects the world of today. We don’t know what we don’t know until we do.
For me the entity of Jesus Christ has become a brand of treating people kindly. Forgive the enemy, the meek shall inherit the Earth and love everyone and lots of other good stuff which is good and worth promoting. It’s the kind of world that can work better together and get more done than one dictated to by a group who think they are elite beings that they know best for everyone and can kill heretics without consequence. I just don’t see us progressing past this planet in that type of world.
Ultimately would it really matter if Jesus Christ was not a real person? Isn’t it the message that’s more important? For our future at least. I mean what if he was never real in the flesh? Anyway… The nuggets below show he….
If we don’t unite soon then it seems likely we’ll just implode and trust me the surface chemistry of the planet isn’t nearly as permanent as we might hope it to be. More on that expiry date later but for now another little nugget.
At easter time, the TV movies showed the story of the Passion of the Christ. Crown of Thorns, a beaten and bloodied actor playing Jesus carrying his cross to his execution by crucifixion.
It’s said that he died on the cross to pay for our sins.
I never fully understood what that meant. I recall seeing or hearing that babies are born with sin too. That turned my stomach as always knew the word “sin” to mean like a crime so a baby is born to a world of punishment for being born? To me, it sounded insane at best and just plain old dark and evil at worst.
It never sat well with me that an innocent child was somehow already in trouble and needed to be punished for their sins. It makes sense to me now but not without adding a little more context and understanding the etymology or studying the origins of words and the meanings they had those days. Entomology is like being Gay in the 1950’s meant you were feeling happy but by 2000 it meant something quite different. If in only 50 years the meaning and use of the word can change then over a couple of thousand years it can change a lot. How and when it came to mean what it does today?? I’m not sure.
Back in the Ancient Roman days the word “sin” literally meant rent. Quite literally it was the word for debt mainly attributed to paying rent for housing or businesses.
When it comes to babies being born with sin, in this old context the sin/debt/rent the child has in the responsibility to live. The price to pay for life is life. Kind of nice really. To live and prosper and pass on the torch of the parents, and grandparents in respect of their own contributions that led to the baby’s birth and home on Earth.
I do wonder why such a nice thing could have been turned into such a nasty thing. Perhaps my interpretation was wrong at the time and maybe the people making movies just wanted to portray it as that crazy baby sinner concept. Those with coins often dictate how stories get told so… Who makes such movies? Yup.
It’s just a tiny folly of a nugget in looking at the name and entomology of a word but when we apply this to JC dying to pay for our sins, it presents an extremely cool parallel with the life or more the point the death of our other JC, the infamously notorious Evil tyrant leader of Rome.
You see, the title of Evil Tyrant of Rome was given to JC by the same senators who conspired to each contribute to the assassination of Julius Caesar. About 40 of them all ganged up and surrounded him and proceeded to stab him around 26 times. He was born 12 July 100 B.C and was murdered by a mob of self-serving senators on 15 March, 44 B.C so he was a 55-year-old man.
He wasn’t born poor. Indeed his dad had purchased a mate from the religion that studied and practiced the religion of love. Pure breeding bloodlines etc. Kind of how the religion of agriculture ensured good breeding stock. They could guarantee the virginity of the mate within their confines and so to ensure the purity of the product the purchaser had to inseminate the mother within the secure confines of the premises. So quite literally in the presence of the God. It was an immaculate conception. Not magic. Not without the usual human bump and grind but just a virgin under the protection of the God of love. Vestal virgins and miraculous births were a common thing back then.
Another etymology issue on the word God and what it means.
What does the word God mean to you?… Yup.. Magical miracle makers like the mighty gods of war, gods of love, Gods of agriculture, Gods of Stars, Gods of Earth, Air, Fire, Rivers…. I think Rome even had (Pino) the god of boots or indeed God could mean the all-omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent one true God of everything.
Some magical being with magical magic who does magical things.
God in the old days also meant the head philosophy of a religion. A religion basically was a formal school of studying whatever the religion was about. Astronomy, Agriculture, Water etc.. a bunch of folks trying to better understand the nature of nature so the community could benefit. Similar to our technical colleges or universities depending on the nature of the science or knowledge being taught and refined.
Tax-free, indeed today’s science bodies get paid for solving problems in the same way these schools did. The God side of it was just the head philosophy. To become an official religion the study needed more than 10,000 disciples or students studying the craft. War Gods created stuff for war and war wasn’t cheap and wins were not guaranteed. How scientists get paid today is similar to those in yesteryear religions. A general goes to war and if successful has to pay the scientists. Of course, they did have the spiritual deities of luck and fortune and odd ceremonial things and to what benefit?? probably morale or confidence. Who knows I can only go from what I’ve found.
How did we get here?… are yes.
Julius Caesar was conceived in a virgin paid for by his dad in the presence of a God and it was called an immaculate conception. A fairly common thing back in that epoch. The religion of love understood the mating periods of high fertility as you might expect for those who study these things. The studies of the moon and its cycles also played a part and remain a convincing cyclic influence on lots of biology.
Interestingly enough not only was JC conceived to a virgin under a god, his own prowess and tactics in the art of war became a school for scholarly studies. A study that included his war strategies and philosophies which for an incredibly nasty tyrant and enemy of Rome makes absolutely perfect sense. In effect though since his school was started while he was alive, he was quite literally and officially a living God and his best mate Mark Anthony was considered the head priest. Funny how etymology works. School/college-religion, God-Topic, Priest-Manager, immaculate conception - secure bloodline breeding.
To be honest, I don’t remember everywhere I get my information from but in general I don’t remember anything if it sounds too much like BS. I think most of it should be findable online, just search any part you think is BS.
Disciples, students, studying… Were they praying for miracles of magical gods? or studying the more complex psychology and strategies and economics of war and leading armies. Schools of trade or other knowledge-learning places were regarded as passive assets of communities. They solved problems that manufacturers or users of the knowledge could profit from yet the innovators needed to be paid too. Schools/Religions needed tax breaks and funding if they were able to survive financially in the economy.
Consider for a moment what sort of equipment you might need for a general going out to war. Before all the swords and shields and boots and armour and other things you would need food, transport, water, scouts, negotiators, medical folks, and stuff for everyone’s needs. War has never been cheap and losing might cost you more than your life.
So when you hear things about how the Christian church converted all the pagan religions, do you think they killed off pagans, the only people who could solve problems and create the goods needed not only for wars but also a city’s economic side? I’m sure some skirmishes and bloody disputes occurred but business is business and most wouldn’t have cared which official symbol was paying them for their wares or services. As long as it was fair and the money flowed.
Perhaps I’m simplifying it a little too much as it’s all a whole lot more complicated than this too so I’l reel it back to the point of Julius Caesar.. Oh just one last thing, The Julian Calendar was named after??? Yep, and it starts at??? Yep.. and so he was Born 100 B.C. JC had contracted scientists/Gods of the stars to refine the current calendar. So today’s Western calendar although has been tweaked a little, comes from this evil tyrant of Rome. Ironic idiosyncrasies of Evildoers in history.
I sometimes wondered how such a tyrant could have the honour of his name embedded in the global time-keeping device like the calendar and yet such a good man like Jesus missed out. Julius Caesar gets a month named after him. July. Strange for such an evil man.
So evil that his assassins had to raise a cross in the public square and attach a wax effigy of his body to place near his casket so people who couldn’t see above the thousands of heads of the crowd could direct their prayers of love to this enemy of Rome’s Evil tyrant. Yes prayers of love because he was the only leader who cared more for the people and the nation than any of the senators who took place in stabbing him to death and officially titled him an evil enemy of Rome for the history books and banishing his religion and disciples out of Rome.
Did being an enemy of Rome also include utterance of his name anywhere in the empire might be against the law?.. Perhaps for this type of highly loved tyrant as it might commence unrest.
So the greedy senators killed him, because his policies were to stop slavery and give Roman citizens fair pay for the work and other policy things that were only costing the rich greedy senators more money than they were prepared to pay and diluting their power over the people and reach into the surplus.
Roman senators loved and cared for Romans so much that they would lend them money to help pay for their rent. Loaning money with interest of course, just like how our banks loan money and then if you fall short on the loan? You become indebted to those you owe the money to and more compliant when commanded to do tasks they demand you do in exchange for interest on the loan. It is what it called the usury type of governance.
When rich folks have more money than they need they start purchasing power by loaning money to people at interest and if you default then it’s a matter of towing the line and following orders by your new masters, going to prison or death.
That is the usury method.
A method that is considered illegal today for you or I to lend money that others can’t pay back so we then demand them to do things for us. On the ground this is illegal but internationally this is not illegal. Today there is no higher governance than the Old Money loaners and so when nations become too steep in debt then they become subservient to the owners of the loans. Can you see how infiltrating people into governments might help influence their spending to ensure the nation gets into too much debt and comes under the sole governance of doing what the money masters demand?
You may like to consider the motives behind your own government’s spending and if the money masters might have penetrated your political cabinets to introduce policies that promote more spending and loaning money to spend more that get supported in votes by a cabinet that has been penetrated with more than 50% of the vote. So when Klause Schwab, founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum makes a speech of his pride on having penetrated the world’s nation’s cabinets with more than 50% influence on that vote you can be guaranteed that the nations best interests are not the nation’s but the corporation of the United Nations daughter entities the WEF, WHO and several other globalists seeking global domination.
But that’s too far forward and still too complex but here’s a nugget I know you’ll appreciate the absolute genius of Julius Caesar and you may recognise how this relates to how Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins.
If somehow, someone was able to pay out all the loans and debts of everyone, How do you think this would affect the owners of loans? They get paid out but what happens to the usury governance they had over people? What do you think rich people who have more money than they need, want more of?? Yup.. Power. They don’t need the money but they do thrive on that usury governance power. So if someone were to pay out the loans that the senators had on Roman citizens then the rich lose their power to command the people.
So, Julius Caesar was such a successful war general that the spoils of war made him a very rich man too. He knew the power of the usury governance was an achilles heel of the senators but if he actively paid out the loans of Roman citizens while he was alive, two things would happen, he would get poorer, but also it would be obvious as a strategy to weaken the rich sectors and they may have been able to tag him as an enemy publically. The uncertainty of carrying it out while alive could have been seen as true tyranny. HOWEVER, he recognised it was a tool.
In Julius Caesar’s last will and testament, he bequeathed part of his estate to be used to pay out roman citizen’s debts/rents/sins. That etymology of death and paying for sins.
In the first instance, it looks like his generosity and love of the people surpassed his life and into death. A beautiful public display of the love of Roman people and generosity. However, do you think it was ever intended as a generous handout? or a stick in the eye of the rich senators after hearing rumours of conspiracies of assassinations. He knew what he was doing. He hoped for the best of his fellow Roman officials but he prepared for the worst with a contingency.
It’s even a more cleverer contingency than that. You see, his nephew was bequeathed his name and so he Octavian the nephew became his rightful heir. Octavian had long been groomed to take over Julius's role and carry out his intentions. In one hand Octavian could pay out the loans legally and with it being seen as legally and respectfully carrying out the last will and testament of Uncle JC, and not any kind of tyrannical act against the senators OR he could delay paying it out indefinitely and hold that act as governance over the senators. Usury governance and its power over people seem a rather addictive thing to those who seek more power. Having the power to pay out the debts/sins and remove all that usury power was powerful.
Business is business and Octavian was the first legal emperor of Rome and it is said his reign was the most successful economically for the nation. His uncle had well prepared the groundwork for it and it proved successful.
Now in keeping with just how much of a nasty tyrant Julius Caesar was, one of his tactics of war to completely change the outcome of victories. The tradition was that if you won the war then you literally vanquish your enemy dead. Break down the nation’s assets and turn the people into slaves and it was done. His philosophy was a little more compassionate and profitable where he gave his defeated opponent the choice, to be vanquished there and then as per the tradition or play nice, pay some taxes and contribute to the empire as part of the empire. Love thy enemies.
STRONG SUSPCICIONS are not conclusions.
So. By the time it came to writing the song, I had a strong suspicion that much of what Jesus Christ was said to have done, born to a virgin, son of a god, and being a living god, enraging the Roman politic, dying to pay for everyone’s sins and displayed on a cross for three days and but also showing love, forgiveness and compassion for enemies and quite few other things not mentioned above was all leading down a path where Jesus Christ’s achievements sounded very much like Julius Caesar’s life history.
Resurrections of JC’s entity.
Could it be so? It seemed kind of unreal or very coincidental way that Jesus written in the bible has his very existence as a man in question various religions can’t agree on the dates of his life and yet there is a real-life human being having been born to a breeding virgin and with official living god status of his own school for learning.
There was no real written record of Jesus Christ until Constantine’s constitution for Christianity was written in 314 A.D. A document that became the foundation of the New Testament. Imagine had he tried to insert the name of an official enemy of Rome even three hundred after the tyrant’s assassination. The legacy of those brave 40 or so senators having surrounded the 55-year-old to take turns stabbing him. (The Ides of March)
Before any religious folks say, there were written records of Jesus Christ, first check you don’t mean Joshua the Christ or the Hebrew version.
I did find someone who had been gathering evidence for some years who believed that Jesus Christ was not a real person but was actually Julius Caesar where only the names had been changed. Not all of his evidence was what I’d call unequivocal but some of it seemed to hit the mark quite well. He had pulled the bible apart and found people and places and events that tied back to Julius Caesar and quite clearly. He ran through the Greek and Roman texts and tied characters of Julius Caesar’s life into the stories too. Other than changing the names to protect the innocent it seems quite precisely to be JC = JC..
Anyway, it’s probably just all coincidental as just a few days ago I was talking about space stuff online and a very religious person jumped up and started preaching about proving God exists through Maths and Physics. I won’t go too far into that one but he is from Africa and follows the Old Testament and claims to be of the more ancient order of civilisations and knowledge before Egypt and toward the Mycenaean origins. An interesting chap to say the least but we got to a point where I flashed the Constantine 314 A.D card and talked about Jesus and Julius and he snapped back telling me that the Jesus in the New Testament was not the real Jesus Christ but that the real Christ was a real man running around back then and call Yeoshua or “Yahweh is salvation” as the real Christ. A Hebrew version.
Interestingly back into the etymology, I had searched for the Latin breakdown of the word Jesus or the first use of it etc.. To find its origins and came up disappointed but this guy gave me a new thing to look up. Joshua/Yeoshua/Yahweh means deliverer/helper/saviour. Literally, it has a meaning that is more than just a name. Yeo means God and shua means helper/deliverer/saviour etc. That’s as far back as my etymology goes so if you know more say from before Egypt, let me know for the correction.
An interesting turn and use of the name since in order for Constantine to have his constitution as a religion ratified by Rome it first had to acknowledge the highest governance of God from the Old Testament. The old money. Constantine was a successful war monger and as armies get bigger war stuff gets more expensive and so longing money, tax relief and other trading network perks were certainly worth spending a few years to get 600 or so slaves to research historical records and create an entity of virtues but also recognise the Old Testament and the highest governance of God. Jesus to Joshua God’s Helper etc.. The conflicts between religions and names just make the whole puzzle more puzzling.
BATTLE of the World Orders.
What you may or may not realise is that whenever you hear the term New World Order taking over the world, it’s quite literally true. You see most of the Western world is made up of nations that in order to be ratified as nations first had to swear an oath to God. The God of the Old Testament. The Western world is or was quite literally built under the financial framework of the administrators of the Old Testament and so was or still is the Old World Order.
The likes of the UN are getting nations to sign Global New World Order documents as our Australian Prime minister did on a secret trip to the United States without anyone knowing. He returned with the very leader’s leadership topic of priority that there was too much air in our packets of potato chips.
Anthony Albanese being a leader very affectionate with the WEF and compliant to the ways of the UN signed the nation’s original contract to God over to the governance of the UN. The great too much air in bags of potato chips is precisely the type of leadership a nation needs when facing a global storm of inflation, pushy international entities trying to wheedle their into removing the nations sovereignty. So at least his actions show that our nation is clearly in the hands of the UN globalists.
The exact formality of who and when that comes into effect is uncertain as I’m not certain if the oath already sworn to the Old Testament can be easily signed away without the office of the administrators of the Old Testament approval or indeed in that institution is completely dissolved from its agency.
The current horrors of warring in the Holy Land and especially with Islam presents me with a lot of uncertainties. I have always grown up with new flashes of trouble in the Middle East and knew too little to know just how confusing that whole situation is. It is complex, and I won’t lie. You see in the same way that Constantine had to acknowledge the Old Testament for its religion to be ratified, so too did Mohammad of the successfully warring Quraish tribes have to acknowledge both the New and the Old Testaments for the Quran to be ratified.
When successful war-mongering starts to grow into an empire then it needs a bigger financial system than just for the war front. Cities and empires cost much more money than just wars. So the conflict in the Middle East and the officiality of Islam as a trading religion under the Quran is what it is but perhaps Mohamad did not have the full support of all his people since he was busy out on the war front in Europe while his homeland operated without him. So it’s complex. I don’t fully know the complexities of it but anyway…
The Abraham religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are literally trading partners and so the warring is hard to make sense of in that direct respect. Unless of course some kind of penetration has occurred to influence the self-destruction of the Holyland that holds office of all the Western World’s sworn oaths. Oaths that effectively makes each nation an officer that has to follow the rules and execute the protocols of prophecies and laws within the Old Testament.
Trust me, this is all a lot stranger than it sounds and a lot more complex too as the UN and her New World Order agents WEF, WHO etc. have promoted a Great Reset and Build Back Better protocols. Control population numbers (whatever that means) and as the title says, Build Back Better.
The Old World order has what they call The Cosmic Jubilee.
It’s about the same sort of thing.
The Cosmic Jubilee is a 7000 year cycle of God’s Great Reset and Build Back Better. Like Noah’s Arc, the Sodom and Gomorah story where armed angels go in and wipe out the population of a city/nation but for a few select people.
A 7000 years cycle involves 6000 years of going forth and multiplying and then 1000 years of doing God’s work. The Sabbath. Like we have 6 days of the week but the 7th being Sunday is reserved for church.
Anyway, I know that’s a lot of nuggets to take in all at once and the pennies won’t drop for a lot of folks on the significance of them. The world is more trouble than most of us know and it will take more than just a Christmas miracle to get us out of this mess.
Even without this mess, there’s a lot of work that humanity has to do to earn its badge to remain in the universe beyond natural cycles and one of the jobs we need to do is unite under one cause or one goal so we can minimise or ignore our more petty conflicts of interest.. Especially those based on legacies of belief and conjecture.
So, do you want the future to be under a form of governance that promotes kindness to everyone and not just a select few or one where a select few can kill you without it being a sin/crime if you don’t agree with them.
Now, the world has done quite well under the Old World Order for the past few thousand years but they do have their 7000 year cycle which means. Armageddon if not by nature then by the hand of God which is via representatives of the administrators of the Old Testament. The oppressed 1-2% with the Old Money.
That’s about it for Christmas nuggets. So, the whole Jesus, Joshua, JC, JC.. Stuff is what it is. I did look up the etymology of the word “Christe” and only came up with cross. Perhaps it’s that simple but then who knows.. Not I.
Merry X-mas folks.
I hope some of yers get some use out of some of those little nuggets above.
We are in a global shift and in case you haven’t noticed, between immigration and positioning of people and wars and conflicts and financial burdens growing beyond control. We are in a vortex of global change and from my understanding in physics, chemistry and other stuff, humanity doesn’t have the same luxury of time it did thousands of years ago but it does have the right amount of people to make a possibility a reality unless either one the Old or New world orders get to complete their mission or prophecies of Great Resets and Build Back Betters.
We as a specie or custodian of life’s biome really can’t afford the luxury of playing their cyclic cleansing The World games anymore.
Later I might throw out some little golden Easter geonuggets about nature’s climate cycles and the carbon cycle of life. How cycles end but how life doesn’t have to if we mature as a species. An essay to read in conjunction with this one. Everything is connected and we really need to all become family and friends and unite against what’s coming. Or we can just all sit around singing Christmas carols or Kumbaya as nature’s cycles cycle life through its final cycle.
Not everyone appreciates socks, jocks and handkerchiefs but they do come in handy sometimes.
And after all, it is the thought that counts.
Cheers Muz :)