Good News is, there is a solution to the Bad News. The Bad News is?
Destination or BUST?
Firstly WELCOME to my website.
We don’t know what we don’t know until we do.
A hitchiker’s sign often reads “(Destination) or Bust”. “Bust” meaning for as far as your generosity can afford.
“Destination” being the place in space we want to be sometime in the future.
So what is the best destination of all life?
Below I explore the webs of wisdom and science of the past, present and possible future destinations of life.
So let’s explore the nature of nature and the nature of us in a way that you’ve likely never seen before.
At first it may scare you but be calm as I don’t deliver Bad News without offering practicle solutions with science.
My name is Murry and welcome to my web sight.
All I offer is TRUTH.
The origins and purpose of life means life is meant to be lived so…
First A little Original music in the background. Click on the image.
Click the image to open a MUSIC Player and press PLAY then return here.
Tips help keeps karma in a good place.
Everything will be OK.
With ALL hands on deck.
But first, Trusting The Truth.
World War III, Nuclear Bombs, Climate Change, Pandemics, Currency & Inflation, Energy Crisis, CO2, Politics, Religion & People.
Hi and thanks for being you and being here right now, Can you trust the truth? This will be up to you. Truth is becoming a rarerer commodity these days so I have to let the information tell the story and you can decide and research the facts of truth from an institute you trust to see if the information is sufficiently accurate and if what I share will be trustworthy.
Some science should never be public and some science should never be hidden. Transparency builds trust and responsibility for public science/knowledge needs to ensure we don’t hurt ourselves or others. We don’t do this part very well. For example, the science of nuclear bombs should be hidden but the science of the planet’s natural systems and future outlook should be accessible to everyone.
No one can blaim nature for her ways. Some science circles think they can control and tame here but as with all science, every action has a reaction and if thresholds are breached then not all reactions are equal and opposite to their initial actions. If were not true then chemistry and energy thresholds wouldn’t work. We strike a match and the chemistry of releasing energy is a chain reaction until the fuel runs out. If a bus runs out of fuel while crossing a desert. Our concern is if we have enough water to survive what comes next.
Anyway, sometimes we hide things in plain sight with partial truths, over complexifying simple systems, modulating specific disciplines and saturating information with more than any one person or institute can connect the dots, or even just using plain old lies and deception, We can;t solve a problem if we don’t know it exists until its too late.
By the end of this ride you can help by spreading the word or praying for the truth to spread.
The future is uncertain so all I can offer is clarity of causes and some solutions.
Oh and music, T-shirts and other fun stuff too. Life is to be enjoyed too.
This is NOT a scare campaign but solutions to survive a sinking ship with a leak that can’t be stopped.
Do it
Dream it.
Do it 〰️ Dream it.
So, I’m Murry or Muz or Muzza to my friends. A simple outback bloke with some science to share.
Real science you won’t know but you’ll know why you don’t know when you know.
Real problems need real solutions.
Carbon is the element of ‘The Cycle of LIFE’.
I am no authority of knowledge but I do have a background in physics, chemistry, geology and archaeology and a life long interest in origins of everything from the universe to our own beginnings and goings on as people. The music you’re listening to if you’ve clicked PLAY on the music player above are my own creations. Some of the lyrics and stories I tell below may be nothing like you’ve heard before. Are they prohpecies or projections based on science? If a ship is sinking, I’m not one to sit on the top deck, submit to prophets of God or fate and pray for spiritual salvation or aliens as everyone dies. A little background music might be nice.
Photsynthesis = 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
My optimism knows that there are always solutions and so I offer a few special ones from my little black book of science. They may not be magical miracles and they may not be 100% complete and guaranteed to work but they do have a good measure of science, maths and practical applicability so I know they will help get us on the right path to solving problems of the challenges ahead. To work, they will need two things, first the truth of what they are trying to solve needs to be recognised globally and secondly they need people who are not prepared to sit on a deck and pray to God for salvation or the stars for alien interventions while the ship sinks.
Climate change by CO2? It’s the least of our concerns.
The odds of success of prayers are less than those of people working together on addressing the issues with real science for solutions for as most of everyone as possible. Unless the prayers are those to ask God or Aliens to bring people together to work on the solutions. You may be aware that much of today’s authorised science is part of the pantomime that keeps us from the truth. So I’ve studied science of the public domain at a university level and understand it well enough and have the tools to make a reasonable assessment yet I disagree with some of the theories that have evolved into law-like fundamentals. You might be surprised to learn just how much agency, Religion has for influencing the consensus of authorising public domain knowledge of out trusted public institutes. When our institutes of knowledge rely on money, money can buy almost everything including the consensus for accepting science that only supports and reinforces the ideologies in the texts of their bibles. More on that later.
Optimum CO2 level for photosynthesis is around 800-1000ppm.
My essays and song lyrics come from decades of studying, working in related fields, travelling and engaging with and helping folks of all walks, talks and creeds of life. This has been a humbling journey of life. I’m nearer to my end time than start time and there have been many good times, bad times, crazy times and now it’s one of those times to care and share enough to show you things that you may like to know but may not know because they are real and reality has been lacking in our political pantomimes of pandemics and global crisis after crisis of Climate, Covid, Currencies, Cosmic catasrophies, Nuclear War and more. Phew, talk about depressing. Life is more glorious than this.
It uses 11Kg CO2 to make 8Kg of plant matter + Oxygen.
The concepts in essays are really NOT for the faint of heart. You will know immediately that they are real enough and you will likely realise why they are not discussed in the public domain of science circles. The information is public but as with many topics of interest best left hidden the truth is susceptible to hiding by complexifying and information saturation. Ignorance is easier than learning and it is BLISS. “Is that water lapping at everyone’s feet? The Alien or God saviours must be having car trouble.” BLISS.
Below 150ppm atmospheric CO2, Photosynthesis STOPS.
I will show you issues in contexts that may be more concerning than they are made out to be. When does a captain decide to tell everyone that the ship is sinking? I’m sure you see that it’s not as simple a thing to share publically with pannick, profits and protocols to protect. If we don’t know the truth and extent of the dangers we face then offering false flags of distraction is no solution.
The Cycle of Life STOPS.
I do my best to suggest the best possible solutions. Solutions that will need investments of time, priority, research and development for refinement of materials and recourse and will need a global hands-on collaborative approach.
1,000,000 years ago our ancestors started controlling fire.
Little birdies, the ship is sinking and you can either cry about it, pray to God or Aliens or do what ever it is that you can do to help solve the situation for a best possible outcome. What type of soldier are you? When wild fires break out and threaten a village, everyone needs to do what ever they can, be it running messages, making coffees, sweeping pathways or on the front lines. You don’t need to be an expert to help or actively do anything different than you already do, but being aware and supporting those actively in the red zone is where the whole world needs to be helping. There are solutions as I say. Big ones and little ones, will you be part of the solution or on the top deck praying for one to appear?
20,000 years ago CO2 levels had dropped to as low as 180ppm
I’ll show you the issues and present some solutions. Please do present better solutions if you have them. We’re on a clock and resources will be an issue so do your best. The urgency if not about saving your own life, the urgency is about perpetuating life beyond the planet. The issues, the solutions and our egg timer for urgency are in the essays. :)
Since 1700s’ 10B tonnes Coal, 1 Trillion Barrels of oil burned.
In the meantime if you can help me spread the word of solutions then life will have a better chance at a future than waiting for spirits in the sky.
The average CO2 is now 440ppm.
World Coal reserves are 133 years. 50 years of Oil.
Read all that again.
So 10Billion tonnes of Coal and 1 Trillion Barrels of Oil burned over 300 years and the CO2 level rose from 180ppm to 440ppm. When a bus runs out of fuel in the middle of the dessert, What are the options?
A 260ppm change. NASA has announced that the Earth is getting greener which sounds nice more trees sucking out more CO2. There are a lot of fearmongers and snake oil sellers selling a climate change hell to monger their wind and solar solutions. There are better solutions than their snakeoil and given the timescale of a hundred or so years before Hydrocarbon Fuels run out then the planets own Cycle of life gets put on a definite egg timer. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.
How long before it hits 150ppm and then how long do we have after that? 1000 years maybe 2000 years. What ever we decide on doing in space we’d better pull our heads in and get started sooner rather than later. You’ll see Mars and Moon settlements in the news and they offer a temporary but very costly solution. I have a solution more permanent and less costly and you may have seen or heard of something similar but I’ve not yet found it published in papers or in circles of discussion, Perhaps mainly because it will take far less rockets to achieve and far better result than Mars’s 1000’s of rockets to builts its long term but temporary dream. I’ll do my best to put some easy to read essays forward regarding the science of the situation and some of my proposals for ideas.
I’ve been working on them for decades without knowing why or how or when I would possibly have a need for such science but recently and with the world’s politics seeming confused and panicked for solutions I thought it time to share my findings and solutions.
Fate is not without a sense of irony. Read my essays below for more details. You don’t have to trust me, you’ll know that what I say is good stuff and you can check it as today almost everyone has google and other search engines. Keep in mind the new ideas mean there are no experts on the idea so seek the data and facts for verification. There are no experts of novel ideas that’s a basic law of emergence. How many scientists swore black and blue of a science that was later proven wrong? Enough to know its true. So let the evidence tell the story as opposed to an authority that uses consensus for many of its lesser proven knowledge.
There’s a road ahead of us and jobs to do.
We don’t have time for political theatres of war. Not any more.
We either grow up fast to unite or we pray for salvation.
Exodus to Revelations to Exit us and Exodus again.
Messages from the other side.
My essays come mainly from research and adding my own little annalysis and as much as I would like to include everything I know about each topic, an essay simply can’t fit it all in. Indeed I discuss more of this science with friends, followers and collegues on social media.
So here are some links to messages from the other side of social media. X- (formally Twitter), FaceBook etc. CLICK on the YELLOW TEXT.
MARS’s minscule MAGNETOSPHERE on X - 20241229 - The main driving causes of magnetospheres on planets.
Earth’s history of Global flooding and biblical lore. on X - 20241230 - Great Ancient Floods recorded in lore across the globe.
The Nut shell of the CARBON CYCLE OF LIFE in principle. on X - 20241228 - More talks on the Cycle of Life losing fuel.
Below are my old stories, adventures and observations of us.
“Nullius in Verba”
Global Authorities are executing ancient protocols from ancient prophecies and claim that they own The Science TM.
Nullius in verba (No one’s words) was the original motto of the Royal Society of Natural Science.
In context it translates to trust the evidence over the word of any authority.
“Complexifying simplicity is simpler than simplifying complexity.”
The more complex a thing the easier it is to hide stuff.
Blue Pill, Red Pill, Black Pill, White pill.
Let’s Simplify Complexity.
All are welcome here.
Infromation saturation is also another method of hiding the truth. So much information.
I simplify complexity without authority. Nullius in verba. Let the evidence say more than me.
Do you feel today’s WORLD is not quite right?
Be ready for your White Pill. You won’t need hope when you see it.
You will need to help though.
“ Life is a special time and place nestled in the graces of infinite space.” We are custodians, stewards of a very precious gift.
Come, there’s lots to unpack and explore.
The nature of nature, Scientia, Ancient Secret Societies, physics, chemistry, maths, music, magic, miracles, religion, God stuff and more…
You already know how HUGE this global RESET transition is and that the powers behind it are far greater than any normal solution. It’s a biblical religious thing and so we all do our best at what we do best and maybe, just maybe if we pull together GOOD WILL PREVAIL.
Do you remember in the movie The Matrix how NEO Was uploaded with Kung Fu and it was a rush. He also had to upload a heap of boring but very necessary stuff. So unfortunately there is a lot of boring necessary stuff and sorry I don’t do Kung Fu although you might like the science I can forged into the Sword of Words from Revelations 19:15. Using Science and God’s laws to restore governance to the people of all peoples of the planet in respect of all our ancestors through a most pure steward of God. Governance over those who believe themselves to be gods. You will see below an example of a King who removed the governance from his crown.
Our present is an infinitely small moment between our past and our future. Our future stems from the present and our present stems from the past. To better know the present is to better know the past. To prepare a better future we must learn from the past.
Put the kettle on and get comfortable. It’s a long journey so invite your friends along for company.
We have little time and there’s lots to unravel so Bookmark this site, and return for more later.
Governance over knowledge has influenced everything you know.
Nullius in verba - (No one’s words) inspired a group of then cultists whose contract to a King was to eliminate the power of belief.
Belief is a very powerful thing. Not everyone believes but many still do. Governance begins with a clear conscious conscience.
In 1534 King Henry Vlll, separated from Roman Church and Ruled over all of Britain including the Church of England.
28 November 1660 King Charles ll, ratified the group and they became today’s Royal Society of Science.
The Royal Society slowly dissolved the wrath of God’s psychological omnipotency.
The governance over a conscious conscience over leaders was lost.
The Roman church wouldn’t let Henry divorce his wife to marry his truest of true loves.
He separated from Rome and married the love of his life and chopped off the heads of two of his next fivewives.
Do you see the catch 22 of the truth???
The importance of governance? Complex huh?
God’s wrath, helped reduce the tyranny of God fearing leaders.
Let’s not use imagined magical miracles and explore some scientia together.
An exploration without discrimination where facts prove to be stranger than many fictions.
Here’s a quick link to an X science look at Relativity as magic
Here’s a quick link to an X comment on Cults & Religions.
My WELCOME to X PInned Post..
Letter of hope to the Pope (Vatican).
Media, Media, Media, Media, Recycled BS.
Historically governments cycle proportionally in an ancient cycle of Anacyclosis.
It’s an old enduring cycle where losers could flee and regroup. Today’s world doesn’t have that luxury. What happens in this Global RESET will be more permanent than ever before.
Klause Schwab registered the WEF in 1971. He hasn’t stopped penetrating cabinets, infiltrating the West with citizens of a country in his schools with his ideologies programmed into them as disciples. Then supporting their careers into public service of Western governments. Names such as Canada’s Justin Trudeau, New Zealand’s Jacinda Adern, France’s Macron and many many more in the cabinets. The Western Govts are INFECTED with infiltrators. Policies and voting makes little difference as all parties are infiltrated.
There’s more to it than these United Nations arms of stake holder collaborations like WEF. I’m sure you;ve read many items on their spiderwebs of fearmongering traps etc. and It’s actually more simpler the deeper it goes and here’s the thing. There is a pathway to the source and a way of solving this pandemonium in a way that seems extremely biblical and yet the processes involved are quite real in a physical, logistic and legal sense. Indeed the Old Testament is a Book of Laws that most of the global governments have sworn to abide by. So the Old testament becomes the legal framework upon which today’s global agendas are being carried out and to which other laws must be adhered to. Interestingly there is an chillies heel and it exists in some dusty old science I uncovered to forge into a Sword of Words that can challenge the laws they are all abiding to. The science is sufficient to add an extra consideration to the lesser god fearing institutes such as the old constitution of the Illuminati and the newer godless constitutions of the UN, WEF, etc.
An application process that seems to have been written precisely for just such a Sword of Words to be presented as leverage to regain governance over those like the WEF who see themselves as Gods who own all “The Science”.. They forgot that some scientists are not on anyone’s payrol but sufficiently equipped to do science that no one owns. The wildcard.. The black Swan.. I call it a sword of words with an Ankh Edge and an edge for Omega. You learn more of that later.
A beautiful place in space.
The world is a beautiful place and all life including you make it a magical place with stories and lore and music and art and many qualities and quirks that make life such a precious phenomena in this deep dark and extremely cold universe. Aprox. -270C or 3 Degrees Kelvin cold. Click on the music, read and scroll as you please.
The truth of the world you thought you knew, will have you on your knees.
What’s NEXT? - Let’s play Once upon a Crime.
“Nullius in verba” use the evidence to spot the crime/s?
Once upon a crime, before we knew how to make flire, the moon was our only bright night light. Can you imagine what our ancestors thought it might have been? Perhaps they threw rocks and spears at it. Failing to bring it down with their best throws perhaps someone had a better idea.
The ceative’s mind’s eye sees one step at a time.. The Inquisitive Entrepreneur inquires UGG??
3. The creative created the fire and creatively planned the plan. The Inquisitive Entrepreneur persists inquisiting.
4. The Inquisitive Entrepreneur tells his Inquisitive tribe his innovative idea.
Did you spot the crime/s? There are two. If you found one well done and if you spot two or more?,, well you have some special powers of observation. Submit your answer/s on the Form button.
Describe the evidence you used to identify the crime. :)
There is a moral in the story. Several. One involving creativity of innovation and one involving the mistake of getting theives of ideas to complete the task as they often get the little details wrong because they’re thieves, not creatives.
What do you know about Ancient Egypt?
A Sword of Words, Revelations 19:15
The Mysteriousness of the Great Pyramids? A culture that existed then somehow dissapeared with barely a trace?
It wasn’t the only culture to do that. Do you know about the great libraries of Alexandria? Or the Mayan libraries? All that knowledge lost. Leaving only artefacts of evidence to try to unravel some of the details. A few clay tablets and ancient scrolls but no great libraries and they were never lost, they were burnt and mostly deliberately destroyed. Why? It doesn’t matter anymore because here we are living in a world that has been heavily influence by a specific library of books that did manage to survive to now. The Old Testament- The Torah. We’ll learn more about that later but for now all you need to know is that the troubles of today’s world lead back to that ancient world where gods and myths and maths and triangles and stars and space were things our ancient ancestors knew more precisely of than we think we might know they did or didn’t. Do you know the movie The Matrix? Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Saviours of Zion? It’s a modern adaptation to an old book.
Complexifying simplicity is complicity and there is a lot. Where are we from? The FERMI paradox. Are we alone? Not sure space is a pretty big and old place. There’s lots of confusing complexity you hear about space. Myths of old, maths of new and mysteries galor that all need more money for funding before anything can be solved. It sounds like a Big Pharma ploy Why cure the sick and lose money?
The reality of space our place in it and the ability to get off the planet is far simpler than it is made out to be but it still requires some careful planning and science. Like where do we go? Why are we going there? and How do we get there? It’s not easy but it’s not as tricky as it sounds. Our ancient’s may never have thought we’d get this far but we have and their prophecies would have us recycled, renewed in their jubilee of 7000 cycles.
The Sword Of Words from revelations 19:15 offers an edge honed in the science of life eternal in the heavens above and an Omega edge of extreme finality in a merciful end of all life’s sufferings.
Space is just another challenge we face.
As the oceans were for our ancestors. A dangerous journey with many unkown dangers and outcomes. We do our best to prepare and the first place to start is to know our place in space. Our knowledge, our strengths and weaknesses. Our ability to use resources from our environment to improve life now and for as long as possible and to move on for when that time comes. The science you see and think you know may not be the science that is. There are ancient and modern motives that biase even those things that are sold and taught as the most obviouse of truths. Perhaps moreso than you know. My theories will likely challenge your existing knowledge but the penny will drop and you’ll come to know what is most efficient and less biased. Do do extra research if you feel strongly enough in your convictions and challenge or ask for clarity. This is science, not by consensus nor authority but by inquiry in the quest of questions.
There’s no magic involved but there is a lot of work to be done. A lot of work and for everyone if we are to succeed. Work that resolves two key things. One is to maintain the planet and population as healthily and for as long as humanly possible. The second is to be actively building the materials and developing the methods to make it happen. I have some simple places to start which you’ll see soon. First lets look at our home in space and what we have to work with.
Your place in space?
The simpler science of our place in space is that our planet ejected from the sun as a hot plasma gas, this micro nebular expanded, cooled and elements recombined. The mini nebular then gravitationally, thermally and massively collated, collapsing into a molten hot dense inner planet with a massive debris field of much lighter elements that sailed out further on the solar winds the Gas giant planets chemical reduce with their inner planet to the sun’s composition at the moment of ejection.
The process may look like a hot disc from a far. You may know of the gravitational collapse of a nebula theory where the evidence of the origin remains to be found or the proto planetary accretion disc theory but for some reason the cosmo community don’t like the sun ejection theory even though we saw such an event occur in 2019 at the Star named Betelgeuse. It’s a much longer storyyou can find in the essays where evidence for your own consideration of the truth.
Your place in space begins where our story of intrigue begins in the here and now and how our religions and political powers have been playing secret games for a very long time. Games that you might like to be aware of as our world transitions into a cycle of confusion and fears that you may not be aware of at least not in the context of how ancient beliefs and power structures have endured for the thousands and they have a plan and prophecies to carry out.
You can find me on X if you want to engage and ask questions.
In the Bus studio where the music is made. Here’s an original.
Your Purpose?
WOW. Tis the personal question of all time. In short your purpose is to Live and Live On.
It’s the What? and How? that often introduces the confusing complexities.
So we know we are alive. What next? and How do we do it?
The wisdom of our ancients who wrote their texts didn’t have the knowledge to know that we could do more than they could imagine.
Most of the Globe has been heavily influenced by those old texts and if you learned what you don’t know about why the world is so confused and caught up in its complexities then perhaps it would make more sense and give us all a clearer view of our options on What to do next? and How to do it? Global discussions are only as good as the informativity of those engaged. The internet today can provide the media through which almost every living soul can contribute to the conversation.
A global conversation that brings us to a choice. Do we strive to try for a life eternal beyond the planet? or Do we sit crying without trying and only praying for a magical miraculous redemption. If we choose to try then the solutions will come and I may have a few solutions to offer that may help get us on a good path forward. To the next long term habitable home.
So at present in real terms the old text talks of renewals and RESETS. The Global Reset is not a new idea by far. Indeed in Leviticus the texts tell us that we are in the 7th cycle of 7000 year resets. I heard a Rabbi say that this is actually the 4th or 5th but see the image with yellow writing to see how it reads to you.
This may give you a new perspective on the ideology behind the old money that owns the financial system of the world.
A quick rundown on the relationship of religions. Out of Egypt over 2000 years ago came the Old Testament, The Torah. In 315 A.D Caesar Constantine published his New Testament which would not be ratified unless it recognised the Old Testament. In 610 A.D The Quran was written and it recognised both Christianity AND the old testament. From a pure business perspective the Olt testament is the parent entity and both Christianity and Islam are both daughter entities. Also what came out of Egypt was the institute of the Builders. The Masons, today known as FreeMasons. If you needed a quality structure built for your community the masons provided the science and technology to do so. They were the scientists of esoteric and alchemaic things that would evolve into the science we have today.
Today it is an extremely complex web of seperatist groups and other religions and ideologies but the entities of origins give us a foundation location to start better understanding the notions of nations and renewals and authorities of knowledge and populations.
Apply this relationship to the confusing complexities of the world and you may see why things are playing out as they are a little clearer.
So I’m really sorry that even in its simplest form that it is still quite confusing and doesn’t quite answer the initial purpose of why your are here but to know your What? of NEXT you must know the origins from where Next begins before it becomes a vector of knowing How to get the end of NEXT. Usually to unveil yet another NEXT which is the purpose of waking to the truth that you live to Live on.
You’ll get the vibe of the tribe jibe soon enough. There is a purpose and it’s as simple as it is complex. It’s called nature and takes time.
The vibe of the tribe. Hi, I’m Murry, or Muz is fine. Here’s a little about your’s truly. I’m a creative soul with a background of living and working in the outback of Australia doing life and science stuff.
In my younger days I toiled on farms, in construction, underground mines and other back-breaking work. Work injuries closed my unskilled, non-educated, physical labourer’s door and opened an academic one into physics, geology, archaeology, energy systems, music, maths, chemistry and other cool things I could find to learn at Uni.
So I’m a working-class country bloke with some academic tools and I make opportunities of possibilities and try to help folks, however, wherever and whenever I can. Our community is our tribe. We can succeed alone but not on the Big Jobs. Extra hands on deck make lighter work and bigger better results for everyone.
I live and work in the outback of Australia and am active in several biodiversity groups helping friends help the planet. I’m a self funded researcher and creative solver of things to solve. I’m a humanist and love bringing our lore and loves via arts, songs and scientia. You’ll see the music and arts below.
Basically if we look after this planet for as long as we can and strive for a legacy of life to succeed in space then we have achieved a maturity for Darwinian’s Dice of Destiny or in religious circles just executed God’s command of going forth and multiplying.
Not many of us like being told what to do or commanded to do a thing but I’m sure even the most hardiest haters of God wouldn’t protest the command to go forth and multiply. It’s just a shame that with all our wisdom and science that the very ancient over-population problem remains such a contentiously unresolved one.
The powers that be have had their discussion behind closed doors and they use the science they proclaim to own and their powers of usury influence and trade engagements to resolve the population problem from within a frame work of moral and ethics routed from their ideological texts. Yup. Them old ones that talk about Great Resets of cyclic world renewals.
Are the renewals factual events or just biblical wishcraft poetry? Why come up with such a fantasy? It’s not selling a miracle but telling a story of a lore of cleansing. Does the Archaeological record show such events?.. I don’t know, can you think of any archaeological places that might have had great societies that just disappeared seemingly over night? More than one? Was it natural or by the hand of… Well. Sodom and Lot’s angels of merci.
The command to go forth and multiply is far nice than one say to go forth and divide and conquer nations to reset the world.
Going forth to multiply is doable if we can mature into adult species of space but it will only happen with all hands on deck to help everyone help it succeed.
Anyway it’s time move onto some lighter stuff.
If you’ve read this far and bookmarked the site then you probably eager to find out more about more.. Check the stories TAB at the top of this site page. ( If on mobile or tablet device then use The little 3 bars top left)
Fishing for the Future Awareness. See shirt in Shop Galleries.
So Welcome to the tribe. :)I(: <- The symbol is two smiley faces but also a planet on its side. We hope to see it right side up.
When I’m not in the bush helping out or researching science or doing music or other stuff, I draw little images for shirts and hats and things. Your purchases help me do the things I do. Fuel in the tank, coffee in the cup. I’ve showed you mine so feel free to me yours. Many of us do it and art for art and music for music is often a nicer trade than paper, gold or cyber numbers.
The official business shirt, sorry Oh! FFish’ll Business shirts are for you who love fish and taking care of business with a rod in one hand and a phone in the other. You can honestly tell your partner that you have your official business shirt and hat on while landing a huge fish and telling the story one or two for the table and releasing others for your children to experience in the future.
There discount codes and a way for you to help the tribe. One of the ways you can do both is by using the code FOTWB202310%. This gives you 10% off the items you purchase and by using this special code it allocates 20% of the purchase price in purchase credit to the group which is a hands on group, helping to help the planet in the now. You can join us too if you like.
It’s one thing to be aware of a thing and another thing to solve a thing. We are all who we are and kindness and caring is extended to all cultures, creeds and critters who express just a real concern for helping life happen for folks, animals and other life. A nice future on and off the planet as we mature. It’s doable by the science but it’s up to us to decide to put asside our cultral beliefs and work toward the goals of a future that could include life.
Our FUTURE begins NOW.
As we forward in this exploration we look at the past to better understand the present and how we got here. The details of which are far less important than….??? Anyone?? Yep.. the details of how we get to the future and what that future will look like for our children. FISHING FOR THE FUTURE is a start but it gets quite deep when we consider the whole planet and it’s future and then of course Do we have a future? The answer to is simple. We can have a future but like all things in nature, it is certainly NOT guaranteed. Like an natural critter, if you want to live tomorrow then there are several things that need to be done today. For example if you don’t drink, Eat or fend off hungry predators then tomorrow is less secure. It’s its own probability function where th odds get better if we actively do something.
I’m about to kick into Sceince mode and deliver the reality of the planet in a way you may not have heard before. Incase you were wondering the keepers of our knowledge are human beings and we are susceptible all manner of corruptions and for manner of reasons so although you were brought up to trust the information from our knowledge keepers that sometimes their own motives get in the way of the truth. Why?.. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for not so good reasons but ultimately there are many well endowed science folks in the world who are very aware of the limitations and lies in the knowledge our keepers allow us to know.
So, as simply as possible, the sun is a hot blob that occasionally ejects enough stuff that forms a hot dense inner planet and a colder less dense outer debris field/planet. So with respect to the Earth we can follow its path forward from a place where every science theory including my own agrees to agree that the planet and moon was at one time a ball of hot molten stuff and cooled to form a crust. A crust upon which chemistry happens and for the Earth managed to reach a stable state to habitat life. Did life begin on the planet? I don;t know, maybe but there’s enough stuff floating around to suggest it may not have.
The best concept I can put forward as food for thought is that we advance to a being a mature species of space then we would have the knowledge of how to terraform and prepare planets to a habitable state and then we would start something which might inevitably look like today’s globe with people everywhere and a few cultures and religions of belief. Sifting through artefacts to find clues of our past and seeing if any of the peices fit to suggest we might have begun from an ancient successful space species. If so there would certainly be a legacy of the original species with old money and means to maintain control over the people on the planet.
If so then they might know to write a book of laws and rules for the world to go forth, multiply and flourish.
This is where things get a little crazy. I’ll write some more later but watch the Video of the Torah Simulation Theory.. We see a few things going here where it talks about the matrix and the Big Bang and how The Old Testament relies on the Big Bang for it’s agancy of truth. Truth. Like as the stuff we explored a little earlier. There’s another take away you might to consider too, the GREAT RESET. Enjoy the video and I’ll be back to explore some more later. :)
The King’s Strings and Smiting Global Nuclear Arms of War.
Today Is 7 October 2024. It’s been 1 year since the horrors of the Israel and Palistine started escalating to the extremes of inhumanity. The aggression has escalleted to Iran and the likes of Russia recently called all Russian Citizens to leave Israel. Just yesterday the U.S.A based Russian embassy sent home it’s main diplomat. The global tension seems to be escalating toward WW3 which very likely may incite nuclear bombs to be used. Below are two essaysl I wrote and sent to the leaders and global institutes in the hope they might de-escalate.
As you know by now, I’m not indoctrinated to any religion and I have no bias or prejudice for or against anyone but of late I am becoming familiar with the religious texts from a business and legal perspective since every nation and institution has directly or indirectly sworn an oath to recognise God’s governance of the old testament as the highest governance of the world and remain sworn officers to that institution.
Did you ever wonder why you see some nation leaders that you know are not Jewish, but when visiting the Holy Land of Isirael the leaders can be seen wearing the little head paice and praying at the Holy wall? It’s not just pretend stuff. Most of the western world’s institutes and nations are sworn to that old testament. We just don’t know this nor do we read the fine print nor appreciate the legal framework under which even your birth certificate registered to the government of the land and see the words like “in God we trust”.. Almost everything done in the business of The World is done so under that umberalla. We already live united under a one government system but today’s complexities make it seem otherwise. You may not like it, but it’s true.
So with the Wars escalating and Nuclear war threatening I wrote an essay based on the laws of God under the Old Testament “The King’s Strings”. Calling on the laws to be followed and presenting the clause of delivery of prophecies in Revelations 19:15 as legal requirement of the text and the oaths sworn to them.
I have also written a more scientific essay to smite the Nuclear arms race and some new very clear and present dangers that were not present until after the testing phases of the nuclear Bombs had stopped in 1998. It shows that even the people in their bunkers thinking they can press their little red buttons and cleans the surface of the Earth to emerge from the ahses victorious and safe to start a new world, simply overlooked the fact that most cities now contain far more nuclear fuel in the form of Lithium batteries which most folks only relate uranium and plutonium to such things. So.. it leaves those world forces without a hope to secure their dream utopia of a new 7000 years cycle and a choice to stop all nukes or stop the lithium trade. Enjoy the read.
You can read it below or see the delivery of it to the world leader’s accounts on X.
Click the link ->
SMITING NUCLEAR ARMS RACE - Protecting the planet’s life.
All this Dark World stuff is depressing and confusing.
I was in a very dark place for a very long time researching and filtering out the complex strings of kings and countries and humanity in general. I found some resite in nature and observing the simpler and appreciating the nature of survival and the behaviours of honourable entities just trying to survive. I bough a camera and started taking images of birds and butterflies. I’m glad I did as it reminded of just how precious life really is. All of it. Nature and us in the place in space. Anyway… :)
Let’s lift the tone with some hope for the future and what it is that we’re actually protecting.
In the meantime keep scrolling, check out the Music and Shirt shops and buy a hat or two.. :)
Muz, 102cm Barramundi & mates. Fishing for the future.
Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc.
Below are a few images of what the FOTWB get up to. You can also get actively involved and join a friend group or two to take advantage of some of the hands-on perks. You can start by asking to joing the FaceBook group here on this link. =>
Bird Watching Walks around Tumbling Waters.
Arts and Music events under the milky way.
Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity arts.
A Little Music? Here’s a song player with my original songs :)
Here you can relax and enjoy a little music. Click on the “Originals” album to listen as you scroll. “Lullaby of life” is a favourite.
By clicking on the “Originals” album it will open a new URL page. There you can scroll down and click the play button and then return to this welcome page to explore as music fills the air and continues to play freely in the background. The music starts soft then progresses to a few nice rockin’ piano songs. They are my original songs and it’s just me singing with my piano, recorded at home so please be kind. :) In the tradition of a pianoman. Paying Tips is like a good luck Karma charm, it shows a true appreciation for the creativity and the work in making the music and it feels nice for you and for me.
The Blue Tiger
Simply stunning. It looks as if it’s wearing an indigenous ceremonial mask.
Tirumala septentrionis?
Certain plants can be planetd in your garden that attract certain butterflies.
Click on Nature’s Gifts button to view Blogs on biodiveristy..
Two Blue Tigers?
Two Blue Tigers of Tumbling Waters. Imagine walking through a dark deep green jungle and everything is green but for a few speckles of blue sky through the canopy. Then, some of the blue speckles start to fly around like little angels. :) I’ve seen these once here in seven years and I saw two in the space of ten minutes. So, we’ve planted some plants they use and hopefully more come to visit or live here. Biodiversity sometimes needs a hand. Apparently, these are a long-lived butterfly species so the stunning design may be blessed with a charm for long life. I love the indigenous ceremonial mask and other personifications in the images.
What’s it really all about?
Helping Life Happen.
You may hear people preaching like prophets trying to tell you to make more babies. Going forth to multiply has been done so now what? Just keep on doing it? Most of those preachers are prophets of profits trying to build their market to get richer or just more powerful to “rule Zeee vvorld”.
It’s a nice thought to just keep on making babies and a scary one for leaderships for when resources look to run out. It’s a terrible topic for politicians because historically the problem is not new and the solutions start in discussions with you. Everyone who might be effected.
So one side says to make more babies and the other says the planet is too full at 8 Billion global population that side were saying it was too full at 6 Billion, at 4 Billion, at 2 Billion and perhaps even below 1 Billion.
Both sides are wrong and both are right. The question is where, when and how does the system fail and which type of suffering is more humane? It’s a more ancient problem to solve than you might know as almost all communities at some time have encountered limited resources for the number of people in their community. There seems to be a progression of succesful solutions with different levels of humaneness but then also different solutions again when old solutions are no longer available.
Like in the Americas, the Aztecs started with the first solutions of migrating people out. New lands new riches and new communities but that method only lasts as long as there is somewhere to move to. Wars begin. A nasty nasty statfe of affairs. Sending people out into lands that have already been developed by your ancestor’s people. Nasty Nasty. What other solutions did they use? Yes.. The building of huge public places where everyone can see the sacrifices of the lives of the old and sick for the benefit of… well.. It’s a nasty concept that offered a place in their heaven for the sacrifice. A sacrifice that all the community would see and know. Nasty stuff. Seeing your entire population starve or asking for sacrifices. Just nasty. I’d hate to have been that kind of position although here we are and the topic is rife.
If the topic is ignored or left to secrete societies to mull over the solutions then we are all at fault for what ever happens.
Science has done well with heigine, health and fertilizers to help keep us alive and feeding well for the numbers but sometimes it fails. At 8 Billion people it has proven to succeed and can likely succeed for more, many more but the cults of power have made secret meetings and seem to be enacting a solution of their own. Population reduction. It’s a terrible solution and no real solution at all. Although the planet is indeed finite in land the planet can sustain more people. Perhaps 10 Billion. Perhaps more. Can the systems sustain this? I’m certain they can but then there is still that point where it won’t and so the conversation needs to be had globally instead of just cults secretly devising depopulation by death.
There is another solution but it requires a special maturity of us as a species. Imagine a planet sustained long enough for us to start launching people into space missions at a rate that can keep up with population pressures. It’s not a simple solution by any means but it is the ultimate maturity of a space fearing species. A solution that may require all 20 Billion hands on deck and the desire to achieve a true universal legacy in the place of space for the planet is a flower and it really should bloom and send out our seeds of life to keep rolling Darin’s Dice of Destiny.
The above is a sample of how I write. I also do science papers with citing and visual aids. You can find more in the Stories tab.
Another part of life is about community and being part of one involves sharing who we are and helping where and when we can.
Life is hard and up and down for most of us but over all it’s a beautiful thing and when we strip back our politics and beliefs people are helpful kind critters of love and compassion.
If these things interest you then you’ll enjoy this site and perhaps like to support it in any way you can. You may even like to get your friends to join in too. I hope so because in some tiny way this site might help some folks with whatever things they might have going on in their own lives. We never know unless we give it a go. As best I can tell most of our lives are just a mysterious work in progress like in the butterfly design.
Our stories, our Music and our Dance, our Friends and Family, our community and our contributions to our own little tribes and the one big tribe of all life. Our understanding of Origins and Pathways. Not just for you or I or us human critters but for all life, simple and complex. The only right and wrong of any origin stories is when they are used as a conflict of interest that leads to violence of any kind.
Our tiny little speck of a planet contains the miracle of life and life is an amazing display of chemical chaos in a chaotic physical universe that only a moment ago was born of a universe of almost nothing but infinite space. Almost nothing since only nothing comes from nothing and everything else comes from something. The law of conservation of energy is as golden as the law of emergence. You cannot make chicken soup if chickens have yet to exist and you can’t make a hot dense radiation soup if the progenitors of radiation do not first exist.
Here we are, here I am or was and here you are now and so after all of that and right up to this infinitely small moment of the present, one can call all this (for all the spirits and science and all the smallest of all probabilities of any single moment of any life to occur), a miracle for us to be here and to have the tools or gifts from god to explore the systems even more.
I hope you’re enjoying your experience here
It’s nice to have along on this ride as I’m sure the above is not everyone’s cup of tea.
The Lullaby of Life song, is what it is. Our sun gave birth to the Earth in a similar way that in from Jan to Dec 2019 we saw the star Betelgeuse ejecting its juice into out and into an orbit where it will cool and recombine and gravitationally collapse into a hot dense inner planet with the possibility that the lighter elements will sail off further out to form a giant gas planet like a chemically resolvable sibling. Like in the image below.
When you sing to your children and they ask from where they come they are indeed the very miracle of life for which the universe has provided regardless of its own origins. I also explore those back to transforming energy into particles. But for now, the significance of our fates and chances if you look at the image below you will see just how beautiful the birth of a planet can be. There are dangers though as the light is just the beginning of what may come our way from this event and a reminder that stories of the past include seeing large night sky annomalies some for which we can only guess what might be comming our way. The planet is destined to one day freeze over but until that happens there are many cosmic events that may cause life on the planet more problems than we can solve. Sometimes we can only pray for a little of that Godly luck tat gave us life in the first place.
So, despite the horrors of our reality we can either sit down and pray or we can do science and play in fields of life to better understand the nature of nature and the nature of space and try to adapt our knowledge to the perpetuity and legacy of life in space.
It maybe worth noting that this event in 2019 was not published in headlines until mid-late 2022. It was suggested the star was going into a supernova. You only have to google papers prior to 2019 to find out how cosmologist had envisioned the damage of such a super nova might have on our planet. Light comes first and then high energy particles sometime later. Much like our solar surface activity but a supernova by those standards might have seen survivability probabilities on their calculators getting closer to zero than ever before. What the event revealed most of was just how much our greater science community doesn’t know about cosmological things so take their stuff with a pinch of salt on just about every cosmological thing they say they know everything about.
You will find my essays explore solutions in space and challenge some of the long held dogmas in the current body of public science. From vessel design, to energy requirements and thrust devices as optimally simple problems for us to solve. So solutions do exist and with that in mind lets get back to the lighter, more happier and beautiful experience and opportunity we have in living life on such a beautiful baby planet. Nearly a teen.
In my essay’s you’ll discover that in the late 1990’s I had developed a planet formation theory that closely resembled the Betelgeuse event and so the notion of a supernova with a full on elliptical distribution pattern for me is quite literally a different thing than just how star process the matter and respond to environmental conditions and changes. So when I saw this Beatlegeuse event I determined that we have at least 1000 years before the higher energy particles start to reduce the probability of life on this planet via having to dodge dust and debris. Some folks have devices that are seeing a nearby similar type cloud encroaching on our solar system they give us somewhere between 10 and 30 years before the planet starts to go into Armageddon mode. They might be right but I also think they are responding more to having new technology which commonly presents new fears for which they fumble with the data. They may still be right but regardless it’s only more motivation to our species to grow past it’s cultural differences and unite to get projects started on bigger scale better ships than just refining old rockets.
Fate by design & photography.
The birds and butterflies on logos and shirts began by chance. The world had shut down with the 2020 pandemic and indeed like for many folks, uncertainty and change were happening across the globe. My own injuries and problems were piling up and to be honest, lugging my equipment to and from gigs even with trolleys and lifting aides was playing havoc with life. Being a piano man performer was about the softest physical job I’ve done but age and age-old injuries and new injuries were interfering with that too so even before the lockdowns of 2020 I was already having to re-evaluate everything about music. Perhaps take on a softer role again. But what exactly?. I had no idea, I still don’t really. I’m not sure if all of us do or any of us. If I was some kind of rich superstar, perhaps I could afford to pay a roadie to lug my gear around and keep sharing the Joy. Ahh, you gotta love the dreamin’ but dreams aside music is more work than you might think and so if the old bod can’t work the job anymore then ya gotta move on. That’s fate, from a hard yakka outback donkey with a broken back you just do the best you can with what you have at the time and as time keeps on tickin’ and stuff keeps on changin’ you just do what you can to survive and if you get a chance to look up and breath, you might just smile at the world for all its beauty.
So 2020 started and March came along and my booking calendar was almost full for the year. I was parked up living in my bus on the banks of the Blackmore River in the Northern Territory of Australia. So throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, I’d found myself isolated in one of the most beautiful tropically biodiverse places in the world. A place called Tumbling Waters. Like most places though, a place might be nice geographically but it’s the people of a place who make a place more like home. Well, I wrote a song about the place and although this section is meant to be about how the design came to be I’ll pop a link to the song here. One of my earliest songs from around 2016-17 when I started out on this musical journey. A lot of the locals love this song it’s kind of an anthem and heaps of tourists really enjoy this too as they are often sitting right here on the Banks of the Blackmore river with me and connecting with the song under the canopy of stars in the night sky.
Back to DESIGNS and Photos.
In case you missed the music player above here is another link to it that’s if you like my music and want to hear some more. I put together about an hour of original songs for you to have to play as background music while you explore. Click on the Piano MOON image below. It will open a new URL page. When it opens, simply click PLAY and as it plays you can return back to this page to carry on exploring. Nice huh? :)
Now, where were we? Ahh yes. Tumbling Waters and Designs.
Tumbling Waters had attracted some university folks for recent sightings of the endangered Gouldian finch species. They’re really super colourful cool little birds. There was a buzz about the resort and a flurry of birders who heard the news and flocked ( pardon the pun ) but literally flocked out to see the Gouldian finches in the wild for themselves. Among them was a nice old bloke, a university type with an Arts background. Enamoured with the place he secured a grant to carry out some art fusion with biodiversity. His project was to transform an old birdcage into a refuge for butterflies. Planting specific species of food and frolic-type plants to attract butterflies and moths and so he needed a Butterfly identification poster made up but had run out of grant funds and he had no idea how to put such a poster together. My design skills back then involved little things like business cards, posters for gigs and album covers.
When one is a bread-and-butter solo musician in this day and age and especially an outback one then one either has to do everything one’s self or else have the money to get others to do it for you. The term (struggling muso) often meant the latter was rarely an option. The red piano man stick-figure image above was one of my early creations. So I had some basic design skills and offered to do the Butterfly Identification poster. Freely of course, as you do for folks who run out of money but need a hand to do a nice thing. We all have good times and hard times and help folks out if we can.
I said yes to the job, not knowing quite what I was in for. Loading up lots of butterfly pic files was different than plinking around with a few photos and a paint app to make simple images for muso posters or business cards. I’m sure some of you are familiar with designing stuff so you may know what happens when an app gets filled to memory capacity. Yep. More memory and a computer upgrade were required. Found a second-hand one, cheap enough to afford and just got on with the job. You can see the end result in the poster here. A metal print-off was made of this and sits proudly inside the Butterfly refuge for people to use and identify butterflies they might have seen in the Tumbling Waters area. Nice huh? I use it quite a bit and lots of children love it too. “That’s the one” seems to be the most common phrase spoken in that refuge.
From the poster, one thing led to another and I was asked to and accepted the role of secretary to the Friends of Tumbling Water’s Biodiversity Inc group, a group that was set up by the university folks as a grant application entity for projects to help promote the region for biodiversity and community involvement. The POSTER links to the FB page.
It really is a nice role, a new one, a soft one but at the same time, it challenges some of my other skills gained from the rollercoaster of life. It was a very new official group that had no logos or brochures or anything of the like and so. I started playing around with logos and brochures and this was my entry into photography too. Photography beyond using the phone’s camera. I bought a cheap secondhand cannon camera and spent some time figuring out the buttons and so design and nature photography became a thing. The Happy Wanderer was my first butterfly and logo of nature. It was inspired by a photo I took of a butterfly called a Lesser Wanderer. You’ll find a photo of it in the Popular Pics gallery.
They look great printed on garments but when you see the embroideries they pop and shine with colour and texture. There are some with words and some without. When you see the or words in a design these ones are much cheaper than the same item would be without the branding. It helps you SAVE money and helps promote this site at the same time. It’s a little WIN WIN for you and I.
So you’ll find many lovely Butterfly designs to wear on your hats or shirts or pants or more but there are also birds and fish and other wonderful critters too even creepy crawlies. Browse all the shops.
Anyway, enjoy your journey on this website and keep an eye out for Fun Activities, Competitions or SALEs. I’ve just started making these activities in 2023 so I hope you find them entertaining and fun. They also give me an opportunity to give you a nice little something to spend in the shops here for a new hat or shirt or other items to enjoy.
MOVIES - Music, Stories & Designs of Life, Love, Laughter and the Universe.
Ohh oh. Here’s the science and music come together. :) My little lullaby song with some graphics. The animations are sooo time consuming. Fun but, you’ll see. :) Have fun.. Press Play and subscribe if you can too or would like to. I think being Australian on an American platform lends itself to lower distribution so your subscribing and likes will really help. It would be really awesome if you could as it helps sprinkle a little more Hundreds and Thousands of fairy bread joy on the world.
We’re all children of the universe, little souls of sound and movement to explore and experience more to learn about more and more. Born of her chemistry and physics where music, stories and art are integral to our culture, our souls of being. Art is our universal language for expressing or communicating who we are, the things we love and our legacies for all. We explore and communicate our world to others in our songs. What’s your favourite song about? Life, Love, legacies or other stuff?
Are you ready to explore some more? There are GIFTSHOPS here too for when you’re in the mood for a little retail therapy and buying a few gifts for yourself or others or you can simply keep on exploring below and indulge in more music, images and story-telling. You’ll find one of the Fun Activities down below too. :) There’s a super nice discount code in it for you too.
Further below you’ll find my BLOGGS section bout Music and Nature and Space science too but before you get there, here are two video animations connected to the space blogs. They’re a bit serious but a bit silly too. The universe is a big old place and I just like to simplify things with the tools I gained at Uni. I throw in my own interpretations of how things happened too for those really big questions that keep boggling the mainstream as they keep asking for more funding to figure out the really tricky stuff. When I worked in the bush we just got things done. If no one was authorised to use a machine or tool then someone had to take some risks and figure out how to use or make whatever tool was gonna get the job done. That’s what I do with the universe stuff. The other stuff is just real-life stuff about nature from my volunteer work helping to restore habitats that progress has steamrolled and other stuff like music tales of starting out from scratch and encountering all sorts of wonderful people, places, events and famous faces. :)
The Galaxy and star formation animation and narration. :) 2022
The animation from the BLOGG of the same title. Jan 2023
MR Piano Man
Murry Rhodes Piano Man - Live performer, recording artist, cover-singer and songwriter.
Bringing joy to folks with my music is a Joy but Joy alone doesn’t buy fuel for the car, food for the table or rent for landlords so your kind purchases, generous tips and ongoing support really help me from selling my kidneys to provide a little extra for the time to practice and do the volunteer work I do and keep the music show on the road so I can keep sharing the joy of music and stories with other folks. What would life be like without our music and stories?
A lovely lady approached me the other day. She told me how she saw me perform five years earlier. Just when I was starting out as a live act. She was so excited to tell me that from that one night of fun boogie Woogie songs with lots of children dancing around, one of those children was her grandson and he was so inspired by the piano that he is now studying music and going well. The spirit in her eyes was priceless as she rekindled those memories pure gold for the heart. It was a blessing for her as she’d been very concerned that her grandson had no passion in life. With the music, now he does. That’s Joy for the heart and soul.
My own pathway into music was a little different. A long story is best left for the blogs but it is certainly colourful with wonderful life lessons along the way. When you’re out of home at fifteen and living in a violent place music is the last way a fifteen-year-old can get out of such a gutter. It took a few miracles of human kindness just to help get me on my feet and working in the bush. The piano didn’t really come into my adult life until I was off my feet again with a severe back injury. Like the Rhodes piano was invented to help old wounded veterans, teaching myself the piano was hard and very distracting but also somehow rewarding which really helped with a lot of stuff going on physically and mentally. Long-term pain ain’t fun so when I can walk without pain these are good days, great days for smilin’ and especially for singin’ songs. So if you ever see me walkin’ without pain you’ll see smilin’ and helping others when I can.
Below is an Mp3 Songs for Sale button or click on the Ellington Jazz image above, where you can listen to my original songs or royalty-free songs Freely before you buy them. I also play and perform popular cover songs but for the tangled web of copyright issues, it’s too tricky to arrange royalties on a private website.
You can find some cover songs online at most online shops like iTunes, Apple music, Spotify, Amazon and many more.
I know music online is great and cheap for most music lovers but while the corporate CEOs get mega-rich, the MUSOs get paid less than peanuts for their art. It’s more of a cheap advertising platform for us but if online shops are your only way of affording music then you can find some of my very early recordings of music there with lots of cover songs and a few old originals. They are still nice to listen to so have a search and enjoy. I think “Love to have a beer with Duncan” is the top song I do online at the moment. :)
I understand not being able to afford luxuries, I’m a muso after all and my own life of independence started early at fifteen without a home, guidance for skills or support. I rented a room in a house that had a piano. The violence of the outside world saw me resting inside quite often and trying to play the piano kept my mind off things. Beethoven’s - Fur Elise was a piece they had in the house and so that’s what I learned at the time and only one dot at a time. It was very tricky.
At gigs, I encounter folks who share their own stories and insist on buying drinks and paying Tips instead of or on top of buying any music. So for you very kind and generous folks or any punters looking for a little more luck from the luck fairies there are blue JOY buttons here run by PayPal where you can pay your Tips. It’s easy and safe. Tips not only help keep things rolling but they are a nice blessing of thanks from you in appreciation for the work and time put into the preparation and creation of it for the world and the wheels can keep on rolling. Sometimes the only thing we have is the song in our hearts and the memories of joy from sharing those songs. So click a JOY button whenever you’re feeling it. It really is a nice thing to do that helps heaps. Thank you kindly in advance. You may find an even more super discount code in the auto-response message as a special thanks.
Thank you so much for reading through my music section. I hope you’re enjoying the journey so far. :)
Beautiful Biological Beginnings
Rest little birdy, you’re home now.
Crimson Finch Family playing Splish-Splash with a baby on the left. Photos by MW Rhodes - (C)2022 - Tumbling Waters, N.T Australia.
The Crimson Sentries - Making sure the pond is safe for the family. :)
Endangered Gouldian finches. Teaching the young ones to fly.
BIODIVERSITY - I live and work in a sanctuary of sorts. A wonderful place. A meditation away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. All that world news is just…. I live and work in the outback of Australia as a muse and explorer of life. I create and share nice music, stories, designs and images of birds, lizards, trees and people. I explore life, space and our place in it. It’s so big and yet so… Perhaps this website becomes a nice place for you to return to and share with your friends too, so rest little birdy, you’re home now.
Enjoy scrolling through a gallery of life. Beautiful images, some with a little light humour. Click on the images to visit the gallery. If you see something you would like to purchase and can’t find it in any of the shops on this site then please feel free to use the contact form right at the bottom of this page. Describe the image and what you would like to have it printed on. Perhaps you may wish to include your own quote to write :) May they bring a little joy to someone, perhaps you? :)
Enjoy reading? Here are some nice presentations on space, nature, pseudoscience with facts and fiction & more.
Nature’s Gifts
Nature’s gifts is where I first publish journals of my learning about life on Earth. I’m new to biology so it’s a new learning curve about new species, new plants and behaviours in nature that are truly amazing. They are quite short reads and there are only a few entries at the moment. I’m only recently just now Secretary of an official “ Friends of “ group that attracts grants and holds friendly get-togethers where folks from the local community come together to pitch in and help plant trees or identify and control weed species. We enjoy a nice morning tea too, so it’s really quite nice and almost surreal. So part of my role is to help with some small design projects and guide folks through the jungles of my tropical backyard. If you click on this link, Tumbling Waters. It’s a song I wrote specifically for this place that I now call home. When you hear the song, you’ll know. So my first project for the group was to help put a butterfly poster together. I’ll get an image and put it here somewhere. There it is to the right. If you want to chat about setting up your own group
I can get Photos printed for you as wall art posters for your home or office. You’ll see the range in the shops and who knows? If you see an image you like that isn’t in the shops and would like to have it printed on a special item then let me know. I’m sure we can arrange something nice :) In the meantime, if you like reading about people and nature then I hope you enjoy following my journey in the Nature’s gifts. articles. We all have to start somewhere. :)
Earth is certainly a nice place to live and call home in the universe for now.
Our Place in Space
Planet Earth is a nice place in space to call home and if you’ve ever wished upon a star or wondered about our place in space and the success of life then these are for you. I gained a few undergrad tools at university in physics, geology and archaeology and apply them to explore new ideas and simplify things of science. I see circles of science in Quantum and Cosmology are concerned and divided over old competing theories not standing up to advances in Tech-knowledge. So I play around with the old classical stuff and tinker with the universe from time to time. Researching papers and puzzling a few pieces together is a nice pass time. Still, I abide by the classical laws of nature and avoid leap-frog into unnecessary assumptions of things like interdimensional multiverses or artifacts of maths complicating nature’s path of least resistance.
I hope you’re enjoying the music by the way. The first few songs are quite soft and then some Boogie Woogie fun comes. :)
Nice, now where were we? Are yes saving the planet.. :) Do you own an official business shirt?
Here’s a little sample on items :) See more on the shop links below. How about an Oh! FFish’ll Business shirt tank top?
Printed items are printed on demand so your order goes directly to the printer, they make it and organise delivery to the delivery address you provide at checkout. Discount codes from this site are used at Checkout too so Look OUT for discount opportunities and HAPPY SHOPPING.
Crimson Knight and the Blood Moon
There are photo and design galleries here somewhere. I think they’re in the Shops Tab right back at the top of the page. There are some of my favourite photos in there and a few crazy and quirky early designs of things as I did when starting out on this path of photography and design. Just below is one of my latest creations, the Crimson Knight. I was so lucky that this year 2022 we had a Blood Moon so I could capture this moon photo and then incorporate the mysteriously beautiful Crimson finch photo. He was sent as a sentry to make sure the water pond was safe for the family to come down and play. Did you see the splishy splashy photo of the other Crimson finches? It’s one of my favourite most cutesy family photos of these little living breathing flying contraptions. So this little guy was really like the Brave of the tribe, like a Knight and as you can see by the drip on his beak and the wet plumage that he had just been splashing in the water himself.
So it’s a Blood or otherwise known as a Crimson moon and a Crimson finch. With the moon reflecting in the pond just above the little red sentry’s head like in one of those ancient Egypt Hieroglyphs of the Pharaohs. Hmm. See those little Symbols in the bottom right corner?.. You may like to take a closer look.. the little bird, the green stuff, the blue stuff and the multi-coloured sun ball. Do you like your Egyptian mysteries?.. I used my little Crimson finch logo where a different type of bird normally sits. Do you know what these symbols officially represent? If not then I wonder if you can guess :) Hmmm...
HUGE FAVOUR TO ASK - If any buttons or links don’t work and DON’T take you to where you were expecting to go. PLEASE let me know. Use a general contact form right down the very bottom. I make a little change somewhere and it sometimes affects things elsewhere which is frustrating so I need everyone’s eyes to alert me of any fluff-ups on the site. Thanks so much. :) In the mean time, here are some little inspirations.
The Gouldian finches are absolutely vibrant in their colours and such a joy to watch them play and sing I feel fortunate and honoured to be able to because they are an endangered species. The bright colours of the Gouldian finch highlight a spirit of confidence, intelligence and beauty. They have a playful sense and you’ll see more images and how they play and frolic. The Crimson (red) Finch is the sentry of finches. Click on the items for colour and size choices. See the shop buttons below for more choices.
Bookmark this site and watch this space as new designs and clothing become available.
MUSIC - The universal language.
It doesn’t matter what language you speak, music is a magical natural language for us all.
These little birdies are highly protective so getting in close for these photos was tricky at first. Then I sang to them. I sang “Amazing Grace” and then my "Lullaby of life” song and the magic of music in nature happened. They trusted me with their little birdie babies and came in close to play flitter-flutter and splish-splash. One little big thing about all life is trust. Just below you’ll a Finches & Flycatcher video. Here you can see and hear the magic of singing with nature. :) By yours truly.
The song “Lullaby Of Life” Perhaps your babies will sing this song to their babies in the future.
The lyrics, tell the space story of when the Earth and moon are born from a tiny hot coronal mass ejection from the surface of our Sun.
The ions recombine and precipitate into the molten Hot Earth and moon as they travel out to their orbits.
Part of the Earth’s own cycle includes the chemistry of the miracle of life.
There are two music shops. Clicking on an Mp3 song or album gives you a FREE song player to try before you buy. :)
Let’s away to the moon and Mars on a hot tropical night then. Non edited raw video of moon larking in the tropics.
7 December 2022 , Nikon P1000, Footage taken around 11pm at Tumbling Waters Holiday Park, Berry Springs Northern Territory, Australia
A little bit about the author/designer Murry.
This Earth has some systems and problems to deal with and if we don’t pitch in and help her then the future will be what we make of it for our babies. Let’s hope for and work toward a successful future for all of Earth’s life.
After a mud track of childhood, at 14 or 15 years old I was out of the nest and my life really started as a young dumb and strong work donkey labouring in the outback on farms and mines like a modern-day swagman. An underground mining incident injured my back severely and the outback labouring life changed.
At around thirty years old I went back to finish school. I did ok and got to study physics, astronomy, geology and archaeology at The Uni of W.A and then returned to the outback working softer jobs than the donkey stuff.
City life was never my thing. After Uni I worked in exploration and then switched to working with electrical systems. After fifty laps of the Sun, the old mining injuries and aging process mean I’m done with even the softer physical jobs.
It’s why I turned my hobby of piano playing into a Job. It’s a low bread-and-butter income and it still has its physical risks for lugging around equipment gig to gig but it’s the best I can do with what I have and it’s nice to give a little joy to folks through the music. I don’t know how long before the old body says no to gigs. I’d need to pay a Roadie a wage just to get from Gig to Gig and Gig money is barely enough to cover the costs of doing most of the gigs.
It’s why your purchases here and Tips are so important to help keep this website alive and the show on the road, especially in this day, age and economy. It’d be nice if this website started to generate a few dollars too. Perhaps enough to pay some roadie wages and other bills, then maybe the joy of this live music can go the distance for a few more years. We’ll see. Australia’s tipping culture is not quite like it is in the U.S. so We’ll see.
I just bought some nice pruning snippets in bunnings the other day and I can use a leaf rake to help keep the jungle a bit tidy. Pruning gardens and raking leaves is about all I can manage physically at the moment so maybe I start down that path to help pay the bills. I’m really enjoying getting close up with nature in photography and designs in helping with the biodiversity of this region so heading toward my closing chapters of life it would be quite nice just pottering around tidying up this wonderful Tropical Garden of Eden where I live and just let the musical life become just a nice memory.
Life can go several ways.
You are here right now reading this so something good is happening. I hope this site, the songs and the stories help you in some way and especially for you folks who may be enduring harder or more confusing times. I don’t know how but it might. If it does, then please let me know how. A little escapism or inspiration paid forward can sometimes be just enough to get some of us back up on our feet. On our feet is a good thing.
So maybe, just maybe my images, stories and music can help you do just that. If you want it to. Maybe somehow you’ll get to pay it forward too and so the world becomes a nicer place for it.
Like it says in the lullaby, You’re a miracle from the stars.
So anyway, let’s away, let’s away to our little luna sister the moon. :)
Our little Luna moon.
“Piano Moon” (Man, moon and piano) Moon photo & design by Murry Rhodes 2022
Here’s a little loony luna tune science.
Her monthly moonly cycles of orbit take 28 days and gave our ancestors a little night light, a concept of time and a tide of change plus a reason to Hoooowwwl at something.
She’s inspired stories and songs across cultures past and present and her tidal cycles and radiance increase the biodiversity of life on Earth.
364 days of the year divided by 28 day moon cycles = 13..
So 13 moon months for every Year.
She also moves outward about 5cm each year. Tidal forces from the Earth increase her potential energy. Her pull slowly slows the rotation of the Earth maybe with the conservation of energy. A dynamic dance of gravity of a wet ball of hot gooey yet crusty stuff.
The real moon. (x-marks the spot)
Luna Sea of Tranquility.
There’s an (X) on the image. If you find it, it’s where an apollo mission is said to have landed near the Sea of Tranquility.
Every time I see it, I ponder. As we learn more we ask more.
360 Days a year was the old original calendar but space, time and our tidal motions with respect to the Sun and other planets is dynamic. Is the Earth spinning at the same rate as it was back in those days? Does Earth’s orbital path do what the moon does and get slightly bigger with the Sun spinning once every month? Longer orbits mean more time to spin a few extra days. Maybe even hotter or colder climates make a difference too. Perhaps 360 was accurate back then?
If you like exploring archaeology, geology the physics of things or our ancient, modern and present-day sciences then you may enjoy my blogs in the STORIES.
Perhaps you might like to see the WALL ART LINK.
Do you like butterflies?
Happy Wanderer butterfly. A happy and curious little critter with a thirst for adventure and nectar.
The Happy wanderer.
Being an outback butterfly can be thirsty work. nature’s inspiration for the Happy Wanderer design. Photo and design by Murry Rhodes 2022.
This is a festive traveller and quite popular on bucket hats.
Some designs are more specific like this Awesome Blue Tiger?
Does life on Earth have a FUTURE?
YES it does, but what it will be and how long it will last is another question. From my studies in physics, geology, the Earth and space, I agree with Elon Musk in many ways, not in all but in many. As the complex species we are, we have the ability and resources to engineer for life to venture out into outer space conditions and so we have a response-ability and a responsibility to care for and preserve all life on and from this planet as best as we know how and for as long as possibly possible. Life travelling in the cold deep dark of space is not going to be nearly as much fun nor as beautiful an experience as it is here on this planet. The more time we have to prepare our descendants for that journey, the better chances they will be protected, comfortable and successful. Engineering machines and even our own DNA may be needed and none of which are going to be easy or even perhaps ethical but for preserving life up there.
Our planet has its own life cycle and although biological life here is truly a miracle for the science of it, it was never going to be a forever and ever thing. Ever. Even our ancients knew this with their Armageddon story but there’s no good reason why life from Earth can’t live beyond it and ascend high into the heavens for an afterlife beyond the planet. It won’t be easy, survival is the first and foremost challenge of all life and if we fail then we have succumbed to either fear, ignorance or pride which would be our shame. Ashes to ashes and dust back to stardust for Earth’s biome would be our last great tragedy.
You may enjoy the Our Place in Space blogs. They explore our histories, science, fiction and future possibilities.
More music on iTunes ? (click)
If you listen to or buy your music through online shops. Above is an iTunes link and you may find some of my really old music on SPOTIFY, Amazon and many other online stores too. Google it if you want. :)
WOW, NOW that you have a discount code, you may like to use it. Check out all the gift shops above. Perhaps some music, maybe a shirt or wall art. Buy something for your mum, dad, brothers, sisters or besties for adults or children You have at least 30 days before it expires so HAPPY SHOPPING.
Before planets cool down, they are molten hot sizzling bodies with heavy elements in the atmosphere.