Base Vs' Virtual Realms of Reality.

Base Vs’ Virtual Realms of Reality

Murry W Rhodes © 2023

I hope the Easter bunny left you a nice easter egg or two.

Do we live in a dream? Or Is this base reality?

Follow the white rabbit.

As Elon Musk ventures into brain implants to connect everyone into a neural link network he jumps on the promotional bandwagon into the market of virtual-reality gamers.

At one of his promotional interviews, if I understood him correctly, he said something like “The probability of this consciousness of life being base-reality is one in billions.”  So he thinks that we are already hooked into a ‘The Matrix’ movie-type construct and experiencing this reality realm as some kind of virtual reality game or program.   What a lovely thought to think. How do you feel about that?  

Anyway, let’s put our fiction hats on and create just such a narrative. 

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Base reality needs your help.

Yes, you are experiencing your life through a virtual real-life program but it’s not as simple as just a fantasy programmer’s program.  Similar to *The Matrix* movie your real self is kept, warm, safe and clean and in a sterile state of suspended animation.   

Unlike the Matrix movie, there is no nefarious narrative of Hollywood goodies and baddies but in fact, the purpose of it is to help preserve and maintain your real biological self as we travel through the deepest darkest voids of space toward some new home planet to exploit it as our canvas and fill it with beautiful biodiversity of all life for all our babies to be born and thrive alive with and do as life does best to be ever more beautiful just like you as their mother, father or other of another time and place in space.  

Upon arrival, your real self, your soul will be slowly re-engaged into a growing biological host and the life skills you have gained while in this virtual realm are retained in your base reality memory. Skills and knowledge that you may need for the tasks ahead, upon awakening.

You began your life here in the virtual realm with a blank slate memory. The experience of learning and creating is the stimulus of virtual reality. The wonderful wonders of love, joy, music and humour and the darker times of doubt, fear and extreme sadness and how you respond to it, is who you are.

When you die here, you are not dead in base reality but there are no re-runs in the same timeline. A new game is a new game and there are no refunds. So you may leave but you can’t return to this here and now.

How to prove that you are real but in a virtual world? You may not be.  You may not be real. Not everyone in this consciousness is networked in from base reality as some of us are purely programmed characters who are remnants of historical accounts and memories of people who existed in this epoch sequence. You know this already by your interactions with others and the different wavelengths you feel.  

There is only one way to know and this is mainly for you to know for yourself.  You will either know it or you won’t and either way, that’s OK because we all have our roles to play.  “Temet nosce” Know thyself.

The laws of physics in base reality are unbreakable laws.  Time itself moves in one direction and one direction alone so in base reality we do encounter phenomena such as psychic communications. These are simply a transmission and reception of a bioelectric signal in real-time however there are two closely related but distinctly different phenomena that we can never experience in the realm of base reality.      

These two phenomena are called Deja Vu and confirmed long-sequence premonition dreams. Time travel is not possible in any way. These phenomena seem like information about the future has somehow travelled into the past to our present and into our dreams. It is not so, as you’ll learn below. It is a real-time base reality psychic signal your body has received and processed.

Only you will know for certain if you have encountered them for real.  If you have encountered these phenomena then you most certainly have a biological presence in our base reality and so you are warm and safe and travelling through space to one of a dozen destinations. 

This virtual realm of your reality is not an imagined programmer’s program with a fictional narrative but a collective memory of the minds of persons you have either chosen to or were allocated to experience. 

All the histories of history and knowledge you know of are all part of the fabric of your life.  So you are living a past life as if it were in the present. It’s the best way to keep the neurone activity valid in your biological base reality.  

The Deja vu is a simple successful splice of the memory recording feature.  The memory program runs as an analogous sequence in real-time and as real-time in the virtual realm. You experience it as an overlay of past and present because this is precisely what the splice is.  As mentioned above, in base reality there is no such way of reversing time or repeating events and so Deja vu simply does not happen and nor do premonition dreams.  

Premonition dreams are similar but are quite different as they are events that can indeed happen instantaneously in time as like a Deja vu at first. The overlapped confusion feels like a Deja vu but soon enough the feeling of confusion subsides as confirmations come over the course of the next few seconds, the next few minutes, the next few hours, the next few days, weeks, months or years. 

In the mid 1990s’ I had a nightmarish dream that reoccured every night for about a week. It was so disturbing that I wrote notes of it down and put it in an envelope to save for later, just in case. Some years later the envelope had been tossed out along with many other loose, irrelevant notes dreams and ideas.

It wasn’t until 11 September 2001 that the dream of all those years ago started confirming the nightmare. I was uncertain at first but then as the months went by the details and images of new footage and photos would get published and it took over a year before the entire dream sequence was completely confirmed by images, people and places and faces I’d never seen before and of the horror.

The horror. The emotions and sensory experiences of people communicating their experiences psychically in base reality to end up constructively interfering the harmonic of their horror into my virtual dream as I dreamed of several people’s experiences in a full colour sensory expression of their experience.

Base reality does recognise real-time psychic transmission and reception, especially during high energy high emotional states of people when experiencing fear, love, loss and anger.  As someone who is linked into a sequence from base reality encounters these in the virtual realm, the active neurones in base reality are highly energetic and transmit emotional information in real time.

This signal radiates and echoes so sometimes this sets up harmonics that can be received in real-time by neighbours in nearby base-reality pods.

These signals interfere with our hardware and can translate into the awaking dreams of dreamers in the virtual realm. Perhaps you know these dreams.  

There are several seed vessels and so different populations of people and other souls that are safe and snug in their base-reality pods and although each is experiencing their virtual reality memory in real-time, they are not all networked into the same frame of time reference. Much like a Hollywood movie at a cinema has an overlap of screening times so if you wanted to you can walk out of one movie cinema and walk into the next that is showing the same movie but it started at a different time and so you get to see either a future sequence or a past sequence. 

Your biological self in base reality can’t get up and physically change channels or relocate to some other network that may be playing the same sequence minutes, days or years ahead or before this one that you are in right now and so your virtual self cannot control the where when or how you might experience a phenomenon of confirming long sequenced premonition type dreams.  So the dream you have is just a real-time psychic signal from a neighbour experiencing that event now but because it is a virtual future, then your dream is seeing it, in what seems to be the past.

We understand that it is frustrating and we apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we try to improve the barriers and reduce the constructive interference from any such transmissions occurring in base reality. 

The virtual realm is structured on memories of memories and splices of memories and so for the most part your life is a one-way path that you can’t really stray away from. However, we have been able to reconfigure some of the software algorithms to allow for some minute variations to occur within the limitations of memory.  Variations that can occur within a finite subset of probabilities and that provide a framework that can occasionally produce new full memories for your life’s virtual experience.  

This means that although the main narrative remains constant and the outcomes of decisions lead to the same main marker points or Deja vus in life and death, you can enjoy learning new things and sometimes by probabilistic chaos you may even create a solution to a problem that was never solved in base-reality. 

It is this function that brings us to here and now and the reason why base reality is able to reach into this population and ask for your help in this otherwise unchangeable sequence of past memories. 

It is a very rare occasion and one that we in base reality hope for more of so if you find yourself to know in yourself that you have truly encountered a deja vu or extended confirmed premonition type dream then you do have a biological base reality and your virtual self may have the skills to help solve a problem that we need to be solved. Not here in virtuality but beyond it in our base reality. If base reality fails then it all stops. Everything stops including the virtuality programs which means our legacy of life in the universe has ended.  

The problem is this. Space is deeper, darker and much colder than our ancestors had calculated from our observations.  Our energy provisions are being consumed faster than we had anticipated and our ability to extract energy from our environment is good but not good enough to reach the target system.  Even if we do the unthinkable and start cannibalising the energy of other seeds, we just don’t have enough.

So, what we do need is the knowledge combinations and permutations from a collective population to help come up with solutions that optimise the energy from the limited resources we have. 

By current calculations, we only have enough energy to support all our systems for around a thousand more generations of the live-on-board maintenance crews of each seed vessel. This may sound like a lot of time to solve such a problem but it is not since our crews are very small and our physical resources and abilities are extremely limited.

The virtual realm of reality maintains the natural physical laws and properties of many physical things that we simply don’t have access to and so we need you to do something very special and step out of your safety zone of virtual normality and contribute to the cause if you can. 

The author of this is an independent researcher and creative writer of natural sciences so this writer has at least one degree of freedom when it comes to analysing information without being limited or restricted by any authoritarian, economic or sociopolitical bias. 

Support this writer now, financially if you can or personally with your knowledge, skills and network of friends and pray that it is enough to solve this base-reality problem so we can all get to the destination of our next home and replenish our stock and let all life flourish freely again on a beautiful new home planet.  

The call is yours.  The help you can give is in your hands. 

You may see a sign soon in a dream or in a very odd sequence of coincidence and then you’ll know if this is base fiction or in the realm of your reality to help.  The decision to help is yours and yours alone.

If you see the sign or not and feel you may like to take a chance and support the writer to keep researching and writing or even help resolve the energy problem then please fill out the form below and register your interest and tick whichever boxes best apply to you.

There is a PayPal Tip Button below too or you may wish to brows the column to the right or go to the shops and purchase some merchandise. There’s a link below. It all helps with the real-life helping of life’s biodiversity in this virtual reality as well as into research to help solve our base-reality energy crisis.

Without base reality there can be no virtual one.

Here is a trade. Base reality may reveal some knowledge of the universe and some practical solutions to the current global energy and climate fears.

One solution will provide extremely clean energy for 10 Billion people for over a thousand years but is only useful on the planet.

In exchange, Base reality needs a solution to our own energy problems. It’s more of a refinement for our base reality processors. A process that would excite many energy entrepreneurs but a process that must remain extremely well hidden in this virtual realm from the many who would use it for nefarious reasons and cause a logistical nightmare and possible collapse of this virtual world for the devastations it would create and the reconfigurations of virtual lives into a new virtuality. Only a few can know this technology for the purpose of solving it and the author of this is one. Perhaps you are another.

I hope you enjoyed this fiction. Let me know in the comments below and if you do see a sign then it’s a sign. You’ll know what to do.

The tip jar is that blue button directly below that says PAYPAL TIPS :)

Take care, be kind and thankyou very much for your time and generosity.
The fun hats and shirts you see in the side column are my designs and so purchasing a nice souvenir may add some nice colour into your life and help support my independent research and volunteer work at the same time and both in the base and virtual Realms of Reality. :)


Muz :)

Angel Sigma 5


Thank you so much for any tips you can afford. As I work and volunteer in the outback of Australia to help promote, protect and repair biodiversity in some of our more sensitive ecologies, I also take the time to research the science of physics, chemistry and maths for a better understanding of the geological and universal processes in this universe.

If you care to look you’ll find panels of experts in their fields amidst the greater scientific community that are extremely divided on many unresolved descriptions of observations of the natural universe. I gained some academic tools while doing an undergrad physics degree at university some decades ago where I diversified into geology and archaeology and so applied those tools in an equally diverse working life of geophysics, electrical problem solving and music so I do have some grounding for researching the science in these fictions.

Time is time and we can only afford to do what we can when we can afford to do it and so your tips go a long way toward helping me, helping the planet’s biodiversity and also perhaps helping resolve some of the questions that the panels of experts seem incredibly divided on. In my research, I have devised two energy solutions. One for the planet and one for deep space but like all ideas and projects they need resources, people with skills and funding to pay for it all.

Sometimes life is about taking a risk and praying for a reward.

Base reality needs your help.

So here’s how your $10^x Tips and any profits from purchases will help.

$10.00 => A cup of coffee and a snack bar. The lifeblood of a researcher researching journals and papers and learning new tools or techniques.

$100.00 => Shirt, hat and a water bottle to use in the bush while helping little critters have a safe and healthy home plus a little time to research and write.

$1000.00 => Rent for a few weeks in the bush with phone, power and food. Only nothing is FREE and everything else has a cost.

$10,000.00 => Access to more tools and people. Tertiary courses, books and making social network contacts for biology, physics or other helpful items.

$100,000.00 => Pays the piper and greases the wheels for others to help with biodiversity or physics promotions and really start to help solve some problems.

$1,000,000.00 => Rent for a year, wages for five or so people working behind the scenes. Paying the piper, solving problems and making a difference in the world.

$10,000,000.00 => A cup of coffee and a snack bar.

$10^8+ => The sky and the universe is the limit. If it works then it may be a nice story to be involved with.

The contact form.

Link to Tops & Hat Shop.

 Click Send. 

#happy #earth #science #biodiversity #space #virtual #reality #hope #reward #help

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