God is the spirit of all life’s creations and the science might agree.
“It’s more about the interpretation of the words given our natural behaviours, complex motives and our creativity as the creative critters we are.”
Season’s greetings and Happy New Year.
by MW Rhodes. © 20221230
With Christmas and New Year’s Eve upon us and coupled with all my tinkerings on the early universe. This statement about God popped into my head just this morning. Is it Piffle?.. Perhaps but...
Before you put on your gloves and chose your corner of that argument of God Vs Science, let’s look at the words with some kind of logic.
This is not about Evangelists making rude fortunes from our tendency to blindly believe in stuff, nor is it about the institutionalization of corporatised religions.
It’s more about the interpretation of the words given our natural behaviours, complex motives and also our creativity as the creative critters we are. Enjoy.
God is the spirit of all life’s creations.
At first glance, it says to me that God owns and is responsible for everything.
But at a second glance well…
You could be a Big Banger or hardcore Darwinist. I’ve studied evolution and the Big Bang sequences. They are evidence-based and are true and correct to the best of our evidence and interpretations when applying the scientific method. Our interpretations get peer reviewed and so they are determined by a consensus of peers with similar scientific backgrounds.
It’s a good system that works well enough to help identify and reduce cultural or personal bias that might influence the interpretations of the writer/s or scientists.
It’s not a perfect system and flaws can and do arise in the evidence and in the founding bias of the peers in the peer review process. Finances, favours or fame can also influence the process. It ain’t pretty but it happens.
You don’t have to have a 20:20 vision to see how often new evidence changes many minor conclusions and how sometimes with new unequivocal evidence that the older beloved and worshipped theories still don’t get changed or at least resist change from the broader scientific community even with empirical evidence. It’s a restrictive behaviour systemic in religion and ironically in science too but to a lesser extent. After all the scientific method is about observing the evidence not just ignoring it for one’s own beliefs. Anyway, there are other reasons too.
Some theories have become perpetual assets to institutions for the funding they can attract for not being resolved so they resist change for financial reasons and sometimes primal belief defences like tribal pride where an institution becomes its own authority or religion of blind worship can and does happen.
When institutions become authoritative bodies, some purity gets lost. Belief and hope in science happen more often than you might think and perhaps more often than they should. These old theories are called conventional pearls of wisdom of which you are sadly misinformed if you don’t believe in them. A sad unscientific truth.
So I trust in science but am aware of its institutional flaws and authoritarian dictates on our community. As a lowly pleb of society without political or financial leverage those flaws, dictates and conventional pearls of wisdom are well protected to perpetuate pride and profits. Had Galileo Galilei not had the social, economical or political leverage he did, then perhaps we would still be worshipping Flat Earth beliefs and demeaning individuals who believe otherwise. So then, What about God?
God is the spirit of all life’s creations and the science might agree.
As we uncover more artefacts and historical things of our past we learn more and more about our ancestors and their ancient civilisations. We appreciate that somehow by chance of luck that this evidence has been preserved somehow. Ancient clay tablets, old scrolls and even more delicate items tell us much about the past.
Looking at the amount of science, observations and even accuracy of observations and recording of information our ancients had some seriously intelligent folks learning about the stars above, the earth below and all things of life. Solving problems for the benefit of life. But this was all before a very dark period came about. Oddly enough it’s called the period of enlightenment. In the new light, It’s now called the Hellenistic period. Hell indeed.
Such as it was. Wars, destruction of knowledge and buildings and towns and cities and just plain old lunatics leading mobs into some pretty crazy times. Burn the books, burn the libraries, dominion domination hack and slash in the name of the all mighty success. It was ugly. Humanity can be. We still see it today.
Yet still, some folks were lucky and sane and managed to avoid being swept up into the mindless spirit of this enlightened dark period of death, destruction and dominion. Some folks understood the value of old knowledge and did what they could to protect what they could from being destroyed. Thankfully.
Secret vaults, buried treasures and stuff, hidden away from mindless destruction just in case someone in the future might benefit from its legacy. If preserved, our knowledge is our afterlife because it is the sum total of all our ancestor’s efforts. Pathways to solutions of problems.
From ideas and creative questions, ideas come from a highly complex sequence of dots connecting dots where some are right and some a wrong but always progressing our knowledge. Ideas that come from a place in our heads in our minds in our hearts in our souls. In our spirits. Some of which we can realise.
The unseeable, untouchable, unprovable, real unreal spirits that are within us, were within our ancestors and within all living creatures and their ancestors. The primary spirit looks for food and dodges danger to find a better place for our babies to be born, grow up and repeat the process. Like a bird builds a nest, like lions teach their cubs, and others and perhaps even trees sending roots down deeper or bending toward the sunlight and any living organism that solves a problem before Darwin’s dice rolls one out for them. Our consciousness is our own vanity. It may be a spirit of sorts but then it’s not the only type of spirit. At the most basic level, electrons strive for entropy.
Our progress is in our ideas to solve problems and think of ways to teach solutions to our children of the future. It’s a gift of nature. So God’s spirit is our creation from within our spirit of life and our lives depend on the spirits of all life’s creations and so…
God is the spirit of all life’s creations and the science might agree.
The LOGIC of ‘of’.
When talking about Gods or the one true God and that stuff, It’s the God of War, the God of Boots, The God of Love and so on and so forth and so the word ‘of’ has been interpreted and reinforced over the centuries primarily as a possessive- conventional wisdom where a God owns, controls and dominates over the spirits and creation of whichever aspect of life the God is a God of, including but not limited to War, Boots, Love or even all life’s creations.
Perhaps this interpretation was not how our more ancient ancients intended it to be understood. They were precise yet poetic and very artful tellers of stories. God being the spirit of Creation maybe like the Mull of Kintyre. Where God is the creative spirit from all life’s creation.
The God of leather boots is the knowledge gleaned by a bootmaker trying to solve problems and make leather boots better. God is a collection of knowledge on how to make some snappy boots that get used by soldiers etc so they need to be more durable or more comfortable. Nothing happens by magic.
Time spent trying to solve problems is time that could have been spent, ploughing a field hunting for food to eat so someone has to pay for the time spent to solve problems. Otherwise, the poor old boot maker might starve and then the community loses a boot maker. People start complaining about blisters and splinters and snake bites.
If you can’t afford to pay a financial contribution then a prayer of thanks is always a nice show of appreciation. Prayers and promotion of the people solving the problems may not put food on eth table but can help when it comes to other stuff. When Rome purchased shields from a shield maker, it was good form for the troops who were likely ordered/prompted to thank the shield makers in prayers or speeches and so prayers become a marketing reinforcement tool too.
If the Waring Battle is successful and the shields hold up then the Shield makers get a special thank-you gift and reward from the spoils of war. Shields, boots, and all sorts of stuff had specialists in their fields solving problems and contributing to the God or knowledge.
We’re a fickle pickle of critters when it comes to all sorts of stuff and nothing is ever quite as it may seem on the surface.
It’s nice to be creative but there are times when our creativity crosses into our natural behaviours and Nuclear Bombs happen.
God is the spirit of all life’s creations and the science might agree.
Science is experimentation for evidence and then interpretation.
Interpretations can be right or wrong with margins of difference.
Merry Chrissy folks and have a Happy New Year
Cheers Muz :)