Hi this site is about providing a little online escapism entertainment, sharing some songs, stories and images about life. The beautiful biodiversity of it on this planet and life in general for its past, present and future.
This About section quickly guides you to where you can find the (Terms and Conditions) and how to contact us using the contact forms in the footer of each page on this site.
The business side of this site is about trading in music, designs for clothes or even photos for wall art and home decor. The proceeds from this, help the planet. More on the business and how the proceeds help is below.
When it comes to prices, a lot of research went into finding the right manufacturers and deliverers of your orders. The right quality for the right price. There are three levels of pricing here for what seem to be similar goods but for the quality of items, print methods and delivery services they are different.
See the (terms & conditions) for specifics but in general, you get what you pay for in both quality and shipping costs. If you want cheaper similar items then you will find them here.
The one constant of the whole process though is that the designs being sent to be printed are unique to this site. One might dream one day of having these designs picked up by a large retailer but until that happens then the designs you buy here are unique and can’t be purchased through the big retail outlets. If they do then I’ll likely tweak the designs so the ones from this site remain unique to this site.
Most items and shops here are filled with carefully selected Print-on-Demand & Drop-Shipping companies who get your order, print it and deliver it directly to your address so it reduces the carbon footprint although we don’t get to handle the product and so have to trust in the providers for their quality and return policies. It makes things a little complicated sometimes but when paying premium prices one hopes to reduce the chance of manufacturer or delivery faults. For more details on shipping and returns see the ( Shipping & Returns ) Policies.
There are numerous policies regarding the privacy of information and how your data gets used to help improve the website dynamics ( Privacy of Information ) Plus policies regarding the Fun Activities and the main takeaway from that is that to respond to the FUN ACTIVITIES and filling and submitting forms to get discount codes you need to be over 18 years old to be able to legally accept the ( Terms & Conditions ). Take a look at the About Tab and search for specific terms and conditions that you wish to look up. If they aren’t there or you can’t find them then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
There is one shop here The Bargain Hunter’s Shop that is quite different than the rest. Many friends have said they love the designs and want to by the items but simply can’t justify paying the premium prices even if the quality is great, price is their main concern. So it would be nice if my designs were in reach of everyone’s budget and so I have found cheaper companies for the Print-on-Demand Drop drop shipped items but I have also started researching and resourcing other suppliers to try to reduce costs and well run the gauntlet of quality and risks of shipping bulk orders. To stock.
I’m a muso and artist who lives in a tropical eden parked up in my bus in the outback of Australia so I don’t have many storage options and deliveries take a while. I am able to handle a few items and perhaps even have some fun by setting a stall at some tourist markets and sell a few items in person to folks.
So with this in mind I’ve started the (BARGAIN HUNTER’s SHOP or the Cheep Cheep shop) where I order a small bulk of items to receive direct from the manufacturers to sell at markets, but the moment I’ve paid for the order and confirmed shipping delivery dates etc. I’ll add the item to the BARGAIN HUNTER’s SHOP inventory and write the date it’s expected to land in Australia into the description and any other details that might be important for individual cases.
This allows anyone who might be interested in taking a punt to get cheaper items to order them from the shop and lock in their order by paying for it and they fully understand that they will need patience for it to land on Australian shores and then a little more patience as it may a few weeks to process and have the goods posted out to them out using Australia Post.
Most of the time we get what we pay for but occasionally we have a little win and we end up getting much more than what we Bargained for. More often than not we are faced with the reality that Cheap is Cheap and often for the quality of items but in this system it really is a gamble of unknown quality. The prices gained may be from cheap manufacturers or it may be that a higher quality manufacturer is having a promotion. If it’s the later then one might expect these items to be of reasonably good quality and good printing materials and methods so hopefully it’s a Win, Win Win for all.
A Win for the customer because they get a great quality item with this site’s unique designs at much lesser prices than the Print-on-Demand Drop Shipping companies
A Win for the promoter who has gained our initial business for their promotion and if all goes well may have won a new customer.
A Win for this site with more people in the world wearing the designs. It would be an extra win if there was a profit in the process too as all the research and Hunting for Bargains costs time and energy and the designs also cost in time and energy. It would be nice to have a little fuel in the tank and food in the belly for our efforts and time to keep volunteering to help the planet out. More inspirations for more designs and more time to bring them to life.
That’s about the best way to get prices down to a more competitive rate that most consumers are prepared to pay for their shirts. Of course, the items bought through the Bargain shop in general don’t have a return policy unless the damage is obvious. One of the most common things you’ll hear a peddler of cheap stuff says is that their items are quality items. Very cheap, very cheap and high quality is what you may hear in Bali or other places where we go to stock up on Cheap shirts that barely last 10 wash cycles.
There are no refunds for clothing items purchased through the BARGAIN HUNTER’S SHOP that may shrink after the first few washes so please treat this shop like a Bali basement bargain-type purchase. Cheap stuff with no refunds expected. Of course, if the print is upside down or completely the wrong item then contact us immediately so we know. Indeed if you find that the Cheap Cheap garment and print is of exceptionally high quality then also let us know this because this is how we determine who the good manufacturers are and if buying from them again is a good way to go.
The only other way I can think of to help reduce prices for customers wanting to buy items through the Prin-on-Demand Drop shipping stores is to use discount codes. Some discount codes are given in the autoresponse when filling out and submitting a FUN ACTIVITY form. The discount codes may differ from Activity to Activity so it’s a fun way to promote certain items.
One code which is the ( BRANDED) code is about the print design itself. Some folks really want only the Fish or the Bird or Butterfly or other clean design without any www.murryrhodes.com or other promotional branding on the item. This is lovely but it doesn’t really help spread the word of where folks can find the designs to buy for themselves and help support this site. So the Branded designs are like a little favour for each other.
Using the (BRANDED) code at the checkout takes 20% off the retail price and %20 off the retail price is like a huge chunk out of the mark-up after costs.
Let’s say you by a thing for $100 and try to sell it for $150. You do a 20% discount of $150 which is $35.00 OFF. You paid $100 and sold it for $115.00. YAY for the profit of $15.00 to cover expenses like fuel, food, advertising, time or other expenses so you’re probably left with $5.00 that the tax department wants a chunk of so the value of invested risks and time to do all these things is really almost zero return and so an ongoing promotional 20% discount is a pretty nice discount to give when low-profit margins are involved.
20% OFF is a nice discount for the customer and happily given if the brand is on the design so other people who see the item can see where it came from and come to the site. The hope is that some folks are happy to pay the higher price for the non-branded items so the site can earn enough to stay afloat and keep the site up and if we’re really lucky have enough to afford to keep on volunteering to help the planet out.
Anyway, there are many complex terms and conditions in this whole online retail process that seem mind-boggling at times when all we want to do is simply buy or sell some T-shirts or hats or other items and get what we pay for and not have the vendor go broke for doing it.
When things go wrong as they sometimes can regardless of paying for the high quality we do our best to help resolve issues and so the terms and conditions come into play. If you have problems with any items then just contact us using the contact form at the footer of each page on this website and we’ll do our best to help resolve it. I do live in the Outback where phone signal is often really bad so emails are the best way to contact us. If you leave your phone details then when we get good signal we can call you.
The formal ABOUT is done. You know where to find the Terms and Conditions for various concerns and how to contact us if you have any questions or problems.
Below is a less formal “About”
I’m about all life and people and music and space and science and the spirit of and about us. You’ll discover more in the Blogs and song lyrics as some are journals of my waltzing working outback life and others are wandering ponderings from my science background and woven with the wonderful philosophical and possibly spiritual journeys of life in life about life and of all things alive and living. There is an afterlife, it is here and now and it can only exist if life exists in the here and now. See, kind of deep, kind of fluffy, but kind of cool. :)
My early science background includes physics and cosmology, Geology of our minerals and chemistry and forensics of Archaeology and us. Right now I’m immersed in the learning curves and discovery of biological things and all her diversity of and for life. Here and now and beyond.
This site is intended as a nice place for people like you to come and take a break from the saturation of online media and advertising and more media and more advertising so I hope you enjoy the variety of images, music and designs coupled with stories of fact and fiction and the blurry places in between. At present, I rely on your generosity of Tip Hat Tips and purchases to help keep this site Add free which is beautiful on your behalf so please keep supporting this site and share it with as many folks as you think may enjoy it.
As a creative soul, I love to exercise what we think we know about everything and research things and add little notions of my own seasoning of reasoning for different Hypotheses. I love to simplify complex systems into reasonably sound concepts with classical interpretations and applications. So if you ever questioned the origins of the universe or the planets or how things happen then you may really enjoy my blogs on Space. If you love hearing about doers doing something in the field of biology and preserving life then perhaps my Nature’s Gifts journal/blog may be more to your liking.
Everybody who loves life is welcome here regardless of who you might be. The shop details and policies etc can be found further on.
Take care and travel well my friends. :)
As the 2020 Covid-19 shut down the world many lives were put on hold.
I was a singing piano man performing inner city clubs and pubs but based mainly in the outback of Australia which is where I found myself holed up as the world suffered the terrible confusion and fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It became my paradise as you can see in the nature photos.
I took to design and photography to start capturing and sharing the beauty of this region to bring folks in the outside world a little beauty, peace and pleasure to help alleviate the turbulence of the times.
I became actively involved with groups preserving and promoting biodiversity to help protect it and to learn a bit more about biological things. So your purchases here not only give you a nice little something to wear, hang on walls or even add to your music collection but the money helps me help others as best I can.
I kind of hope my designs, music and stories help heal the world in their own little way and maybe just enough to make a difference to someone, maybe you.
I’ve been researching all this shopping online stuff and found some really excellent quality garments to put my images on and into a store for you to buy which is nice.
I’m sure you can appreciate that quality items cost a little more and I certainly hope that you’ll let me know if there are any issues with your order.
Some deliveries may take only two weeks to arrive and others may take up to six weeks depending on where they are made.
Some are Australian, some from the U.S and Canada and some from Europe.
Cheers and safe travels.
Murry :)
I thought I’d let you know a little more about how your purchases help me help the world in a nice little way. The designs and images are nice and buying them helps colour the world with more smiles which is nice. My art of music is soothing and my lyrics and blogs explore and express life in all aspects from space and science to the inner soul of us and other living things helping promote a little awareness of the little things. Beyond my arts and science, I’m also involved with volunteer groups that help promote and preserve biodiversity in sensitive regions. Most of the biological photos are from those regions and so your purchases help pay the bills to keep me and this website alive while I help others help this planet’s biodiversity in this nice little way. So all your purchases really do make a difference.