Last updated 20230122
Cheap Cheap bargains are not print-on-demand and so comes under general (terms and conditions) with additional (terms and conditions) to account for the different logistics.
Super cheap items are sourced in super cheap places of manufacture such as China, India, Mexico etc. and so the quality of the materials, the manufacture and the printing is not expected to match that of the higher quality garments purchased through the print-on-demand function on this website. We source super cheap items noting the online feedback comments regarding the quality and service of the manufacturer’s product and try to determine the quality fairly represents the price. Customers are made fully aware that the cheap cheap cheaper products are manufactured in the cheap regions where the quality of the garment and or the printing will not be as good as quality as that of the higher quality products sold at higher prices. Any claims for refunds or further discounts regarding the comparable quality will not be awarded on the basis that the customer is fully aware at the time of making the purchase that the quality of the product will be lower in comparison to the higher quality, higher priced products and therefore will not be awarded a refund for this reason.
Choice of size, colour and design will be limited only to what’s in the description. The quality of the garment and print will be reflected in the price so you may want to stock up and buy several of the same item as like when in cheap cheap places you stock up because you know the cheap cheap garments and prints fade and fall apart much quicker than most higher quality products. It’s a gamble we take and there are no returns or refunds for the cheap cheap bargains. However, if there is a gross manufacturer fault or incorrect product delivered then the customer needs to provide evidence with photos and delivery information. The time frame for making such a claim is 30 days from the date of confirmed delivery to the customer’s address.
However, Change-of-Mind refund can be claimed for up to and including the date of the bulk products landing in Australia. Once the product is landed, the order is processed for secondary delivery internally to Australia or internationally and once the parcel has been posted then the customer is no longer eligible for a change-of-mind refund.
Non-delivery refund - Once an order has been placed the first key date for the customer to be aware of is the expected landing-in-Australia date. This is NOT the due date of delivery of the item to the customer but simply when the item is intended to land in Australia from the manufacturer. From this date, if there are no customs complications or other delivery delays then this date marks 90 days after as the expected delivery date to the customer. Once the item lands and is received by us murrydesigns then it may take several weeks to package and post into the Australia post delivery system. Unless otherwise instructed by the customer the postal service used will be a Standard small parcel satchel which is tracked and given a non-urgent parcel status as per the Australia Post website, delivery may take six or more days to from posting. It is not insured and it is not EXPRESS unless otherwise arranged with the customer at the customer’s extra costs.
If the customer has not received the parcel within 90 days of the expected Landing in Australia Date then they have 30 days to claim a non-delivery for which if the parcel has already been posted into the Australia Post system then an investigation on the tracking of the parcel will occur and the onus of the delivery delay will be on Australia post. We will refund the cost of the item to the customer and try to recover the loss from Australia Post.
If the delayed delivery is due to the item not yet landing in Australia for whatever reason being from the manufacturer or by international freight issues then if the customer wishes, a Change-of-mind refund can be claimed.