Warm Big Bang MW Rhodes 2023 Pre-Essay

A Warm Big Bang Theory (WBBT)

By Murry W Rhodes © 2023

The Cold Big Bang singularity was too cold.

The Hot Big Bang singularity is too hot.

The Warm Big Bang sequence is not. 

THIS IS a PRe-essay Blog. A DF of the fully cited essay can be purchased in the Story Store at www.muzduz.com

Neutrons decay to produce the proton state of its mass and its counter charge partition, the electron.  These are the stator and rotor mechanisms that make the electromagnetic spectrum and nearly all the resistance and thermal energy of a physical universe.

Energy was cold and dark before thermal energy existed. 

E = mc^2  =>  M = e/v^2

If Free neutrons materialised out of cold dark energy suspended in the fabric of space then the natural physical sequence includes gravity gradients and gradual accumulation of mass properties that transform into electromagnetic radiations of thermal energy.  We might find a sequence where gravitation provides the energy for cold fusion and the emergence of primordial element nuclide symmetries.  A progression that looks like this.  Fn = Free neutron. 

Emergence of primordial elements and their isotopes. 


Fn formation sequence collated by density (Lowest to Highest).

1H->Hp,Hd,Ht->He3,He4->Li7,Li6-> Fn (Core)

A system with a decaying neutron core thermally regulated by hydrogen and helium convecting until lithium six precipitates and collates a shell around the core.  The shell insulates it so it gradually heats up to at least 450 degrees K.  The melting point of lithium.  It breaches and exposed liquid H & He at around 15 Degrees K to the 450 degrees K.  

State function thresholds of liquid H & He increase the kinetic energy at the breach and the lithium six nuclide ejects a neutron starting an N-N thermonuclear disintegration of the shell with a shock wave where at least 50% kinetic energy propagates into the dense core constructively interfering and observing the square of distance and cube of volume laws and produces a WBB and at least 2-3 thermal peaks of a CMBR.

Warm Big Bang Theory (WBBT)

By Murry W Rhodes © 2023

( How do neutrons materialise out of cold, dark energy?  see below. )

The theory of the origin of natural physical universes.

This NOT a singularity but a natural sequence of energy transformations.


P1. Cover 

P2. Disclosure statement & Citing Style. 

P3. Abstract       - The Cold, The Hot, and the Warm Big Bang. For new PHDs, Innovations,   

                                   inventions and funding projects.

      Introduction  - The cold one was too cold.  The hot one is too hot.

                                    The warm one could be just right.

P4. - P10     Main body 

      - A/  One page summary of the two Flaws.

       -  Missing the first floor -

       -  The second flaw is by order of the law of emergence.  The flaw that breaks the law.

       -   Solid-Liquid-Gas Functions-of-state were determined by observation and not extrapolations. 

            & 10^32 Degrees K primordial soup is 10^20 Degrees K too hot.  

P5. - B/  The theory of the origin of physical universes.  (WBBT)

       -  From dark-energy-flux to quarks to Free-neutrons

P6. - C/ The Warm Big Bang Theory  ( WBBT )

       - From dark energy to neutrons, Beta-decay revision & expansion..


P7.  - Welcome to the Warm Big Bang. ( Sequence to distribution )

        -  ( Materials and methods)  Free-neutron decay products and gravity  

P8.   -  The process begins

P9.   -  The Warm Big Bang ( Sequence )

P10. -  Distribution - Shells

P11. -  Lithium 6 Shell, Final Distribution & (CMBR) Two Peaks+

P12. -  Conclusion

P13.  -  The beginning of the universe is more complex than a 12 page report.

Disclosure statement. 

The author is an independent researcher.  The interpretations are not influenced by financial, political or religious bias. 

Citing style is for general public use to view references for further reading.  Bookmark links to published papers, industry articles, wikipedia summaries, and other media. [XX] Topic

Footnotes are marked as  **X


The theory of the origin of physical universes is a natural sequence of energy transformations.

It addresses the requirements of early universe theories and blends the Cold Big Bang Theory (CBBT) and the Hot Big Bang Theory (HBBT) with observations of experiments from CERN, LIGO, Caltech, NASA et.al to form a novel perspective of a Warm Big Bang Theory (WBBT). 

It removes the main unknowable of the (HBBT) and presents a unique perspective of verified laboratory evidence from highly regarded institutes and testable hypothesis to describe a natural, universal, physical sequence.  Being novel it may inspire questions for new PHDs, innovations and inventions to confirm, resolve, refine and exploit.  

You may not learn any new science here as it has already been done in many labs.   This is just a new perspective and a different practical application of our observations. 


References include journal papers, institute media articles and Wikipedia summaries.

 [XX]  ( See end text Reference list )


We may never know the origin of infinite empty space but we can develop and refine our tools to navigate, predict and exploit the finite physical universes within the one subset of infinite physical universes that materialise and decay.  Rain, hail or snow forms, evaporates and forms again.

There have been many early universe theories [34] History of Universe Theories. 

The (HBBT) [1] Big Bang, is today’s accepted theory and has endured for around 100 years.  

All theories have unknowns. We resolve unknowns and minimise or rationalise the unknowables.

The Big Bang is the best evidence matrix we have. We need to fill in gaps and resolve any flaws.    


1920s Georgias Lemaitre presents a theory of a Cold Big Bang.   T = Near Zero Degrees K

After Hubble’s and Einstein’s input, it became the Hot Big Bang.   T > 10^32 Degrees K

2020s’ New Evidence & perspectives depict a Warm Big Bang.   T = Circa 450 Degrees K 

[11]Cold Big Bang, 

There are flaws in the (HBBT) that suggest changes need to occur to progress beyond the current bottleneck of unknowns and unknowables. 

The first flaw is the missing foundation. From time t = 0 up to the first minute or so where it is said: “all science breaks down”.  Stuff happened and transformed zero energy to 10^32 Degrees K which is 10^20 Degrees K hotter than anything observed in nature or a lab.  Is it unknowable?      

The second flaw is a breach of the natural law of emergence in the 10^32 Degree K environment of the Hot Big Bang.  What comes first, radiation or the particles, forces and fields that make radiation? An entropy of extreme opposites and a state function of m->E->m.  A condition that only satisfies one system of recombination for element formation and the (CMBR).    

The (WBBT) presents an alternate pathway to these conditions and predicts others that the (HBBT) cannot. 

If you are anything like me you may like to explore this new theory without having the answers readily available.  Below are the references used in the summary.  This is a teaser sample only so if you want to engage and receive the full summary essay then contact the author.   ( See below the reference list for contact details and the DAD form. ) 

0.  References for further reading. 

1.    2023 WIKIPEDIA  BIG BANG  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang

2.    2023 WIKIPEDIA  RELATIVITY  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_relativity

3.   2023  WIKIPEDIA  QUANTUM  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics

4.   2012  NATURE   10^12 degrees C    https://blogs.nature.com/news/2012/08/hot-stuff-cern-physicists-create-record-breaking-subatomic-soup.html

5.   2023 NASA    BLACK HOLES   https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/black-holes

6.   2023  WIKIPEDIA  STATE FUNCTION  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_function

7.   2023 WIKIPEDIA  GOD’s CREATION   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creationism

8.  2023 WIKIPEDIA ANCIENT HELIO     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristarchus_of_Samos

9.  2023 WIKIPEDIA  PROTON     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton

10. 2023 WIKIPEDIA  ELECTRON   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron

11.  2023  WIKI  COLD BIG BANG   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_Big_Bang

12.  2000  CMBR in COLD BIG BANG       https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/308660

13.  2023 WIKI  EDWIN HUBBLE           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Hubble

14.  2023 WIKI    CMBR                  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background

15.  2023 WIKI   DARK MATTER    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter

16.  2023  WIKI   QUARKS             https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark

17.  2023 WIKIPEDIA  FREE neutrons    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_neutron_decay 

18. 2023 WIKI  DARK ENERGY      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy

19.   2023 WILSON Jack T., Lawrence David J., Peplowski Patrick N.,  Eke  Vincent R., Kegerreis  Jacob A.   Phys. Rev. C 104, 045501 - Published 13 October 2021  C - Measurement of the free neutron lifetime using the neutron spectrometer on NASA’s lunar prospector mission. , https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.104.045501

20.  2021 Whitney C ,  Caltech 13 October 2021


21.   2021 Charmers Ed.  Kek tackles neutron lifetime puzzle, 02 July 2021,  


22.  2023  WIKI  BETA PARTICLE    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_particle

23.   2023  WIKI    BETA DECAY   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_decay

24.   2023 WIKI  Georgias Lemaitre  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lema%C3%AEtre

25.  2023 WIKI    LITHIUM  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium

26.  2023 WIKI  FUSION    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion

27.   2023 WIKI  FUSION POWER    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_power

28.  2023  WIKI  NET FUSION INVESTMENT     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fusion_experiments

29.  2022   Making matter from light   https://www.energy.gov/science/np/articles/making-matter-collisions-light

30.  2012  10^12 HOTTEST TEMP   https://www.theverge.com/2012/8/15/3244513/cern-scientist-hottest-man-made-temperature

31.  2023  WIKI   EMERGENCE  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergence

32.  2023  WIKI  N-N NUCLEAR EVENT   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_chain_reaction

33.  2023  WIKI  PERIODIC TABLE   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_table

34.  2023  WIKI  UNI THEORIES   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_cosmological_theories

35.   2023  WIKI  CERN      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN

36.    2023  WIKI   LIGO    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO

37.   2023  WIKI  JAMES WEBB ST    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Webb_Space_Telescope

38.  2023  WIKI  LAW CONS of ENERGY   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy

39.  2023  WIKI  HOPF Fibration  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopf_fibration

40.  2023  WIKI  GAMMA RADIATION   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_ray

41.  2023  WIKI  BB Nucleosynthesis  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang_nucleosynthesis

42.   2020  NASA  Lithium in Stars    https://www.nasa.gov/feature/lithium-comes-from-exploding-stars

43.   2023  WIKI  Castle Bravo Nuke Test    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Bravo

44.  2023  WIKI  State Function TVP      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_function

45.   2023  WIKI   Radiation     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation

Please print, DATE and SIGN the DAD form attached below and send it to.

Murry Rhodes  — C/- Tumbling Waters Holiday Park— P.O Box 49 - Berry Springs - Northern Territory — Australia —  0838

Alternately or additionally you may like to take a photograph of you holding the signed form to your chest and email it to contact@murryrhodes.com  

A Warm Big Bang Theory (WBBT)

By Murry W Rhodes © 2023

The DAD form. 

Normally you might sign an NDA form (Non-Disclosure form ).  

This is NOT an NDA form but a DAD form which is the opposite. 

D.A.D is a Disclose And Discuss form. 

It’s just a friendly way of saying that you enjoyed the WBBT teaser and would like to receive an essay/paper that summarises a larger body of research and evidence used in support of this origin of the physical universes theory.

This DAD form being a disclose and discuss form lets you discuss anything and everything about this theory freely with anyone and everyone in any form of media only if you wish to.  This DAD is restricted to this theory only and is not applicable to any future essays or papers from the author unless stated otherwise. 

By signing and dating this form you are acknowledging that you would like to receive the main summary body and agree with the DAD terms.

This form is for my records of who has received the main summary and the date it was requested for tracking discussion activity.


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If you want to engage and receive the main body.  Contact the Author.

Please print, DATE and SIGN the DAD form attached below and send it to.

Murry Rhodes  — C/- Tumbling Waters Holiday Park— P.O Box 49 - Berry Springs - Northern Territory — Australia —  0838

THIS IS a PRe-essay Blog. A DF of the fully cited essay can be purchased in the Story Store at www.muzduz.com


Base Vs' Virtual Realms of Reality.

Base Vs’ Virtual Realms of Reality

Murry W Rhodes © 2023

I hope the Easter bunny left you a nice easter egg or two.

Do we live in a dream? Or Is this base reality?

Follow the white rabbit.

As Elon Musk ventures into brain implants to connect everyone into a neural link network he jumps on the promotional bandwagon into the market of virtual-reality gamers.

At one of his promotional interviews, if I understood him correctly, he said something like “The probability of this consciousness of life being base-reality is one in billions.”  So he thinks that we are already hooked into a ‘The Matrix’ movie-type construct and experiencing this reality realm as some kind of virtual reality game or program.   What a lovely thought to think. How do you feel about that?  

Anyway, let’s put our fiction hats on and create just such a narrative. 

Click Send.

Base reality needs your help.

Yes, you are experiencing your life through a virtual real-life program but it’s not as simple as just a fantasy programmer’s program.  Similar to *The Matrix* movie your real self is kept, warm, safe and clean and in a sterile state of suspended animation.   

Unlike the Matrix movie, there is no nefarious narrative of Hollywood goodies and baddies but in fact, the purpose of it is to help preserve and maintain your real biological self as we travel through the deepest darkest voids of space toward some new home planet to exploit it as our canvas and fill it with beautiful biodiversity of all life for all our babies to be born and thrive alive with and do as life does best to be ever more beautiful just like you as their mother, father or other of another time and place in space.  

Upon arrival, your real self, your soul will be slowly re-engaged into a growing biological host and the life skills you have gained while in this virtual realm are retained in your base reality memory. Skills and knowledge that you may need for the tasks ahead, upon awakening.

You began your life here in the virtual realm with a blank slate memory. The experience of learning and creating is the stimulus of virtual reality. The wonderful wonders of love, joy, music and humour and the darker times of doubt, fear and extreme sadness and how you respond to it, is who you are.

When you die here, you are not dead in base reality but there are no re-runs in the same timeline. A new game is a new game and there are no refunds. So you may leave but you can’t return to this here and now.

How to prove that you are real but in a virtual world? You may not be.  You may not be real. Not everyone in this consciousness is networked in from base reality as some of us are purely programmed characters who are remnants of historical accounts and memories of people who existed in this epoch sequence. You know this already by your interactions with others and the different wavelengths you feel.  

There is only one way to know and this is mainly for you to know for yourself.  You will either know it or you won’t and either way, that’s OK because we all have our roles to play.  “Temet nosce” Know thyself.

The laws of physics in base reality are unbreakable laws.  Time itself moves in one direction and one direction alone so in base reality we do encounter phenomena such as psychic communications. These are simply a transmission and reception of a bioelectric signal in real-time however there are two closely related but distinctly different phenomena that we can never experience in the realm of base reality.      

These two phenomena are called Deja Vu and confirmed long-sequence premonition dreams. Time travel is not possible in any way. These phenomena seem like information about the future has somehow travelled into the past to our present and into our dreams. It is not so, as you’ll learn below. It is a real-time base reality psychic signal your body has received and processed.

Only you will know for certain if you have encountered them for real.  If you have encountered these phenomena then you most certainly have a biological presence in our base reality and so you are warm and safe and travelling through space to one of a dozen destinations. 

This virtual realm of your reality is not an imagined programmer’s program with a fictional narrative but a collective memory of the minds of persons you have either chosen to or were allocated to experience. 

All the histories of history and knowledge you know of are all part of the fabric of your life.  So you are living a past life as if it were in the present. It’s the best way to keep the neurone activity valid in your biological base reality.  

The Deja vu is a simple successful splice of the memory recording feature.  The memory program runs as an analogous sequence in real-time and as real-time in the virtual realm. You experience it as an overlay of past and present because this is precisely what the splice is.  As mentioned above, in base reality there is no such way of reversing time or repeating events and so Deja vu simply does not happen and nor do premonition dreams.  

Premonition dreams are similar but are quite different as they are events that can indeed happen instantaneously in time as like a Deja vu at first. The overlapped confusion feels like a Deja vu but soon enough the feeling of confusion subsides as confirmations come over the course of the next few seconds, the next few minutes, the next few hours, the next few days, weeks, months or years. 

In the mid 1990s’ I had a nightmarish dream that reoccured every night for about a week. It was so disturbing that I wrote notes of it down and put it in an envelope to save for later, just in case. Some years later the envelope had been tossed out along with many other loose, irrelevant notes dreams and ideas.

It wasn’t until 11 September 2001 that the dream of all those years ago started confirming the nightmare. I was uncertain at first but then as the months went by the details and images of new footage and photos would get published and it took over a year before the entire dream sequence was completely confirmed by images, people and places and faces I’d never seen before and of the horror.

The horror. The emotions and sensory experiences of people communicating their experiences psychically in base reality to end up constructively interfering the harmonic of their horror into my virtual dream as I dreamed of several people’s experiences in a full colour sensory expression of their experience.

Base reality does recognise real-time psychic transmission and reception, especially during high energy high emotional states of people when experiencing fear, love, loss and anger.  As someone who is linked into a sequence from base reality encounters these in the virtual realm, the active neurones in base reality are highly energetic and transmit emotional information in real time.

This signal radiates and echoes so sometimes this sets up harmonics that can be received in real-time by neighbours in nearby base-reality pods.

These signals interfere with our hardware and can translate into the awaking dreams of dreamers in the virtual realm. Perhaps you know these dreams.  

There are several seed vessels and so different populations of people and other souls that are safe and snug in their base-reality pods and although each is experiencing their virtual reality memory in real-time, they are not all networked into the same frame of time reference. Much like a Hollywood movie at a cinema has an overlap of screening times so if you wanted to you can walk out of one movie cinema and walk into the next that is showing the same movie but it started at a different time and so you get to see either a future sequence or a past sequence. 

Your biological self in base reality can’t get up and physically change channels or relocate to some other network that may be playing the same sequence minutes, days or years ahead or before this one that you are in right now and so your virtual self cannot control the where when or how you might experience a phenomenon of confirming long sequenced premonition type dreams.  So the dream you have is just a real-time psychic signal from a neighbour experiencing that event now but because it is a virtual future, then your dream is seeing it, in what seems to be the past.

We understand that it is frustrating and we apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we try to improve the barriers and reduce the constructive interference from any such transmissions occurring in base reality. 

The virtual realm is structured on memories of memories and splices of memories and so for the most part your life is a one-way path that you can’t really stray away from. However, we have been able to reconfigure some of the software algorithms to allow for some minute variations to occur within the limitations of memory.  Variations that can occur within a finite subset of probabilities and that provide a framework that can occasionally produce new full memories for your life’s virtual experience.  

This means that although the main narrative remains constant and the outcomes of decisions lead to the same main marker points or Deja vus in life and death, you can enjoy learning new things and sometimes by probabilistic chaos you may even create a solution to a problem that was never solved in base-reality. 

It is this function that brings us to here and now and the reason why base reality is able to reach into this population and ask for your help in this otherwise unchangeable sequence of past memories. 

It is a very rare occasion and one that we in base reality hope for more of so if you find yourself to know in yourself that you have truly encountered a deja vu or extended confirmed premonition type dream then you do have a biological base reality and your virtual self may have the skills to help solve a problem that we need to be solved. Not here in virtuality but beyond it in our base reality. If base reality fails then it all stops. Everything stops including the virtuality programs which means our legacy of life in the universe has ended.  

The problem is this. Space is deeper, darker and much colder than our ancestors had calculated from our observations.  Our energy provisions are being consumed faster than we had anticipated and our ability to extract energy from our environment is good but not good enough to reach the target system.  Even if we do the unthinkable and start cannibalising the energy of other seeds, we just don’t have enough.

So, what we do need is the knowledge combinations and permutations from a collective population to help come up with solutions that optimise the energy from the limited resources we have. 

By current calculations, we only have enough energy to support all our systems for around a thousand more generations of the live-on-board maintenance crews of each seed vessel. This may sound like a lot of time to solve such a problem but it is not since our crews are very small and our physical resources and abilities are extremely limited.

The virtual realm of reality maintains the natural physical laws and properties of many physical things that we simply don’t have access to and so we need you to do something very special and step out of your safety zone of virtual normality and contribute to the cause if you can. 

The author of this is an independent researcher and creative writer of natural sciences so this writer has at least one degree of freedom when it comes to analysing information without being limited or restricted by any authoritarian, economic or sociopolitical bias. 

Support this writer now, financially if you can or personally with your knowledge, skills and network of friends and pray that it is enough to solve this base-reality problem so we can all get to the destination of our next home and replenish our stock and let all life flourish freely again on a beautiful new home planet.  

The call is yours.  The help you can give is in your hands. 

You may see a sign soon in a dream or in a very odd sequence of coincidence and then you’ll know if this is base fiction or in the realm of your reality to help.  The decision to help is yours and yours alone.

If you see the sign or not and feel you may like to take a chance and support the writer to keep researching and writing or even help resolve the energy problem then please fill out the form below and register your interest and tick whichever boxes best apply to you.

There is a PayPal Tip Button below too or you may wish to brows the column to the right or go to the shops and purchase some merchandise. There’s a link below. It all helps with the real-life helping of life’s biodiversity in this virtual reality as well as into research to help solve our base-reality energy crisis.

Without base reality there can be no virtual one.

Here is a trade. Base reality may reveal some knowledge of the universe and some practical solutions to the current global energy and climate fears.

One solution will provide extremely clean energy for 10 Billion people for over a thousand years but is only useful on the planet.

In exchange, Base reality needs a solution to our own energy problems. It’s more of a refinement for our base reality processors. A process that would excite many energy entrepreneurs but a process that must remain extremely well hidden in this virtual realm from the many who would use it for nefarious reasons and cause a logistical nightmare and possible collapse of this virtual world for the devastations it would create and the reconfigurations of virtual lives into a new virtuality. Only a few can know this technology for the purpose of solving it and the author of this is one. Perhaps you are another.

I hope you enjoyed this fiction. Let me know in the comments below and if you do see a sign then it’s a sign. You’ll know what to do.

The tip jar is that blue button directly below that says PAYPAL TIPS :)

Take care, be kind and thankyou very much for your time and generosity.
The fun hats and shirts you see in the side column are my designs and so purchasing a nice souvenir may add some nice colour into your life and help support my independent research and volunteer work at the same time and both in the base and virtual Realms of Reality. :)


Muz :)

Angel Sigma 5


Thank you so much for any tips you can afford. As I work and volunteer in the outback of Australia to help promote, protect and repair biodiversity in some of our more sensitive ecologies, I also take the time to research the science of physics, chemistry and maths for a better understanding of the geological and universal processes in this universe.

If you care to look you’ll find panels of experts in their fields amidst the greater scientific community that are extremely divided on many unresolved descriptions of observations of the natural universe. I gained some academic tools while doing an undergrad physics degree at university some decades ago where I diversified into geology and archaeology and so applied those tools in an equally diverse working life of geophysics, electrical problem solving and music so I do have some grounding for researching the science in these fictions.

Time is time and we can only afford to do what we can when we can afford to do it and so your tips go a long way toward helping me, helping the planet’s biodiversity and also perhaps helping resolve some of the questions that the panels of experts seem incredibly divided on. In my research, I have devised two energy solutions. One for the planet and one for deep space but like all ideas and projects they need resources, people with skills and funding to pay for it all.

Sometimes life is about taking a risk and praying for a reward.

Base reality needs your help.

So here’s how your $10^x Tips and any profits from purchases will help.

$10.00 => A cup of coffee and a snack bar. The lifeblood of a researcher researching journals and papers and learning new tools or techniques.

$100.00 => Shirt, hat and a water bottle to use in the bush while helping little critters have a safe and healthy home plus a little time to research and write.

$1000.00 => Rent for a few weeks in the bush with phone, power and food. Only nothing is FREE and everything else has a cost.

$10,000.00 => Access to more tools and people. Tertiary courses, books and making social network contacts for biology, physics or other helpful items.

$100,000.00 => Pays the piper and greases the wheels for others to help with biodiversity or physics promotions and really start to help solve some problems.

$1,000,000.00 => Rent for a year, wages for five or so people working behind the scenes. Paying the piper, solving problems and making a difference in the world.

$10,000,000.00 => A cup of coffee and a snack bar.

$10^8+ => The sky and the universe is the limit. If it works then it may be a nice story to be involved with.

The contact form.

Link to Tops & Hat Shop.

 Click Send. 

#happy #earth #science #biodiversity #space #virtual #reality #hope #reward #help

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Gravity Insanity

The insanity and inhumanity of gravity. How the discovery of gravity waves did some questionable stuff.

The gravity wave conCern. By Murry W.Rhodes © 20220408

As the 2020 Global Covid-19 shutdown unfolded, I was isolated in my bus in the outback just watching reports of the calamity and feeling a bit guilty to have been so lucky to be living such an isolated life away from the world. So with the world shut down, all most of us could do was watch and pray for those less fortunate than ourselves. It also gave me the time to catch up on several decades of news. Most of us, are just too busy trying to survive and the pleasurable things in life tend to get overlooked. Things that sit in the cupboard collecting dust. For me, my pleasure in life is science and technology and the development of us as a species in this vast universe of stuff.

So back in my Undergraduate days of around 2002-2005, I was doing a physics degree which included astronomy, geology and archaeology and all the chemistry and physics and maths that goes with those wonderfully interesting subjects. The head astronomy lecturer at UWA was Dr David Blair. A nice fella who as part of the course took the class out to a place called Gin Gin. North of the City of Perth ( Western Australia).

He showed us his science project which was a gravity wave detector and it was really quite an impressive project with long lasers and the science and theory of how and what it was intended to detect. So while chatting with him the two biggest problems the project faced was a technical one and a political one.

The technical one was about how the instrument being so sensitive that it would detect the gravity of a truck driving along the highway about 20 Kilometers away. I imagined with sensitivity to this degree that it would also be able to detect internal earth movements of the Earth’s core and mantle and the tectonic plates plus the moon’s movement and of course the Sun and planets. Determining which signals were associated with what specific gravity anomaly being the tricky bit.

The political problem was simply the same as what most university lecturers have to go through to maintain funding for their respective pet projects. He mentioned this problem on several occasions. Funding for projects is a crazy academic sport that uses networks of friends and favours on top of many hard worked hours of creating an argument as to how and why the funding will benefit the community. It’s typical political stuff too where votes matter, I s’ get dotted and t s’ get crossed hands get shaken and political promises are made for whatever worth they might be.

In 2015 I was working in Kununurra when I heard the news that a gravity wave had been detected. I was so happy for my old lecturer because I knew above all else that he really wanted to prove Einstein’s theory of gravity waves existing as being true and correct.

There are factions in the broader science community who worship Einstein’s genius brand equity similarly as a church might worship god and there are those who only see his work as nice philosophical physics. In case you didn’t know, Physics is about trying to put words to theories about how the natural world works. The maths side of it is a different animal. Maths is just a tool that has proven to be really great at analysing the things we can see and predicting things that are yet to occur but maths does have its limitations when observations can’t be made of what the maths is trying to predict. It’s one of today’s specialised dilemas of science.

For example, maths can create the state-of-function formulas for when matter changes phase from liquid to solid to gas and plasma etc.. But it simply couldn’t accurately predict where those phases were going to be before they were observed and so they needed observations of the thresholds of where these phase changes occurred before the maths could do its magic and give us a formula for making the prediction. Which now is no longer a prediction but just a state-of-phase function given certain energy and particle conditions and criteria as the variables.

We see similar complications arise on things like mathematically determining the quantum functions of light that transfers from one media to another. Refraction and reflection on the atomic/quantum scale of what the light is doing. Here’s where we get into complications that arise with things like Dark Matter and Dark Energy as well as the insurmountable variables in the universe that affect things like gravity and relativity and the theories thereof. For refraction, there are two factions arguing over fractions of functions and both are equally correct mathematically but differ in philosophy. Causality and effect. The theory of flight is the same old potato or tomato argument of preference.

Theories explore the chaos that has occurred while forming our physical universe into its current state with a plethora of different disciplines that search out those pathways back to the beginning of all time. It is why I enjoy exploring basic classical physics more than getting bogged down in specialising in any one of the many strings of chaos back through a complex web of indices and inefficient coefficients.

As we turn back time, all those things that make up the chaos start to disappear. One cannot have all the science of electromagnetism without first having an electron and proton relationship to generate the fields of resistance that we see in complex atoms and molecules. This is the fundamental pathway to nearly all other dynamic disciplines of our universe of physical chaos contained within a corrupted region of unrelenting gravity from dark energy. Newton’s famous kinetic transfers of energy via collisions can’t occur if the particles with mass properties don’t also have the resistive properties of the proton-electron dipole resistances. In other words, if two masses collide as a solid, liquid or gas then how do the momentum vectors transfer the energy?

The answer is that they can’t, at least not in the traditional sense but of course, some energy may be transferred via the property of mass (gravitation) but then this is a very fluid transfer which doesn’t quite meet the same time scale of the basic Newtonian laws. When exchanging energy in a collision. They do, but they don’t because there was no electromagnetic resistances such as found in crystal solid structures or even liquids and gases with varied dynamics.

For example. mv-><-mv at t1 in a collision where there is no electron-proton resistance. Means <-mv mv-> at t2 without a kinetic transfer. Let’s say TWO free neutrons pass through each other while waiting to decay. There are No electron nor proton fields to resist. If there is no resistance electrostatically or electromagnetically (although perhaps there is some kind of neutral subatomic resistance of bond fields but for less complexity) we might consider the collision to be a pass through of two fields bound as neutral particles without resistance polarities that simply pass through each other. Like waves just transferring through each other without any resistance despite constructional or cancelling properties.

In this example gravity then becomes the only actuator of informational transfer of energy for the I Ep-Ek I. Over time t as determined by velocity vectors relative to the inverse square of the distance at any time t. So Newton’s wonderful maths can bring this back to acceleration vectors for the kinetic potential conversion. Sorry about the wordiness.

You can read more in my notes on these things in previous articles. If you know my writings then you’ll know I don’t ascribe to conclusions, but only follow sequences of stuff that have already been proven such as Free neutron decay being the only observed creation of the (electron/proton) relationship. Leaving the popular broadly accepted theory that neutrons are made in old galaxy cores (Neutron Stars) by squashing an electron and proton together via gravity is a chicken or egg scenario of What came first? Needing an Iron core to have enough gravity to squash electrons and protons to make neutrons first needs neutrons to make the Iron atoms. Simple cyclic conundrums of conventions like that.

In addition to the chicken or egg conundrum, the neutron star theory breaches the law of conservation of mass and energy in a big obvious way quite simply because the mass of an electron plus a proton mass does not equal the mass of a neutron. Sure one might consider that the particle's equal opposite charges cancel to neutrality but unless you can find the missing mass of 10x electron masses and reverse the Beta decay process then squashing electrons and protons together and calling them neutrons is just wishful thinking. Perhaps even lazy.

Anyway, enough of that stuff. Let’s get on with gravity waves and detecting them or perhaps maybe, not detecting them despite the 2015 announcements. By the evidence presented publically and as an enthusiast of cosmological things and with a few undergrad tools of analysis I’m not yet fully convinced that the gravity wave of the announcements is quite as what the articles describe. At least not without some bias toward supporting the funding programs or indeed feeding the worshippers of Einstein a little miracle of science.

To be honest, I’ve started reading a few of AL’s papers on various things and I could be wrong but I get the feeling that the purity of science was more important to him than the fame or righteousness of being right or being seen to be right all the time. The systemic academic worshipping of such idols can lead to a subconscious bias. Something that gets in the way of the purity of science just as much as funding and institutional network biases can and do. So after looking at the evidence matrices of Albert’s theories, there remain some pretty big questions that unless you move into the full religious posture of believing with faith and ignoring the questions then the theories are not nearly as resolved as his worshippers would have you believe. We are a fickle pickle people critter and this religious worshipping of idols is one of the greater exploitable mysteries of what it is to be human or separate from the monkeys or primordial slime.

So below is what I wrote during the Covid-19 lockdowns. It includes some classical maths being used to ask a few simple questions about the sensitivity and applicability of the gravity wave announcement. Admittedly I’ve not used relativistic calculations here just the simple classical Newtonian laws and if you wish you may argue this as an erroneous analysis for accuracy, you might be right but the point here is not the accuracy of finite numbers but quite simply the scales of 10^x which gravitational waves and the inverse square of distance laws applied to gravity on all scales and as best we know throughout the physical universe. You certainly have the right to ignore the scales as I am no authority on this stuff. Just an average enthusiast.

{{ After years of producing null results, improved detectors became operational in 2015. On 11 February 2016, the LIGO-Virgo collaborations announced the first observation of gravitational waves,[34][35][36][37] from a signal (dubbed GW150914) detected at 09:50:45 GMT on 14 September 2015 of two black holes with masses of 29 and 36 solar masses merging about 1.3 billion light-years away. }}   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_wave


Let’s do some high school maths on these numbers to get a closer look at the gravity wave source.  Just a brief look at the scale of things using some high school maths.  Nothing scary.

We know from gravity laws that gravity reduces its effect at the square of the distance away from a node.  Let’s clump the two black hole masses together as one mass.  After all at 1.3 Billion light years away they might be considered a sufficiently closed point system gravitationally to us.  Let’s call our sun our node.

So  29 + 36 = 65.  So 65 Solar masses at 1.3 Billion Light years distance.  

1.3 Billion light years at 9 trillion Km per light year or 9x10^12 km/ltyr 

so times that by 1.3 Billion light years or 1.3 x10^9 light years. We get a distance ( D )

D = 9x10^12  x  1.3 x 10^9  = 11.7 x 10^21 Kilometres away from us or 11.7 x 10^24 meters.

Our Sun is Mass 1.9885×10^30 kg ,  Le’s round it off to 2.0 and not get all Einstein or quantum complicated we’ll just stick to the rudimentary tools of Newtonian physics for now.  I think the scale of things translates well enough so any specialist who wants to convert Newton’s laws into their own specialty fields can enjoy the conversion exercise and still observe the scales required to show the relevance or significance of the observation of scale. Worthy of questioning such things about the gravity wave figures.  

F= G (m1xm2/r^2)                                                      Where G = 6.7x10^-11 (Nm^2/Kg) -

(The gravitational constant of gravity force per kilo of mass)

r = D = 11.7 x 10^24 meters                         

m1 = 1 solar mass =  2 × 10^30 kg   ( rounded )

m2 = 65 Solar masses = 65 x (2 x 10^30 kg) = 1.32 x 10^32 Kg     

F= G (m1xm2/r^2)

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 x ( 2x10^30 x 1.32x10^32 / ( (11.7 x 10^24)x (11.7 x 10^24) ) ) )

F = 17.7 x 10^51 / 136.9 x 10^48

F= (17.7/136.9 ) x 10^51 x 10^-48 = 0.13 x 10^-3

F= 1.3 x 10^-4  N   

Gravity force experienced between our Sun and the binary system provides the gravity wave.

Of course, why worry about the force on the sun when in reality we are dealing with the force affecting gravity wave detectors on the planet Earth? So let’s say we want to figure out the force of gravity that the binary system has on say a 1-kilogram mass sitting right next to the gravity wave detector.  

F = F= G (m1xm2/r^2)                     Where G = 6.7x10^-11 (Nm^2/Kg)

r = D = 11.7 x 10^24 meters

m1 = 1 kg

m2 = 1.32 x 10^32 Kg  

F = 6.7x10^-11 x ( 1 x 1.32x10^32 / ((11.7x10^24)^2) ) = 6.7x1.32 x 10^21 / ( 136.9 x 10^48)

F = (8.84/136.9) x10^21 x 10^-48 = 0.06 x 10^-27 

F = 6.0x10^-29 N

I am rusty. It’s been decades since I used this maths stuff so am happy to be corrected.

Alternately one might also consider why we need to look so far into space to see two masses passing each other to create such a wave and how we might replicate the situation down here on the surface of the planet. 

Let’s start with two 1/2 kg bodies moving past each other at 1 metre away from the 1kg near the detector.  

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 x 1 x 1 / 1^2 

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 N

On a scale of 10^-11 N with two 1/2 kg bricks passing a detector at 1m this should give us better results versus 10^-29 N of two black holes passing each other 1.3 Billion light years away. Perhaps 10^18 better results. Hmm does this make sense?  

Gravity waves proved Einstein's theory is correct and would mean more secure funding for the project in the future. This is really nice because up until this discovery, there had been no results for many years and so funding cuts may have seen such projects be scrapped and the financial perks with it. Science projects that use public money can only do so for as long as political relationships remain justifiable to everyone. Politicians included.

In 2012 the Cern particle accelerator discovered the Higgs Boson particle which was deemed a great success.  In 2013 it was shut down for maintenance or repairs and energy upgrades and by April 2015 it was running trial runs with much greater energy than the original.  Although it detected the Higgs Boson particle there were theoretical physicists that were left uncertain of either the experiment or their own investments of time and passion in their own theories waiting on results to prove their theories from the accelerated Quantum scale observations.   

 {{ On 5 April 2015, after two years of maintenance and consolidation, the LHC restarted for a second run. The first ramp to the record-breaking energy of 6.5 TeV was performed on 10 April 2015.[73][74] In 2016, the design collision rate was exceeded for the first time.[75] A second two-year period of shutdown begun at the end of 2018.[76][77]  }}    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN

7 April 2015 - Particle accelerator trial runs.


9 September 2015 - New Cooling System


18 September 2015 - Search for Dark Matter ( Axion Solar Telescope ) 


Do you recall the 14 September 2015 date of gravity wave detection?  I don’t like guessing but the particle accelerator is all about smashing protons apart to find out how gravity works.  The Higgs Boson particle is said to be the binding energy linked to a property of mass called gravity. So this raises the question about what CERN was doing around  09:50:45 GMT on 14 September 2015. and if anything they were testing or did may have affected the sensitive gravity sensors of the LIGO.   

Effectively Particle accelerators accelerate particles and then smash them, obliterating them into the many different active fields that bind particles and keep them together.  Many of the particles just disappear back into the fabric of space taking with them the properties and energy of whatever mass properties they may have contributed to and so the mass disappears and gravity too and this gets communicated on the fabric of space to the CERN detectors.   

Let’s recall the scale of gravity of the gravity wave masses detected above.  It was 10^-27 (Nm^2/Kg^2).

In quantum Physics when dealing with smashing particles, the particle that comes away from the particle is detected not really as a particle as such but as an electrical field for the potential difference of charge in these particles. Quantum physics and Einstein’s relativistic models don’t yet agree with each other and since Einstein worked on changing Newton’s laws into his own upgraded version then well all three are heavily debated for their appropriate applications. 

Let’s give this scale of Gravity detection some Atomic perspective. 

Mass of an electron is  9.0 x 10^-31 Kg

Mass of a Proton is  1.7 x 10^-27 Kg

So do you wonder if they might have tested the limits of their device for fun? Perhaps sent a proton beyond that magic limit that it’s said no matter can travel faster than the speed of light?  Maybe interfering with the fabric of space in a way that gravity responds to? Who knows? perhaps no one ever will but it’s certainly an interesting gravity wave possibility with Cern or conCern.      Cheers Muz.


Lets round that proton travelling at 0.999999990 c up to 1c. We’re only looking at scales of energy at the moment. Precision here might be overkill. Let’s just say the proton is travelling a circumference of a 26.7 Km circle at the speed of light.

My maths thus far has been extreme averaging based on media reports but the scale of gravity possible from the two black hole masses just coincidentally happens to be a similar scale as the mass of a proton. The same mass as the particles being accelerated at the 26.7 Kilometre circumference of the Cern accelerator.  

{{ When running at the current energy record of 6.5 TeV per proton,[36] once or twice a day, as the protons are accelerated from 450 GeV to 6.5 TeV, the field of the superconducting dipole magnets is increased from 0.54 to 7.7 teslas (T). The protons each have an energy of 6.5 TeV, giving a total collision energy of 13 TeV. At this energy, the protons have a Lorentz factor of about 6,930 and move at about 0.999999990 c, or about 3.1 m/s (11 km/h) slower than the speed of light (c). It takes less than 90 microseconds (μs) for a proton to travel 26.7 km around the main ring.}} https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider

If E=mc^2 then .. Of course, for Ek, I could be pedantic and divide by 2 but we are just looking at the scale.

E= 1.7 x 10^-27 kg x(  3 x 10^8 m/s)^2  = 5.1 x 10^-11 joules. 

The scale of 10^-11 is similar scale as the Two x 1/2 kg brick gravity model above.  Ha funny..  Lets see what else might be going on with this proton.  Or in their own words “protons” in plural form meaning greater mass, than just one proton is involved in this process which only would increase the effects of gravity if any such equipment test run was done around 09:50 GMT 14 Sept. The possibility exists indeed precontract performance tests or pre-commission tests of any equipment is a standard practice and highly likely to occur.. But did it do something during that test that might need to be covered up?.. Don’t know, I wasn’t there but it’s possible so then another floating question might be cause for motive to cover it up and called it a gravity wave from a Binary Star.

Check out the global Budget for the CERN project.. In terms of GDPs of contributing countries.




There is another observation that is trivial, to say the least, but an observation nonetheless. I wanted to see exactly what CERN was posting about during the LIGO detection period. I looked back through their archives and noted straight away how frequent and regular their posting regime had been over the years. Scrolling down there are sometimes 1-3 posts per day from the different divisions in CERN and on occasion, there would be one maybe two days without a post. But no significant gaps.

So what I observed in that scrolling exercise was not the posts that existed but a gap in the regularity of the posting regime. The gap occurred for more days than usual and it was around the 14 September mark for a few days before and after. It was almost as if the PR department was on pause while waiting for something. The suspicious side of me wonders if it wasn’t something that happened during a test that needed some very careful navigation on how to proceed publicly. A new upgrade of any new instalment and its operational limits need to be tested before being commissioned for any official work so this raises the question of if a non-official test resulted in something that CERN needed some time to make the most of the outcome. It’s just funny how the regularity of CERN’s posting seemed to be interrupted in what may or may not be a critical moment.

Some Extra Scribbles.


Mass = m(proton) = 1.7x10^-27 Kg

Velocity =  c          = 3x10^8 m/s

Radius = r             = 26.7 x10^3 m

L= 1.7x10^-27 x 3x10^8 x 26.7x10^3 = 1.4 x 10^-14 ( Kg m^2 /s)

I wonder how many protons they smash in any one event.


Well, I’m not sure how many of you got this far but if you did then well done. I know this science and maths stuff is a head fuddle for most folks and indeed my cerebral rustiness is mathematically obvious but the big picture is that for LIGO to accurately identify a blip in their system at such a tiny fraction of force. When considering all of the physical motions going on on the planet and our solar system and galaxy then they really must have some serious noise-filtering equipment. Was it a gravity wave created by some testing at CERN - they are after all smashing protons apart to discover the mechanisms or properties of gravity. They also may have relations with LIGO that meant supporting them for their funding applications. All manner of questions can be raised.

Even one like, if the signal did not come from a CERN test then what was this signal and why pinpoint it to a specific binary star system? that amidst the billions of stars to choose from there’s likely going to be thousands or millions or perhaps billions of binary stars entering the phase of contact and combining as one massive body. So blaming it on a binary system is cool but for the inverse square of that force over the distance of the one they chose as the culprit.

Don’t get me wrong, mapping gravitational motions would be handy when navigating deep space if we ever get up there but this gravity wave story reeks a little bit like a hallelujah moment for the worshippers of the lord A.E

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Animation and music. I sat at my piano for a couple of hours, played the animation and then came up with the song. It’s rough, and it’s poorly played but it’s simple, safe and effective. :)

Take Care, Travel well and if you liked this then you may really enjoy my previous articles and I’m sure you’ll enjoy my future posts. My notes on stellar nucleosynthesis make for highlighting an interesting observation or two with the respect to the current sequence of elements and the modelling itself coupled with what we do and what we don’t know about fusion both hot and cold.

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Muz :)

Lunacy Landings and Orbit Decay lend to our Expanding Universe PUZZLES.

A luna landing question you may not have heard before. Plus Luna decay by God, gravity, momentum and electrostatics. :)

MW RHODES © 20230112


FUN ACTIVITY - WHERE IS IT? Where did they land the Apollo missions? Visit the website and answer it in the form. (Terms & Conditions) apply. :)

The moon’s orbit is said to be decaying.  A reflective device was placed on the moon some decades ago and perhaps every day a laser is pointed at it and the light which is reflected gives us a distance measurement.  At present and on average these measurements indicate that our Luna moon is moving away from us at around 5cm per year.  The theory of how this occurs has been well documented with gravitational tidal influences of a spinning node (Earth) and an orbiting body (moon) filling the evidence matrix of that theory well enough for tidal influences to be considered the conventional wisdom of how it occurs.  By the way, Luna is the actual name of our moon.  The word moon is just a short way of saying satellite.   



I do like this theory as it makes a lot of sense and the vectors of tides being generated by the moon’s and sun’s gravity stretching at the liquidity of the Earth’s surface and then that the spinning of the Earth being faster than the orbit of the moon means gravitational vectors are both pulling/accelerating the moon around a little bit in the direction of the planet’s rotation.  So the moon gains a little more energy and by the inverse square of distance law distributes that energy out to a wider orbit path.  This action in turn slows the rotation of the planet. 

So at the moment it takes a day for the planet to complete a spin and about 30 days for the moon to orbit.  ( Synodic orbit )  So as the moon moves further out its 30 day orbit grows and the Earth’s day slows so it also grows.  If the rate that the moon slows is less than the rate that the planet’s spin slows then one day in the future they might be the same.  We don’t really have enough data to accurately predict the if or when this might occur but it’s a very long long time in the future and suggested to be in the oder of around 50 Billion years which is older than the theorised age of the physical universe so other dynamics might come into into play before that happens, either way you might need two boxes of pop corn if you want to watch that whole episode unfold.  :)

This type of tidal interaction might also be considered for the planets orbiting the Sun.  Since the Sun takes on average about 30 Days.  Cool huh?   At the equator the period is only 24 days but at the poles is like 38 days which is an interesting and perhaps confusing thing but consider the sun more like a gas bubble with atmospheres like our Earth.  If we determined the our planet’s spin as an outside observer and simply watching our weather systems one might also think that the planet itself is rotating faster at the equator since the equatorial weather moves much faster than at the poles.  Our gadgets and methods for observing the Sun are good but still have their limitations.   Either way, the sun’s average rotational spin is around 28 days and our orbit is 1 year of 364 days at the moment. 



Millenia ago our ancestors determined 360 days for the year, Approximately 30 days for the Luna month giving 12 months for the year and well, one day is one degree of our trigonometry which gives our tools of geometric maths a nice historical context for calibrations.  The accuracy of which is remarkable and since we’re uncertain of exactly where and when the observations being used to determine this was then some margins of error and rounding off for mathematical ease are understandable. After all, Imagine if they tried counting the days at the North or south pole.  

So any observations made away from the equator and not considering the tilt of the planet’s axis of rotation for seasonal variations then one can forgive the accuracy of the ancients.  But also the dynamics of Earth’s average temperature and angular momentum spins due to gravity polar collapse (Or squashing by spinning) which effects the rotation period too then we might get a better idea of just how dynamic our planet is and that at the moment we say a year is around 364 days but that’s just an average for now.   Similar type dynamics effect the planet across the board on astronomical scales.  Climate is certainly effected and on much grander scales than our own nasty little addiction to energy effects things. 


The Synodic period of the Moon’s orbit is like lining up the Earth with the Sun and drawing a line between the two and then counting how many days it takes for the Moon to cross that line.  It is a dynamic system and so is not constantly constant and varies from year to year so Our ancients did exceptionally well when determining our place in space with the tools they had at the time. Which may have been something as simple as just a surveyor’s crucifix or cross for observing like triangles. 

I’m 100% happy that the Luna orbit is gaining around 5cm per year at the moment and 99.99% happy that the tidal influences of the moon and sun squashing our planet and the planet’s spin gravitationally adding some energy to the moon’s motions by dragging it forward in the direction of the spin. 

The other 0.01 % comes from the three other options of which one remains without much evidence in it’s matrix other than opinion and rhetorical theory but the other two still give me some cause for the questions they raise.  Questions that may be included in the dynamics of this satellite node system. 

The first one that hasn’t got much evidence to it is the GOD creation theory.  The one that was determined, authorised and dictated to be true for nearly two thousand years or since that Hellenistic period began. Nasty stuff in our history but here we are and despite our fickle pickle people postures we’ve managed to rediscover the ancient knowledge and ad some extra tools of maths and technology to equal or better our ancients, which is nice.  Authorising that God is the answer to everything that we as children don’t understand is stealing away God’s creation of inquisitive children’s minds and so I’m not one in favour of stealing away such a creation from God.    

In my belief system, one of the true miracles in this existence is the miracle of being inquisitive.  Imagine if our ancients saw fire but decided that God was the only one authorised to make it.  We might never have discovered popcorn.  Other than getting a kernel caught between one’s teeth, popcorn is a great discovery.  I jest of course. The history of the God stuff is wrought with lots of nastiness but most of that nastiness doesn’t really come from any such deity that might exist.  We humans as fickly pickled as we can be, have produced most of that nastiness ourselves and to be perfectly honest the saving of grace that I see the church maintained through all that pickled inhumanity was the concept and idea of love, forgiveness and compassion. The idea more so than the ugly, insipid, inhuman side of that situation.  

It’s a thing that the corporate world simply doesn’t include in its constitutions.  Perhaps it’s included in words, but just not in actions especially when profits weigh in with far more influence and significance than any kind of humanitarian care for any individual or group experiencing the raw hard truths of life in the name of corporate progress.  Governments are run by representatives of whichever power influences the socio-economic tonics of the epoch.  Corruption is as inevitable as inevitability itself.  

J.C. learned that lesson while being publicly executed for trying to deny the Roman senators of their self-proclaimed rights through nepotist heritage alone to exploit everyone they could for corporate and personal profitable gains.  A character in history that would be resurrected three centuries after his execution in a constitution written by a descendant of J.C’s right-hand man.  Mark Anthony’s bloodline in the unofficial poor man’s/ Soldiers religion of J.C became the foundation of Caesar Constantine’s constitution for Christianity.  An official entity was established for Constantine’s family to maintain control over tax monies from his spoils of war.  

Just like rich folks today who establish charitable funds. They maintain control of their otherwise taxed monies. Perhaps giving you a new perspective and why Bill Gates's foundation was formed with 99.999999% (exaggeration) of his net wealth being generously donated to it and promoted publically as an act of generosity rather than what it was. An act of avoiding taxes from the administrators of those taxes. Given the government system's own nepotism and questionable spending of public money, I’m of two minds about what might be better for a community, sham charities/religions or dodgy political spending.


The original J.C having been executed and labelled thereon as a Tyrant with his over ten thousand followers, worshippers and scholarly students of his ways being banished from Rome henceforth and forever more lest they be executed for entering or muttering the words of Julius Caesar. A religion that would whittle down to a poor man’s cult that still studied the ways of J. C’s war and tactical strategies and one for which the soldier classes of Rome still respected but for the fear of retribution and execution for mentioning the name of Julius Caesar then perhaps some poetic license was afforded as a secret squirrel type of code where J.C would be resurrected as Jesus Christ and used as the foundation of Constantine’s official religion to be recognised by Rome so Caesar Constantine could maintain control over the spoils of war monies/taxes that would otherwise need to be paid into the coffers of the other religions/corporations of the day. 

Amazingly so and back to the moon, the Cesarian calendar was a calendar that saw many centuries of crops being sown successfully as one of J.Cs’ less war-like feats was to improve the accuracy of the calendar for better crop yields.  A calendar based on the ancient astronomical observations of the stars and moon in that contemporary time was funded and administered by J.C.   Having one’s own religion was about popularity back in the day. Call them schools for scholars to learn about different things that benefit populations and in this case, the art of war and politics. One needed over 10,000 followers to officially become a God of discipline. A bit of useless trivia.

A calendar that served well enough to buoy Rome’s economy while the success of the new calendar system not only helped improve crop yields but also recorded the Christian rape, pillage, and destruction of any knowledge or other competing religions and triumph of greatness into the Christianity that became the authority of the western developing world for the past couple of thousands of years.  Such a fickle pickle people we have been and still are, and here we are, at the very other edge of a complete corporate dominance of not only the western world but also looking to envelope eastern worlds too in a globe where love is an exploitable commodity, forgiveness is irrelevant to profits and compassion is an afterthought once the profit has been realised.  I don’t really know what will be worse, the old religious or the new corporate world.  Are we heading for our own end?.. Maybe.  Our own fickle pickle people posture is perhaps the main thing that will limit our ability to go into deep space and succeed in this miracle of Earth’s life journey into some kind of perpetual future.  Time will tell that story. 

So from our own fickle pickle lunacies and back to the Luna moon and the other two possibilities to look at that may be considered when asking how the moon’s orbit decays of the other 99.99%

One that I’m not sure how to resolve is the residual momentum from the very act of the moon moving away from our planet in the very beginning.  Back when micro nebula separation first occurred and the whole slingshot out as seen in my animations.  Or indeed even if a collision between the moon and Earth occurred back when they were molten blobs which is the current conventional wisdom.  Either way, the initial velocity vector away from the node (Earth) included momentum vectors outwards.  

Then as gravity slowly slows the outward velocity and where the horizontal vectors become dominant and with sufficient horizontal momentum such that the circular type orbit could be accomplished.  Some of the outward momentum may still be present in the system as 100% conversion of perpendicular momentum is unlikely to occur until the sideways vector transitions back to being the least dominant vector and so the outward momenta increases eccentricity of the orbit path.  I’m not aware of constant or periodic changes to eccentricity rates-of-change so until that’s observed then this idea of residual outward momentum from the original outward velocity after a separation or collision will remain just theory.

The last one however is quite an interesting one for consideration as the dynamics is extremely quizzical and relies on the entropy of systems in terms of electrostatic charges.  You see, there are several immediate things to look at.  One is our Sun and is our magnetic fields and then Alpha radiations and chemistry of systems trying to balance charges of systems and doing so in different ways.   This one is cool because you may apply this to the conspiracy theory of if the Apollo moon landings ever happened or not.  I’ll let you know my opinion on that later but for now, let’s just look at our Air Planes.  In particular when they land.  Or indeed the little tiny strip of rubber that you can see just dangling off of old trucks or cars. 

When a metallic body with ferrous properties travels through a magnetic field what happens?  You may have seen a magnet being forced through a coil of copper wire and so you know a current flows through a conductor.  You’ve probably also seen a Van der Graaf machine generating static electricity.  So that little strip of rubber does almost nothing but is there to release static electricity from the car/truck as it drives on insulating rubber tyres and passes through the magnetic field of the Earth.  One little spark while filling the fuel tank and BOOM.  So this is the same as with Jumbo Jets and other metal objects that pass through the atmosphere, bump into atoms and pick up some charge and at the same time pass through the invisible field flux of the Earth’s magnetic North and South Pole.  They discharge, equalise or Earth the planes with a special earth rod after they have landed on their rubber-insulating tyres.

So we knew about this stuff back before we started sending people up to the moon and recognised the need to find a way of knowing the potential difference between something we send to the moon and the moon itself.  Now, the problem may not be about sparks in the air and lighting anything on fire because, for a spark to happen, it needs ions in the air for the electrical field energy to jump onto and transfer the energy.   There may be ions near the surface of the moon but with such a low atmosphere, the ions that we normally see in lightning and other sparks would be far less saturated on the luna's surface than on Earth.  the potential difference or (Voltage) needed to jump onto one of those ions would be incredible into the Gazzillions of Volts so a spark won’t happen.  But sparks are just wonderful visual outcomes of electrical charges being transferred.  There are some much less visual and as far as when you or I get electrocuted it only takes a tiny current travelling through the heart or brain and if it happens at the wrong moment it can just stop the heart. 

So in terms of the great conspiracy theory of if we did or did not land people on the moon in the 1960s-70s and with all the wonderful footage of doubt and Hollywood possibilities being explored, I haven’t yet seen the question raised of what happened electrically when the landing module came into contact with the surface of the moon.  Was there a potential difference?  There might not be a spark but one might expect some kind of current flow through the electronic equipment on board with various induced eddy currents.  I would have assumed that this would have been the first thing to consider and a major factor in landing anything on the moon. 

So imagine you want to send someone to the moon and you know about static charges and the motions of the moon orbiting through the planet’s magnetosphere and then sending a metal thing through our atmosphere and into space and through the magnetosphere.  then you have to add another things which is about the Sun and it’s coronal mass ejections and what sort of particles are showering both bodies and just different each body might absorb those particles.  

Positively charged protons make up the bulk of matter that the Sun sends out so, the only time one might say that the Moon and Earth were balanced in charge was back when they were last in physical contact.  Through a collision or separation and so if that happened a few Billion Years ago then after separation, what ever exposure these two different bodies have had to the Sun’s positively charged proton showers may indeed be considered as a way of creating a potential difference between the two bodies.  They can’t equalise so they are both getting positively charged from the Sun.

Electrostatic fields tend to attract or repel. The more positive two bodies are then the great the repelling force between them.  So perhaps in addition to the Tidal influences of gravity pushing the moon out, then if these two bodies were becoming more positively charged this might have a similar effect.   If one becomes more positive than the other, then this is a potential difference.  Tis a wonderful topic because its true.  The moon and Earth spend much the same amount of time basking in the sun but on occasions both the Earth sits in the Moon’s shadow and Vice versa and with the Earth’s Shadow covering the whole moon at time but where the Moon’s shadow is barely a dot on the surface of the planet then one can say that over five billion years, the moon has been in more shadow than the Earth and so the Earth might gain a greater positive charge with considerations for the distribution of this charge over the spheres of both the moon and the Earth.  For those who like Mr A Einstein’s work. Here’s one of his old papers on the Electrodynamics of moving bodies. A nice light read when papers were friendly to readers without all the citation gobbledygook that has become popular today… Whoops.. Guilty as charged.. Pardon the electrical pun.


So this raises the question of if we send someone to the moon. Are they going to get electrocuted at worst or with the electronics get fried by some huge potential difference that equalised at touchdown?   If you were around before we sent anything to the moon and you thought that it’s theoretically it’s impossible and you have some way of proving it then you would be vainer than the investors looking to send people there.  This is where you have to stop thinking like you know everything because a theory scribbles in words or maths makes it so.  You have to start thinking like an ape rather than an overconfident bonafide science genius.  The risks are far greater than just your pride if your theory is wrong.  

At least the Russians were smart enough to know this and understand that theories and supporting maths are easy to create to resolve on paper but they come without risks other than pride of being wrong so they sent up an unmanned probe called Luna 2 to smash into the moon and then later the Luna 9 module succeeded in a soft landing on the moon. You need to test stuff before you go rushing in pretending you know what is going on.  

It’s 12 Jan 2023 and NASA has just recently sent a module to the moon to do an orbital lap and then back to Earth to give them information in anticipation of sending someone to the moon.  With all the information that we do have regarding the 1960s & 70s moon landings one might think further study of just orbiting the moon is a little expensive for such a step backwards in the advances to the moon.  It is what it is and to do it safely and efficiently I’m happy for them to be testing things before landing people down there.  

Until we see people landing on the moon with our own telescopes then there is always going to be some kind of doubt as to whether we got there or not. Perhaps they will be able to send a flare signal once they have landed so everyone can see. 

Either way, at the moment I’m not aware of any device or method that might determine the electrostatic potential difference between the Earth, the Luna orbit or anything we send there. The best we can consider is that if the Ruskies succeeded in landing modules onto the surface without noticing any extreme electrical transference than firstly YAY, it means that going to the moon is safe but then it raises the question of If it’s safe and there is no significant potential difference between the Earth and moon then How come?  With the various influences that suggest there should be then how might these two bodies not be significantly different in charge? 



The only thing I can think of is maybe the absorption of that charge into the electrochemical processes in the mineralogy of both bodies.  The Moon is much less dense than the Earth and the Iron content or other dense ferrous minerals is different between them.  On the Earth’s surface we have electrostatic systems transferring electrons or other charged particles quite freely starting out with the magnetic field and weather systems.  

Perhaps the chemistry occurring on the planet is absorbing those positive charges and neutralising the net field effects, but neutrality is field-specific in closed systems.  On the moon though?  I imagine when it gets showered in protons that some of the surface particles may not be as valence-prone and surface stuff may just become a positively charged atom/molecule.  This means stuff might just float around the surface for a while until light or some other condition changes to alter the net charge.  It’s all nice food for thought and the state of bodies with regard to electrostatics may extend as far out as the universe itself. 

Which, instead of having an acceleration of galaxies moving outward due to an external gravity source like Dark energy, then it might mean that the acceleration may be due to electrostatic charges.  Where the Universe may become a more positively charged system all around and cause an outward force. Of course, this could be determined by mapping the accelerations as an increased acceleration caused by the bodies moving around in the universe would be more erratic or chaotic than say an acceleration from a gravitational pull from an external universe of infinite space with gravitational properties.        

So do I believe we landed on the moon? or Was it a Hoax?

Hmm.  I think we did but one can’t be too sure.  If we didn’t then much of the science and samples we brought back might be bogus. It would be nice to see the data on all the preparations and the confirmations of charged states.  Seeing footage and hearing radio signals is nice for the storytellers but having the raw communications data for determining the telemetry on the origins of the signals transmitted and received etc would be pretty cool.  The usual data one might expect from such publicly funded things.  I wouldn’t hold my breath though.  If it is just a fanciful narrative for the U.S.A to fabricate some kind of fallacy fantasy then it’s a pretty cool one.  And whatever happened in the past is only important if the information and lessons we learned from it help us sort out our stuff for the future, if we have one.

Okey Dokes.. That’s my two cents of Lunacy on the moon stuff.

I hope you enjoyed it..  Please don’t forget to take your empty popcorn containers with you and if you visit the website shops and want a discount then here’s a nice little FUN ACTIVITY for you to score a nice discount in the website’s shops. 15% OFF shirts, hats, music, posters, 15% off EVERYTHING except stuff that is not directly in the website shop. Can’t be used in conjunction with other discount codes and you need to be at least 18 years old to accept the terms and conditions legally. So visit the website and find the form. Fill in your answer to the question on the moon photo and receive your discount code in the response.   See the website for more Terms and Conditions. www.murryrhodes.com

Travel well and stay safe. The universe is dangerous.



The Universe of Infinite Stuff. 20230108

Scribbling Secret Sacred Notes & A Luke-Warm Bang of Considerable size. 

MW Rhodes © 20230108

Dear Inquisitive You,

                                  I wish you all the best.  Say,  since you’re here… 

Do you want to know how the physical universe began?  

This is a 20 min read so if you’re not a big reader I’ve prepared an animation related to this topic that you can find a link to down the bottom. :)  It’s a bit of fun and comes with some nice music. There’s a contact form for your feedback and a JOY button down there too if you enjoyed the read or the movie and feel like showing your appreciation for the art of these musings. A little Joy goes a long way and helps heaps.

Thank you in advance.

It begins.

It all began from a cold, dark field flux of stuff suspended in the fabric of the Universe of Infinite Stuff.  Then it got tangled up at Zero Degrees Kelvin (by definition) and some tightly ordered chaos produced the first lumps of stuff that would Beta decay into the wonderful cornucopia of electromagnetic, electrostatic and gravitational paths of least resistance that we observe in the many complex disciplines of science tracing back through the chaos to some kind of beginning.   From micro to macro systems the laws of nature are wonderfully predictable even with all the chaos that ensured up to right now.  :)  

I’m not authorised to write this stuff.  So by all means, discuss it with your friends but whatever you do, don’t use it in your school tests.  Your school tests are mainly to determine how well you can learn new tools and replicate old information.  So pass your tests, gain the tools needed for further learning but be aware that the information being taught in school is like an example only and more for the purpose of gaining the tools than having to believe word for word the examples being used are real and practical in the world. 

After all in maths, How often do you buy a hundred pineapples at the corner store?  Data is data and the tools for attaining them are pretty good, but sometimes our interpretations of data can get a little blurry. Sometimes they can be influenced by other things like authoritarian requirements, financial gains or other such things. We have a silly history of being human in these ways.

Some folks call it corruption, others just say, that’s life. Either way, it’s nice to be aware of things like that because as you enter the worlds of humans you learn that right and wrong is sometimes a personal choice and sometimes a prerequisite to join some kind of club. We have plenty of silly critter ways about us so don’t fret if your research tells a different kind of truth. At the end of the day, some things only get deemed as officially true if there is enough political or economical leverage behind them. Gallileo had a lot more leverage than most folks which may be the main reason why it came to be known that the planets orbit the Sun, officially. :) Good lord, could you imagine if we all believed in a Flat Earth? How would we explain flushed toilets that swirl around in opposite directions? :)

I’m just an enthusiast with some university tools. I was a mature-age undergrad student back around 2002-2006.  I studied, physics, maths, astronomy, geology, chemistry and even archaeology plus other stuff.  After Uni I worked in geophysics for mining exploration and then installing electrical systems and at the moment I’m singing songs and playing the piano in pubs and clubs and Aussie outback resorts.  Surviving on tips and the kindness of strangers.  So I’m not authorised but I have some tools of analysis for problem-solving in my tool bag. What I’m about to go through might come in handy for those authorised folks who get paid for stuff.

So I have a few cool school tools and have some skills at solving problems well enough but am not an authority.  So answer questions in your school tests, the way you’ve been trained to do.  Your teachers aren’t authorities either.  They deliver information from modules. They may know some of what they teach but rarely are they experts so they really can’t or don’t know how to answer any tricky questions that you might ask.  Your teacher not knowing an answer to a question you thought up is not unusual and is not a bad thing.  Although sometimes I think the frustration of not being able to answer questions may get responded to as ADHD or some other problem you might need a doctor’s diagnosis for. Taking a pill to kill our innocent inquisitive nature may be stealing the same creativity we used to figure out the magic of making fire or other such things.  

Part of a teacher’s job is to show you how to research and form the answer to your own questions.  As great as teachers are for doing their job, the education system itself isn’t always about a student learning how to learn as the system itself can be influenced by funding to promote the training of students as parrots who pass tests so the school can produce higher education results for brand equity and funding for the school.  

Sadly this type of system only trains parrots and some Universities have been crying out for decades that critical thinking of new school students coming into universities is very lacking.  It has been officially recognised and so one solution is that they are now making classes and courses to teach people how to think critically.  If passing such a course means being tested and getting the answers right in the test and if those test results get used for improving the finances of the school then I feel the course administrators/designers might have completely missed the whole point.  I recently did a science course online and the lecturer noted the importance of critical thinking and different ways of how to say “this result indicates that further funding is required”.. Of course, the word ‘funding’ is synonymous or interchangeable with the word research. The sad truth is that the only benefits of critical thinking are thought of in this way.


So I guess the best way to look at school is that it’s where you can learn some handy tricks and pick up some tools like 1 + 1 = 2  or  y=f(x)=mx+b and ABC and How Now Brown Cow, make friends and have fun but separate those academic tools from the narratives that sometimes get taught as ultimate truths.   Once upon a time that truth was about God, these days it’s about Science and tomorrow it may be about worshipping some other authority or corporation’s logo. Cest La Vie.. Such is life, such as it is.

These cool school tools are for you to go out and discover more and test more stuff, understand what others are doing to try to answer either the same or similar question.  Learn the knowledge, be a good parrot and pass your tests, get a job with those tools and if you’re super lucky and have not been blindly indoctrinated into the narratives for your wages then you may use those tools to explore even those old narratives and theories that you didn’t quite agree with or that made much sense given other things that you had learned from other disciplines.  

Anyway, my apologies I was not intending to discuss education systems.  Let’s get on with the Universe of infinite stuff.  So if you do have some maths and research skills then use them below.  You’ll find some of my maths scribbles in the animated movie version which you’ll find a link to below.  The maths level is perhaps Year 10, or higher. Nothing outrageous though after all, the universe started from simpler beginnings.

So not everyone gets to study what I have and the time to research things in science journals and docos etc.  I see lots of fluffy stuff going on in the mainstream. Lots of science presenters present science as it is written word for word like in the bible for the safety of not blaspheming the authorities of all knowledge and most of the journals seem to be more about those creative ways to sell the need for more project research funding from governments or private investors rather than just exploring stuff for solutions.  If you’re a student, this financial stuff is very real but it’s not an open discussion so it’s not even worth complaining about as the constitutionalism of science is almost as crystalised as the church once was. You dare not blaspheme against the lord Albert Christ or other such idols.  

So I’ve been busy taking notes and reckon I have a pretty good understanding of the science that is explained.  I also have some reasonable problem-solving skills and I think I can explain the universe in simpler more accessible terms than you might hear more authorised folk’s versions of the universe.  High school students might really enjoy this as the applicable maths is not overly outrageous or tertiary. Just geometry and algebra. 

The ideas coming out of my notes are a little bit different than the current conventional pearls of wisdom but they’re not so much different to be considered a full-on pseudoscience.  They still abide by the laws of nature and the evidence already exists but just the interpretations are a bit different.  So since I’m not an authority or not being paid to write this stuff, it’s fully independent and I’m sure you’ll get some value out of reading it for better or worse and so maybe by the end you’ll be happy to pay a tip of appreciation into the Tip-Hat or JOY buttons way below. If you can that would certainly help this piano man sing more songs and tell more stories.

Cheers :) 


Here are some of my scribbles of a series of secret sacred notes about the Universe.  Dark Energy fiction with Two possible sources and Two pieces of Music accompanying the animations. Beethovens Fur Elise and my own "Whispers in the wind"...  If you like this and want to learn more or see more videos or articles then you know what to do.   Subscribe, Click like and enjoy the series. :)

In the universe of infinite space, time is inconsequential.  Almost completely irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things.  Only useful to determine rates of stuff.  

In the physical universe ( the lumpiverse ) and with its light and gravity sphere still communicating out the very first moments of when our physical universe started coming into being.  Albeit with an increasingly decreasing wave front of communication under the proportionality of the inverse square of distance laws.  

A physical universe is simply a result to a local function state of the fabric of the Universe of infinite space and it’s very unlikely to be the only occurrence in such a universe of such Infinitum.  

Gravity is far more primal than light and as best we can tell by the Higgs Boson the very act of constricting a field of flux only serves to concentrate the properties of mass that lay suspended in the flux-type fabric of space.  By concentrating it into a bundle means at least a depletion of that property from the fabric itself.  This leaves space containing three states of stuff.  The initial state, the lumps and the partially depleted region of the initial state tangled into the lumpy state. 

Sorry to be so simple and colloquial but you’ll find the maths concurs.

As we reverse time to before all the initial chaos led to the many least resistive pathways to the present, we arrive at a much simpler time and place in space without electromagnetism, particle physics, without thermodynamics.  A time and place without time but only properties of mass/gravity and an Infinitum of cold fabric that can communicate properties of gravity.  

We have some geometry of the most primal law of nature we know which is the inverse square of the distance and if the physical universe is expanding evenly in every direction and if this expansion is due to gravitational attraction rather than an electrostatic force then one might consider that the universe of infinite space ( not the physical universe ) but the almost empty universe of infinite space has some evenly distributed properties of mass being gravity.  Evenly in all directions as seen from outside of our physical universe.   

So we also have some stuff suspended in the fabric with properties of gravity. Stuff that may not be a particle by definition but simply a property of the flux type stuff that gets tightly wound and bound into a particle with much higher concentrations of the properties of mass. 

So we have gravity and geometry before a physical universe can exist. Two simple enough things to work with.   

The inverse square of distance is that primal law and as long as no two coordinates in the (X, Y, Z) dimensions of any two different positions are the same then the inverse square of distance law applies. 

What this means mathematically is that the most complex maths will only get tangled when trying to solve the simplest of physical states.  For example, a wavelength of bonding energy is finite and the inductive nature of polarity as it propagates can complicate things when looking at a length smaller than its own length such as when x-> infinity for 1/x.  Where cos and sin polar components of a field induce a vector of resistance in this short distance and under the 1/r^2 inverse square law influence its own field.  

Such complexity is not needed and thankfully this means that any child with the basic tools of geometry and linear algebra can resolve the initial state of the universe.  

This is a nice thing because the origins of our universe should be accessible knowledge to most folks even primary schoolchildren and not just held as some holy grain of the elite minds that can perform acrobatic mathematical feats to comprehend our most complex language of maths for tracing back every twist and turn of those paths of least resistance provided by chaos.  

Complex maths is a nice set of tools for realising and refining ideas into complex engineering in a way that manipulates natural paths of least resistance into material methods and means that can benefit us in life. Indeed the more acrobatic maths folks here may enjoy the challenges below.  

The challenges are about the recent observation of Betelgeuse and establishing a stellar algorithm for when cooling star bodies might enter a phase that may indicate when stars might do what Betelgeuse did in Jan 2019.  Naughty Betelgeuse doing such an unexpected thing by the mainstream conventional wisdom.   But before you get to that one, there is also a nice one where you can try your skills determining the time frame from when the sequence below starts to when it can produce a distribution event.  Wonderfully our folks in Caltech refined the rate of free neutron decay in a lab environment to have a half-life of around 15 minutes.  So you can simply run the chemistry of the primary elements and figure out the time from start to finish of this initial sequence below. 

It may not be exact but the margins of difference and the confidence intervals are cool and it’ll be fun for some. 

You may find one of my earlier posts with the spiral planet formation model that I formed back in the mid-1990s’. It predicted this exact type of event.  It was one of those theories that couldn’t be proven until it was seen.  So it remained a questionable theory against the educated narrative of gravitational collapse and accretion disc formations being the only accepted planet formation theories of the day.    


Big Bangers ’n' Mash.

Are you confused about all the mashed-up hype over the Big Bang? You may hear folks from positions of authority discuss inter-dimensional portholes and multiverses and many wonderful things. Things about black holes and worlds that exist within an Infinitum of micro variations of this very universe we experience. You turned left instead of right in one universe and life turned out completely different, type of stuff. True enough that our philosophical questions can send us around the twists of Infinitum and if you have enough authority then those whimsical twists can become unequivocal truths.  We had nearly 2000 years of God and Jesus being the only answer to everything.

Now we have Einstein and other idols of worship in the name of science. God help us for the corporate authorities too. They’re like the church but without any promotion of love, compassion or forgiveness. It’s just about making the most efficient profits.

We really are silly critters in many ways and Oh so often things have started with the best of intentions but almost every time just become woven with greed. The Royal Society of science started as a group of folks who were tired of the authorised versions of the Bible and wanted just plain old science to help solve problems. Then that organised group became an authority and although it still presents as an institute of truth, there are still corruptions such as they are that protect the verity of the knowledge and the value of the institute to the community.

My science adventure started back in the mid-1990s’ when I watched a BBC documentary on the cosmos. I can’t be sure which series it was but the final episode was on the Big Bang and the star life cycles and the supernova descriptions had me a bit worried. It had some authorised expert of science closing the series with a comment like. “ If you believe anything other than what we’ve just presented, then you are sadly misinformed” The comment was like dropping a bombshell on all that I’d just watched and understood to be the truth the whole truth and the actual way things were but this closing comment struck a chord of uncertainty in all of it. It didn’t sound very scientific at all. I mean, 1 + 1 = 2, an apple drops due to gravity every time and the authorities of highly complicated knowledge can’t be wrong. But now this expert was asking us to believe as if the information was not really backed up by much evidence.

It’s funny because even now, most of us trust in those folks being paid to solve problems that we mere mortals simply can’t afford the time to do. But dig a little deeper and you find that many of these experts are still just experimenting with ideas that may or may not be correct. I did dig a little deeper at the time and came up with a physics model and some very basic iterative maths using the best data I could source from bookstores and libraries.

After only a few months of study, my understanding or comprehension or interpretations of the cosmos was a little different than the mainstream and so began a path of discovery in academia at the university which only confirmed the uncertainty of some sciences and the heretical, tribal protectionism of the elitist concepts for projects to be funded by either taxpayers or private investors.

I kind of lost my heart in the romantic notion that knowledge was sacred where I found it either to be secreted away or scribbled into some kind of confusing saturation of publications all critically asking for more money. The Scribbles of Secret Sacred notes.

Some more authorised theorists may also venture into the subconscious realm of existence and consciousness while others in authority dismiss these with their incredibly complex mathematical models in languages that only elite specialists, specialised in their special fields of study can possibly comprehend and concur with each other’s comprehension of comprehension to save the face of confusion for private contemplations.  

This is the fluffy stuff I mentioned.  The solution of our universe can really only ever boil down to the least complex system of our known physical universe because that’s precisely what our local space of the universe of infinite space was.  It was simple and so only simple tools need to be applied.  

The officially authorised Big Bang stuff.

In the first few moments of all time up to around the three minutes past Plank time, Big Bang theorists must be able to 1. Create and 2. Contain thermal energy and then 3. Reverse the containing conditions and be able to account for all the thermal energy of the universe that does and will exist.   “If you don’t ascribe to or worship this theory then you are sadly misinformed.” Is the general gist.

An environment of greater than 10^32 degrees is required to satisfy the condition that would have subatomic particles be considered sufficiently distant from their nuclear nodes to be considered separated enough for the formation of them to occur as separate particles and without influencing each other during bulk mass property production.  Eg like the thermal energy that pushes electrons out from the core/node/nucleus and effectively for all intent and purpose is sufficiently distant from the nucleus to be considered a particle of its own closed system accord.  

And all that stuff happens within three minutes from a moment as determined by the Plank length of electromagnetic and subatomic communications of flux over a calibrated time interval.  To give us Plank Time. Pretty special kind of miraculous stuff.  

Making and containing the energy of 10^32 degrees Kelvin or greater has no natural path of least resistance from an initial state so it’s not something nature can do, at least not easily.  It’s not something we can successfully achieve in our labs either I think the best we can do is 10^9 or 10^12 maybe.  It’s only a mathematical prediction based on some observations of atom bonds spreading out while gaining thermal energy.  The functions-of-state of molecules from solid, liquid, gas, plasma etc could not be predicted accurately mathematically without first observing these thresholds and behaviours so our maths is awesome for stuff we can confirm physically but not so great at truly predicting stuff for the pure discovery of stuff that provides the foundations for the maths. Once the flight was achieved there were TWO strains of science and laths that could define it. Neither is wrong only one may be simpler for the understanding. Similarly as with the refraction of light through different refractive substances.  If they are both right, then which is most efficient? To save students time and energy for the learning of a tool that works and how it works.

Energy has been our main currency of concern for analysing and quantifying our universe/environment but energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed and so our only observation in this whole universe of natural systems has been that particles with properties of mass can transform some of those properties into Energy.  We have not observed anywhere in nature for the opposite to occur.  This raises the question that if we cannot make mass out of energy then why is this thermal energy a requirement of making particles with properties of mass? As it is in the Big Bang.     Perhaps M=e/c^2 is more apt.


So the Big Bang is Bogus?  It’s not incomplete or wrong.  It is just an old loved and worshipped theory that started a hundred years ago and became a nice evidence matrix and way of demonstrating our progress in nuclear physics and chemistry. The correct cosmology of it was less important as indeed even now it’s not so important economically but if we are to ever go out into deep space then it becomes invaluable knowledge for our survival in that cold dark environment.  More on the survival stuff later.

Around 1923, Georgias Lemaitre suggested a Cold Big Bang in response to observations of an expanding universe of distant galaxies moving away from us in at least several directions.  Since its acceptance as a legitimate theory, the growing evidence matrix has altered it a little like from a cold singularity to a hot singularity and well, discussions are ongoing but it seems that they absolutely, unequivocally must include a thermal component to satisfy the residual radiations of the Cosmological Microwave Background Radiation.  The Hubble stuff. and subsequent nuclear studies suggesting greater than 10^32 degrees Kelvin is needed for any kind of origins theory like the BIG BANG. Placing the Cold Big Bang further back down the line.

A sequence from cold mass produced in a Zero Degrees Kelvin environment ( by definition ) where radiological Beta decay of newly formed free neutrons plus the gravitational accumulation of mass/properties provides the environment for chaos to begin complicating things with electromagnetism, thermodynamics, particle physics, chemistry and more.  

A sequence that leads to a high probability and strong confidence interval for a thermonuclear event from primary elements being formed in a cold system. A shell of Lithium precipitate is the prime suspect given its unstable nuclide and its shell formation provides a very efficient transfer of energy in such an event.  

A sequence with a core dominated by Free Neutrons that may not be quite as free as the ones we observe decaying in labs. Indeed under such gravity, a type of environment and function of state where Free Neutrons may even bond to share their fields as like a Proton Neutron bond and slow or stop the beta decay process.  Is H2 a product of such a particle? H is already a product of the natural neutron decay process. So. Perhaps Caltech or other institutes could test this.  H = Hydrogen.

A sequence collated by gravity where the decay products form shells around the neutron core stratified by mass/density/charge properties of each permutation of isotopes in their natural symmetries.   We get a sequence that where n = Free Neutron, H = Hydrogen, He = Helium and Li = Lithium and n->H->He->Li=> EDE (Elliptical Distribution Event).

A bang of considerable size.  How do we get any BANG from this? 

With Lithium’s state of function melting point at around 450 degrees Kelvin. It’s physical and chemical properties in the system (n,H,He) system collate it as a the first shell around the neutron core. Neutron density is greater than Lithium’s complex state.  It’s a thin soft metal that can form a shell between the neutron core and the H & He shells above.   

A note on thermal regulation - Any thermal energy coming from the actively decaying neutron core is freely transported away from the core by the convections of the H & He so this is still a very cold system and the core remains regulated by this transfer of thermal energy. As H or He gains some thermal energy, the electron shells spread out on average and reduce the density of the atoms and or molecules as they may be.    

That is unless something insulates the core from direct contact which as you may now consider that Lithium is a soft metal when below 450 degrees Kelvin and since H & He are liquids at around 0.5 - 15 degrees Kelvin that the Lithium will be a solid as it precipitates and collates down onto and around the neutron core.  Insulating it from the H & He above. 

As particles go, the neutron is the most dense out of all of its primary, secondary and tertiary decay products so free neutrons or neutron - neutron bound particles will dominate the core and have some resistive properties of being a solid equivalent when at such low thermal energy and under such gravity.  Gravity accumulation to be greater than or perhaps even hinting to galaxy cores, black hole type scenarios of more and yet still we avoid entering into the wonderful time-space loop considerations of inter-dimensional portholes.  I know, I’m boring.

So with the Lithium seal, the Core can now heat up to and perhaps beyond 450 degrees Kelvin.  The Lithium shell melts at any one point and exposes the Hot core to the Liquid H & He.  In high gravity pressure this thermal transfer may or may not cause the H&He to vaporise into a gas but regardless if it can or not, it wants to and so the physics of it is kinetic and the percussive response is sufficient to trigger the Neutron - neutron chain reaction of the Lithium Nuclide. 

To say the least, a spheroidal shell of Nuclear fuel is the most efficient kinetic transfer of energy in any blast/distribution type events. It’s why our own nuclear bombs are shaped as such.  A most dynamic transfer inward and outward with the inward leading to a fully constructive wave of around 49% of the total nuclear kinetics concentrating in toward the neutron core and 49% of the nuclear kinetics pushing outward and at the same time the functions of state of the H&He play a role in this dynamic as the Lithium Shell disintegrates and fully exposes the neutron core thermals to the H&He.  

% Figures are not fixed as the efficiency of the transfer of energy is determined by mass/density/charge of the two main bodies. Inner core and outer shells.  

The 49% going toward the core centre should give us some indication of extreme peak signatures and energy spikes during this process as it will be the highest of all energy transformations in this system. 

So we have a total of three physical environments. The outward, the inward and the transition shell where approx. 2% energy of the transition may be consumed for regional fusions.  Three dynamic systems where neutrons, electrons and protons exist in novel environments where chaos and symmetries play their role atomically and determine some new more complex nuclide element formations.      

The Lithium shell disintegrates and this is where the thermal component of 10^32 degrees Kelvin may play its role in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation requirement of such bangs.     


The expected debris of such a distribution event will include bulk H & He and bulk clumps of the core material dominated by free neutrons plus the possible non/slow decaying Neutron-Neutron bound particle. A Dark Matter perhaps. As well as a fairly uniform distribution of newly formed trace elements. 2% energy absorbed into new elements.

This ends the initial Bang.  

As you can see that compared to the requirement of 10^32 degrees for all matter in the universe that this sequence described above is still quite a considerable sized bang but at 450 Degrees Kelvin it does not require a non-reproducible thermal environment for the whole universe to be contained and then magically released within three minutes of time Zero.  

Indeed if the decay rate of Free Neutrons in this scenario is around the same as in our labs ( a half-life of around 10-15 minutes ) then a time frame can likely be determined and this will need the wonderfully skilful mathematical acrobats to strut their stuff on the high wire of the universe. 

 After this ellipse distribution, physics is physics and after the initial outward motions have been sufficiently slowed by gravity the pancake gravitational collapse theory may be considered as well as some accretions from the core.  Make no mistake, what started out as a very cold thermal system run only by gravity and mass and the decay of a body of newly formed neutrons this system is now no longer a cold thermal system at all as it now has the fully developed electromagnetic, electrostatic, thermodynamic, Kinetic transfers of energy and motions and gravitations and let’s face it, a far more chaotic system than the passive whimpering rain of neutrons that it started out as.

Indeed so chaotic and yet still bound by the natural laws that a secondary method of distribution came into existence.  

This is the Spiral Distribution SD and it can happen on Galactic (GSD) scales and right down to spinning specks of hot molten stuff where angular momentum and other motions work against the chemistry of atoms and thermodynamics of systems to ( Like a wet Tennis Ball ) send out tiny splatters of splatter matter.  Some as solids, some as liquids, some as gasses and some as plasmas and each type creates its own wonderful system of dynamics with the full tool belt of radiations and gravitations, collisions and cumulative combinations and permutations of well-ordered chaos. 

The chaos that made you and I and a bright blue sky. 

Thank you for reading this, if you get a chance to read my notes on spiral formations you may enjoy the notes on the big galaxy systems and then right down to the smaller planet and moon spiral systems.  Mineral distribution always interested me.  Understanding systems help us know where and when a thing might have come from and especially or most importantly where and when a thing might come into existence. 

If or when our species can successfully go into deep space our energy usage will mean the difference between success and failure.  Speed is only a tiny part of that success.  Our olden days of sailings ships should have taught us that if the navigation is correct and the information regarding resources available at destinations along the way is correct then if our vessels can withstand the rigours and dangers of the oceans then and only then can success be left to little more than the fates of God.                              

Since our travel will be very slow compared to the rate that some systems proceed.  If we find a new wonderful life-supporting planet now and plan to go there then by the time we spend our energy getting there it may easily have cooled further and cycled down to a baron, infertile, frozen wasteland unable to maintain its warmer climate cycles.  As our planet will one day do.

Knowing what stars will produce life-suitable planets is the key to that success.  As we look out and find more star systems with potentially life baring properties then we learn what those stars are like and should be able to configure the early stars, much like the recent significant mass ejection of the nearby star Betelgeuse and determine the signs and conditions of when these stars will give birth to new planets.  It may take Billions of years to wait until it cools enough to start its climate cycles but most of that time may be taken up in our travel time to get there.

So we spend our energy getting to a place where a birth event has happened and then find a nice little moon or other body to set up camp and conserve our energy while we wait a billion years or so as the ejected materials mineralise to form their inner and outer planet pair and cool to be inhabitable.  Can we interfere with it to speed up the process?..  Perhaps but anything we do will cost energy and energy ain’t cheap, free or easy to access and process in space.

Anyway, that’s a bridge we can cross if and when we get to it.  For now, thanks again for your time. 

Perhaps you can pop a tip in the Tip-Hat or JOY button below as appreciation for the musings.  Your support and encouragement all help me write the next one. I’ll be enjoying a nice cup of coffee from you or just a little ticket to outer space.  ;) 

Below is the Animation of the “Universe of infinite STUFF”. ENJOY.

Take care and travel well friends. 

Murry :)            

At around the 20 minute mark the discussion evolves around the grant system of Universities. It’s worth seeing it come from folks with first hand experience. :)

The beginning, middles and the end of everything.

The Beginning, The Middles & The End.

Murry W Rhodes © 2023    ( Why complicate simple things.? ) 

Newton was on the money and Einstein?   Newton's E=mv^2 became  Einstein’s E=mc^2. Genius to vanity or brand equity?  Complications stimulate revenue and is why we complicate simple things. 



The simplest beginning of the universe, middle and end of everything is as follows.

The Beginning.

The universe of infinite space suspended the stuff that in the right conditions transformed into tangles of particles with highly concentrated properties of mass/gravity.  A matrix of quarks that by the natural symmetries in the (x,y,z) dimensions of space produced a threshold of segregation in paths of least resistance leading to 1,2,3,6,9 in 2D and 12 in 3D. 


Think of a cloud of spheroid bubbles being squashed into hexagon prisms. Each node has 12 external nodes of equal neutral charge pressing down/into each other’s field proximities as neutral as they may be in an environment without thermal radiations hence and environment at Zero degrees Kelvin.  

First consider if this was not neutral but let’s say a cloud of protons being somehow forced into proximity and where each field of each proton may extend out to infinity but for practical purposes of proximity the inverse square law and the effects of such fields on forces and motions that we might consider the boundaries of each spheroidal field might look to be more hexagonal rather than spheroidal. An equilibrium of sorts until a change occurs that commences a chaotic sequence of exchanges and paths of least resistance.  


A sequence that leads to properties of mass catalysing under the inverse square of distance law as the particles move closer in proximity and effect an induced magnetism rotation in a 3D motion where by neighbouring fields are induced as an opposite spin with some communication phase lag.  Here we get the first binary system of motion and a 1-0-1 relationship of three distinct fields/particles/quarks.  


By the primary symmetry of 3 being the first most accessible form of separation out of the matrix/cloud then we get the production of what we call the Neutron in a high abundance.  A neutral particle only by electromagnetic standards. Dark, cold and massive but for its Beta Decay. It is certainly a particle of interest to Dark Matter theorists.  I reserve Dark Energy for another presentation as the acceleration of the expansion of the galaxies as viewed from any coordinate within a lumpisphere of a physical universe of matter and light acceleration of such bodies can only happen by two known forces.  

One is the increased electrostatics of particles/masses within the system tending toward a single positive or negative charge state via losses of light or indeed gravitation from every direction outward from our physical Lumpisphere.  

Though it may not necessarily be a spheroid but just a cloudy clump of lumpy stuff. Spheroidal calculations/computations are just a nice averaging place to start.   So Dark energy is that stuff.  more a quality of the stuff that gets tangled into tiny particles rather than necessarily having to be a particle itself.  Being cumulative and susceptible to the inverse square law, this lends perfectly to Dark Energy models from observations.      



The neutron is the first particle to form. There are no protons or electrons yet. The only bound neutron may be one that has been bound under great gravity. For the most part, these primordial neutrons are Free neutrons and in Lab conditions at Caltech and other places, these have been found to decay into a Proton.  The decay products include an electron of the opposite charge as the proton and a Beta Mass/Radiation.  

This is the birth of electromagnetism as without an electron-proton relationship there is no electromagnetic thermal radiation.  As we approach Zero Degrees Kelvin electromagnetic bonds break down and the atoms do strange chaotic things.  


So in the beginning we had a non-thermal precipitation of Neutrons out of the stuff suspended in the universe of infinite space.  We are left with a body of neutrons at Zero Degrees Kelvin and suspended in a parcel of space that is partially depleted of the stuff in the fabric of the universe of infinite space that got tangled into an ordered binding of field flux to become our non-thermally precipitated neutrons particle comprised of predominantly three quarks.   

This marks the end of the beginning.     

The Middle.   Parts 1 & 2       

Part 1.  The early middle age and the beginning of time?

Free neutrons decay, in a non-zero degrees Kelvin lab environment at a rate of one half life of around ten to fifteen minutes. 1:250,000 decay event result in a neutron releasing Beta Mass and an electron but where the electron has not enough energy to be shot away from the parent neutron being a newly formed proton. 



The coupled proton and electron in the one particle was the first primordial atom. Hydrogen.   Perhaps the clock of time might like to start here or 15 minutes earlier.

Gravitation is also present and working and causing motions in conjunction with newly emerging electromagnetism where net charges of the system start effecting how the system accumulates under gravity.  Accumulating and collating neutrons and decay products into at least one cumulative gravitational node which leads a sequence of environments providing chaos for the paths of least resistance. A lovely example of gravity, magnetism and electromagnetism and inductions can be observed of Jupiter’s moon Io.



Paths that lead to the production of more complex symmetries from these initial decay products in such a low thermal environment and yet an ever-increasing concentration of gravity in nodes plus transitional relationships within the inverse square law of gravity in stratified regions of atomic charge and density whereby any thermal energy being generated in the neutron core is transferred into hydrogen atoms that than by less density collate outward to the surface of the system and maintain a regulated core.  So there may indeed be a lot of chaos and paths of least resistance producing new environments and resulting paths.  


A system that starts to produce Helium and precipitate Lithium. A precipitate that at below 450 degrees, Kelvin is a solid soft metal substance that is the densest molecule/mineral in this system and so collates down to the surface of the neutron core which by virtue of its lack of charge remains the densest particle in this system and so the Lithium forms a metallic shell between the Core and the regulating liquids of Hydrogen and Helium above. 

Lithium deuteride nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll showed Lithium to have an unusually higher than an expected payload of nuclear energy when detonated.  Detonation is done not by thermal energy but by percussive energy.  This can be considered thermal in some circles but it is not thermal but kinetic percussion to dislodge the unstable neutron from the Lithium nuclide.  

Lithium also has a melting point from solid to liquid at 450 Degrees Kelvin so as it insulates the neutron core from transferring any thermal energy up and out with liquid hydrogen or helium then the core heats up.  

When the core reaches 450 Degrees Kelvin the Lithium metal shell starts to melt.  When the lithium shell melts all the way through in one location there is an immediate thermal transfer between the >450 degrees kelvin neutron core with the  0.5-15 degrees Kelvin Hydrogen/Helium outer sphere. 

By the equations of state this transfer sees Hydrogen and Helium in this breach location exert extreme kinetic pressures into a system that is already highly gravitational.  High kinetic pressures that might be greater than those used to trigger the Lithium Deuteride nuclear explosion at the Bikini Atoll.


n->H->He->Li-> ( Ellipsoid Distribution Event )

The Middle.

Part 2.   A luke warm Big Bang and the beginning of the end. 

We are right now at the end of all time that ever was and we have theorised a Big Bang.  Around 1923 Georgias Lemaitre proposed reversing the observed expansion of galaxies back to a single point in space and time. So the Big Bang started out very cold and without any hypothesis for a thermal signature then the Big Bang became the theory as it is today. 

Uncertain of the first few minutes but absolutely certain that at Three minutes after the beginning of all time there was a contained environment far hotter than ever observed in nature or in our labs and indeed so hot that it’s believed we can never recreate or even get close a Thermal temperature required for the sequences of events described in the current Big Bang theory.   An environment to the order of over 10^32 degrees Celsius/Kelvin.   

So a force of some sort must have first created the oscillations of thermal energy and electromagnetic radiations plus it must have been able to contain it and then by some kind of miracle or threshold this force reversed its qualities and allowed the thermal energy to escape and expand at relativistic rates, cooling as it expands and thus accounting for recombination of subatomic particles already made up in that super hot soup.  Kind of like how water molecules recombine into rain, hail or snow as thermal regions expand and cool.  So it’s a theory based loosely on an old verified and safe science.   Thermodynamic functions of state. 

What is the observation that determines this extreme thermal environment of 10^32 degrees?  An assumed function of state for atomic nuclei when adding thermal energy to atoms and observing the tendency for particle separation to occur.  Increasing the thermal energy of an atom increases the distance of electrons.  Increase it enough to consider the distance is a full separation of the particles and so in this state, as suggested in applying this to the Big Bang, the expansion of the early universe in this bang cooled the atoms sufficiently to bring them together.  The formation of the particles also must occur in this same environment.    


Circles of science with authority say that the Big Bang is correct but simply incomplete.

I once agreed but no longer can.  I agree that functions of state are true and good observations but that the extrapolations out to the order of 10^32 degrees is a mathematical artefact rather than an observation gives me pause.  Indeed the functions of state were not accurately predictable for any of the elements in our periodic table. They needed observations first. 


The initial thermal condition of the Early universe has become a mandatory requirement for theorists to explain the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and try to create that thermal environment even before electrons or protons came into existence that might explain the presence of thermal signatures and the peaks in it too.  

There’s much to be questioned about the Hot Big Bang as it is not only for its incompleteness but also for its correctness.  I have quite a list of questions but will not bore you with them all.  

An alternative to requiring an environment of 10^32 degrees contained and then suddenly released is one where cold particles of mass are the container of all the thermal energy and the normal mechanism for releasing it is really quite slow as properties of Mass are transformed into electromagnetic radiations after electrons and protons have been produced from the neutron Beta decay process.  A very slow process but one that comes with its own consequence that leads to a thermonuclear signature and a distribution event of the like we can observe today.  An ellipsoid explosion pattern of a node.  

There are two main distribution mechanisms one is the ellipsoid and the other is the spiral type.  Where the ellipsoid can be determined quite succinctly from its composition and the shell of detonation be it Lithium for a Cold primary system or a more complex element with a sufficiently unstable neutron but a higher resistivity to thermal energy thus allowing it forms a shell of its substance around one of the cores and go thermonuclear creating the kinetics of and internal and external distribution specific to the element of detonation.   

The spiral type is no less dynamic but it can occur on much smaller scales.  Quite simply a spiral ejects matter from a spinning core node.  The bigger the node, the more the matter.  The composition of the node now moves us into more variations.  These are highly complex variations where a Hot young Star may be spinning sufficiently to eject matter out in one or more events  that become a system of planets and moons.  A star that might cool on the surface and stop the regulatory motions of heat out into space and so the internals heat up and breach as like what we saw recently with Betelgeuse super mass ejection event.  A smaller spiral may even be seen where spinning planets eject mass that then forms into moons.  Dynamic from the smallest and up to a great spinning Galaxy Core, or Black Hole before it breaches and forms the Galaxy with wonderful spiral arms.  



The use of planet formation theories such as gravitational collapse and accretion discs play their roles in describing some of the kinetic physics but neither account for the Thermal Vectors satisfactorily to bring both a body like the Earth to a complete molten state and at the same time bring our moon with much less mass to that same molten state in and around the same time and from the one event of collapse or passive accretions where each body has vastly different masses and densities and yet come to be molten. In addition they rely a moon to earth collision to try to satisfy some shared surface mineral relationships and give the satellite orbit and the Earth’s rotational momentum some kinetic origins.  None of which is required in a spiral system where the thermals, the shared mineral relationships and the orbital and rotational kinetics a accounted for in the one simple ejecta event.  A simple event that sees expanding ejected plasma cause ionic recombination, collation and angular momentum that satisfy all those conditions an more.  Conditions that can be determined even before it is observed or we spend resources and energy trying to observe.        

Especially since the cooling rates of each body are proportional to the entropy to space. The two theories also have no direction or guidance from where or how mineral distribution occurs.  However the Spiral ejections and residual nebula and gravitational collapses combined with ionic recombination and gradients of thermal and gravitational environments where the primary elements from the parent node determine the initial chemistry of the ejecta.  Also where the state of the node’s surface activity contributes to the resulting distribution of that ejecta and collates the lighter mass out further than the more dense hotter inner bodies that form.  Hot dense inner planets and Cold gas giant outer planets with debris bands and moons. 



A system that begins from Zero degrees Kelvin and remains well below 1000 degrees Kelvin until such time that the Lithium Shell goes thermonuclear and we start to see signatures of radiations that we are familiar with during a thermonuclear blast.     A blast that is by the nature of the shell detonation an elliptical distribution of large amounts of Hydrogen and Helium with traces of Lithium and some other primary elements plus a distribution of Nothing but Free Neutrons some of which may even have bonded which means a theoretical Dark Matter particle. A massive particle that is neutral in charge and cold with shared mass property fields that may not decay as we see in shared field relations with protons and neutrons in the more complex atoms.    

A distribution that may contribute an already lumpy physical universe given it may not have been the only node to have accumulated to explode. 

So the middle of everything ends with every branch of chaos that has lead us up to every single moment right up to the beginning of…

The END.

We are right now at the very end of all time.  This is the present.  If time is only calibrated and determined to begin according to our physical universe of atoms and bonds then so be it.  It’s like when the Bible determined creation to be defined by some calibration or determination of a sort.  Was it the beginning of everything or just the emergence of our abilities to record it?  

The universe of infinite space doesn’t recognise time but our physical universe has shown to come into existence and has spread out along her paths of least resistance in this chaos and our specialists try to follow several of those paths back to a where and when there was less chaos.  

Quantum mechanics for fields and particles, thermal specialists, mathematical hypothetical specialists using the most complex of tools to follow their specialised paths of chaos back to a simpler time where it all began.   A moment back to when even their own modern tools for their specialised paths are just too complex to be able to identify the simplicity of the environment that was.  

The Einstein worshippers wander into the realms of infinite universes of space and time and wormholes and multidimensional space may be an end.  An end that in the end, may be as simple as Newton first described it where E = mv^2, only with an eye on more than just kinetics and where the currency of the universe is mass rather than energy and therefore M=e/v^2 where v is relative to the media through which any and all communications of gravity can occur.  Where energy is only a quantity of potential difference between two states or fields of dark stuff suspended in the universe of infinite space and the total energy of this system relies on whichever field of attraction is accelerating the M toward it for its own proximal transfer of energy moment.  

If we have confirmed anything from CERN and other Hadron colliders it is that even before electromagnetism could communicate thermal energy there was stuff with properties of mass. Ie gravity.  The release of mass properties at the destruction of a Higgs force might support this. 


Where does it end?..  Well, it doesn’t have to you see the universe of infinite space may be like opening a bottle of soda water.  Something changed in its primary environment that led to the above happening for our physical universe and similarly so for any other regions in the universe of infinite space and so even though our physical universe is expanding and accelerating outward into that deep dark seemingly endless void of space there is a very real possibility that other lumpiverses exist. It’s only a matter of Earth’s life being able to survive the rigours of deep space travel somehow when the time comes.  In order to do that we first need to figure out how to survive our own environment of space and what we call our own deep space.  If can’t do that then Earth’s life has no legacy in this universe of infinite space. 

The End.