A luna landing question you may not have heard before. Plus Luna decay by God, gravity, momentum and electrostatics. :)
MW RHODES © 20230112
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The moon’s orbit is said to be decaying. A reflective device was placed on the moon some decades ago and perhaps every day a laser is pointed at it and the light which is reflected gives us a distance measurement. At present and on average these measurements indicate that our Luna moon is moving away from us at around 5cm per year. The theory of how this occurs has been well documented with gravitational tidal influences of a spinning node (Earth) and an orbiting body (moon) filling the evidence matrix of that theory well enough for tidal influences to be considered the conventional wisdom of how it occurs. By the way, Luna is the actual name of our moon. The word moon is just a short way of saying satellite.
I do like this theory as it makes a lot of sense and the vectors of tides being generated by the moon’s and sun’s gravity stretching at the liquidity of the Earth’s surface and then that the spinning of the Earth being faster than the orbit of the moon means gravitational vectors are both pulling/accelerating the moon around a little bit in the direction of the planet’s rotation. So the moon gains a little more energy and by the inverse square of distance law distributes that energy out to a wider orbit path. This action in turn slows the rotation of the planet.
So at the moment it takes a day for the planet to complete a spin and about 30 days for the moon to orbit. ( Synodic orbit ) So as the moon moves further out its 30 day orbit grows and the Earth’s day slows so it also grows. If the rate that the moon slows is less than the rate that the planet’s spin slows then one day in the future they might be the same. We don’t really have enough data to accurately predict the if or when this might occur but it’s a very long long time in the future and suggested to be in the oder of around 50 Billion years which is older than the theorised age of the physical universe so other dynamics might come into into play before that happens, either way you might need two boxes of pop corn if you want to watch that whole episode unfold. :)
This type of tidal interaction might also be considered for the planets orbiting the Sun. Since the Sun takes on average about 30 Days. Cool huh? At the equator the period is only 24 days but at the poles is like 38 days which is an interesting and perhaps confusing thing but consider the sun more like a gas bubble with atmospheres like our Earth. If we determined the our planet’s spin as an outside observer and simply watching our weather systems one might also think that the planet itself is rotating faster at the equator since the equatorial weather moves much faster than at the poles. Our gadgets and methods for observing the Sun are good but still have their limitations. Either way, the sun’s average rotational spin is around 28 days and our orbit is 1 year of 364 days at the moment.
Millenia ago our ancestors determined 360 days for the year, Approximately 30 days for the Luna month giving 12 months for the year and well, one day is one degree of our trigonometry which gives our tools of geometric maths a nice historical context for calibrations. The accuracy of which is remarkable and since we’re uncertain of exactly where and when the observations being used to determine this was then some margins of error and rounding off for mathematical ease are understandable. After all, Imagine if they tried counting the days at the North or south pole.
So any observations made away from the equator and not considering the tilt of the planet’s axis of rotation for seasonal variations then one can forgive the accuracy of the ancients. But also the dynamics of Earth’s average temperature and angular momentum spins due to gravity polar collapse (Or squashing by spinning) which effects the rotation period too then we might get a better idea of just how dynamic our planet is and that at the moment we say a year is around 364 days but that’s just an average for now. Similar type dynamics effect the planet across the board on astronomical scales. Climate is certainly effected and on much grander scales than our own nasty little addiction to energy effects things.
The Synodic period of the Moon’s orbit is like lining up the Earth with the Sun and drawing a line between the two and then counting how many days it takes for the Moon to cross that line. It is a dynamic system and so is not constantly constant and varies from year to year so Our ancients did exceptionally well when determining our place in space with the tools they had at the time. Which may have been something as simple as just a surveyor’s crucifix or cross for observing like triangles.
I’m 100% happy that the Luna orbit is gaining around 5cm per year at the moment and 99.99% happy that the tidal influences of the moon and sun squashing our planet and the planet’s spin gravitationally adding some energy to the moon’s motions by dragging it forward in the direction of the spin.
The other 0.01 % comes from the three other options of which one remains without much evidence in it’s matrix other than opinion and rhetorical theory but the other two still give me some cause for the questions they raise. Questions that may be included in the dynamics of this satellite node system.
The first one that hasn’t got much evidence to it is the GOD creation theory. The one that was determined, authorised and dictated to be true for nearly two thousand years or since that Hellenistic period began. Nasty stuff in our history but here we are and despite our fickle pickle people postures we’ve managed to rediscover the ancient knowledge and ad some extra tools of maths and technology to equal or better our ancients, which is nice. Authorising that God is the answer to everything that we as children don’t understand is stealing away God’s creation of inquisitive children’s minds and so I’m not one in favour of stealing away such a creation from God.
In my belief system, one of the true miracles in this existence is the miracle of being inquisitive. Imagine if our ancients saw fire but decided that God was the only one authorised to make it. We might never have discovered popcorn. Other than getting a kernel caught between one’s teeth, popcorn is a great discovery. I jest of course. The history of the God stuff is wrought with lots of nastiness but most of that nastiness doesn’t really come from any such deity that might exist. We humans as fickly pickled as we can be, have produced most of that nastiness ourselves and to be perfectly honest the saving of grace that I see the church maintained through all that pickled inhumanity was the concept and idea of love, forgiveness and compassion. The idea more so than the ugly, insipid, inhuman side of that situation.
It’s a thing that the corporate world simply doesn’t include in its constitutions. Perhaps it’s included in words, but just not in actions especially when profits weigh in with far more influence and significance than any kind of humanitarian care for any individual or group experiencing the raw hard truths of life in the name of corporate progress. Governments are run by representatives of whichever power influences the socio-economic tonics of the epoch. Corruption is as inevitable as inevitability itself.
J.C. learned that lesson while being publicly executed for trying to deny the Roman senators of their self-proclaimed rights through nepotist heritage alone to exploit everyone they could for corporate and personal profitable gains. A character in history that would be resurrected three centuries after his execution in a constitution written by a descendant of J.C’s right-hand man. Mark Anthony’s bloodline in the unofficial poor man’s/ Soldiers religion of J.C became the foundation of Caesar Constantine’s constitution for Christianity. An official entity was established for Constantine’s family to maintain control over tax monies from his spoils of war.
Just like rich folks today who establish charitable funds. They maintain control of their otherwise taxed monies. Perhaps giving you a new perspective and why Bill Gates's foundation was formed with 99.999999% (exaggeration) of his net wealth being generously donated to it and promoted publically as an act of generosity rather than what it was. An act of avoiding taxes from the administrators of those taxes. Given the government system's own nepotism and questionable spending of public money, I’m of two minds about what might be better for a community, sham charities/religions or dodgy political spending.
The original J.C having been executed and labelled thereon as a Tyrant with his over ten thousand followers, worshippers and scholarly students of his ways being banished from Rome henceforth and forever more lest they be executed for entering or muttering the words of Julius Caesar. A religion that would whittle down to a poor man’s cult that still studied the ways of J. C’s war and tactical strategies and one for which the soldier classes of Rome still respected but for the fear of retribution and execution for mentioning the name of Julius Caesar then perhaps some poetic license was afforded as a secret squirrel type of code where J.C would be resurrected as Jesus Christ and used as the foundation of Constantine’s official religion to be recognised by Rome so Caesar Constantine could maintain control over the spoils of war monies/taxes that would otherwise need to be paid into the coffers of the other religions/corporations of the day.
Amazingly so and back to the moon, the Cesarian calendar was a calendar that saw many centuries of crops being sown successfully as one of J.Cs’ less war-like feats was to improve the accuracy of the calendar for better crop yields. A calendar based on the ancient astronomical observations of the stars and moon in that contemporary time was funded and administered by J.C. Having one’s own religion was about popularity back in the day. Call them schools for scholars to learn about different things that benefit populations and in this case, the art of war and politics. One needed over 10,000 followers to officially become a God of discipline. A bit of useless trivia.
A calendar that served well enough to buoy Rome’s economy while the success of the new calendar system not only helped improve crop yields but also recorded the Christian rape, pillage, and destruction of any knowledge or other competing religions and triumph of greatness into the Christianity that became the authority of the western developing world for the past couple of thousands of years. Such a fickle pickle people we have been and still are, and here we are, at the very other edge of a complete corporate dominance of not only the western world but also looking to envelope eastern worlds too in a globe where love is an exploitable commodity, forgiveness is irrelevant to profits and compassion is an afterthought once the profit has been realised. I don’t really know what will be worse, the old religious or the new corporate world. Are we heading for our own end?.. Maybe. Our own fickle pickle people posture is perhaps the main thing that will limit our ability to go into deep space and succeed in this miracle of Earth’s life journey into some kind of perpetual future. Time will tell that story.
So from our own fickle pickle lunacies and back to the Luna moon and the other two possibilities to look at that may be considered when asking how the moon’s orbit decays of the other 99.99%
One that I’m not sure how to resolve is the residual momentum from the very act of the moon moving away from our planet in the very beginning. Back when micro nebula separation first occurred and the whole slingshot out as seen in my animations. Or indeed even if a collision between the moon and Earth occurred back when they were molten blobs which is the current conventional wisdom. Either way, the initial velocity vector away from the node (Earth) included momentum vectors outwards.
Then as gravity slowly slows the outward velocity and where the horizontal vectors become dominant and with sufficient horizontal momentum such that the circular type orbit could be accomplished. Some of the outward momentum may still be present in the system as 100% conversion of perpendicular momentum is unlikely to occur until the sideways vector transitions back to being the least dominant vector and so the outward momenta increases eccentricity of the orbit path. I’m not aware of constant or periodic changes to eccentricity rates-of-change so until that’s observed then this idea of residual outward momentum from the original outward velocity after a separation or collision will remain just theory.
The last one however is quite an interesting one for consideration as the dynamics is extremely quizzical and relies on the entropy of systems in terms of electrostatic charges. You see, there are several immediate things to look at. One is our Sun and is our magnetic fields and then Alpha radiations and chemistry of systems trying to balance charges of systems and doing so in different ways. This one is cool because you may apply this to the conspiracy theory of if the Apollo moon landings ever happened or not. I’ll let you know my opinion on that later but for now, let’s just look at our Air Planes. In particular when they land. Or indeed the little tiny strip of rubber that you can see just dangling off of old trucks or cars.
When a metallic body with ferrous properties travels through a magnetic field what happens? You may have seen a magnet being forced through a coil of copper wire and so you know a current flows through a conductor. You’ve probably also seen a Van der Graaf machine generating static electricity. So that little strip of rubber does almost nothing but is there to release static electricity from the car/truck as it drives on insulating rubber tyres and passes through the magnetic field of the Earth. One little spark while filling the fuel tank and BOOM. So this is the same as with Jumbo Jets and other metal objects that pass through the atmosphere, bump into atoms and pick up some charge and at the same time pass through the invisible field flux of the Earth’s magnetic North and South Pole. They discharge, equalise or Earth the planes with a special earth rod after they have landed on their rubber-insulating tyres.
So we knew about this stuff back before we started sending people up to the moon and recognised the need to find a way of knowing the potential difference between something we send to the moon and the moon itself. Now, the problem may not be about sparks in the air and lighting anything on fire because, for a spark to happen, it needs ions in the air for the electrical field energy to jump onto and transfer the energy. There may be ions near the surface of the moon but with such a low atmosphere, the ions that we normally see in lightning and other sparks would be far less saturated on the luna's surface than on Earth. the potential difference or (Voltage) needed to jump onto one of those ions would be incredible into the Gazzillions of Volts so a spark won’t happen. But sparks are just wonderful visual outcomes of electrical charges being transferred. There are some much less visual and as far as when you or I get electrocuted it only takes a tiny current travelling through the heart or brain and if it happens at the wrong moment it can just stop the heart.
So in terms of the great conspiracy theory of if we did or did not land people on the moon in the 1960s-70s and with all the wonderful footage of doubt and Hollywood possibilities being explored, I haven’t yet seen the question raised of what happened electrically when the landing module came into contact with the surface of the moon. Was there a potential difference? There might not be a spark but one might expect some kind of current flow through the electronic equipment on board with various induced eddy currents. I would have assumed that this would have been the first thing to consider and a major factor in landing anything on the moon.
So imagine you want to send someone to the moon and you know about static charges and the motions of the moon orbiting through the planet’s magnetosphere and then sending a metal thing through our atmosphere and into space and through the magnetosphere. then you have to add another things which is about the Sun and it’s coronal mass ejections and what sort of particles are showering both bodies and just different each body might absorb those particles.
Positively charged protons make up the bulk of matter that the Sun sends out so, the only time one might say that the Moon and Earth were balanced in charge was back when they were last in physical contact. Through a collision or separation and so if that happened a few Billion Years ago then after separation, what ever exposure these two different bodies have had to the Sun’s positively charged proton showers may indeed be considered as a way of creating a potential difference between the two bodies. They can’t equalise so they are both getting positively charged from the Sun.
Electrostatic fields tend to attract or repel. The more positive two bodies are then the great the repelling force between them. So perhaps in addition to the Tidal influences of gravity pushing the moon out, then if these two bodies were becoming more positively charged this might have a similar effect. If one becomes more positive than the other, then this is a potential difference. Tis a wonderful topic because its true. The moon and Earth spend much the same amount of time basking in the sun but on occasions both the Earth sits in the Moon’s shadow and Vice versa and with the Earth’s Shadow covering the whole moon at time but where the Moon’s shadow is barely a dot on the surface of the planet then one can say that over five billion years, the moon has been in more shadow than the Earth and so the Earth might gain a greater positive charge with considerations for the distribution of this charge over the spheres of both the moon and the Earth. For those who like Mr A Einstein’s work. Here’s one of his old papers on the Electrodynamics of moving bodies. A nice light read when papers were friendly to readers without all the citation gobbledygook that has become popular today… Whoops.. Guilty as charged.. Pardon the electrical pun.
So this raises the question of if we send someone to the moon. Are they going to get electrocuted at worst or with the electronics get fried by some huge potential difference that equalised at touchdown? If you were around before we sent anything to the moon and you thought that it’s theoretically it’s impossible and you have some way of proving it then you would be vainer than the investors looking to send people there. This is where you have to stop thinking like you know everything because a theory scribbles in words or maths makes it so. You have to start thinking like an ape rather than an overconfident bonafide science genius. The risks are far greater than just your pride if your theory is wrong.
At least the Russians were smart enough to know this and understand that theories and supporting maths are easy to create to resolve on paper but they come without risks other than pride of being wrong so they sent up an unmanned probe called Luna 2 to smash into the moon and then later the Luna 9 module succeeded in a soft landing on the moon. You need to test stuff before you go rushing in pretending you know what is going on.
It’s 12 Jan 2023 and NASA has just recently sent a module to the moon to do an orbital lap and then back to Earth to give them information in anticipation of sending someone to the moon. With all the information that we do have regarding the 1960s & 70s moon landings one might think further study of just orbiting the moon is a little expensive for such a step backwards in the advances to the moon. It is what it is and to do it safely and efficiently I’m happy for them to be testing things before landing people down there.
Until we see people landing on the moon with our own telescopes then there is always going to be some kind of doubt as to whether we got there or not. Perhaps they will be able to send a flare signal once they have landed so everyone can see.
Either way, at the moment I’m not aware of any device or method that might determine the electrostatic potential difference between the Earth, the Luna orbit or anything we send there. The best we can consider is that if the Ruskies succeeded in landing modules onto the surface without noticing any extreme electrical transference than firstly YAY, it means that going to the moon is safe but then it raises the question of If it’s safe and there is no significant potential difference between the Earth and moon then How come? With the various influences that suggest there should be then how might these two bodies not be significantly different in charge?
The only thing I can think of is maybe the absorption of that charge into the electrochemical processes in the mineralogy of both bodies. The Moon is much less dense than the Earth and the Iron content or other dense ferrous minerals is different between them. On the Earth’s surface we have electrostatic systems transferring electrons or other charged particles quite freely starting out with the magnetic field and weather systems.
Perhaps the chemistry occurring on the planet is absorbing those positive charges and neutralising the net field effects, but neutrality is field-specific in closed systems. On the moon though? I imagine when it gets showered in protons that some of the surface particles may not be as valence-prone and surface stuff may just become a positively charged atom/molecule. This means stuff might just float around the surface for a while until light or some other condition changes to alter the net charge. It’s all nice food for thought and the state of bodies with regard to electrostatics may extend as far out as the universe itself.
Which, instead of having an acceleration of galaxies moving outward due to an external gravity source like Dark energy, then it might mean that the acceleration may be due to electrostatic charges. Where the Universe may become a more positively charged system all around and cause an outward force. Of course, this could be determined by mapping the accelerations as an increased acceleration caused by the bodies moving around in the universe would be more erratic or chaotic than say an acceleration from a gravitational pull from an external universe of infinite space with gravitational properties.
So do I believe we landed on the moon? or Was it a Hoax?
Hmm. I think we did but one can’t be too sure. If we didn’t then much of the science and samples we brought back might be bogus. It would be nice to see the data on all the preparations and the confirmations of charged states. Seeing footage and hearing radio signals is nice for the storytellers but having the raw communications data for determining the telemetry on the origins of the signals transmitted and received etc would be pretty cool. The usual data one might expect from such publicly funded things. I wouldn’t hold my breath though. If it is just a fanciful narrative for the U.S.A to fabricate some kind of fallacy fantasy then it’s a pretty cool one. And whatever happened in the past is only important if the information and lessons we learned from it help us sort out our stuff for the future, if we have one.
Okey Dokes.. That’s my two cents of Lunacy on the moon stuff.
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Travel well and stay safe. The universe is dangerous.