It’s almost Successful Spooky Science.. :) Talk about the coolest of cool, well kind of hot coincidences for the timing of things. :) Synchronicity? Duplicity? G5? Anyway, it’s cool.
Directly below is “a little music button” click it and it will open a new page with a music player. Press the play button and leave that page open then return here and read on. :)
Hi all, I’ve been playing around trying to learn how to animate so I can reduce all the wordiness of some of my descriptions. Here are a couple of my animation attempts I hope you like them.
The first one is about how spiral galaxies are formed and how they send out matter from the core, rather than the official collapse from a gas and dust nebula from the current Hot Big Bang theory. It’s 25 seconds long and was fun to scribble around, clicking buttons and trying to make it look something close to how I’ve imagined it since I was a young child.
The second is a follow-on from the first but longer and more detailed / progressed version of a similar type of process but a bit different in the scale and composition and physical aspects as it’s about a Star ejecting a high quantity of hot mass in a plasma state. Like our coronal mass ejections but with more mass than we have ever seen our sun eject. A plasma that shoots out into the cold vacuum of space expands and cools to recombine ionic state elements that collate and gravitate into one molten hot inner planet and with the lighter gassing elements being swept out to become an outer gas giant. So Earth might be one of the dense hot inner planets and Saturn may be little more than a debris field formed into a ball along with a few scraps of ice and dust making rings or belts.
For the wonderful luck or coincidence of all things, I was in the process of finishing this animation when the science presenter Anton Petrov published a video on the Red Giant Star Betelgeuse that had been seen to eject a significant amount of stuff from its surface and so now it’s a waiting game to see if this ejection event resolves into something like my decades-old theory predicts. :) I put Anton’s video link below too.. He’s got some far cooler presentation tools than me and presents science stuff really well.
To be honest I never thought I’d see such an event in my lifetime but I always felt that it was the right theory to describe how planets and galaxies and other stuff happen in space. :) While I Studied Astrophysics at UWA I read and understood the texts of the collapsing nebula theory and could parrot it off in tests but It seemed more like a parody or farce or only one tiny part of a much broader field that didn’t seem to include the way I thought was the most obvious and intuitive process and whenever I started asking questions about the verity of things. Well, TIn-Hat theories only distracted lecturers from their own projects and funding priorities so creative discussions about it never really happened at Uni.
I felt at the time that the university system was less about exploring new ideas and more about funding for polishing old safe ones or following the popular international science crowd which at the time was all about the wonderful string theory champions on campus or proving Einstein was right about stuff. Champions who didn’t much like my questions about their probability functions. I felt sorry for them ten years later when CERN’s results didn’t quench their thirst for brilliance.
I’ll visit the 2015 gravity wave discovery a bit later too as my main Astro lecturer was involved in his own gravity wave detector project out at Gin Gin in Western Australia. It was an awesome set-up with Telescopes and lasers. As a student, I enjoyed an interesting backstage visit to the installation and had overheard some discussions about the sensitivity of equipment and funding problems and so I was stoked to hear that he was awarded a huge bonus when a gravity wave was finally detected in the U.S.
CERN posted a nice congratulatory write-up about the gravity wave Nobel Science Award for proving Einstein was right about gravity waves existing. At that very same time, CERN was busy smashing protons apart to find the sub-atomic particles responsible for making gravity so this was very Cool timing huh? One looking for gravity in space and one smashing subatomic particles apart looking for the stuff that makes gravity. Coincidences like this are so cool and the funding applications certainly looked better with a Nobel prize on the table. Anyway, keep your eye out for my reviews and questions about those discoveries one question leads to some interesting maths for the scale of things.
Anyway, if you read back through my blogs you’ll find references to many videos and wonderful animations on how the current theory treats galaxy and planet formations and now with my little animations here is a different kind of theory for you to digest and see if you prefer it to the more official version :)
So after watching this video… I discovered a timeline of images from a CNN site.. Took a screen shot and how cool is the likeness of their time line images and my animation… I love this coincidence stuff… I wonder if we’ll start to see resolved physics on Fusion theory, perhaps the begining of the universe not being such a big mysterious deal after all but just a cold transformation of E=mc^2 to M=e/c^2… With M materialising into Free Neutrons at Zero Degrees Kelvin and then with the help of gravity and beta decay transforming all the M of E into the Proton, Electron symmetries of our universe. A squence that got a little thermal with a 450K Lithium N-N chain reaction in situ with Deuterium. Maybe.. Anyway, I can’t wait to see those videos.. They should be coming soon.. Dark matter and Dark energy are on my list of things to do too.. :) So stay tuned..
This next video shows just how much we are prepared to not touch the old theories of planet formation. The description moves toward the Red Giant being a dying star and this ejecta is part of that dying process and yet it is unprecedented and not predicted anywhere in the life cycle of stars as per any texts.. I really feel that the recent spate of reports on the bottle neck of science theories could use a little simplifying rather than complicating things with multiverses and crystallised concepts. Anyway, it’s nice to be able to watch it as it happens, or happened.. :)
As always. Take care, Travel well and hopefully, we get to see some cool new space images emerging and vectors being resolved either way.
Cheers Muz :)