Successful Space Stuff? III
MW Rhodes © 20221020
Hot Models Goldilocks and Stellar explore the universe of swirly swirl swirls, Check out the Video at the bottom too and one of the cooler coincidences of sharing these scribbles.
Hi and Welcome to my scribbles, I’m Murry.
Swirly swirl swirls. Hurricanes, Cyclones, and Galaxies. They all look cool and kind of similar huh?
In our labs, we can replicate some of these swirly swirl swirls or we can simply look at the swirly swirl swirls when flushing our loos. There are a few different ways to make swirly swirl swirls indeed I think you can stir a bucket of mud to see a swirl or there are even firecracker wheels that make swirly swirl swirls with crackling sparkles of light. They’re all swirly and curly cool.
In our modelling of the universe from the Big Bang stuff, we use the Nebula Hypothesis to gravitationally collapse a huge cloud of gasses and dust and we do our best to show how it can form some swirly swirls of spiral galaxies. You may have seen animations of these models where supercomputers calculate all the variables that we can think of that would replicate the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies. It’s quite wonderful to watch really, and rather mesmerising but is it right?
No, it’s not right nor is it wrong though, it’s just incomplete. We can’t expect it to be complete because the variables in our real world are almost infinite as they rely on transitions and gradients and energy exchanges and fields of fields in some state of chaos. They all play their part to give us our universe and the best we can do when modelling is commit to a model, invest our time and resources in it to see if it works as a best guess kind of averaging tool and maybe ask how we might make it better.
If you’re new to my scribbles, perhaps you may like to catch up on the story so far. It starts with a little Cold Big Bang, explores planet formation and now we’re looking at galaxy formation. I’ll pop some links to earlier posts below so if you enjoy this one then you may like to gain a little more background. Most of this space stuff is about looking at the tools we have and the tools we may need if we are to become a Successful Space Species so if your future matters or the future of Earth’s life in this universe matters to you then you may really enjoy my scribbles.
How did you like the SWTB model from my last Successful Space Stuff II scribbles? It was fun to write and regardless of its own verity or lack thereof, it allowed us to examine some of the flaws in our bandaid hypothesis. The old but ever-popular and most current Nebula hypothesis. If we are to succeed in space for the long term then knowing the systems and determining where and when assets will form is going to be a necessary tool.
That the current nebula hypothesis has its 80-90% Dark Matters to deal with loosens the reigns of conclusive popular theories a little and allows us to analyse other flaws that seemed to have evolved into acceptable assumptions of insignificance. Assumptions that took on a quasi-god-like status of their own verity as a natural law in the conventional wisdom of things.
“If you believe anything else then you are sadly misinformed” was a saying I heard on more than one occasion by one or two prominent and public scientists. A saying used in situ with their conclusion to a body of science they were presenting. the saying grated on me as it seemed more like something my Christian friends would say at school when telling their story of god. So I started questioning the verity of our cosmological science theories and started a path of study and research.
Trust me. ;) In science, there are many long-held popular theories with flaws but don’t take my word for it as a big chunk of the broader science community knows this to be true and is busy trying to figure out the where, when, what, why and how these flaws matter in the bigger scheme of things. Hmm. Flaws can get pretty slippery when wet so let’s put our skates back on and get slippery. And but seriously, don’t trust me, but the stuff I show you will be interesting.
So to start exploring our galaxies I’m going to start off by using an intuitive method to present something that can be observed by everyone. Then I’ll show you some really cool stuff.
Let’s start off with something similar to the SWTB, the Spinning Wet Tennis Ball from my previous scribbles only it’s not a tennis ball or a hot wet star but a spinning galaxy core. Some galaxy cores aren’t wet at all but super dark, cold and almost solid. If we keep in mind that our classical universe replicates systems regardless of scales other than quantum particles and field theories then applying parts of the SWTB to this is simple enough but I can’t start this without first looking at Black Holes. Hmmm. Do they really exist?
Well, the images of gravity lensed around a large gravitational mass that we can’t see or detect directly in the electromagnetic spectrum may be proof of the existence of a gravitational body that we can’t detect directly so by that definition then yes they exist. Are they the mystical objects that demand so much conjecture on what happens to light or time or extra dimensions of space? Maybe but maybe not. I’ve touched on the humanities in science before and our need to stop fluffing around if we are to be a Successful Space Species and what has been happening over the past hundred or so years is a bit worrying.
The Bible has Jesus Christ and you can only guess the level of investment that has gone into proving the existence of the man to reinforce the biblical narratives behind the entity of J.C to then ratify the viability of the institution of the Church. A.E or Albert Einstein was a wonderful philosopher of science and his brand profited the institutes of knowledge to seemingly no end. Even today his E=mc^2 moniker sells bums on seats and his story inspires many to mortgage their homes so little Billy or Betty can go to university and become famous knowledgeable scientists like A.E.
The past couple of decades has seen some serious investment going in to prove the theories of A.E were true and correct. There are some circles of science out there busily trying to prove A.E to be incorrect. Hmm. So which one is right or wrong and why think that the proof presented in support of the A.E theories might be flawed? I hate exploring this stuff because science should be clean and simple and without this biased stuff.
So is there a motive to prove his stuff is right?.. Yes. and Is there a motive to prove his stuff wrong?.. Um.. Maybe. Perhaps one of those nay-sayers has an alternate theory or claim to fame or profitable margins of some sort so I’m not sure but we can probably assume there may be room for some motives. Perhaps just pride?.. Who knows? Not I.
Anyway or either way it doesn’t matter too much. I’ve looked at the evidence presented as proof positive of A.E theories and well, something is only conclusive when no other possible explanation can exist and where the bias in the presentation of the evidence is clearly present and readable between the lines. Like if a text might be geared in support of reinforcing the A.E brand and institutions that support and profit from that brand.
In the A.E theories dealing with gravity, the evidence gets described as a phenomenon occurring because of a theorised structure of gravity being the bending of space-time.
For all of the evidence presented I still see immediate conditions that may arise where the phenomena can occur in the presence of gravity and some other stuff rather than just from gravity alone. This raises the question of What about the other stuff? Why isn’t it mentioned at all? Especially when it’s an obvious and intuitive other stuff that if proven to be cancelled out then no questions get raised and the theory can advance.
Now, right now, you’re probably thinking I’m not a fan of A.E. What if I told you that he cracked the Grand Unified Theory but had no idea that he did. Indeed he likely didn’t because others before him may have already done the maths but being the iconic commercial brand influencer that he was, one of his jobs while promoting a thing involving a thing about a thing and some stuff about when some stuff happened something was revealed in a way that was more commercial than science driven so the significance of it may have been overlooked. Either that or an even simpler oversight occurred or even may something more complicit. I’ll show more about this later when I start presenting some maths on this Successful Space Stuff.
So I think the solution to the grand unified theory exists but because of the way things happened and the motives of why things were happening it just got overlooked or bypassed. It’s happened before with fire, like How silly would our ancestors have felt when they discovered the secret to making fire was as simple as rubbing two sticks together? The materials were always at hand but just the method was hidden for hundreds of thousands of years until someone connected a few dots and revealed just how close to our noses the solution was all the time.
Something for a later post. :)
Anyway, sorry I got a little sidetracked. I may explore more detail of that stuff and other stuff in future scribbles but for now, I’d like to get on with our galaxy formations.
Looking out into the universe we observe many different morphologies of galaxies and the two main shapes or categories are spheroidal and spiral where spiral forms have subcategories depending on how twisted or malformed they are. The spheroidal ones may be formed from a distribution event, not unlike the one we explored during the Cold Big Bang in the “Successful Space Stuff I” scribbles.
Alternately what we see as a spheroidal explosion may only really be just a Star type of body having radiated its mass out into its stellar-sphere passively as our Sun does for our Solar-sphere - stellar-sphere. How our solar system may look to a distant observer may be similar to what we observe of other star systems with radiations of rings and big spheres.
The Spiral Galaxies are a slightly different kettle of fish or mass and almost quite literally like a kettle on the boil. When the kettle boils then pressure builds up and the whistle blows and we distribute the tea and biscuits or coffee and pancakes. A galaxy distributes other stuff.
Of course, a galaxy core is not a kettle but perhaps more like sealed ball stuff that was once hot but had crusted over and kept on cooling. Angular momentum of a shrinking spinning ball, coupled with an outer cooler crust made of brittle minerals and yet still actively hot in the middle. Here is where some thresholds in science might be determined for such a system.
If the body’s rotation or angular momentum starts off low then the rate of black body radiation may cool the body and shrink it and still increase the spin rate or reduce the period of the rotation while conserving angular momentum. The spin rate is quite important because the faster a thing spins then the more centripetal forces get exerted outward from the equator of the spinning ball. The pancake effect or gravitational polar collapse in this instance. You might see a tennis ball or even a golf ball flatten out to an eccentric shape. Our spinning planets have this and sure enough, the dynamics of gravity, mass, density and rotation period help determine the shape and outcome.
So in essence, if the angular momentum of the system starts low then this pancake effect is also low which means the body will continue to lose black body radiation and shrink until the atomic forces of the body crystallise and effectively even under great gravitational forces in the core the theorised fusion process stops. I may explore more on fusion in a later paper but for now, we can see a simple recipe here for making a completely dead inactive node with lots of mass and gravity. A node that eventually will reach sufficient entropy with its environment and one that we simply won’t be able to see with any of our current sensors.
Would we see this type of object?.. With a cold dark surface and little to no black body radiation to see then we might not have a way of sensing it other than by aberrations of light bending around a body that contains a lot of mass properties. This might be a black hole. Quite simply a system that didn’t have much angular momentum after being distributed out from perhaps some other primordial node.
Alternately it’s just a ball of primordially accumulated dark matter as like the deactivated free neutrons mentioned and explored in Successful Space Stuff I.
By the way, the redshift of light over long distances stretches the wavelengths of frequencies. This is why the James Web Space Telescope looks at the Infra-Red wavelengths. We may not have a sensor that can resonate with even longer stretched wavelengths and so we do the best we can with what we have. Looking at the lower frequencies allows us to focus on the stuff in space only at a distance that corresponds to the transmitted wavelength but over such a distance that it gets stretched to or beyond the infrared.
So the requirement to see stuff further away is not about if they exist or not but by the simple fact that their wavelengths may have stretched beyond that of our sensors. Perhaps our Black Holes aren’t really completely black but simply emitting low energy that gets redshifted beyond our sensory capabilities. Either that or some alternate universe is sucking the light and information out of the universe at some event horizon and sending it into a portal of some other dimension of infinite universes. Which one seems more practical? :)
So that’s a system without sufficient angular momentum to spin the core fast enough as it shrinks to keep up with the rate of cooling.
What about a system that might have enough angular momentum to really speed up the spin of that shrinking galaxy core and cause a little pancake action while it’s still actively hot in the core? Hmm. Hollywood could have a field day animating this model but I’m sure a supercomputer could predict it quite well too. If I had one I’d show you some of the awesome fluid scenarios that it might result in. There are plenty of variables and variations but on average they kinda all do the same kinda thing.
Perhaps your mind’s eye can picture this one. A Hot shrinking body that spins faster and flattens out. A brittle outer core and the gravitational polar collapse of a body. Much like the collapse of a nebula but a bit less passive and a nebula doesn’t have brittle boundaries.
This brings us to a derivation of the SWTB model but instead of a spinning wet tennis ball we have something more like a fire cracker spinning wheel with lots of potential energy at its core.
Where the N->H->He->Li sequence used fission of the Lithium shell to commence its primordial distribution event, here is a far less explosive one but still delivers a wonderful exchange of energy and very natural and artistically beautiful creation of nature.
Consider this pancake squeeze on a brittle ball with something super hot going on inside. Did you notice the Equatorial fractures I draw in on the sides of the ball?..
So I’m sure your mind’s eye can imagine some kind of massive mass with a plasma-hot inner core and magma-hot liquid mantle surrounded by a cold brittle crust that is spinning so fast that it squashes down and a breach happens. There are lots of variations on how that might all result in a mineral distribution event.
The Wagon Wheel galaxy in all the Hollywood High definition pictures may give us some idea of what might happen when a spinning wheel breaches at the equator. It’s one possible outcome of such a system but there are many and I’d love to show you the evidence we’ve had of this for quite some time only we still seem to hang on to the old nebula hypothesis where the pancake of the nebula then becomes these spirals. Honesty when you see this you may wonder the same thing.
Ok I don’t want to breach any copyright laws for using other people’s photos in a way that they may not like so I’ll draw a few pictures and then you can simply search for the old photos of spiral galaxies and confirm for yourself that they exist and that this sequence might have been a reasonable clue or bit of evidence to consider this SWTB type process alongside the nebular hypothesis. I hope this image makes sense.
Now for the Hollywood description. The Baby spiral starts with a single breach of the crust somewhere along the plane of the ecliptic or near the equator. Consider it like a super volcano with shock waves that traverse around the globe and try to meet up at the equal opposite side. It may fully collapse the already weakened region of the crust OR it might just cause a second breach along the way OR it may be successful at reaching the other side OR it may not breach elsewhere and we get a rocket ship thrusting around. There are many variations of this breach. Barred spiral galaxies may be examples of two main breaches This means we get a secondary breach sometime after the first which is why you often find one arm of the spiral shorter than the other. Like in the diagram above where B is shorter than A.
The initial thrust outward is mainly due to internal gasses and entropy of element expansions going in the exchange. As the ejection of matter continues the thrusting eventually reduces as one would expect and the distance of the orbit of the stuff being pushed out into orbit reduces accordingly. As the process continues, slightly different collated regions of the internal core correspond to the mineral distribution we can observe in the variation present along spiral arms. The symmetry of the system in its mineral distribution out along the spiral arms gives us a progressive sequence related to the internal collated structure of the original node, the galaxy core.
There is a secondary thrust that involves the polar collapse. Less pressure but more momentum behind the force for a bigger payload out to space plus at this later stage the breach point will have grown. A significant amount of mass will have vacated and the whole outer crust may crumble and fall in toward the dense core. The rest has to be left up to your imagination but it’s a big crunch with a big secondary or tertiary final push of stuff outward and by this time the entire equatorial region will be in breach releasing stuff in all directions.
Post publish edit 30 October 2022 - I juts found an animators app. So I’m not much of an artist but this is my scribble animated version of the words above.. Plus a little extra. :) Enjoy.. The animation was fun, I hope to refine the method for future scribbles. :)
Galaxy forming spiral and baby stars
When I look up at our our own Milky Way I sometimes wonder if that big cloud of stuff is still coming toward after the core crust crunch or if it has stopped moving outward started to assume an orbit. I hope that cloud is not encroaching on us mind you if it is, then it will still take a few billion years to get here which by then the planet and our solar system will have cycled to what ever state it will be in and hopefully we’ll be up there somewhere tinkering around in some kind of Noah’s Ark just surviving until our descendants find a new party planet. So this cloudy stuff might just make our own deep space travels a bit bumpy.
Ahh well.. I hope you enjoyed that. the cool thing about having done the galaxy like this is that if our Solar System is said to have come from an old hot place then if we don’t find our parent Super Nova star (which I thought we would have by now as we would highly likely be in orbit around it) then perhaps our galaxy core was the origin of our nebula our parent of sorts. And so the wet tennis ball we used or planets may not be needed to resolve those thermal vectors after all. Plus it leads us to the query of Where did the galaxy cores come from? This takes us back to the Big Bang Theory and the Nebula collapse.. But then the time that all of this takes is a little longer than 14 or so Billion years. Perhaps 14 Billion years was when our Galaxy was a baby Goldilocks. Indeed for the age of the Universe, personally I’d just keep adding zeros to that figure for a few minutes and see how many we can come up with. We’d be a little closer.
As always
Take Care and travel well.
Cheers Murry :)
Ahh, nice Do you like co-incidences? Just now in the middle of checking my spelling in these scribbles, I took a little coffee break and on my YouTube page was a nice little video that was published about an hour ago by Anton who is an excellent up-to-date science presenter. Haha, I love cool coincidences like this. It’s almost as if someone is monitoring what I’m writing about and helping out by making cool videos with tech and information that I simply don’t have access to. I love that stuff and those coincidences. Anyway, This video shows what has been officially described as a very strange Jet coming out of a Galaxy. Jets aren’t new but this type of jet apparently is. They’ll find more, and they’ll find doubles and triples and other multiples because it’s a common enough process as are a few other things we haven’t captured in sensors yet. If we don’t Nuke ourselves or procrastinate too long while our planet starts to expire then this future of preparing for deep space is gonna be a lot of fun for a lot of puzzle-solving scientists and a lot of work for everyone on the planet and a pretty cool motive too.
I really do hope in the spirit of why I’ve been sharing my scribbles on this stuff, that we start to see a shift toward a more predictive model for predicting future assets. If we’re to be a successful space species then we need to get this done sooner so our brains trust geniuses can solve the mountain of other challenges ahead. Seriously, deep space success for our species ain’t gonna be easy. Enjoy the video.
To see more of my scribbles on space stuff and tool of deep space survival here are some links.
This Gamma Ray ray Burst has some interesting similarities to the system described above. Applying these phenomena to the model above is simple enough as the rotational and mineral properties combined with crust fractures and then the period of the peak itself makes for an instant of instability. As we learn more bout the gamma-ray bursters then the closer the model above makes more physical sense. Nice. :) Enjoy this video.. It was just posted 9 hrs ago today’s date is 20221025.