A continuation from the Successful Space Species series.
MW Rhodes © 20221016
N->H->He->Li = BOOM , Free Neutron and the Dark Matters,
Thanks Brett.
Ohh, thanks you’re the best.. Did you watch any of the videos in the last post?.. Since CERN and other technological advances, science theory and projects seem to be having some success problems. Perhaps these quirky notes can help. Enjoy
Hi I’m Murry and welcome to these scribbles… Nice to have you here. If you liked the Successful Space Species I,II & III series then hold onto your tin hats, things are starting to really heat up, quite literally and from a Kelvin cold start. ;)
I know that a cold Big Bang is a deal breaker for most cosmologists and there’s no getting around the observations of sub-atomic bonds weakening as we increase thermal energy. Adding this to the Hot Big Bang sequence gives us a well-known observation of the recombination of particles from high thermal energy to low such as with rain, hail and snow. A similar but different observation of reduced bond attraction has been made by reducing energy levels closer to the final thermal equation of state threshold of Zero Degrees Kelvin where things start to break down completely and they get unpredictably strange for the atomic states of function or functions of state and the states of functioning stuff.
Zero degrees Kelvin is an unknowable threshold that we can only get close to. The Big Bang demands an environment of greater than 10^32 Deg Celcius which is pretty hot so hot that we can’t contain it and is yet another unknowable environment. We can’t make it that hot and we haven’t really observed an accumulation of this thermal energy in nature but the figure comes from extrapolating from atomic bond behaviour. We can’t yet accurately extrapolate equations of state for all our elements so our extrapolations are still a little uncertain.
So a Cold Big Bang may be worth exploring further for the fun of it. We may learn something new or simply be entertained. Join me as I look at where a thermal signature can come from in a massive kind of cold big bang. A thermal signature is the requirement of Hubble’s background radiation or the CMBR. More an that in a moment but first, let’s explore some cold stuff. I hope some of this stuff helps us succeed in deep space if we get there.
If you’re new to my writings and if you’ve not yet read my previous articles then you may miss the context and spirit in which this is written. I have included links to three previous posts regarding our race in space called the “Successful Space Species” ( I, II & III ) they are just below the next two paragraphs. :)
Our place and race in space are about the tools we have to survive the rigours of Deep Space. At present, we have a universe formation model that relies on 80-90% Dark Matter and Dark Energy to be able to justify our current theories/models of universe formation. The uncertainty around these dark things It’s not nearly good enough if we hope to predict where deep-space assets might form for future exploitation. Perhaps my scribbles help resolve some of this uncertainty.
After all, our real-life velocities in space are so slow that by the time we get to whatever targets exist today, their asset value may have decayed or been consumed into its own natural system. Responding only to what we can see in the now may mean that we’ll be chasing our tails and becoming extinct for all the energy spent on getting to the target so it’s better to have a predictive tool without the 80-90% guesswork. These scribbles explore things that may help with that.
Well done for reading all this stuff by the way, it’s not the easiest stuff to write or read about so you’re doing really well. Indeed my scribbles are not a mainstream presentation of what we already know but more of a creative alternative so take no one’s word for anything because your own research may reveal some innocent, negligent or complicit bias or you may just learn some cool new stuff. What you do with your research is your thing and these scribbles are my thing and I hope at the very least, you enjoy them. Here’s a nice article on the history of how modern western science evolved from a group of folks not prepared to take the word of anyone, even the authorities. Let’s continue on from where I left you in Successful Space Species III.
Continued from Successful Space Species III
I left you hanging with this little gem.
N=Neutron, not nitrogen.
N->H->He->Li = BOOM = Mineral Distribution Event.
It looks too simple to be the beginning of anything. It’s the something that came from all that nothing in our universe. It’s my cold sequence to kickstart our physical stuff in our XYZ universe. The path of least resistance is nature’s way but before we get comfy on its simplicity we might like to look under the hood and see how complex it may be and how the parts might work. It’s not as philosophical as getting something from nothing but it is complex to some degree. Perhaps less chicken and egg thermal energy paradoxes though.
What are the first three elements of the periodic table in chemistry? H, He, Li. The Hot Big Bang distributes this out at 75%H,24%He and 1%Li ( and other heavier trace elements ). Observations in our universe support something like this and so this sequence of a much Colder Big Bang observes and resolves into something similar too. There is also a simple pathway to a thermal signature for the Cosmic Microwave Background Ration CMBR. Simple but like any recipe it takes materials and methods so let’s start with the materials. There are a few ways to bake a cake but without the core ingredients, we might just be making an omelette.
The N in the sequence is a Free Neutron, they have a half-life decay of 15 minutes.
A few decades ago I started playing with cosmological things and over that time I found my own modelling was heading toward something other than the Hot Big Bang. When Covid shut the world down I had time to research it further. I recently discovered that the basic concept of a Colder beginning was not a new one and so this is an extension of the original Cold Big Bang that Georges Lemaitre conceived before Hubble and others turned it into the Hot Big Bang. So this sequence begins without the 10^32 Degrees Celcius requirement of the Hot Big Bang.
The Hot Big Bang began with a lot of thermal radiation. Whatever force contained it then stops containing it and expands and by the laws of thermodynamics, it cools. As it cools it starts to make sub-atomic particles and the cooling allows them to then combine. The bonds of these subatomic particles are the only mechanisms that we know and can show to make thermal radiation happen. In the Big bang, this who-made-who paradox is a chicken or egg conundrum which makes exploring a different process feasible. A video below from the Royal Institute of Science insists that we assume all the thermal energy exists in at least one contained singularity. Below explores the possibility that it never existed until the products of cold decaying neutrons made it possible.
So basically this sequence begins without making the assumption of a pre-existing surplus of thermal radiation but in an environment containing no thermal energy which defines the environment being at Zero Degrees Kelvin. When I say no thermal energy, I mean the energy exists in potential form but it just hasn’t yet transformed from matter and into the oscillations of flux that we call thermal energy.
Matter is the only stored potential energy of radiation that we know of. I think Einstein’s adaptation of Newton’s E=mv^2 was a great observation. Thank god for Einstein being called on to observe radium mass losses in that miracle cure industry.
So thermal radiation is an oscillation of field flux with high energy that doesn’t yet exist but matter materialises out of field flux at Zero degrees Kelvin as a cold tightly wound tangle of flux in primary symmetries of classical physics that produce free neutrons that commence decaying. Its decay products include those that can then transform matter decay into radiations. Thermal, electromagnetism, weak force plus perhaps several others.
But let’s assume that it’s not the other way around like in the Hot Big Bang where thermal radiation is said to make the particles that combine to come into existence for the first time and then interact to make the thermal radiation and then for the intuitive thermodynamic function of state to recombine them into hadrons. So if you’re happy to assume the thermal energy simply existed in the Hot Big Bang then that’s great, but if you’re not sure then let’s begin a colder sequence that may seem more simple a pathway for nature.
N->H->He->Li = BOOM = Mineral Distribution Event.
This sequence begins with a materialisation of neutrons at zero degrees Kelvin. The neutrons decay and products interact with each other in a graduated gravitational environment causing the production of primordial elements H, He & Li within a high gravitational body. A collated stratification of shells form and a soft metal Li shell forms around a cool but thermally active decaying neutron-rich core. Please resist considering hot stellar-like fusion as this is a cold process with the peak gravity comprising free neutrons.
The lithium shell insulates the internal neutron core thus trapping and accumulating all decay products (including the H & He ) and thermal energy until it reaches the melting temp of Lithium which is around 180 degrees celsius or around 460 degrees Kelvin. The Lithium precipitate has insulated the active core from the outer shells. The outer shells contain cold liquid hydrogen and helium.
When the core accumulation reaches 180 degrees celsius the Lithium starts to melt and over time a breach occurs somewhere and exposes the 180+ degree C core to the colder shells of around 3-15 degrees Kelvin. This triggers the nuclear fission of Lithium in situ with the isotopes of deuterium, tritium, helium 3&4 plus a core of rather active free neutrons and the core’s remaining hotter decay products (including the H & He ). The trigger event is described in more detail below.
Shall we take a closer look at this sequence?
First, the Neutron may need a better introduction. In the very first moment of mass and gravity of a pool of materialised neutrons, not a single proton exists nor does an electron. These particles/hadrons do not exist until a neutron has successfully decayed releasing beta mass, ejecting an electron and then leaving a 180 phase-shifted charge and mass-depleted neutron behind. We call that depleted neutron a proton. So a neutron is not made up of a proton, an electron and some beta mass properties. Combining a proton and electron to balance charge does not observe the law conservation of mass without including the mass properties contributed to it by the Beta radiation.
The more common three quarks of the neutron have a binary phase of three nodes of tightly wound and bound field flux. The proton has the same quark sequence only the binary phase is a 180-degree phase shifted by the loss of the electron. Ie. N ( 011 ), P ( 100 ) and permutations thereof to add a little colour and seasoning for taste. Eg N ( 101 ), (110) or P (010), (001) it translates to colour and flavour as per the normal quirky quark nomenclature.
As each quark is a tightly wound flux field, induction of field properties from one node into another node occurs at a 180-degree phase shift as per normal induction phase relations. In a tertiary system, a second 180-degree phase shift is seen in the third node. Consider primary symmetries and the interaction of three bound spinning wheels of fields in 2D and 3D. I’ll address this in more detail in one of the next papers.
The Beta decay bond radiates releasing properties of mass and its quanta may play a role of identifying the decay regulator that determines the threshold of electron release. A cool question may be. Can that regulator be inactive or deactivated thus stopping the decay process? Does the rate of mono-nucleic hydrogen production alter with changes in initial neutron entropy? ( or how cold its environment is? ) Perhaps someone at Caltech can find that answer.
Below are some links to some extra reading on it and the wonderful thing here is that we start to see how Dark things might exist. Dark energy and or Dark Matter and the properties of mass like gravity.
Extract from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_neutron_decay
We see energy or properties of mass being transformed into many forms of radiation because this is the simplest path for nature. Radiation being transformed into matter with properties of mass is not so easy.
In previous posts, you may have thought that I was about to show that Dark matter does not exist which may be true enough but just because it’s not necessary, doesn’t necessarily mean that it can’t exist or doesn’t exist. It can and likely does so we need to find it and verify it. Please remember that the purpose of these scribbles is to help reduce the uncertainty of the 80-90% requirements of stuff that we simply can’t find in the physical universe. We need to fix this if Earth’s biome has a place in this universe after our Earth has cycled through her biosphere phase.
If we are to find particles of dark matter then it’s likely we’ll find it in a non-decaying free neutron. Without decaying there is no Beta decay radiating and altering the phase to form an electron envelope so it can’t communicate anything other than mass property of gravity through the geometric contraction of flux volume. Dark energy itself may be represented in what happens in the recently depleted fabric of flux that was used to materialise cold neutrons. It is depleted of some of the field flux that makes up and binds the quarks which means the space beyond our physical universe is not depleted of this flux stuff.
The cumulative effect of an infinity of space outside of our physical universe exerts a cumulative gravitational force that translates into attracting matter outwards from our physical universe. It may be dark but it’s wonderful stuff. Let’s continue with the Cold free Neutron sequence.
So free neutrons start materialising out of the cold flux fabric of space and from the very first moment that the first neutron exists, decay may begin with mass properties of gravity having accumulated in the flux contraction too. As subsequent neutrons form in situ with the first they progressively respond/communicate in gravity and decay. Like hail stones form and then respond according to their environment.
In our labs, we count a half-life of free neutrons of around 15 minutes. We may want to do some more experiments as some variables may influence this rate such as initial energy plus I would love to see more work done on the byproduct of the mono-nucleic Hydrogen atom, as I haven’t found much information on its transmission or filtration polarity symmetries or interactive behaviours with other elements. Perhaps in an even colder, lower energy environment too if possible.
Make a note that mono nuclear hydrogen at the thermal energy level of the experiments produces around 4 parts per million decays which are 1:250,000 or at a scale of 10^-5. It’s not very many and may be considered insignificant but then we count our hydrogen isotope distribution with protium as the dominant but the deuterium and tritium existing in our universe on a scale of around 10^-6. So the mononucleic Hydrogen may be significant enough to consider learning more about.
The energy of the free neutron during this decay period may play a significant role in the ratio of products produced and the rate at which they are produced. Information that might be handy if we really want to wind back time.
So we have started our physical universe with at least one pool of free neutrons that have already commenced decaying and gravitationally attracting from the moment they materialised. It’s a good thing that it takes so long to decay otherwise we might have had too many protons repelling masses and entropy occurring almost instantaneously. Instead, with half of the mass of neutrons decaying some time after their formation, this allows gravity to accumulate neutron masses before the polarity of protons can override the gravity of the system.
Without more information on the nature of how the thermal energy in the environment influences this rate and the byproduct ratios of decay then things like dark matter may be useful to add to bring the ratio of neutral mass higher than the positive charges of protons repelling and stopping formation but the time of decay may be sufficient anyway. Perhaps the electron’s charge of the decay also plays a role to reduce the repelling force of protons but the dark matter would be handy and may simply be a particle where some neutrons fail to commence decay. After all, our measure of decay is done in half-life measures. Perhaps some of the neutrons are not yet actively decaying while others are simply in their various analogue states of decay before the threshold of releasing the electron.
A neutron that is not decaying has no beta signal. It has no polarity of field charge to cause any field resistance but it does have the properties of mass. Is this because the quarks found a perfect harmony of symmetry or because the precipitation event produces a binary equivalent of what might be called an antiparticle? Dark matter would be nice but we can move forward without it for now. I will just mention a quick note on gravity in this cold neutron precipitation, after all, it is the main primordial driving force behind everything that happens next and through the sequence to the distribution event.
Gravity. I can’t do this without a mention of exploring how gravity gravitates stuff.
Making matter from a cold field flux means concentrating the flux into a smaller geometry of volume. So the volume of flux consumed by the contraction, ( not just the quantity of flux but the volume, the apparent boundaries of field flux between the nodes of up or down spins along the apparent strings) deems any space outside of that space of contraction now communicates that contraction along the same media from which it came, but that media itself is now somewhat depleted of the flux material or space where it was.
The only purer environment that exists now is that which is outside of the reach of any communication of our physical universe. All the fabric in our local space is rationally depleted of the volume of flux. This allows gravity to act in the way it does. So Einstein was on the money when describing gravity as a geometric contraction of space. It is still a field communication but it is also a contraction between two nodes of tangled flux with sufficient volumetric contraction of the flux to communicate the tension in the strings albeit there are no strings by the chicken or the egg paradox conundrum as discussed in SSSIII.
Best I can tell, the Higgs Boson is said to be quanta or a parcel of field energy that binds the proton quarks with gluons and is also said to be responsible for most of the properties of mass in a proton. Once the Boson is released then the properties of mass disperse like magic back into the fabric of space. This may translate into the volume of the field flux expanding. It’s a lovely mental exercise.
In short, all this means is that the pure fabric of space can precipitate neutrons and in the earliest of early universes Zero Degrees Kelvin was its environment. Is Zero Degrees absolutely necessary for this to happen? Perhaps not. But that’s for later. Recall that our physical universe
Phew, alright so we have a pool of decaying neutrons and gravity attracting them. Finally, we get to the beginning of a cool sequence that takes us to the distribution event that provides a possible contributor to the cosmic microwave background radiation. CMBR
There are papers below on why the original Old Cold Big Bang is impossible. The main takeaway from those is that the original Cold Big Bang has no thermal signature that needs to account for Hubble’s background radiation or the CMBR. Indeed by the end of this N->…->Li = boom sequence several thermal signatures may result from a single distribution event. The primary distribution event as mentioned above comes from a film of lithium surrounding an active neutron core and thermally insulating the core’s activity from the hydrogen-helium outer shells. One of the most surprising results from last century’s nuclear tests was the output of Lithium deuteride apparently it was more than double the calculated or expected output and made the biggest blast of all U.S Tests. Deuterium is an isotope of Hydrogen. in the article below you are looking for the Castle Bravo test in 1954 at the Bikini Atoll.
Astrophysical Journal. 2000 The cosmic microwave background radiation in a cold big bang.
That my scribbles also involve interesting energy exchanges means that I’ve also played around with several energy solutions that may be handy to tinker with in the old deep space tool belt.
I’ll wrap this one up with a nice little 2D diagram of the shells mentioned above and then maybe some more quirky notes.
If you would like to play around with this sequence, then a periodic table may come in handy as these are the primordial elements being formed from neutron decay products in an increasing gravitational compression environment. I think the Big Bang forms these ones through a probability function of lightwaves and radiations colliding in a rapidly expanding cooling thermal vacuum similarly as rain or hail might form from pre-existing molecules in saturation. It would make sense in most cases but this is the creation of the particles at a moment before they existed.
Not quite the previous chicken or the egg scenario of thermal oscillations or the mechanisms that make it but it’s close because the probability of collisions occurring reduces as expansions increase beyond a threshold and precipitation stops until the conditions are right again which means the parts/mass/subatomic particles that make up the primary particles remain in solution but just not at saturation or at the thermal conditions to complete the recombination process. Perhaps this is the dark matter? or perhaps the Hot Big Bang was actually a colder creation of matter that later created the radiation..
Either way, this sequence of stuff is one that you may like to consider some more.
So to recap for the diagram, it starts at Zero Degrees Kelvin with the precipitation of free neutrons with mass properties of gravitational attraction. The neutrons are still materialising out of the fabric as gravity begins to form a seed core before the first decay event happens. As time goes on gravity continues to attract more neutrons and most of the decay products including the monoatomic hydrogen, protons, electrons & radiations. The process continues and gravity increases, transitional strata regions exist and we see protium, deuterium and tritium gravitationally collating into shells via density up or out from the neutron core. Further decay processes in this environment form Helium 3 & 4 with further collation.
The last primordial element in this sequence is the precipitation of Lithium 6 and 7 from out of the cold liquid/solid helium hydrogen slushie shells. Lithium is the first metal of this sequence and is solid up to its melting point of 180 degrees Celsius. The Lithium collates by density below the helium shell but atop the active neutron core. The Lithium shell insulates the core from the Helium and core decay processes continue. Thermal energy accumulates under the Lithium shell.
At 180 Deg C of 450 degrees Kelvin the Lithium shell begins melting eventually causing a breach where the cold helium and the hot core meet. The equation-of-state of helium trending to gas plus the high gravity exerts an instantaneous compression of difference triggering a compression of the Lithium and destabilising the neutron in the Lithium nuclide. A chain reaction throughout the Lithium Shell in this system makes for some interesting special effects as it disintegrates and adds a whole lot more thermal and percussive energy to this system.
Please note that Helium is a stable element for its chemistry but still must observe its equations of state and respond accordingly when exposed to 450 degrees Kelvin from its colder liquid state. The nuclear disintegration occurs in situ with deuterium and tritium and a core load of decaying neutrons pre-excited to at least 450 degrees celsius giving us some room for variations in the lithium thermonuclear signature that may contribute to the CMBR or Hubble’s background radiation.
I’d love to include the full version here but this summary is just for some nice light considerations for you to tinker with. The full version goes into more depth and accounts for ratios we see in nature of around 75%Hydrogen, 24%Helium and 1% other stuff but I would rather get on with what happens after the distribution event. After all, that’s the stuff we’ll be wanting to predict as a deep space asset we’ll need some Successful Space Stuff if we are to become a Succesful Space Species.
Mineral Distributions Events can be messy.
So, the thermal fission of lithium in situ with deuterium and tritium and also a large quantity of hot high energy free neutrons transferring shock waves and other percussive kinetics distribute matter with considerable outward force. It is much colder than the Big Bang’s 10^32 degs Celsius but the radiation signature may suggest our observations of thermal signatures come from at least one thermonuclear exchange radiating outward rather than the Hot Big Bang’s accumulation, containment and release mechanisms of the thermal energy in a singularity saturating things and then separating.
By being distributed out into the cold vacuum of space the materials that formed in heavy gravity are now subject to lower gravity environments. Elemental gravitational compression decreases. A collation of the expanding system itself with respect to kinetics and also radiation and net charge differences help determine how this system might distribute. This mechanism having a shell of Lithium is a very primal one that dominates a spheroidal distribution pattern. Secondary and tertiary mechanisms may see different distribution patterns as we can see later in the formations of galaxies, stars and planets. Perhaps a handy thing to consider.
The original precipitation and nebula-type gravitation collapse may cause some angular momentum in this primary model for it rotate on an axis but it is not necessary for the processes to occur as suggested above.
Quirky notes
Multiple universes or nodes?
Mathematical multiverse theories with multiple dimensions may be cool but to assume that in the Infinitum of space for the conditions of neutron formation to not occur anywhere else would be ignoring the Infinitum of space and if the conditions occur once then they can occur again but just not in the same place at the same time and place in space as a different dimension.
The precipitation event of neutrons may occur in different regional places in the Infinitum of the universe and may also result in more than one node where this type of sequence can commence. Furthermore, the precipitation event may not be an isolated singular event in one local region either, much like our weather system, rain or hail may be determined by conditions in the fabric of space itself. Our background radiation may be contributed to by multiples of smaller colder big bangs than the one Hot Big Bang.
As we venture deeper into space and away from material environments we may find the fabric conditions a little different than what we are used to in our solar system, in our galaxy or even in our universe. It depends on what was removed from the local environment/fabric of space to form the mass.
Black holes and other dark matters.
Yes, properties of mass can accumulate but there seems to be more fantasy in timescapes than reality going on to describe these. If non-decaying neutrons can exist to provide for Dark matter then one might expect clumps of this stuff to form without any resistance. Are these our black holes? Maybe. Or in the Hot Big Bang it might be massive stuff left in the fabric that didn’t collide and recombine at the time.
I like dark matter but then intuitively we should be finding evidence of it accumulating in all centres of mass or gravity even apparent ones. Unless the greater gravity field attracts it more. For its lack of ability to interact with other fields or cause resistance then we should see evidence of this being exchanged at the centre of the wobbles of binary star systems. Or even see this when two matters collide which means we start redefining the classical physics of transfers of energy during collisions. The Dark matter was resurrected to try to explain the phenomena of orbital velocities found at the edge of galaxies that don’t match our classical physics. The search for dark matter keeps more scientists and engineers in work than solving the model with classical physics. More about this later..
Even though I enjoy modelling the universe from an origins perspective they are speculative at best and belong in the past where we can’t live. We live in the present and for all intents and purposes, we need to prepare for the future so the purpose of these scribbles is to get down to the nitty-gritty of predicting deep space assets being formed in the future and in order to do that we need to consider the systems in play now to make better predictions. Otherwise, we all lose.
As mentioned in Successful Space Species I,II & III the gravitational nebular collapse theory does have some applications as seen above in the primordial precipitation of neutrons and more on small scales as we will explore later but is really not common enough to the gravitational model simply can’t account for all the distribution of minerals and thermal vectors throughout our galaxy, our solar system and our planets. At least not in the way that it’s applied especially with that 80-90% dark matter uncertainty in the modelling. The next few posts will explore this further.
Take care, I know this stuff is heady so it’s really nice to have you along on this adventure of my scribbles. There’s more to come too so bookmark this site and share it around to get more folks enjoying it. It’s a different kind of distraction at least.
Send me a message if you like and that video I mentioned above is below the form. :)