Successful Space Species II
MW Rhodes © 20221012
Our ancient TinHats, Your place in space & What are our odds?
Part 1. An introduction.
Love these crocodiles. When it comes to evolution and habitable environments to live in, getting it right the first time saves a lot of fluffing around, energy and scrabbling for survival. While most species undergo significant changes to adapt to changing environments or ecological systems the crocodile stays where the water is warmer all year round and food can be easily snapped up in the water or off the land. It applies to just about every aspect of life including the life of science and theories.
In a nutshell, The Royal Society was founded by a group of TinHat conspiracy theorists who were busy trying to learn things and they got tired of being told by the mainstream of how things work based on long held beliefs, theories and opinions. Forming a group with a moto “Nullius in verba,” in English means “take no one’s word for it.” Outside of the nutshell, it’s a bit more complex than that and further below is a link to an interesting read by Geof Anders on the Transformations of Science which is where I found the Nullius in verba stuff. It’s a nice historical read and little more formal than my scribbles.
History shows that we do a lot of fluffing around because we can. We’ve enjoyed a surplus of energy and resources for life and of life while developing on this planet but if we fluff around with such complex niceties while travelling through deep space then we might just find ourselves on the universe’s extinction list.
You may recall from a previous post “Successful Space Species?” something like “I am ever the optimist that science can prevail but am just not sure if it will.” I’m not sure because our institutions still do a lot of fluffing around. Fluffing around includes things like corruption and collusion as even the most honourable of institutes are susceptible to our human flaws. The fluffing around causes a detriment to progress.
Looking back at ancient history and the origins of the holy church it seems to me that it started out as an institution of knowledge for the people to help communities grow and then it became a complex entity under its own administrations or regulations of righteousness. Perhaps this happened in response to ensuring its own survival amidst a history of two millennia of different colourful leaderships of different mobs of people.
The old testament looks to be a collection of science and social questions that was written for educated orators to read and tell the stories in ways that people remember. Mirakles of mighty magic trigger an immediate response of disbelief which in itself means someone is engaged in the content, engaged to try to point out what is wrong with something, perhaps like your engagement in the use of the letter k rather than a c in the word miracle. We love correcting people and we remember more for it. This is a primal survival mechanism and we exploit it to gain attention and highlight things for memory as a memory tool.
The impossibility of NOAH’s Ark in all its detail makes it memorable even for those not prepared to worship the gospels, perhaps especially for those not prepared to worship the gospels as it still delivers a nice warning of being prepared to save your best breeding stock to start over with. Just in case something goes down.
But I’m not here to go through the history of science or religion but to just point out an awareness that our fluffing around has its place and purpose for the good of things but it may also hinder our progress as it has done in the past. I’ll show you how it affected progress in cosmology down below.
I cringe sometimes when watching interviews of cosmology, reading journals or studying the goings on of field theories and quanta and particle accelerators and net-energy fusion projects and other science stuff. On one hand, we are so far behind the eightball that poor scientists seem to really need more funding for everything. On the other hand, given the past investments balanced against the pool of genius solving the problems, progress seems a little slow and I wonder if we are just playing a complex version of the Pied piper.
Speaking of the Pied piper and musical things. I’d like try a little something and I’d love if you played along.
This may be a longer read than I was planning so here’s an idea for you, you may like it. Click this bold link >>MUSIC<<. or the piano moon image on the left. It opens a page on my website to a music player. Press play and then come back here and start reading. It’s just a little light background music of a few original songs I whipped up earlier. :) It should go the distance and I promise there will be no rat plagues.
Either way, I hope you enjoy your reading.
Let’s get back to being a successful space species. I have some notes to show you soon that you may enjoy either as something new to learn from or just as entertainment of fiction. In the spirit of “Nullius in verba,” the notes I’ll be sharing are not recitals or polishings of the current theories but something out of a different box. I always observe the natural laws of conservation but certainly, Nullius in Verba, do not take my word for it.
Before I post those notes, I’ve written what’s below as an introduction of myself to you. You’ll see how I approach knowledge and connect the dots. I do reference some of what I write but as you may have already guessed I’m not the most formal of writers. The references are for you if you want to learn more or just check facts or the best knowledge available at the time of publishing.
So enjoy the music and I hope you enjoy this blog. there’s music, questions you can engage in and answer, a movie of the moon zooming past us, a firey witch hunt of our ancient TinHats and a mental exercise that puts you in the driver’s seat of this planet. :) Enjoy.
The Blog.
Approx 45minute read.
If we are to be a successful space species then the prediction of assets to exploit in space is a tool that will need to be refined to far greater accuracies than the current theories that describe 80-90% gravity missing unless adding dark matter. Knowing where things are now is nice which we can do really well with all our investment in the engineering projects on telescopes and other toys but by the time we get to the assets we see now, then they will likely have cycled and may no longer be ripe for the picking.
I know that science can prevail. I’ll show you some stuff in some later posts but for now, in this one, I just want to explore why I’m just not sure if our science will prevail for all its fluffing around.
Our science is determined by more than just the scientific method as politics, cultural conventions and economics influence things too and they have been influencing our knowledge matrix for millennia. There’s no point in jumping up and down in surprise at secret squirrel societies or other wonderments of our culture as they are founded for good but they can also be barriers to our successes.
I do hope for the success of life in deep space and I know physically it’s doable but looking back at history our own sociopolitical wrinkles may trip us up. We really are a fickle pickle of a critter and the sum total of all the shame that ever was would be upon us humans if we don’t succeed in deep space. The natural thing for all life to do is to adapt and survive new environments. Crocodiles are simple critters.
We’re complex critters with complex ways and our complexities may lead to our end of days.
Modelling Big Bangs, gravitational collapses of nebula and thermal, physical and mineral distributions so far is scarily inaccurate in the current public arena of info so if my scribbles help improve the odds of success in deep space scenarios then YAY or if they simply entertain folks in a fictional way then YAY again. It’s YAY or YAY either way. :) So I hope there’s something for you to learn here but most importantly I hope you have a little fun. Life is too short otherwise :) I’m happy to amuse folks on all matters of energy dark included.
Hark, is that music I hear?.. Nice, and thanks for playing my tunes. Let’s go back in your time.
Think back to when you first learned about the planets orbiting the sun. For me, it was in primary school. The teacher taught the history of how the world believed the Earth was flat and we were the centre of the universe and then proceeded with the modern superior heliocentric model.
The lesson was delivered with a sense of shame or dumbness on our ancestors’ part for believing in something so silly as our flat earth being the centre of the universe. It was like a vanity competition of self-serving selfishness of centrality being used to describe the driving reason why our ancestors believed the world was flat and central to the universe. Below I’ll show you that it had more to do with observational evidence than vanity but indeed this insanity of vanity does play a limiting role in all sorts of ways.
The insanity of vanity played a role back then and it still plays a role today but just under a different banner of righteousness and it still interferes with our progress in several branches of science today. We have spent billions on gaining more evidence and data as we did back in the Ptomolemy days in various currencies but with such low quality interpretations the quantity of high-quality data doesn’t improve things other than the quality of the data. You can’t polish a piece of lead into gold. Well lead to gold with some elbow grease may be possible but I was being polite. You can’t polish a piece of…. whatever I hope you know the saying and get the drift.
Ptolomists had more than a millennium of time invested in gathering, refining and polishing quality data but simply couldn't bring themselves to shift away from long-held interpretations of the conventional wisdom. This shaming for dumbness seems to be a common or systemic practice in our culture of learning and I’m not a fan of it as it only reinforces a culture of its own vanity with budding seeds of ignorance that can become lore reinforcing this insanity, this blight on partially paralysing progress.
The limiting outcomes of this blight in our culture can be observed in our history.
Nicolas Copernicus was a successful man of his day with a colourful life of business, ingenuity and religion. He died as an old man and only months prior to dying he published the most controversial paper in the cosmology of our modern times. It was the paper that first introduced the heliocentricity of our planets relative to the sun. I sometimes wonder if he had deliberately waited until he knew his life was near its end before publishing such a paper. He was a smart, successful and well-respected man, so why wait to publish?
Perhaps living a long, happy non-molested life is a fair enough incentive. The publication gave rise to heretical societies supporting the theory. The institutes and authorities of most of the western world knowledge were not amused and people’s heads quite literally often rolled, or worse for heresy back in those days. ( more on the worse below )
Nicolas was a smart man and lived a long fruitful life and then at the end, he published what may otherwise have been an early death sentence. I wonder how old he was when he first observed the dots of heliocentricism and realised the trouble he would be in if he published it. How he must have cringed when observing the many ways folks would bend and mould perfectly good evidence to fit into the then-authorised conventional wisdom.
They say Nicolas figured to the heliocentricity independent of any ancient influence. It’s hard to know the truth of everything but multiple invention and thoughts and ideas is common enough. Here’s a link to the ancient link of the heliocentric stuff. :)
I imagine in his dying moments he would have enjoyed envisioning the turmoil his paper would create. The conversations his peers would have argued over and all the cries of heresy echoing in the chambers. Apparently, as the story goes, he was found dead in his bed, with a copy of his publication on his chest. What a nice way to go. Old and resolved. I doubt he cared much about confirmation against worshippers or peer reviews as maths often resolves a clear picture without needing fantastic fudging or adding new dimensional requirements if the science is interpreted correctly and hindsight often shows all of us the obviousness of the truth but it’s only obvious after the truth becomes the obvious truth. I dare say he knew it was robust and significant.
“It’s easy” ( meaning it’s obvious to everyone ) is one of the sure markers that whoever uses it as a teaching tool in explaining a thing that they themselves may not know the content beyond their own parrot learned lessons. There is nothing easy about knowing stuff that you simply don’t know and it’s even less easy discovering a thing and then figuring out how to navigate the politics, rhetoric and pushback of a system for it to become the next obvious truth of a thing. Anyway, let’s get back to space stuff.
A little further on in time an engineer and science teacher Gallileo Gallilee learned of some science of light and lenses and so he engineered a device that would make distant warships more visible as well as show the planets in our night sky with more detail than ever before. Kind of like Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope and a history of many other funded devices improving the quality of our visuals and ever-growing data bank.
He was well positioned in the community to exploit it very well and he made good money out of selling the telescopes to the navy and other customers and had significant social and political leverage as you would expect from such a person in this position.
I honestly hope that the visuals from JWST are enough to hint a new interpretation of our universe modelling may need to be introduced into the evidence matrix of theories. We have perhaps invested enough in nurturing a theory that requires 80-90% more gravity for it to be correct. I feel that Dark matter is as likely to exist in our universe as it did for the Ptolomists trying to explain the retrograde ellipses of the planets. Perhaps a new perspective will make things more efficient.
Gallilee had some serious socio-economic and socio-political leverage yet was still ostracised by the authorities of knowledge for the evidence he presented to the world in his book The Dialogue. A book that presented more tangible evidence that celestial bodies do orbit around other bodies and may better explain retrograde ellipses than the dark matter theories or god. His observation was simply the moons orbiting Jupiter. Evidence of an X-centric system.
He started with a bankroll, a safety net and a keen eye for investment. He may not have invented the science of telescopes or been the first to observe the moons of Jupiter but he had the tenacity to test his sociopolitical leverage against the authorities of conventional wisdom. Risk and reward.
Delivering evidence of a denied science theory brought him more trouble than profits as his keystone evidence although confirmed by others was shunned by the authorities to protect the verity in the brand equity of the authority’s authority over the authority of the authority’s knowledge. His leverage kept him from the gallows but that wasn’t guaranteed so his bravery to use it and push his luck to ensure that Heliocentricity came to be a reality in education was a cheek of bravery unmasked. :) He was the master of TinHats of the time. Politics and leverage influenced much back then and it still does today.
Even modern scientists presenting empirical evidence experience ostracism and pushback. No gallows but careers, reputations and social acceptance among peers are at stake. There’s one lady, who had recently counted the neurones in brains of different organisms to verify the conventional wisdom of it. She was clearly uncomfortable about the pushback she received by peers when the newer more accurate empirical evidence showed the conventional wisdom was lacking. We are still a fickle pickle or people.
Improved or potentially more accurate interpretations of pre-existing data but that sit outside the conventional wisdom have a history of being costly socially or economically for individuals who present it. Indeed solving a science problem today means many specialised jobs lose funding and the pushback from those folks is often more costly than profitable. It seems more complex than it should be in this day and age of computers and databases, AI and new sensory technologies.
The Ptolemaic night sky was well enough mapped with millennia of empirical evidence that clearly showed the Earth was unequivocally the centre of the universe. There was also quite clearly an unseeable invisible dark matter at the centre of each retrograde ellipse of the planet’s otherwise perfect unblemished annual pathway in the night sky to account for observed retrograde anomalies. Obviously.
The Earth was proven to be the centre of the universe with only an insignificant tiny shadow of a dark matter doubt that the official interpretations may be wrong. Our greatest thinkers can get stuff wrong too, so remove the potential consequence of shame or failure and admissions for truth can come easier. We are conditioned to lie in support of the official truth and this stunts progress. This is fluffing around. At the moment we still have a surplus of energy so we’ve afforded the fluffing around so far. The consequence of funding distribution means some folks went hungry for the fluffy projects but if we are to go down the path of entering the deep space environment then the consequences of fluffing around are a bit more profound. Our extinction by distinction.
History often tells of how we repeat our mistakes without actually learning from history. COVID-19 might have exposed a few more recent examples of this.
I’m getting thirsty, How are you? I need a break from all this heady stuff. Are you ready for some fun?
Just quickly I’d like to show you that our ancestors were not dumb in believing that this old Earth was flat and in a carousel of the universe thing. Overall they were geniuses in their own ways and protected a worshipped system of knowledge that could have gone in a very different direction for better or for worse for them and for all of us.
Most folks had to abide by the rules and laws for social, political and general reasons and a majority did so and for pretty reasonable reasons too.
Today you might get some community pushback or career discrimination for new ideas that don’t conform to the conventional founding wisdom or worshipped gospels but back then in the good old days, if you presented new ideas that didn’t conform then your pushback and career path may have been resolved by the gallows or other such remedies for devil inspired heresy.
Only the bravest, insanely suicidal or in Gallileo’s case very well-leveraged folks would speak out. These punishments were served as spectator spectacles for sociopolitical control purposes to reinforce the authority’s authority over authority. Plus sadly on a public account also as entertainment for some. The Coliseum of Rome alludes to our humanity in those respects. Nice of us to make ball sports our spectacle for modern entertainment.
I wonder how many geniuses copped the raw end of the match stick for making observations and solving problems.
So I’m not sure if our sciences will ever move on from the old founding theories for the fear of internal retributions or indeed the unmentioned loss of funding.
We come into a little Tin Hat territory for a few paragraphs.
There is a systemic proclivity to publicly omit solutions to problems for the purpose of ensuring funding for the pursuit of that knowledge. If we eradicate the rats and solve the community’s problems then the funding dries up and scientists of specialised areas with specialised skills are out of jobs.
I think we’re all adult enough to know that this occurs from the basic Pied piper perspective through all the trades and industries and even into our sciences and medicines etc. After all, most of the time, it’s just another strategy to protect our people and skills in micro-economies from disappearing. Sadly some branches get all power-trippy from their sneaky successes and get all righteous and abuse that levity in our system.
Anyway, there are plenty of historical accounts of such things, some for the greedy gains of a few and some for the good of everyone but just without knowledge or consent which is its own crappy thing to consider for the logistics and timing of getting permission from everyone to put a blanket on a fire. It is its own conundrum.
Unfortunately, these are only a few snippets of the cultural problems that limit our progress in science and chances for deep space success. I’m sure it’s a solvable one if we can find bigger and better jobs for the science community than just polishing old theories and making new data fit into them.
The deep space environment already works hard against our odds of success and our observations of the planet’s geological history, the Sun’s thermal activities and the galaxy motions on our own microcosm of a biosphere provide us with a rudimentary egg timer to look at. There ain’t as much sand in it now as there was a thousand years ago so we don’t really have the luxury of time to play these institutional or personal profit or pride games. The planet and solar system cycles are not waiting for us to get our shit together. They’ll just do what they do as they do it and being prepared for it is up to us. Our window of opportunity is open right now to make mistakes in pursuit of getting things right for up there the first time. If we remain stuck in our old ways with our old 80-90% deficiencies then we will lose that opportunity.
Part 2 Your place in space. The fun stuff.
So I’ve ranted on about our ancients and space and our silly critter behaviours now let me show you something fun, let me take you somewhere cool. You may even truly find your place in space, in mind, in body and in soul. You may not, but then again you may. Your contribution here will be rewarded because it’ll be fun.
Are you ready?
I want to show you why or how our ancestors were not so dumb about the flat earth and Earth-centric universe. I’m not a Flat Earth person but if you are then enjoy this for the science of flat earth history.
Before you can get to this special place you need to do a little something. You’ll need a pair of eyes and some time. I think you’ll enjoy it too. It starts everyday at dawn. It might take one attempt or more. Let me know how long it took before you found your place in this universe. You’ll know it when it happens, it’s pretty cool.
After you do this, you’ll know your place in this universe and you’ll be able show children exactly their place in this universe and how it kind of works with today’s science but for now, you have to play along with me and pretend you know absolutely nothing about the skies above. Consider yourself a child without a teacher and you have to figure things out for yourself.
Perhaps you’ll connect some dots and see why our ancestors would intuitively and easily think that we are at the centre of the universe even after a few years of observing the stars. Unless you know what to look for, the clues aren’t easy.
OK a little health and safety first.
Don’t ever look directly at the Sun as it will likely damage your eyes.
Starting in 3-2-1…..
Wake up early and watch a few sunrises. Get a compass to confirm that East is East.
Pretend you now have a steering wheel in your hand and you are driving straight toward the rising sun.
You are not driving anywhere indeed you are standing in the one spot pretending you have a steering wheel in your hand, perhaps even with a little onomatopoeic Vroom Vroom going on.
“Ticket’s, please.” Says the conductor. Pop your money in the PayPal tip hat before you leave.
This is your personal trip to the heavens above and you know what the evangelists say, “the bigger the seed the greater your chance of entering the golden gates.” Same as Tipping your muse. But seriously Tips would be lovely and the bigger the tip then the bigger the greater the warmth and smiles all round. :)
Ok so you don’t have to pay tips to get to heaven or to enjoy this and learn a thing but this is my art for your amusement and your generosity shows a warm appreciation for the time invested to entertain you and maybe inspire a thing or two. So All aboard… Tickets please.. :)
Ok. so Vroom Vroom there’s a big steering wheel and you know for certain that you are not moving at all, you have the proof and this is 100% the absolute intuitive truth and if you think you are moving in any other way then it’s only because you’re not playing the game properly. Remember you are doing this without any of today’s knowledge. You can’t feel that you’re moving without a force of reference and the only force you feel now is the Earth at your feet and that’s in equilibrium so you’re not moving. So the Sun zooms up and rises slowly in the east. So put on your Tin Hat, take the blue pill and the red pill if you have to but just forget what you know just for a moment.
Ok, Now you are facing towards the east. The sun rises in the east. It always rises in the east. Not always in the exact same spot but it’s near enough to say it always rises in the east. If you wait a while you can also see our moon rising in the east. Same rules as the Sun, not always in the exact same spot but always in the east. They rise up into the sky and then start setting into the west. You know this because you can see it moving through the sky from a point of reference that keeps you dead still idleing at the driver’s wheel.
It’s not intuitive to think we are the object that is moving toward the east on a big spinning ball. And what really might blow your mind is that the moon is moving in the same direction as us at 1km/sec but we’re overtaking it on the inside lane of a race track and zooming past it as it appears to woosh past us. Vroom woosh.
Over taking the moon. at 500m/s. :) from 12’S 130E July 2022
So we’re really moving super fast but we just can’t feel it. At the equator its around 500m/sec. If you’re further down or up toward the North and south poles your velocity slows. The moon is moving around the planet at around 1Km per second in the same direction that we are going. That’s 1 Km/sec in the same direction and we’re zooming in the same direction but at half the speed. But we are on the inside lane overtaking it almost every 24 hours. Vroom Vroom over 364 times a year.
But you have no idea about all that because you’ve been good and forgotten all that stuff because you’re pretending to be one of our ancients looking up and trying to figure all this stuff out. So the sun has risen and the sky is blue, you enjoy your days watching apples fall from trees oblivious to that science too and you eagerly await the sunset.
You enjoy the sunset and then turn around to face the east waiting for it to rise. You watch it for a few hours and notice how the whole sky appears to carrousel up from the horizon. How tiny do you feel?.. I love that feeling. Tiny and insignificant in size but WOW, this is life and life and our ability to observe all this hugely giant significant stuff in the universe. All of it. So enjoy the show it’s a carousel. Someone observing it, someone just like you to observe all this stuff is worth preserving in this universe. Perhaps your children’s children will have a new horizon one day.
It’ll be a lesson of our place in this space for them whichever planet they call home. And the coolest thing is that if you travel to a place far far away from where you became familiar with your sunrise spot every day you may just notice that process is almost exactly the same but the dots in the sky are a little different and some of the positions of things change. More information and new perspectives give us data and raise questions of How does it work? Why does it change?
All the planets including ours orbit the sun around its equator (near enough) and since we are on a super fast spinning ball spinning into the forward direction of our orbit can you guess from which direction the planets will first rise up? Yep, you got it, it’s in the East because we’re a tiny spinning ball spinning in that direction and our local brother and sister planets orbit that equator. Even super distant things beyond our solar system rise in the east, it’s quite literally like a carousel.
Observant people can see it and everyone can feel and confirm for real that they themselves are standing absolutely still and not moving at all as the sky above moves. Even closer observation sees some things changing in positions in different ways and at different rates and with even stranger motions a foot.
You can remove your tin hat now. Was that fun? Did it work? Do you now have a better understanding of your place on this planet and your significance and the significance of all life from this teeny tiny ball called Earth.
Did that work?
Give it a week or two and let me know if it did or didn’t in the check boxes. :) Be honest.
All DATA helps figure out how we might be able to improve things or if we need to reassess the foundations of an idea altogether and maybe replace it with a new idea. In this application, I may need to re-write it if it doesn’t work for most folks.
Apart from the obvious point being made here and the cool realisation of your place in space, the main takeaway intended from this is to show you, or have you see it for yourself that our ancients observing Ptolomy skies were not dummies at all. Accumulating knowledge takes time and investment to many multiples of observations to gather data to map it and identify some tiny little almost missable details or clues to questions and interpretations. Many folks travelled but not many were interested in observing the skies so getting this knowledge was an investment more than just an opportune observation.
Are you looking at the sky right now?.. Yes? That’s cool. You are right now looking at the only real tangible evidence we had. Not everything travels in a straight line over time but then How could that be so in a carousel? The south celestial pole where our spinning Earth reveals its most obvious evidence of not being a carousel is in the left bottom corner of this photo. You might miss it if you didn’t know.
The pursuit of such knowledge is about looking at lots of dots and figuring out how to record them so they line up and make some kind of sense to generations of future students. Predicting where things will be next week, next month, in a million years would only be as accurate as the cycles of a point of reference and the calibrations of their own points of reference against that standard (calibration). It was tricky stuff compared to today but worked exceptionally well even for our more ancient ancestors counting 360 days in the year. So the patience and anticipation for exploring and developing this discipline is remarkable.
So now, you have watched the carousel of the ancients and you know your place in this universe and now all those other things can really start to make a bit more sense or are easier to associate with. Like the Horoscope stars or moon and tide cycles. Check it out it’ll be easier for you to remember and visualise an even wider scope of your position even with respect to galaxies.
Back down to reality. :)
Once all the dots are mapped and motions identified, then comes the interpretation of the data and navigating whatever biases might be limiting the interpretive process. Bias was a bit different in the good old days but bias is bias and still exists and gets passed into the science and replicated and reinforced for generations and so it still interferes with probabilities of outcomes being true and correct. We have archives of biased knowledge going back millennia. Reading between the bias is part of the science in analysing how we polish our pieces of whatever was being polished at the time.
So back in the day you may be a genius or not but you are likely to agree that the world appears flat and at the centre of the universe in a carousel. You might have played with a few shadows of the sun if you were also a travelling observer but the clues are tiny and easily missed for a heliocentric model.
What Copernicus did against the intuitive observations and the conventional wisdom was far bigger and more dangerous a theory to challenge than it might seem today.
Apparently, some much earlier ancient Greeks had discussed the thought of heliocentric planets but there’s not much information on what was discussed. That the discussion was ever recorded is a testament to the significance of the people recording that the conversation ever took place in the first place. History and archaeology play a great role in understanding who we are, what we do and how we think or thunk but even those disciplines have much fluffing in the feathers. Today we have lots more dots in high-quality HD than ever before and no shortage of interpretations of various pollish too. Some of us can only muse.
Not everyone has access to all the data nor the opportunity of time or tools of analysis to be able to connect dots and interpret them right or wrong, let alone to be able to do this completely independent of the bias of belief systems or the pack mentality of tribalisms that defend traditions.
So without all that data and then some closet secret Tin Hat dude called Copernicus, waiting until he neared death to share his observations officially or indeed the cheeky book of Gallilee and his temerity then our primary school teachers may still be teaching about the flat earth at the centre of the universe and presenting the history of how the ancients were dummies for their other beliefs because shaming for one’s lacking of knowledge is systemic in our culture.
Where to from here?
Now our little ball of Earth came from somewhere and by some means as did everything and there’s no question about how violent and dangerous the universe is for life as we know it. But it also made the miracle of life happen in her chemistry set. We’re frail little entities all of us from the tiniest baby bacteria to the biggest badest complex organism. Life is bound to be somewhere else but the diversity of this planet’s life is unique to this planet and is very special in the universe. You’re special and so are the deep sea trench black smoker bacteria and planktons and worms and birds and bugs and all of it. Anyway. Rant on how special life is, is done.
So a dark mysterious unobservable, undiscovered dark matter was used to explain the unusual retrograde motions of the planets in the Ptolemaic night sky. Today we have reverted back to a similar dark matter called Dark matter and it is said that for our current theories to be accurate then there necessarily must be around 80-90% of the universe’s mass comprised of this Dark matter. This worries me for a few reasons, I won’t go into them all just now other than to ask if dark matter is just a Copernican narrative repeating or if it’s just a stalling agent to avoid solving a long proven well funded cause for inciting funding for a new round of funding for knowledge. Looking for something that likely doesn’t exist is a great cause for funding. It’s like net fusion. Trust sometimes has a grey area when copious funding is involved.
If it’s truly history repeating and the polished versions of the old theory are the best we have then I may have some observational stuff that might help solve those theories. If it’s just a ruse for funding then it’s likely the questions have long been solved. I question this same TinHat thing on the Big Bang. I sometimes watch high-end project officials answering questions in interviews and I can’t help but feel their answers are lacking the authenticity of genuine discovery and seasoned with a scent of sniffing for more funding. Could be I just had too much coffee on the day too. :)
So either way, I’m happy to play the role of someone with a few tools of physics and other sciences in their background to examine the published information and engage with it from more than just an assumed unbiased presenter’s perspective of reciting science information verbatim. There’s already too much replication and polishing of old foundations in fancy new ways so my creative side might as well deliver something a little unique and perhaps inspire an idea or two along the way.
Our ability to predict mineral asset production before it happens and to give us time to reach and exploit it depends a little bit on how well we understand the moment before the Big Bang, The Big Bang itself ending with the 75%H,24%He & 1% Li & other stuff, Then gravitational nebula collapse with stellar nucleosynthesis filling in chemistry’s periodic table, forming galaxies, stars, planets and moons.
The above is the current matrix of theories I enjoy exploring and researching and have done so for a while. I’ll post a few blogs about these observations and hopefully, things like Dark Matter and the observations leading to that can be executed appropriately and Dark energy given an additional perspective in a system of low energy field distribution that may make an allowance it.
What are our odds?
Let’s say our engineering can solve the three main deep space requirements. Containment, navigation and provisions. Without all three then the chance of survival doesn’t exist. Containment seems on track technically for supporting biologicals the vessels themselves will need some work. Navigation, I think is our most advanced side of things as we’ve invested heavily in the development of communications and optics and sensors so getting our bearings should be a breeze. The provisions? Hmm. That’ll depend on the Dark Matter issue. Using one with 80-90% error margins is not an option so with fixing it the modelling for coordinates on any asset will rely more on response to existing mapped targets rather than predicting events that are most likely to produce exploitable assets ain the future and giving us time to get there before they decay or get reabsorbed into the system in which they will exist.
We don’t really have the luxury of time to play around with social norms or political piety anymore. So this sector either needs a carrot or a stick.
To be honest as wonderful as SPace-X and some of the other space initiatives are I honestly feel they are far too small and that unless the planet unites against the one true enemy of time then we’ll fail our deep space challenge of nature.
Our first job is to preserve the planet’s habitability as best we can and for as long as possible to give us more time to work on improving our chances in deep space.
Allow me to take some extra poetic license and delve into the containment side of things. I’m no engineer but I like the creative process of things when connecting a few dots from our archaeological record.
Here’s some fictional fun to explore some engineering possibilities of deep space.
Forget speed for the moment. Yes, time is a serious factor in getting to assets in time and it’d be nice to have warp drives and time machines but we don’t. The power of correct predictions is more advantageous than speed besides the faster we go in space then the more prepared we have to be when crashing into stuff too. Our forward defences for mass deflection will need as much developing as our accelerating systems. So let’s assume we are going to be space snails, really slow but with a super nice cosy energy efficient shell for protection.
Payload off the planet. Done by a spheroidal cage of strong light materials anchored at the poles. Running North Pole to South Pole with fixed symmetry but flexibility and angular momentum corrections on the planet to counter mass distributions of payloads out and preserve the angular momentum of the planet too. This is a much bigger version of the age-old concept of an elevator into space but not like a spear into the sky but like a wire ball or flower petals extending from North Pole to South Pole and bending out sufficiently to release payloads with sufficient angular moments to assume an orbit prior to small onboard thrusters being used to send the payloads to the moon.
Payload Containment will require at a minimum the equivalent of six square-based pyramidal prisms with the ability to form a cube 1kmx1kmx1km . The final actual scale to be determined by the material properties associated for production and the internal stuff. Carbon fibre is pretty good or plain old wood fibres like we did back in the good old days. You’ll need a mould like one of the old pyramids that can expand with heat and then cool to shrink to facilitate removal of final hull. As light a weight but as strong as possible. These are not to be fitted out down here but sent to the moon as a pay load where they can then be fitted out safely. For each pyramid you’ll want at least three of these hulls. They will sit inside each other with each hull, slightly different sizes and trace compounds to perform slightly different functions and services gaps. This provides more than sufficient volume for what comes next.
Each cube is considered as one single vessel but comprises of six pyramids. All pyramids internally have slightly different specialised functions although can self-sustain as a single fertile vessel if need be. The idea is that each pyramid can be exposed to various conditions or carry out different function of protection and maintenance. It is also to make as many cubes as time on this planet will allow. Deep space is a hungry bitch. Think like a flower and make as many seeds as possible because the journey is long, hard and very uncertain.
Going down this engineering path means jobs and there’s lots of jobs for scientists and engineers so they don’t have to worry about polishing old theories to ensure their funding.
And if you really want to give life the best chance for deep space success then while on the moon try retrofitting the near-to-Earth side with giant craters and mineral contaminated water ice. The Sea of tranquility sized craters full of muddy ices where a radiant heating element can be used for evaporation and expansion turning it into a low energy rocket. Hi-Jack the Moon from the Earth and drive it out of the solar system, out of the galaxy and toward the next best destination. The internal luna thermals is a great initial resource but it won’t last forever so the small cubes are the main focus for maintenance and the longer term. Doing this preserves the on baord energy source of the pyramids and is just a nicer home for our space kiddies to live out their lives.
One little thing on provisions. Cube thrust devices. Ok, shiny rockets are nice and can be made for speed but you’ll find ice is the more accessible fuel for thrust. Refining plants and refining elements in deep space for thrust is way too costly and unreliable. The rockets for thrust are salvaged ice blocks with two retro devices doing stuff. One as the shunt to connect to the Cube and the other is the equivalent of a true retro rocket. A device that harnesses onto the outer opposite side of the ice block/comet/asteroid, is locked around to the shunt. This device delivers some thermal energy onto the ice causing expansions in the device’s chamber and effectively is a low-energy rocket. It’s not Hollywood but it’s less obsolete mass, it’s durable and fuel can be crude ice and it works. A Deep space thermal energy supply post comes later but I think we’re already close without my fiction fluffing things around.
So anyway, the biggest problem in all of this that I see is not technical or logistics or engineering. That stuff is all doable even the energy requirements of deep space are doable but the biggest problem comes down to the politics for resources here on the planet. It only takes one bad apple throwing stones at the payload structures and the payload system fails which means precious time for repairs. It needs a global effort too. So lots of people doing lots of jobs with all of them paid and fed and living awesome lives and all promised an mRNA position on board for the primal purpose of life ever after in what ever new home we might find.
Anyway, this type of fiction is always nice for fluffing ideas in the air.
So… Ok well that was fun to write.. I hope you had some fun and maybe raised an eye brow or two for our ancient TinHats. I’d better finish this one off.
Stuff’s about to get real with less fluff and more stuff.
So stay tuned for more COMING SOON. :)
In the meantime until the next time, this poem might amuse you for a minute
Oh yeah please don’t forget to Tip the driver on the way out. I’m sure you enjoyed the ride. :)
As always take care and travel well.
Murry :)
If you’re reading this then you are likely a reader. Well done. Here’s an article you may enjoy. :)
Or alternately if you have another hour to spare.. I’ve just found this video which is on topic for a few future posts to come.
All comments are welcome. :)