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A 20/20 Fiction

A 20/20 Fiction - There ought to be clowns.

MW Rhodes ©20230508

Decades ago I once wore a shiny tin hat.  It conjured up several wonderful things about us and the universe and as time passed the truths were revealed.  

Who here loves theatre?  

Con-spire  :  With breath

The whispers.


The best conspiracies are those that no one even comes close to suspecting.

Distraction, diversion, smoke and mirrors.  Theatre.  

This is a narrative of using a global pandemic to save the population from a far worse fate.

The Corona conspiracy and the beetle juice. 

For those who know this story, the danger is not over and the egg timer has just begun. It is 1500-2000 years before the odds of life on this planet start to reduce even more.  Do we have time and resources to prepare? Maybe it’s a question we could ask.

Draw the curtains.

“Jesus,  It’s just my luck.  I get to be president of the mightiest nation on the planet and this happens.  It’s the end of the fucking world….  I don’t like it, Why can’t we just tell the truth?”

“We’ve been through this Donald, the world would panic and the chaos would be ruinous”… “Besides, it’s too late now, the die has been rolled and the virus has been released.”

“ What? It’s already happening?  I’m the fucking president of the United States of the greatest god damned nation that ever was and you fucking academics do this and don’t tell me any of it until it’s too late?”  

“ Jesus God damned Christ, God fucking help us all.  Are you sure this virus is safe?”

“ Perfectly safe Don and it spreads like wildfire and although some will perish, most will only experience bad flu-like symptoms.  It is the safest one we have.  It’s dangerous enough to create a real pandemic but it won’t do nearly as much damage as any others that we know of.  It’s the right choice, Donald.  The science has been done, we know what we’re doing.”

“Do we really have to do this?”

“You know we do.  Just follow the narrative.  Once the danger is over you can go back to playing president.”


Loose lips sink ships and the entire world’s population was at stake.

Those who knew were a very select few. 

You may know what a supernova is from space documentaries or learned at school or university.  Officially by science, our sun is said to go supernova in half a billion years.  According to science supernova happens when the hydrogen runs out, the fusion stops and then it cools and explodes/expands out into space with super high energy radiations that fry planets within their systems.  It is the official science of the end of all life in our solar system.  That our Sun still has half a Billion years before it happens is comforting but then What about nearby stars? How dangerous could they be at great distances?

In January 2019, one of our near neighbouring stars named Betelgeuse was showing extreme signs of cooling.  It was believed to be the beginning of a supernova event.  Light travels at the speed of light and so does much of the dangerous high energy radiation, so for all intent and purposes if we can see it dimming and if dimming was definitely a prelude to a supernova then soon we would also have the higher energy radiation bathing our solar system and planet.  It’s quite a distance away at around 600 light-years but the high energy radiations still come and there may even be particles and other debris that come much later.  

Much like our sun’s tiny coronal mass ejections where light and electromagnetic radiations arrive at the speed of light and then sometime after the particles arrive.  We’re mainly protected by our magnetosphere and it is often only luck that we miss the big ones.  However, the delicate chemistry in our atmosphere means these radiations that do get through don’t have to be Hollywood blockbuster movie radiations but just enough to knock a few neutrons around and break some key molecules apart.  Our biosphere is quite a delicate chemistry set and life within it is very vulnerable to her changes.  

So in 2019 our observations and our science were telling us that Betelgeuse had likely gone supernova around 600 years ago and we were only just now receiving the light of the cooling dimming phase before the big Kablooey phase occurred in the past.  You may or may not recall a small headline about it in mid to late 2022. It certainly wasn’t big news at all.

News of this supermassive coronal ejection was dwarfed by the saturation of supermassive coronal injections.  It’s a poetic coincidence. 

In 2020, Trump’s trumpet first blew the horn that it was a hoax virus, “nothing to worry about” and maintained the hoax narrative while the World Bank opened its coffers to the tune of Trillions to the world including to Trump.  If the world bank even sniffed the possibility of a Hoax pandemic or simply a panic over response to anything then they might have required at least more than a single meeting with the leaders of nations and some solid science and follow-up science to back it up.  Not just the threat of a virus with a modus operandi such as the coronavirus. Extremely low morbidity but with high transmission where some people would perish but most would experience bad cold/flu symptoms. Better than global chaos with the truth.

Immediate behemoth amounts of money.  Unprecedented as if the world was about to end for real and if it did then no amount of money would mean anything to anyone soon because no one would be alive to spend it.  It was more than a hoax.

It was a narrative that scientists armed with absolute proof of observations were saying something like the planet will be radiated by Betelgeuse ejecta light and that it will very likely end all life on the planet and so the best thing we do is to keep people indoors for as a long as it takes and if the biosphere survives and if the radiations aren’t as devastating as we think then everyone will be busy with the virus and no-one will be any the wiser and the world will not have collapsed into a panic state of despair and chaos for armageddon. 

Those opportunists in the know may have taken investments based on the narrative that would unfold for a pandemic.  That Trump’s downplaying of the virus yet the response to fast-track a miracle vaccine to cure the world played its own role in the narrative.  He was the reason why corners were cut in the normal testing of medicines before making them public.  The miracle happened not once, not twice but thrice with three companies producing an unprecedented vaccine for a virus and from what was beforehand a scientific impossibility was now a scientific reality from three different vaccine companies within several months of being tasked to speed up the process.  The Emergency status of the initial rollout and then the targeting of everyone including young children and pregnant folks of these fast-tracked miracle cures was unprecedented.  Mandated and forced to take experimental medicine.

Many opportunists started to come out of the woodwork and the dilemma was now an experimental medicine that was forcibly administered to 80% of the world’s population, it didn’t need to be effective because the virus morbidity was extremely low but it should have been much, much safer than the scientists believed it to be.  The world population now has 20% higher death rates than pre-pandemic. Autopsies and lab results are now showing the beginnings of the true nature of the safety of the vaccine. Some conspiracies point toward this as being a plan to reduce the population of the planet. Looking at the outcomes, it’s not hard to see why someone might think this. The mandates and the outcome do look like a forced population measure but were they? Or was it just careless panic in supporting the narrative?. Most politicians had no idea what they were doing. They were just following the narrative set forth by the leaders.

Many parts of the timeline and narrative are odd, to say the least.  Reports of Covid-19 being found present in Italy and the U.S. months before China’s first report of it raises timeline questions.   Also, the rate of spread may have been promoted as exponential but the figures that were coming out against the poor testing abilities and the actual transmissible reach were far beyond exponential growth and were either excessively misreported given it was greater than any normal exponential growth and leading toward the miraculous rate of transmission.

There are many many many holes in the narrative.  It looks like Trump will get his president’s cap back and Biden did a wonderful job as a loyal sacrificial goat for the cause.  They played their parts well. The greater population was saved from a danger that turned out to be less dangerous than the scientists believed it would be and the 2022 NASA article clearly shows that a supernova did not happen but an unprecedented event of a cooling star have a supermassive coronal ejection.   I cringe at this because this was one of my Tin Hat theories from decades ago. A cooling star ejects sufficient mass to start forming planets without going supernova but just as a normal part of a star’s life cycle. You’ll find those in previous blogs. If only science wasn’t so caught up in its dogmatic belief of their pragmatic systems and egos.

Now all that needs to be done is to present a few more mass distractions.  Trump gets to toot his trumpet again for the greatest nation on the planet and the best thing is that no one but a select few are none the wiser for the truth of why all this stuff really happened.  A perfect conspiracy and a 20/20 fiction from a 20/19 observation.      

We still have Chem-trails, Big Pharma, 9/11, JFK, UFO’s, WAR THREATS, WOKE generation, WATER WARS, FOOD WARS, CLIMATE-CHANGE, population control, G5 and all sorts of other wonderful fiction to keep us occupied for a couple of thousand years and there will be more crazy distractions before our solar system starts to get peppered with particles of Betelgeuse but that’s another tale for another generation to tell or prepare for and besides history already tells of great fires in the sky so who knows, perhaps the Betelgeuse debris is just one of many debris fields heading our way. Betelgeuse is a close one though and since light takes 5 minutes to reach us from the sun and some particles take weeks or months depending on their path and speed then one can assume that if small high-velocity particles escape Betelgeus then the debris field will reach us eventually.

The question remains though to what end?  Mars is not the answer because it’s going to get peppered too plus our sun will spit its own dummy soon enough and perhaps cool and not necessarily go supernova but do what Betelgeuse did.  We need to be smart and we need to invest more to venture beyond our solar system, galaxy or universe if we are to graduate to that level of universal competency. 

It may be time to send in the clowns, there ought to be clowns as we draw the final curtain. 

