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Feature 1

Two Little Birdies - Inspired by two finches, a couple who visit every morning and preen themselves in the side mirror of my bus. They sometimes look in at me as if they are checking up on me, guarding me in their little birdy fashion. A lovely little pair I thought I would immortalise into this image. If you feel this is for you then may it bring joy and confidence into anything and everything you do. Browse the Gift Shop for your Two Little Birdies apparel today.


Feature 2

Butterfly Besties - Celebrate the bond of friendship with your best friends. My first job in my Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc. was to create a wonderful identity chart of native butterflies in the region. I watched them frolic from flower to flower and the photos I took inspired this little image. There are several images including a whole family of butterflies but these Butterflies Besties are for you to celebrate and show your love and appreciation for helping your best friends and them helping you. Where would be without your Bestie? Be it your dad, mum, sister or significant other, very special, friend :) Browse the Gift Shop to see the different Butterfly Besties designs and shirts and hats and suitable gifts for your bestie’s festivities. Some are for boys, some are for girls and all of them are about friends or family having all sorts of Butterfly Bestie fun.


Dream it


Dream it 〰️


Feature 3

The official “Oh! FFish’ll” Business image or OH! FFishell Business is for the person who loves fishing. My bus is parked on the banks of the Blackmore River just south of Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia and Barramundi fill that river. Whenever I take a call and I should be in the office but I’m out fishing, well, I just tell folks that I’m on official business. Now we fishing folks have a shirt and a hat that is our Oh! FFisshell Business attire. :) And every good fisher knows you need to dress right for the job so browse the Gift Shop for more designs of these magnificent Barramundi fish some are funny and some are artful.


Two Fish or not Two Fish?… That is the question.. A play on Shakespear’s famous saying of “To be or not to be. That is the question”. To Fish or Not to Fish is the question we ask if we’re not sure if we should go fishing or not.. Um.. The rest is self explanatory. :)



By Butterfly

Lovely little butterflies flutterby like happy little wanderers on the air. Browse the Gift Shop and find a Butterfly for you, your family or your friends who just loved to flutter about. :)



In my outback jungle, I have criss-crossed paths with many slithery little snakes and some big ones too. It’s always startling for they and I but we part ways understanding that they are them and we are us. Take a free browse in the Gift Shop to find these little slitherers hissing and crissing and crossing across shirts and other apparel in the shops.