The beginning, middles and the end of everything.
The Beginning, The Middles & The End.
Murry W Rhodes © 2023 ( Why complicate simple things.? )
Newton was on the money and Einstein? Newton's E=mv^2 became Einstein’s E=mc^2. Genius to vanity or brand equity? Complications stimulate revenue and is why we complicate simple things.
The simplest beginning of the universe, middle and end of everything is as follows.
The Beginning.
The universe of infinite space suspended the stuff that in the right conditions transformed into tangles of particles with highly concentrated properties of mass/gravity. A matrix of quarks that by the natural symmetries in the (x,y,z) dimensions of space produced a threshold of segregation in paths of least resistance leading to 1,2,3,6,9 in 2D and 12 in 3D.
Think of a cloud of spheroid bubbles being squashed into hexagon prisms. Each node has 12 external nodes of equal neutral charge pressing down/into each other’s field proximities as neutral as they may be in an environment without thermal radiations hence and environment at Zero degrees Kelvin.
First consider if this was not neutral but let’s say a cloud of protons being somehow forced into proximity and where each field of each proton may extend out to infinity but for practical purposes of proximity the inverse square law and the effects of such fields on forces and motions that we might consider the boundaries of each spheroidal field might look to be more hexagonal rather than spheroidal. An equilibrium of sorts until a change occurs that commences a chaotic sequence of exchanges and paths of least resistance.
A sequence that leads to properties of mass catalysing under the inverse square of distance law as the particles move closer in proximity and effect an induced magnetism rotation in a 3D motion where by neighbouring fields are induced as an opposite spin with some communication phase lag. Here we get the first binary system of motion and a 1-0-1 relationship of three distinct fields/particles/quarks.
By the primary symmetry of 3 being the first most accessible form of separation out of the matrix/cloud then we get the production of what we call the Neutron in a high abundance. A neutral particle only by electromagnetic standards. Dark, cold and massive but for its Beta Decay. It is certainly a particle of interest to Dark Matter theorists. I reserve Dark Energy for another presentation as the acceleration of the expansion of the galaxies as viewed from any coordinate within a lumpisphere of a physical universe of matter and light acceleration of such bodies can only happen by two known forces.
One is the increased electrostatics of particles/masses within the system tending toward a single positive or negative charge state via losses of light or indeed gravitation from every direction outward from our physical Lumpisphere.
Though it may not necessarily be a spheroid but just a cloudy clump of lumpy stuff. Spheroidal calculations/computations are just a nice averaging place to start. So Dark energy is that stuff. more a quality of the stuff that gets tangled into tiny particles rather than necessarily having to be a particle itself. Being cumulative and susceptible to the inverse square law, this lends perfectly to Dark Energy models from observations.
The neutron is the first particle to form. There are no protons or electrons yet. The only bound neutron may be one that has been bound under great gravity. For the most part, these primordial neutrons are Free neutrons and in Lab conditions at Caltech and other places, these have been found to decay into a Proton. The decay products include an electron of the opposite charge as the proton and a Beta Mass/Radiation.
This is the birth of electromagnetism as without an electron-proton relationship there is no electromagnetic thermal radiation. As we approach Zero Degrees Kelvin electromagnetic bonds break down and the atoms do strange chaotic things.
So in the beginning we had a non-thermal precipitation of Neutrons out of the stuff suspended in the universe of infinite space. We are left with a body of neutrons at Zero Degrees Kelvin and suspended in a parcel of space that is partially depleted of the stuff in the fabric of the universe of infinite space that got tangled into an ordered binding of field flux to become our non-thermally precipitated neutrons particle comprised of predominantly three quarks.
This marks the end of the beginning.
The Middle. Parts 1 & 2
Part 1. The early middle age and the beginning of time?
Free neutrons decay, in a non-zero degrees Kelvin lab environment at a rate of one half life of around ten to fifteen minutes. 1:250,000 decay event result in a neutron releasing Beta Mass and an electron but where the electron has not enough energy to be shot away from the parent neutron being a newly formed proton.
The coupled proton and electron in the one particle was the first primordial atom. Hydrogen. Perhaps the clock of time might like to start here or 15 minutes earlier.
Gravitation is also present and working and causing motions in conjunction with newly emerging electromagnetism where net charges of the system start effecting how the system accumulates under gravity. Accumulating and collating neutrons and decay products into at least one cumulative gravitational node which leads a sequence of environments providing chaos for the paths of least resistance. A lovely example of gravity, magnetism and electromagnetism and inductions can be observed of Jupiter’s moon Io.
Paths that lead to the production of more complex symmetries from these initial decay products in such a low thermal environment and yet an ever-increasing concentration of gravity in nodes plus transitional relationships within the inverse square law of gravity in stratified regions of atomic charge and density whereby any thermal energy being generated in the neutron core is transferred into hydrogen atoms that than by less density collate outward to the surface of the system and maintain a regulated core. So there may indeed be a lot of chaos and paths of least resistance producing new environments and resulting paths.
A system that starts to produce Helium and precipitate Lithium. A precipitate that at below 450 degrees, Kelvin is a solid soft metal substance that is the densest molecule/mineral in this system and so collates down to the surface of the neutron core which by virtue of its lack of charge remains the densest particle in this system and so the Lithium forms a metallic shell between the Core and the regulating liquids of Hydrogen and Helium above.
Lithium deuteride nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll showed Lithium to have an unusually higher than an expected payload of nuclear energy when detonated. Detonation is done not by thermal energy but by percussive energy. This can be considered thermal in some circles but it is not thermal but kinetic percussion to dislodge the unstable neutron from the Lithium nuclide.
Lithium also has a melting point from solid to liquid at 450 Degrees Kelvin so as it insulates the neutron core from transferring any thermal energy up and out with liquid hydrogen or helium then the core heats up.
When the core reaches 450 Degrees Kelvin the Lithium metal shell starts to melt. When the lithium shell melts all the way through in one location there is an immediate thermal transfer between the >450 degrees kelvin neutron core with the 0.5-15 degrees Kelvin Hydrogen/Helium outer sphere.
By the equations of state this transfer sees Hydrogen and Helium in this breach location exert extreme kinetic pressures into a system that is already highly gravitational. High kinetic pressures that might be greater than those used to trigger the Lithium Deuteride nuclear explosion at the Bikini Atoll.
n->H->He->Li-> ( Ellipsoid Distribution Event )
The Middle.
Part 2. A luke warm Big Bang and the beginning of the end.
We are right now at the end of all time that ever was and we have theorised a Big Bang. Around 1923 Georgias Lemaitre proposed reversing the observed expansion of galaxies back to a single point in space and time. So the Big Bang started out very cold and without any hypothesis for a thermal signature then the Big Bang became the theory as it is today.
Uncertain of the first few minutes but absolutely certain that at Three minutes after the beginning of all time there was a contained environment far hotter than ever observed in nature or in our labs and indeed so hot that it’s believed we can never recreate or even get close a Thermal temperature required for the sequences of events described in the current Big Bang theory. An environment to the order of over 10^32 degrees Celsius/Kelvin.
So a force of some sort must have first created the oscillations of thermal energy and electromagnetic radiations plus it must have been able to contain it and then by some kind of miracle or threshold this force reversed its qualities and allowed the thermal energy to escape and expand at relativistic rates, cooling as it expands and thus accounting for recombination of subatomic particles already made up in that super hot soup. Kind of like how water molecules recombine into rain, hail or snow as thermal regions expand and cool. So it’s a theory based loosely on an old verified and safe science. Thermodynamic functions of state.
What is the observation that determines this extreme thermal environment of 10^32 degrees? An assumed function of state for atomic nuclei when adding thermal energy to atoms and observing the tendency for particle separation to occur. Increasing the thermal energy of an atom increases the distance of electrons. Increase it enough to consider the distance is a full separation of the particles and so in this state, as suggested in applying this to the Big Bang, the expansion of the early universe in this bang cooled the atoms sufficiently to bring them together. The formation of the particles also must occur in this same environment.
Circles of science with authority say that the Big Bang is correct but simply incomplete.
I once agreed but no longer can. I agree that functions of state are true and good observations but that the extrapolations out to the order of 10^32 degrees is a mathematical artefact rather than an observation gives me pause. Indeed the functions of state were not accurately predictable for any of the elements in our periodic table. They needed observations first.
The initial thermal condition of the Early universe has become a mandatory requirement for theorists to explain the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and try to create that thermal environment even before electrons or protons came into existence that might explain the presence of thermal signatures and the peaks in it too.
There’s much to be questioned about the Hot Big Bang as it is not only for its incompleteness but also for its correctness. I have quite a list of questions but will not bore you with them all.
An alternative to requiring an environment of 10^32 degrees contained and then suddenly released is one where cold particles of mass are the container of all the thermal energy and the normal mechanism for releasing it is really quite slow as properties of Mass are transformed into electromagnetic radiations after electrons and protons have been produced from the neutron Beta decay process. A very slow process but one that comes with its own consequence that leads to a thermonuclear signature and a distribution event of the like we can observe today. An ellipsoid explosion pattern of a node.
There are two main distribution mechanisms one is the ellipsoid and the other is the spiral type. Where the ellipsoid can be determined quite succinctly from its composition and the shell of detonation be it Lithium for a Cold primary system or a more complex element with a sufficiently unstable neutron but a higher resistivity to thermal energy thus allowing it forms a shell of its substance around one of the cores and go thermonuclear creating the kinetics of and internal and external distribution specific to the element of detonation.
The spiral type is no less dynamic but it can occur on much smaller scales. Quite simply a spiral ejects matter from a spinning core node. The bigger the node, the more the matter. The composition of the node now moves us into more variations. These are highly complex variations where a Hot young Star may be spinning sufficiently to eject matter out in one or more events that become a system of planets and moons. A star that might cool on the surface and stop the regulatory motions of heat out into space and so the internals heat up and breach as like what we saw recently with Betelgeuse super mass ejection event. A smaller spiral may even be seen where spinning planets eject mass that then forms into moons. Dynamic from the smallest and up to a great spinning Galaxy Core, or Black Hole before it breaches and forms the Galaxy with wonderful spiral arms.
The use of planet formation theories such as gravitational collapse and accretion discs play their roles in describing some of the kinetic physics but neither account for the Thermal Vectors satisfactorily to bring both a body like the Earth to a complete molten state and at the same time bring our moon with much less mass to that same molten state in and around the same time and from the one event of collapse or passive accretions where each body has vastly different masses and densities and yet come to be molten. In addition they rely a moon to earth collision to try to satisfy some shared surface mineral relationships and give the satellite orbit and the Earth’s rotational momentum some kinetic origins. None of which is required in a spiral system where the thermals, the shared mineral relationships and the orbital and rotational kinetics a accounted for in the one simple ejecta event. A simple event that sees expanding ejected plasma cause ionic recombination, collation and angular momentum that satisfy all those conditions an more. Conditions that can be determined even before it is observed or we spend resources and energy trying to observe.
Especially since the cooling rates of each body are proportional to the entropy to space. The two theories also have no direction or guidance from where or how mineral distribution occurs. However the Spiral ejections and residual nebula and gravitational collapses combined with ionic recombination and gradients of thermal and gravitational environments where the primary elements from the parent node determine the initial chemistry of the ejecta. Also where the state of the node’s surface activity contributes to the resulting distribution of that ejecta and collates the lighter mass out further than the more dense hotter inner bodies that form. Hot dense inner planets and Cold gas giant outer planets with debris bands and moons.
A system that begins from Zero degrees Kelvin and remains well below 1000 degrees Kelvin until such time that the Lithium Shell goes thermonuclear and we start to see signatures of radiations that we are familiar with during a thermonuclear blast. A blast that is by the nature of the shell detonation an elliptical distribution of large amounts of Hydrogen and Helium with traces of Lithium and some other primary elements plus a distribution of Nothing but Free Neutrons some of which may even have bonded which means a theoretical Dark Matter particle. A massive particle that is neutral in charge and cold with shared mass property fields that may not decay as we see in shared field relations with protons and neutrons in the more complex atoms.
A distribution that may contribute an already lumpy physical universe given it may not have been the only node to have accumulated to explode.
So the middle of everything ends with every branch of chaos that has lead us up to every single moment right up to the beginning of…
The END.
We are right now at the very end of all time. This is the present. If time is only calibrated and determined to begin according to our physical universe of atoms and bonds then so be it. It’s like when the Bible determined creation to be defined by some calibration or determination of a sort. Was it the beginning of everything or just the emergence of our abilities to record it?
The universe of infinite space doesn’t recognise time but our physical universe has shown to come into existence and has spread out along her paths of least resistance in this chaos and our specialists try to follow several of those paths back to a where and when there was less chaos.
Quantum mechanics for fields and particles, thermal specialists, mathematical hypothetical specialists using the most complex of tools to follow their specialised paths of chaos back to a simpler time where it all began. A moment back to when even their own modern tools for their specialised paths are just too complex to be able to identify the simplicity of the environment that was.
The Einstein worshippers wander into the realms of infinite universes of space and time and wormholes and multidimensional space may be an end. An end that in the end, may be as simple as Newton first described it where E = mv^2, only with an eye on more than just kinetics and where the currency of the universe is mass rather than energy and therefore M=e/v^2 where v is relative to the media through which any and all communications of gravity can occur. Where energy is only a quantity of potential difference between two states or fields of dark stuff suspended in the universe of infinite space and the total energy of this system relies on whichever field of attraction is accelerating the M toward it for its own proximal transfer of energy moment.
If we have confirmed anything from CERN and other Hadron colliders it is that even before electromagnetism could communicate thermal energy there was stuff with properties of mass. Ie gravity. The release of mass properties at the destruction of a Higgs force might support this.
Where does it end?.. Well, it doesn’t have to you see the universe of infinite space may be like opening a bottle of soda water. Something changed in its primary environment that led to the above happening for our physical universe and similarly so for any other regions in the universe of infinite space and so even though our physical universe is expanding and accelerating outward into that deep dark seemingly endless void of space there is a very real possibility that other lumpiverses exist. It’s only a matter of Earth’s life being able to survive the rigours of deep space travel somehow when the time comes. In order to do that we first need to figure out how to survive our own environment of space and what we call our own deep space. If can’t do that then Earth’s life has no legacy in this universe of infinite space.
The End.