A Delightful Darwinite day.
So last night I get a call that Ian our local bird expert and tour guide has fallen ill to the Rona bug and can’t make his Saturday morning bird walk tour. So although I’m no bird expert I have been out taking happy snaps of the little cuties and so was asked if I could take a few folks out for a walk around Tumbling Waters this morning.
BIrds, Butterflies and Botany. There were three ladies of three walks of life. A serious bird enthusiast from Canberra, A Darwinight doctor who loved her botany and a Transient Tassweigian doing a little work at the university.
It was simple really, I walked around and showed them the nice little natural flying critters I’d been taking photos of and they shared their knowledge of the trees and birds and their known behaviours. It was really nice to watch their facial expressions whenever they saw something rare or unusual.
Anyway, they enjoyed the adventure of it and got to see a few nice birds. The walk ended with Coffee and Scones, just delightful..
I went out sometime after the walk with a newish secondhand camera a P1000 to test out its bells and whistles. I’m hoping to compile a nice photographic catalogue of species in this Tumbling Waters area for a Bird identification poster and hopefully get some nice photographic moments too that some folks might like to buy as wall art or other printed items. One can only try. Below are a couple of bird photos I took today. Say if you do have some interest in birds, butterflies, mammals, reptiles, botanicals or other forms of biology perhaps you’d like to visit the “ Friends of Tumbling Waters Biodiversity Inc”. It’s a newly formed official group with a constitution of promoting and protecting the biodiversity of this region and with a few key experts in different fields we are just getting started out. Perhaps you’d like to visit the FaceBook group and find out a little more. :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/769797697538259